单词 | be carried away |
释义 | be carried away be carried away的意思、解释 be carried away 基本解释 be carried away 忘形; 神往; 激动,入迷; 为之神往 be carried away 网络解释 1. be carried away 1. 非常激动,忘乎所以:sit around 无所事事 | be carried away 非常激动,忘乎所以 | Just in case以防万一 2. be carried away 2. 失去自制力:carry v.传送,运送;带有;支持;赞同 | be carried away 失去自制力 | carry on经营,管理 3. be carried away 3. 被``````所吸引:183. poverty engenders crime 贫困生罪恶 | 184. be carried away 被``````所吸引 | 185. leave off doing=stop doing 放弃,停止 4. 十分激动,十分兴奋:326be better off富裕;境况(尤指经济境况)好起来 | 327be carried away十分激动,十分兴奋 | 328be hard to say难以估计 be carried away 双语例句 1. be carried away什么意思 1. That would be great, but let's not get carried away. 那是不错,但先别扯远了! 2. be carried away 2. But once American troops entered Baghdad in sufficient force to topple Saddam Hussein`s government this week, it took only 48 hours for the museum to be destroyed, with at least 170, 000 artifacts carried away by looters. 但是当这个星期,美国军队进入巴格达并用足够的力量推翻了萨达姆侯赛因的政府以后,博物馆仅仅在四十八个小时内就毁于一旦,至少有17万件艺术品被抢劫者拿走。 3. If you would know whether the thief hath carried all the things stollen away with him, see the Lord of the seventh and the eighth, and if the Lord of the seventh be in an Angle, he had a desire to carry away the same with him, but could not. 如果你想知道窃贼是否把所有失物随身携带,则观察7宫主和8宫主:若7宫主位于角宫,那么窃贼很想将失物带在身边,但却办不到 4. After use, they must be carried away and must not be allowed to be stored in the exhibition hall. 6.2 盛放溶剂,油漆的容器必须妥善保管,用毕运离,不得存放在展馆内。 5. be carried away 5. To be honest, I don't really care that much about his personal life, a little, sure, I hope he is happy either way. Just the thing is, I love Michael Scofie ld, he is a tough guy, BUT GAY CAN BE TOUGH, MARK THE WORDS, and I love MiSa, if WM turned out to be gay, I would somehow doubt their chemistry which I thought was overwhelming before. Looks like I got carried away again, I need to stop hanging here, I am already late for god's sake. 只是对以前极力否认自己是gay的Wentworth来说,他居然毫无顾忌的在公开场合和绯闻男友出行,而且好像还很配合狗仔拍照似的,原因不然就是他对自己的前途欠缺考虑,不然就是为即将开播的PB造势,不然就是太小看狗仔队的实力,不然就是提前为狗仔队派发圣诞礼物。 6. be carried away的翻译 6. Do not be carried along inconsiderately by the appearance of things, but give help to all according to thy ability and their fitness; and if they should have sustained loss in matters which are indifferent, do not imagine this to be a damage. For it is a bad habit. But as the old man, when he went away, asked back his foster-child's top, remembering that it was a top, so do thou in this case also. 不要不加思索地被事物的表象所迷惑,根据你的能力和人们的特性帮助所有人,如果人们在无关紧要的事情上不断损失,不要把这想象成一种伤害,因为这是一种不好的习惯,而要像这样的老人,当他辞世而去时,反问养子的祖先,仍记得那是一个起源,在这种情况下你也要如此行事。 7. They can also be carried in the blood from further away areas of the body. 他们也可以进行在血液中从更远的地区的有关机构。 8. You can do this by securing your work with clamps or a vice; Do not wear loose clothing and jewelry that can get caught in moving parts; Damaged electric tools must be removed and tagged with the words: Do Not Use; Portable tools should never be carried by their cord; Electric cords must not be used to hoist or lower tools; All cords and hoses must be kept away from oil, heat and sharp edges at all times. 你可以这样做,保住了你的工作或与副锁;不要穿着宽松衣服和首饰能挤车运动部件;电动工具必须拆除损坏标签上写着:不使用;便携式工具不能携带其帘线;不得用于电动葫芦电线或较低工具;所有电线和软管必须保持远离油、热、锋利魿 9. 9. Do Not Use; Portable tools should never be carried by their cord; Electric cords must not be used to hoist or lower tools; All cords and hoses must be kept away from oil, heat and sharp edges at all times. 不使用;便携式工具不能携带其帘线;不得用于电动葫芦电线或较低工具;所有电线和软管必须保持远离油、热、锋利魿 Remember,it can only take one mistake! 10. be carried away的近义词 10. Then, they elevated into the vacant chair a young woman from the crowd to be carried as the Goddess of Liberty, and then swelling and overflowing out into the adjacent streets, and along the river's bank, and over the bridge, the Carmagnole absorbed them every one and whirled them away. 然后他们从人群里找了一个年轻妇女塞进空椅子当作自由女神高高地抬了起来。人群又横流放肆,泛滥到邻近的街道、堤岸和桥上,卡尔马尼奥拉歌吸引了每一个人,把他们卷了进去。 11. M: Sure it can. Why dont you give me an example of how being carried away can be used negatively? L:那还不简单,有一次我请我朋友帮我油漆卧房,结果他got carried away连客厅也一块儿给我刷了。 12. The literature shows that have been reported, most of the current on the printed circuit board scrap the pyrolysis research is carried out in an inert atmosphere, an atmosphere of inert pyrolysis drawback is that the pyrolysis product sample from spread to the internal inert gas can be taken away Location of the need for a longer period of time, prone to cracking the second reaction, and will emit a large amount of halogen-containing gas to be processed. 已有的文献报道表明,目前大部分关于废弃印刷电路板的热解研究都是在惰性气氛下进行,惰性气氛下热解的缺点是热解产物从样品内部扩散到能够被惰性气体带走的位置需要的时间较长,容易发生二次裂解反应,且会产生大量的含卤气体待处理。 13. Even if Hoover lasts another 1, 100 years (when Bureau of Reclamation officials say Lake Mead will be filled with sediment, turning the dam into an expensive waterfall), its teleological edifice is crumbling. In sixty-five years we have learned that if you take away Hoover, you also take away millions of tons of salt that the Colorado once carried to the sea but which have instead been strewn across the irrigated landscape, slowly poisoning the soil. 尽管美国垦务局官员说,米德湖会淤积,使胡佛水坝发电成本增高,我们仍假设水坝能再存续1100年,即便如此,以其为目标的体系也将崩塌。65年后,我们明白,没有胡佛水坝,科罗拉多州水域內数百万吨盐早就融入海洋,而不是分散于灌溉田內侵蚀土壤。 14. 14. THE OTHER MORN1NG I saw a dead body being carried away to be burnt. 如果我们时时刻刻都能将过去的意念止息,我们的心就能保持清新,而不会腐败,或被黑暗的思绪所吞没。 15. It must respond to everything - to the river, to the diseased animal, to the dead body being carried away to be burnt, to the poor villagers carrying their burdens along the road, to the tortures and miseries of life - otherwise it is already dead; but it must be capable of responding without being held by the experience. 它必然会对一切事物做出回应——对河流、对生了病的动物、对正被抬去火化的死尸、对肩负重担沿街而行的贫苦村民、对生活中的种种折磨和苦难——否则它就已经死了;但是头脑必须能够在回应的同时又不被经验所掌控。 16. Krishnamurti: You seem to be carried away by your own words. 克:你似乎被自己的语言给带跑了。 17. You can see how easy it could be to get carried away with home equity loans. 你可以看到,很容易可以到忘形回家股本贷款。 18. be carried away的意思 18. We must take care not to be carried away by our achievements. 我们必须注意不要被自己的成绩冲昏头脑。 19. be carried away的反义词 19. 9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. 13:9 你们要被那诸般怪异的教训勾引了去。 20. Nothing can be sold but such things as can be carried away. 除了那些能够被带走的东西,任何东西都不能被出卖。 be carried away 单语例句 1. " But we cannot be carried away with the news and turn blind to future challenges, " he said. 2. Both parents and students may gain some strength from it - never be carried away by success and never be crestfallen for failure. 3. We have been quite disgusted by a number of our colleagues who seem to be carried away with their profession as journalists. 4. We should not be too carried away by the country's progress, says an editorial in Southern Metropolis Daily. 5. In other villages water is scarce and has to be carried in buckets from several kilometres away. 6. And my advice to him would be to just stay patient and don't get carried away. 7. Just don't get too carried away, or you'd be inviting endless free advice on medication and herbal formulas. 8. Coach Edy Reja is trying not to get carried away but he believes his team deserve to be where they are. 9. Religious officials speculate young Iraqis got carried away in celebrating the end of Ramadan and now need to be reined in. |
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