单词 | feudalism |
释义 | feudalism [英 [?fju:d?l?z?m] 美 [?fjudl:??z?m] ] feudalism的意思、解释 feudalism 基本解释 名词封建制度,封建主义 feudalism 网络解释 1. 封建社会:本来封建社会(feudalism)指的是欧洲中世纪的一种非中央集权的政治与经济制度,即:君主,封臣(或诸侯)与土地三者之间的关系. 君主将土地封给诸侯,诸侯反过来对君主效忠,并向君主提供军事服务(即替君主打仗). 其实这里没有peasant什么事. 2. 灭亡:age#封建制度 | feudalism#灭亡 | extinction#遗物 feudalism 双语例句 1. Such fortunes would create a feudalism of a new kind; but one more oppressive and unrelenting than that of the Middle Ages. 这种财产将造成新的封建主义,一种比中世纪的封建主义更具压迫性、更残酷的封建主义。 2. In fact, this road is impossible, and in fact, therefore, they are ready to capitulate to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism. 这后一条路线,在实际上是不能实现的,所以他们实际上是准备投降帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的人。 3. 3. Under the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, the productive forces of the old china grew very slowly 旧中国在帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治下,生产力的发展一直是非常缓慢的。 4. In fact this line is not practicable, and therefore they are actually ready to capitulate to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism 这后一条路线,在实际上是不能实现的,所以他们实际上是准备投降帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的人。 5. As we all know, at the founding of New China a century ago, the Chinese war of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, torn. 众所周知,在新中国成立前的一个世纪中,中国饱受帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义蹂躏。 6. First, China's working class and popular imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, the triple oppression, it is in the bottom of society, oppression and exploitation of any other class than the Chinese to be heavy, which is rare in the world. 一是中国工人阶级深受帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的三重压迫,它处于社会的最底层,所受的压迫和剥削比中国其他任何阶层都要沉重,这在世界上也是罕见的。 7. Through looking back the past 2 centuries of struggling against imperialism, feudalism and colonialism, the author thinks modern intercourse have occurred in China, for intercourse in economical, political and cultural field all have the modernity. 第五章认为,通过百年来的反帝、反封建、反殖民统治的抗争,中国已经建立起社会主义的现代国家,在中国无论在经济、政治以及文化交往中,都带有现代交往的品性。 8. 8. In the economic aspect, the early state preserved rural commune, the tribute and corvee system, and the reassignment economy. In the political aspect, the early state preserved the fathership government, the hereditary rules, and the indirect domination. Feudalism and Slavishness were two prospects for early states. 本文还从马克思的亚细亚理论出发,从相关的历史材料中归纳出早期国家以下几个方面的特征:1在经济上,早期国家具有农村公社、贡赋与劳役制度、再分配经济等特征;2在政治上,早期国家具有父权制统治形式、世袭制政治制度、间接统治方式等特征;3早期国家的转型有两个基本的方向——封建制国家和奴隶制国家。 9. Luxun used his pen to fight the enemy, the mediocre persons, and oneself while he was living. After he was death, his writing and though were covered with the feudalism doctrine, and shaped by some persons, became the tool and the weapon of the class struggle. 鲁迅生前,用他如椽巨笔与敌人战、与庸众战、与论敌战、与自己战;鲁迅死后,他的文字与思想,被一些人披附上形形色色的封建主义外衣,成为阶级斗争的武器。 10. Renaissant thought of humanism aesthetics was a new kind of capitalism culture that was under the banner of reviving ancient Greek and Roman culture, and opposing the feudalism culture. 摘要文艺复兴时期的人文主义美学思潮是在复兴古希腊罗马文化的旗帜下建构一种反对封建主义文化的资本主义新文化。 11. feudalism的翻译 11. Feudalism, contractual system of political and military relationships existing among members of the nobility in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages. 幕府凭借自己强大的军事力量支配这些藩国,要这些藩国承担一些劳役和义务。 12. The contents of Chinese liberalism in the period of May 4th Movement is of great diversity, the core of which is the individualism as a style of Ibsenism. To achieve the ultimate purpose, Chinese liberalists in wusi period carry out a thorough anti-traditionalism; they criticize feudalism patriachal clan system thoughts; they pay close attention to women liberation. 五四自由主义的内容是多方面的,其核心是个人主义,主要表现为易卜生主义;为了终极的目的,中国五四时期的自由主义者采取了全盘的反传统主义;对以孔教为中心的封建伦理思想进行了否定;对中国封建宗法思想进行批判;对妇女解放给予关注。 13. 13. Especially in the ancient society, which heavily based on agricultural production, the food problems stimulated the nerves of feudalism rulers every moment. Food crisis also impacted the historical process of ancient societies as well as the ideological and cultural thinking of people. Studies indicate that the food security problems objectively existed in ancient Chinese society, and the rulers also realized that the importance of food problems and spared no effort in improving the coefficient of food security from the links of production, storage and distribution. 尤其在古代以农业生产为基础产业的社会里,粮食问题时刻刺激着封建统治者的神经,粮食出现危机所带来的巨大破坏也影响着古代社会的历史进程和人们的观念文化,形成了举国重粮的良好的风尚,通过研究表明:中国古代社会粮食安全问题确实客观存在,统治者也深知粮食问题的重要性并不遗余力地从生产、仓储、流通等环节提高粮食安全系数。 14. feudalism 14. In late Qing Dynasty, Chinese enterprises growned up in the environment of suppression by feudalism and western countries, and they took on special social responsibility in that special time: to protect national interest, the responsibility of Guanli and to render service to motherland. 晚清时期,我国企业是在传统封建力量压制和西方列强欺侮中生存、成长起来的,企业承担了当时特定历史条件下赋予的社会责任:保利权、官利责任和报效责任。 15. This triple alliance between Manchu despotism, Chinese feudalism and Western imperialism against the people of China had its counterpart in a triple betrayal. 满清专制朝廷、汉族封建地主和西方帝国主义三家结成反对中国人民的同盟,实行三种意义的出卖。 16. 16. The first of these began about six hundred years before Christ, around the time of Confucius, and ended about four hundred years later with the destruction of Sinic feudalism and the formation of the first empire constructed on a system of bureaucratic control. 第一次革命是公元前六百年左右孔夫子的时代开始的,约四百年后,随着古代分封制的消灭和第一个实行官僚控制的帝国之建立而结束。 17. feudalism的反义词 17. Subinfeudation of land helped build up feudalism in newly conquered England. 通过这种土地分封建立起封建土地的等级所有制。 18. feudalism的意思 18. Fighting imperialism and feudalism in certain historical circumstances, vacillates and turns traitor in 在某种历史环境能够参加反对帝国主义和反对封建制度的中国资产阶级,由于它在经济上政治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境就要动摇变节,这一规律,在中国历史上已经证明了。 19. 16It is a law confirmed by Chinese history that the Chinese bourgeoisie, which may participate in fighting imperialism and feudalism in certain historical circumstances, vacillates and turns traitor in others, because of its economic and political flabbiness. 在某种历史环境能够参加反对帝国主义和反对封建制度的中国资产阶级,由于它在经济上政治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境就要动摇变节,这一规律,在中国历史上已经证明了。 20. Marx pointed out the process of modern states shift from feudalism, during which the modern countries with abstract universality has class nature more and more. 马克思剖析了现代国家从封建制国家经过专制君主国家产生的过程中,具有抽象普遍性的现代国家如何越来越具有阶级性质。 feudalism 词典解释 1. 封建制度;封建主义 Feudalism was a system in which people were given land and protection by people of higher rank, and worked and fought for them in return. feudalism 单语例句 1. The movement also served as a campaign to fight against feudalism and promote democracy and science. 2. But after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the new government banned gambling as a vice related to feudalism and capitalism. 3. Unlike European feudalism China's system has always been unitary and centralized. 4. All these movements and revolutions transformed Asia into a battlefield against colonialism and feudalism. 5. I know about the dreadful history of slavery and feudalism that existed in Tibet prior to 1959. 6. The Revolution of 1911 ended feudalism and dynastic traditions in China, and led to the formation of the Republic of China. 7. The 1911 Revolution ended feudalism and dynastic traditions in China, and led to the formation of the Republic of China. 8. Lu Xun's writings are perhaps the best example of the pen being mightier than the sword in the fight against feudalism and ugly social practices. 9. Zhuo chose physics as her major, believing that only science could resurrect China from feudalism and imperialist invasions. 10. After the overthrow of Tibetan feudalism in 1959 the serfs opened an exhibition of the torture instruments used against them. feudalism是什么意思feudalism 英英释义 noun 1. the social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war Synonym: feudal system |
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