单词 | fidelity |
释义 | fidelity [英 [f??del?ti] 美 [f??d?l?ti,fa?-] ] fidelity的意思、解释 复数形式:fidelities; fidelity 基本解释 fidelity 名词保真度; 逼真; 忠诚,忠实; 尽责 fidelity 同义词 名词fealtyloyaltyexactnessfaithprecisionallegiancedevotioncorrectnessfaithfulnessaccuracy fidelity 反义词 名词disloyalty fidelity 相关例句 名词 1. His fidelity and industry brought him speedy promotion. 他的尽职及勤奋使他很快地得到晋升。 fidelity 网络解释 1. 保真度:新增了从同一片主板导入保真度(fidelity)测试结果到其它系统类别的功能. 新增了从同一片主板导入保真度(fidelity)测试结果到其它系统类别的功能. 2. 传真度:Ra尝试去除扭曲的传真度(fidelity)是全面的,,具有相对纯度的服务他人实体(而言)这构成一个责任的领受. 我们赖以说话的器皿及其支援小组有着相似的传真度,,任何自我的不便,,服务他人. 由于该小组的特质,, fidelity 双语例句 1. The analysis to the experimental results shows that our system can achieve both real-time performance and high fidelity effects. 对比分析结果显示,在保证实时性的同时,采用该方法达到了更好的逼真度。 2. The interaction between DNA polymerase and DNA is important to ensure the high fidelity of DNA replication. DNA聚合酶与DNA的相互作用对于生物体确保DNA复制的正确性具有重要意义。 3. 3. The experiments prove it is a method of high speed and high fidelity, and it will be used widely in civil engineering. 结果表明,计算速度快,精度高,对技术复杂的大型公路桥梁工程有广泛的运用前景。 4. This thesis introduces the design and the realization of numerical frequency modulation high fidelity radio. 本文介绍了数字调频立体声收音机的设计与实现。 5. Nowadays, people emphasize high power and high efficiency as well as high fidelity feature of audio power amplifier. 人们在追求高保真度音频功放的同时,也希望功放有大的输出功率和高效率。 6. fidelity 6. However, charts in the browser have a high degree of fidelity with charts in Excel. 不过,在浏览器中的图表与Excel图表是非常接近的。 7. The entangled states produced in this way has high entanglement degree and high fidelity, and it is easy to control. 这一点是和经典信息学中完全不同的,它体现了量子信息和经典信息的根本差别。 8. fidelity的翻译 8. Spaces and the effect of white point selection is very important to producing images with the desired color fidelity. 要想得到所希望的精确色彩输出,必须深刻地理解各色彩空间的不同性质以及白色点的定义。 9. Product color printing; image fidelity; good anti-wear resistance by the users of all ages. 印刷产品色彩鲜艳;图像逼真;抗耐磨性好受到广大用户的青睐。 10. Software Description: About Color Converge, Improve the color fidelity of your scanner and printer. Color Converge 这是打印数字的颜色匹配工具。当你浏览和打印相片的时候,在被打印的复件中的颜色经常在相片里很不同于颜色。 11. fidelity在线翻译 11. In order to save the cost and enhance the color fidelity, the present study attempted to approximate the tele-spectroradiometer`s measuring results by means of a low-cost spectrophotometer. 为了节省成本,提高测量的精确度,本研究尝试以光谱光度计的测量值去推测光谱辐射仪的测量结果。 12. In this experiment, the color characterization model and color reproduction fidelity were synthetically tested, analyzed and evaluated, which proved the accuracy and efficiency of these models and technology presented in this thesis by comparing with related domestic and overseas studies. 然后,将本论文的实验结果与国内外相关研究进行比较,验证了本研究中数字图像设备的颜色特征化模型与颜色再现的高精度和有效性。 13. It appears as herringbone patterns, wavy lines where straight lines should be and lack of color fidelity. 光谱混叠表现为鲱鱼鱼骨形状,在本来应该是直线的地方却出现了波浪线,并且缺乏色彩保真。 14. The new DreamColor display packs a list of significant advances into one amazingly powerful display, enabling an unprecedented level of color management and fidelity in our production process. 新dreamcolor显示包的清单重大的进展,成为一个令人惊讶的强大的展示,使一个前所未有的水平色彩管理和富达在我们的生产过程。 15. fidelity什么意思 15. Moved by her fidelity, Zeus sent Hermes to escort the shade of Protesilaus back to the upper air tostay with his wife for three hours. 她的忠贞感动了宙斯。宙斯派海默斯护送普洛忒西拉斯的幽魂回到阳间与他的妻子共度三个小时。 16. And I keep my high fidelity earphones in there too, in case I want to pursue one of my favorite hobbies listening to books on tape. 和我保持我的高保真耳机在那里过,如果我想继续我最喜欢的业余爱好之一听磁带上的书籍。 17. fidelity 17. This paper superimposes the impact of the wind on the flame`s basic trajectory to simulate the surface movement. While ensuring the consistency and continuity of the flame texture, it reduces the number of particles to enhance real-time rendering. Besides, the fidelity of simulation and adaptability under different scenarios are enhanced by implementing the artificial control on the parameters of the wind. 将不受风力时的火焰基本运动轨迹和风力影响相叠加,来模拟多风影响下火焰表面的运动,在保证动态火焰纹理一致性和连续性的同时,减少粒子数量,提高渲染实时性,并实现了风的参数的人为控制,增强了模拟效果的逼真度和在不同场景下的适应性。 18. The previous fidelity mesurement takes no account of the human visual properties. 我们在实验中发现,原有的误差度量不能很好地反映人眼的视觉特性。 19. fidelity什么意思 19. The oath of such fidelity. 爱惜自己的名誉。 20. fidelity的近义词 20. The specific mode is: Fall in love with the female at first sight—Swear an oath of enduring fidelity—Find an excuse and abandon the other. From the point of view of culture, it is a result of the idea of men's superiority to women; from the point of view of society, it is the potential influence of the attitude of being well-matched in social and... 此种原型的出现,从文化上看,是男尊女卑观念的产物;从现实上看,是男子人生追求中的必然选择和门当户对观的潜在影响;从心理上看,是男子的阴暗心理和女子的认同心理使然。 fidelity 词典解释 1. (对人、组织或信仰的)忠诚,忠实 Fidelity is loyalty to a person, organization, or set of beliefs. e.g. I had to promise fidelity to the Queen. 我必须承诺效忠女王。 2. (对配偶或伴侣的)忠贞,忠诚 Fidelity is being loyal to your husband, wife, or partner by not having a sexual relationship with anyone else. e.g. Wanting fidelity implies you're thinking about a major relationship. 要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。 3. (报告或翻译的)准确度,精确度,确切度 The fidelity of something such as a report or translation is the degree to which it is accurate. e.g. ...the fidelity of these early documents. 这些早期文件的准确性 fidelity 单语例句fidelity的翻译 1. Onegin employs Cranko's distinctive choreographic style to capture the original story's emotional intensity, potent drama and tragic ironies with striking fidelity and perceptiveness. 2. They may wear modern attire, but still believe in chastity and fidelity. 3. A former employee named Cynthia at Fidelity English School told a METRO reporter by phone that everything was just a misunderstanding. 4. He will also oversee the expansion and development of Fidelity's qualified domestic institutional investor business channel on the mainland. 5. Financials are still the leading sector for Fidelity China Focus and GAM Star China funds. 6. To enter a university these days is to submit to a mandate, one that requires students to live in fidelity to a choice. 7. Mandarin ducks are frequently featured in Chinese art and are regarded as symbols of life long mates and fidelity. 8. Erika worked as an oral English teacher at Fidelity English School in Beijing while she was studying Chinese in a university in Beijing last year. 9. But it will be hard to carry out fidelity checks on officials, because they would be an intrusion into a couple's privacy. 10. In general, companies that have training programs are more attractive for candidates and report greater employee fidelity. fidelity 英英释义 noun 1. accuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the sound or image of its input signal 2. the quality of being faithful Synonym: faithfulness |
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