单词 | grey |
释义 | grey [英 [ɡre?] 美 [ɡre] ] grey的意思、解释 过去式:greyed; 过去分词:greyed; 现在分词:greying; 复数形式:greys; grey 基本解释 grey的意思 形容词灰色的; 灰白的 及物动词使变成灰色; 使变老 不及物动词变成灰色; 老化 名词灰色 grey 相关例句 形容词 1. She is going grey. 她的头发变灰白了。 2. She's gone grey within a few weeks. 在几星期内她的头发就变灰白了。 3. Life seems grey and joyless to them. 对他们来说生活是没有乐趣和希望的。 4. She was dressed in grey. 她穿了件灰衣服。 及物动词 1. Clouds are greying the sky. 云层使天空灰暗。 grey 双语例句 1. A type of ink products, mixing produce grey CMY value is constant, that is, a certain proportion of the ink of gray balance is constant values, so we measured the ink gray balance, you can according to that balance to correction image so business card printing and membership card crafted image in adjusted accurately reproduce color appearance of remedying the shortcomings of this kind of ink. 差某一栽类型的油不朱产物,混分爆发灰色的CMY值为变数,即某栽油不朱的灰不均比例值是恒定的,这样我们测得了这栽油不朱的灰不均后,不离可以根据这栽不均来订正图像,使给制卡和会员卡制作的图像在订正后不妨不确边现颜色边观,从而填充这栽油不朱的弊端。 2. He wears a brown jacket and grey trousers today. 他今天穿了古铜色的上衣和灰色的裤子。 3. Right of the tip of the dull grey bricks, there is a spark of red! 你觉得很美的一个画面啊,灰砖尽头一点红。 4. 4. Not far from the road stood a weatherbeaten old barn of reddish-grey brick and tile. 离大路不远,有一个久经风吹雨打的老仓房,由灰中带红的砖和瓦盖的。 5. You break of some of both colors and knead it between your finger until it's uniformly grey. 你打破了两种颜色之间的一些揉你的手指,直到它的统一的灰色。 6. 6. The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all and even if I could it'd all be grey, but your picture on my wall. 这是一个下雨的早晨,我的一切都失去了色彩,直到我看到墙上你的照片时。 7. 7. This neutral grey, also known as laodelphax, which is a non-color components of gray. 这里说的灰色又称为洋性灰,它是不含不暗白身分的灰色调。 8. There were merits and limitations in predicting time series with Grey method or Markov method. 灰色预测与Markov预测这两种方法在时间序列预测方面各具其优点及局限性。 9. It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it's grey. 它是一个中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。 10. The correlation between the displacement of colluvial landslides and the rainfall has been studied systemtically in term of the theory of the Grey System and the statistics, finding the displacements of the slope are very closely interrelated with the rainfall, and the circles of the displacements are also coincided with the circle of the rainfall. 运用灰色系统理论和数理统计基本原理,对堆积层滑坡位移与降雨的加卸载作用关系进行了系统研究,发现滑坡位移与降雨的加卸载具有密切的关联性,且位移变化周期与加卸载周期相吻合。 11. 11. The highlight at those times, is the chance of seeing rare birds such as the Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Spotted Greenshank, Asiatic Dowitcher and Grey-tailed Tattler. 在候鸟到港的高峰期,更可一睹难得一见的勺咀鹬、小青脚鹬、半蹼鹬及灰尾鹬等雀鸟。 12. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the factors which influnce the cost of each ton of coal, use vague mathematics and the theory of grey system to predict ef- fectiely the cost of each ton of coal. 本文在综合分析影响矿井吨煤成本的定性和定量因素的基础上,利用模糊数学与灰色系统理论对矿井吨煤成本进行了有效的预测。 13. Grey évora, also reduce the presence of the house by creating another element of vertical transition with the maximum height of the construction, while that functional as the best natural windbreak against the strong north wind, predominantly in the region, allowing you to enjoy the garden in a more comfortable way. 灰色évora的,也可以减轻创建另一个与建筑的最高高度垂直过渡元素的房子存在,同时该功能的最好的天然防风林对北风强劲,主要是在该地区,让您享受更舒适的方式花园。 14. This thesis makes use of the grey relational analysis to find out the relational sequence of the slope stability influence factors and gives corresponsive means. 通过MATLAB的工具箱,运用了人工神经网络的BP网络对边坡的稳定性进行了评价,并和极限平衡法进行了验证。 15. At last, we choused index yield function model and grey system mode to verify the predicted result. 为土地利用规划科学制定建设用地指标提供决策支持和依据。 16. Jo was the first to WOW GOLD wake in the grey dawn of Christmas morning. 就拿《梦幻情天》来说,在回合网游中,这是第一个3D效果的回合网游。 17. Unifoliate opposite, rich change is simple, xiecheng grows elliptic or long ellipse to wrap around needle form, acute of account of end of end of blade is pointed, the leaf carries dot having gland on the back, xie Changyao 4 to 4.5 centimeter, xie Kuan is made an appointment with 1.2 to 1.5 centimeter; Get together unripe or 繖 inflorescence armpit is very unripe, grey is lubricious, petaline 3 reach 4, the brim has fluff, stamen is most; Berry is shown globose, mature moment can turn by green for black. 单叶对生。富革质,叶呈长椭圆形或长椭圆披针形,叶端尾状锐尖,叶背有腺点,叶长约4至4.5公分,叶宽约1.2至1.5公分;聚繖花序腋生或顶生,花白色,花瓣3至4枚,边缘具有茸毛,雄蕊多数;浆果呈球形,成熟时候会由绿色转为黑色。 18. grey什么意思 18. The grey green illite detritus with goethite rust stain are found at the boundary clay, Permian/Triassic boundary section in Yianshi, Longyan, Fujiang and Yegang, Huangshi, Hubei. 在福建龙岩雁石和湖北黄石冶钢二叠、三叠系界线地层中发现一种灰绿色带针铁矿锈斑的伊利石碎屑。 19. Still working on the background layer (with the SKETCH and GRID layers in the foreground), I started to shade the image in grey, using the airbrush and smudge tool with various soft brushes varying between 60-80% pressure. 仍旧是在背景层上处理,(使SKETCH和GRID层处于前景),我开始用喷枪和手指工具在图像上绘制阴影,各软笔刷的压力变化在60%~80%之间。如图 20. Among the last to leave, A reflects, with bowed shoulders and a wry smile, that late hours, like grey hairs, are among the penalties of success. 走在最后一批离开的人中间,A弯着背,面露苦涩,心里反思,加班和白发是事业有成带来的惩罚。 grey 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 gray 1. 灰色 Grey is the colour of ashes or of clouds on a rainy day. e.g. ...a grey suit. 灰色套装 2. (头发)灰白的 You use grey to describe the colour of people's hair when it changes from its original colour, usually as they get old. grey是什么意思 e.g. ...my grey hair... 我灰白的头发 e.g. Eddie was going grey. 埃迪的头发开始变白了。 3. (天气)昏暗的,阴沉的 If the weather is grey, there are many clouds in the sky and the light is dull. e.g. It was a grey, wet April Sunday. 这是4月一个阴雨绵绵的星期天。 greyness ...winter's greyness. 冬日的阴沉 4. 沉闷的;阴郁的;暗淡的 If you describe a situation as grey, you mean that it is dull, unpleasant, or difficult. grey在线翻译 e.g. Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless. 展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。 greyness In this new world of greyness there is an attempt to remove all risks. 身处这个前景暗淡的新世界,人们力图排除所有的风险。 5. 单调乏味的;无特色的;不吸引人的 If you describe someone or something as grey, you think that they are boring and unattractive, and very similar to other things or other people. e.g. ...little grey men in suits. 身着西服、缺乏个性的小个子男人们 greyness Journalists are frustrated by his apparent greyness. 他毫无个人魅力可言,这让记者们很失望。 6. 老年人的(新闻用语) Journalists sometimes use grey to describe things concerning old people. e.g. There was further evidence of grey consumer power last week, when Ford revealed a car designed with elderly people in mind. 福特汽车公司为老年人设计的一款汽车于上周亮相,这进一步体现了老年消费者的购买力。 grey 单语例句 1. Some residents also complain about the increase in goods prices in the area due to the large buying power of the grey market participants. 2. The actor's future with " Grey's Anatomy " is uncertain. 3. Wildlife rescue officers and police then set up a trap to catch it but the Eastern Grey kangaroo dodged them once again. 4. This is the place where most of government buildings are painted grey as if to match the overhanging cloud that graces its September afternoon sky. 5. They range in colour from brown to grey and are usually found in the veld and on domestic animals. 6. The sky was grey, a sign that rain might come again. 7. His hair is turning grey, his complexion is a mix of dark and red due to too much suntan. 8. Though the grey market had existed for a long time, the issue has become a hot potato these days. 9. Grey was the dominant color of the second section, conveying the social environment in de Sade's day. 10. A Xinhua correspondent in central Baghdad heard a powerful explosion and saw a plume of grey smoke rising above the busy area in downtown Baghdad. grey在线翻译 |
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