单词 | grimace |
释义 | grimace [英 [gr??me?s] 美 [?ɡr?m?s, ɡr??mes] ] grimace的意思、解释 过去式:grimaced; 过去分词:grimaced; 现在分词:grimacing; 复数形式:grimaces; grimace 基本解释 名词鬼脸,怪相; 痛苦的表情 不及物动词扮怪相,做鬼脸 grimace 相关例句 不及物动词 1. The clown grimaced at the children. 小丑向孩子们做鬼脸。 2. She grimaced at the sight of all the work. 她一看到这么多工作,就皱起眉头来。 3. The acrobat grimaced at the children during the circus performance. 那杂技艺人在马戏表演时对孩子们做鬼脸。 名词 1. Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine. 汤玛斯尝了那葡萄酒后做了个鬼脸。 grimace 网络解释 1. 鬼脸:Fhalstrom使我在纽约拓展艺术变得比较顺利,随后不久我就拍摄、制作了一部名为(Grimace)的电影,时间长达50分钟. 其实当时艺术家们都很穷,纽约的消费水平很低,60美金可以租一个很大的loft(工厂不分隔的楼面),中间隔着街道, 2. 你顽皮地扮个鬼脸:greet 你热诚地欢迎在场的每一个人. | grimace 你顽皮地扮个鬼脸. | grin 你的脸上露出邪恶的笑容. 3. 3. 愁眉苦脸:grievance procedure 苦情处理制度 | grimace 愁眉苦脸 | grip diameter 手抓握径 4. grimace的近义词 4. 痛苦的表情:grimace 面部的歪扭 | grimace 痛苦的表情 | grimace 痛苦的表情 grimace 双语例句 1. Alternatively, perhaps seeing another monkey grimace in pain is unpleasant or threatening, and rhesus monkeys will do whatever they can to avoid unpleasant conditions. 另外一种可能性是,看到别的猴子面露痛苦是不愉快或带有威胁性,恒河猴会尽其所能地避免不愉快的情况。 2. grimace是什么意思 2. I wandered if it was my fancy that I saw in those pale eyes of his the cowed look of a hunted god and, notwithstanding his neat features and his expression so civilly controlled, in his aspect something that suggested the grimace of a soul in pain. 我打量他一下,似乎从他那黯淡的眼睛里看到丧家之犬的胆怯目光;尽管他容貌端正,也尽力装得文质彬彬,但他的外部仍掩饰不住内心的痛苦。 3. Ever seen a monkey on the introduction of a fleeing females, because the child did not pay close attention to its chest hair, the result fell to the ground, hunting dogs came on in the small monkeys dying when the females came, grimace in pain, and the Hound contest opened, in the fierce fighting, the females have been hunting dog gets the Pikairouzhan. 曾看过一篇关于对猴子的介绍,一只在逃离中的母猴,由于孩子没抓紧它的胸毛,结果掉到了地上,猎狗赶来,就在小猴子生命垂危之时,母猴赶来,龇牙咧嘴,与猎狗较量开了,在激战中,母猴被猎狗咬得皮开肉绽。 4. Her grimace he took to be sarcastic. 她作了一个在他看来充满讽刺的怪相。 5. grimace是什么意思 5. Accordingly, Ballen is not a photographer for whom standard divisions like subject and object, motif and background, make any sense: the drizzle and lilt of a wire, the shuffle of a shoe, the smear of sand on a wall are as important to the reading of the work, to its distinct power, as gestures more humanly communicative like a smile or grimace. 因此,拜伦不是仅仅描绘主体与客体,主题和背景的摄影师。拜伦的黑白照片在世界范围内被公认为是最强烈、最具视觉挑战性的部分,甚至令人震惊。 6. There is a pond by the city of grimace. 韩佳:这鬼脸城前面有一个池塘 7. 7. City of grimace. 韩佳:鬼脸城。 8. 8. It came out as more of a grimace. 它出来如一个面部的歪扭更多。 9. Her head is thrown back and there is a grimace of pleasure there. 她的头是向后,并有一个鬼脸高兴的。 10. However, that doesn`t change the fact that I grimace each time the Rockets face them. 然而,这却改变不了事实,每次对阵爵士,我都很痛苦。 11. With a grimace, I returned to my apartment, and threw my shattered body into the bed. 我苦着脸回到了公寓,把自己散了架的身体扔在床上。 12. 12. Master Bourgaillard, the wheelwright, was standing on his own threshold, he came, examined the wheel and made a grimace like a surgeon when the latter thinks a limb is broken 车匠布加雅师父正在他门口,他走来检查了那车轮,装出一副丑脸,正象个研究一条断腿的外科医师。 13. grimace 13. Mother Jondrette had opened it, and now remained in the corridor making a horrible, amiable grimace, which one of the holes of the dark-lantern illuminated from below. 容德雷特大娘推开房门,自己留在过道里,掩光灯上的一个窟窿眼儿从下面照着她那副满脸堆笑的丑态。 14. Do not grimace like that when the teacher is speaking. 老师说话的时候你不要嘻皮笑脸的。 15. They also might move spontaneously and even grimace, cry or laugh. 他们可能会在无意识的状态下移动,甚至做出表情,哭或者笑。 16. And an odd grimace crosses her mouth and vanishes. 她的嘴角掠过一丝奇怪的表情,转眼就消失了。 17. grimace 17. He played with the same injuries here, and you saw him grimace, but once he got going, he just played through it. 他在这儿也有着同样的伤,你看到他龇牙咧嘴忍着痛苦,可是一旦上场,他就会带伤战斗。 18. And an odd grimace cro es her mouth and vanishes. 她的嘴角掠过一丝奇怪的表情,转眼就消失了。 19. grimace 19. Joey and Chandler taste the coffee, grimace, and pour it into a plant pot. Although actually I'm really not 锅放在小火上烤出来的,我还喜欢在蛋里撒些cheese 丝儿,哈哈,不能说了,我开始滴口水了。 20. grimace 20. Joey: Listen, while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something...(Joey and Chandler taste the coffee, grimace, and pour it into a plant pot.) Although actually I'm really not that hungry... 另外这个western omelet很棒,是用火腿片、切碎的青椒、洋葱片撒在摊开的蛋上,用平底锅放在小火上烤出来的,我还喜欢在蛋里撒些cheese丝儿,哈哈,不能说了,我开始滴口水了。 grimace 词典解释 1. (因厌恶、痛苦等)做鬼脸,扮怪相,脸部扭曲 If you grimace, you twist your face in an ugly way because you are annoyed, disgusted, or in pain. e.g. She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow... 她坐了起来,露出痛苦的表情,又有气无力地倒在枕头上。 e.g. She grimaced at Cerezzi, then turned to Brenda. 她朝赛雷斯做了个鬼脸,接着转向布伦达。 grimace 单语例句 1. This season's mascot is an eyeless smiley face with a toothy grimace. 2. He has recovered to the point that he now hoists the gearbox overhead although with a grimace that gets the kids giggling. 3. There is hardly any expression on her tanned face, except when a fit of coughing makes her grimace in pain. 4. Work through it all with a smile or a grimace, but get it done! 5. New research suggests that the most striking resemblance will be in the family frown or the ancestral grimace. 6. Andrea Bender's paintings in Grimace Parade penetrate the psychology of human beings. 7. The team tried to insert shunts through veins in Broom's legs, causing him to appear to grimace. grimace 英英释义 grimace noun 1. a contorted facial expression e.g. she made a grimace at the prospect Synonym: face verb 1. contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state e.g. He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do Synonym: make a facepull a face |
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