单词 | lunchtime |
释义 | lunchtime [英 [?l?nt?ta?m] 美 [?l?nt??ta?m] ] lunchtime的意思、解释 复数形式:lunchtimes; lunchtime 基本解释 名词午餐时间; 午休时间 lunchtime 网络解释 1. 午餐时间:其中的动物都很干净,人与环境则极其肮脏,关键是其中这诸多事物之间的排陈与相关是完全不合常规的,譬如在一幅名为(Lunchtime)的照片里,那个将上唇用力翻起、也不知是在剔牙还是做其他什么的青年男子,裸着上身, 2. lunchtime的翻译 2. 午饭时间:LateforSchool迟到 | LunchTime午饭时间 | APicnic一次野餐 lunchtime 双语例句 1. As soon as lunchtime approaches, I always expect that I will eat a lot of delicious food, like rice, vegetables, and eggs. 每次一接近中午,我总是期待我可以吃到好吃的美食,像是饭类食品抑或其他蔬菜食品。。。 2. It was after the first lunchtime lesson that she came home and said: Mama, Tony Daniels was right. 在一次午餐课之后,利丽回到家中,告诉我:妈妈,丹尼尔丝是对的。 3. We'll take a stroll until lunchtime. 我们会在午餐前散散步。 4. His hiccups began at one Sunday lunchtime and continued day and night for two weeks. 他的嗝儿从一个星期天的午餐时间开始,日夜不断的持续了两周。 5. So if the weather is good I must be patient and wait for it to erupt, whether it is lunchtime or two in the morning. 所以如果天气不错,我必须耐心等待火山爆发,不管是午饭时间还是凌晨两点。 6. 6. Amid a lunchtime scrum around sidewalk noodle vendors, Liu Xue, a pipe fitter, spoke proudly of the project. 一片午间正集团周围人行道面条供应商,刘学,管钳工,以自豪的工程。 7. It was sunday. I never getup early on sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last sunday I got up very late. 哪是个星期天,而在星期天我是从来不早起的,有时候我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。 8. lunchtime是什么意思 8. During lunchtime, I meet my friends and we always have a great time talking to each other. 在午饭时间,我和我的朋友们见面并且我们总是彼此聊得很快乐。 9. But at lunchtime in America, they sometimes come together in kids'conversations. 在美国,他们有时会同时出现在孩子们的午间谈话中。 10. lunchtime的意思 10. Lunchtime snacks are the order of the day. 午间零食是逃不掉的一天。 11. You may hellot the gym at lunchtime or go for a run when you get home. 你容或在午休特殊情况去健身房,容或下班后会去跑步。 12. Given that nearby cafés can charge as much for a main course at lunchtime, the price of the session was remarkably low at? 由于附近咖啡厅在午间对一道主食收取同样多的费用,因此这堂课15欧元的价格算非常低了。 13. 13. The Au Jus de Pomme, a busy lunchtime eatery in central Paris, has been losing money for the past two years, says manager Yvon Riou. Au Jus de Pomme是开在巴黎市中心的一家热闹的午餐馆。经理里乌说,餐厅已经连续两年亏损了。 14. 14. At lunchtime I couldn't believe the amount of people that were waiting outside my garage - it was insane! 吃中饭的时候我简直不能相信我看到了多少人在我的车房外等候,这太疯狂了! 15. Then by lunchtime they would all be sold. By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. 到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的,但今天却不是! 16. At lunchtime, I like chatting with my friends. 我和我的朋友在吃午饭的时间闲聊。 17. I`m sorry to call at lunchtime. 很抱歉在午饭时间给你打电话。 18. State-run CSSC has about 100, 000 workers on its payroll. At lunchtime in another of its shipyards, the Hudong shipyard in Shanghai, thousands of khaki-clad labourers and technicians stream from the massive dry dock where two container ships are taking shape and converge on the vast company canteen. 国营的中国船舶工业集团公司拥有十万造船大军﹐在上海的另一个造船厂浦东船厂﹐午餐时间一到﹐上千名身穿卡其布工作服的工人和技术人员便从两座正在建造散货轮的巨大船坞﹐涌向该厂的大食堂。 19. Most of us were too busy to indulge in heavy lunchtime drinking. 我们大多数人都忙得不行,哪有时间在午饭时贪杯。 20. The company headquarters, explains Mr Wheeler, sits on a tributary of the Lynnhaven River and the idea is to let staff go canoeing and kayaking at lunchtime. 惠勒解释道,公司总部傍着Lynnhaven河支流,公司的想法是,让员工在午休时间去划独木舟和皮划艇。 lunchtime 词典解释 1. 午餐时间;午饭时间 Lunchtime is the period of the day when people have their lunch. e.g. Could we meet at lunchtime? 我们能不能午饭时间见? e.g. ...a lunchtime meeting. 午餐会 lunchtime 单语例句 1. SARFT opened its cafeteria to the 21 neighboring communities in June 2009, providing cheap food and takeaway at lunchtime from Monday to Friday. 2. Celebrity gossip may be pleasant fodder for lunchtime conversations, but it can turn amazingly ferocious within the cyber world. 3. She informed her parents that her mathematics teacher had sexually assaulted her in the school's computer room that lunchtime. 4. It's Sunday lunchtime in Las Vegas and Justin looks like he wants to curl up and die. 5. The Crystal Jade Palace Restaurant is renowned for its Dim Sum serving at lunchtime. 6. Make your lunch hour extra relaxing by taking advantage of I Spa at Sanlitun's 50 percent lunchtime discount. 7. Zhang Lizhong watched students line up to fill their bowls with freshly cooked rice noodles at lunchtime. 8. Explosions and machine gun fire could still be heard by lunchtime and American helicopter gunships continued to fly low over the area. 9. I always get out of the building to get some fresh air at lunchtime. 10. It was at lunchtime and I was a guest in his dining room. lunchtime 英英释义 noun 1. the customary or habitual hour for eating lunch e.g. he observed a regular lunchtime Synonym: lunch period |
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