单词 | deforestation |
释义 | deforestation [英 [?di:?f?r??ste??n] 美 [?di:?f?:r??ste??n] ] deforestation的意思、解释 deforestation 基本解释 名词采伐森林,森林开伐 deforestation 网络解释 1. 森林砍伐:潘塔纳尔湿地的生态系统正面临人类活动所造成的危机,包括不受监管的钓鱼消遣、狩猎、偷运濒危物种(美洲鳄、美洲豹、山猫、鹦鹉)、不受监管的旅游活动、森林砍伐(deforestation)、火耕. 2. deforestation的解释 2. 伐林:在高科技与环境转变之间有一个高度复杂的回馈环路,而此回馈环路只是以缓慢的步伐渐渐被了解. 地球自然环境受到的人为威胁包括污染、伐林(Deforestation)和例如漏油(Oilspill)的灾害. 人类引致很多动植物物种的灭绝. 3. 滥砍滥伐:Q24,文中提到的造成种群灭绝的原因包括滥砍滥伐(deforestation),捕猎(hunting),捕杀以获取动物制品(kill to get animal products)等,所有原因均与人类活动有关. 4. 森林开伐:森林开伐(Deforestation)意为人为的将森林地转成耕地、牧场、城市等用地的行为. 一般来说,森林开伐会造成环境退化和物种多样性的减少. 许多国家还在进行森林开伐,造成了气候变迁和地理环境的改变. 因为森林坎伐后没有足够的造林, deforestation 双语例句 1. In his writings and speeches, he repeatedly stressed the dangers of deforestation and the importance of afforestation. In 1915, Sun Yat-sen in the initiative, the Government announced to the provisions of the Ching Ming Festival of Tree Planting Day. 在他的著作和讲演中,他反复强调毁林的危害性和植树造林的重要性。1915年,在孙中山的倡议下,政府公布了以清明节为植树节的规定。 2. Indeed, a recent report for the Indonesian government by McKinsey, a consultancy, suggests that a combination of avoiding the further deforestation of non-converted marshes, better water management, reletting dried peat and fire control might reduce the amount of CO2 emitted from the country`s peatlands by 900m tonnes a year out of a total—fire-damage and all—of 1.5 billion tonnes. 实际上,一家咨询公司McKinsey最近为印度尼西亚政府做的一项报告显示,如果能将停止砍伐带有未开发沼泽地森林、更合理的用水、转租干涸泥炭地和控制燃火相结合,那么印尼每年将会减少9亿公吨的二氧化碳排放,而其总量为15亿公吨。 3. In Amazonas, deforestation has been in continuous decline, from 1, 582 square kilometres in 2003 to 479 in 2008 a 70% decrease. 亚马逊州的森林破坏这几年持续减少,从2003年的1582平方公里减少到2008年的479平方公里,下降了70%。 4. It is estimated that the livestock sector alone accounts for 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, while deforestation is responsible for 18 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. 据估计,在全球温室气体排放量中,仅畜牧部门的排放量便占18%,而18%的二氧化碳排放量则归咎于森林砍伐。 5. In this part, the conviction and the measure penalty of unlawful felling tree and excessive deforestation are studied. 对盗伐滥伐森林、林木的定罪量刑问题进行了研究。 6. deforestation 6. Therefore, In this article we analyze the phenomenon of unlawful felling tree and excessive deforestation, study the reasons and the results, and evaluate it. 为此,本文对盗伐滥伐现象进行了分析,研究其存在的原因,带来的后果,并对产生的后果进行了评价,提出了适合的定罪量刑方法及预防和打击的对策。 7. The secretariat organized a second workshop on reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries, as requested by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice at its twenty-fifth session. 按照附属科学技术咨询机构第二十五届会议的要求,秘书处举办了第二次减少发展中国家毁林所致排放量问题研讨会。 8. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, at its twenty-fifth session, {§1} requested the secretariat to organize, subject to the availability of supplementary funding, a second workshop on reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries before its twenty-sixth session, and to prepare a report on that workshop for consideration by the SBSTA at that session. 附属科学技术咨询机构第二十五届会议{§1}请秘书处在具备补充资金的前提下于第二十六届会议前举办关于减少发展中国家毁林所致排放量问题的第二次研讨会,并拟出研讨会报告,供科技咨询机构在该届会议上审议。 9. deforestation的翻译 9. I'm going to skip through some of the objections because I don't have answers to why there's deforestation. 我要跳过一些反对意见因为我不知道为何有森林滥伐。 10. 10. The threat to the orangutan in Indonesia, for example, is largely a result of deforestation and the risks to primates in Africa result from the timber-trade and the demand for bush-meat. 例如在印度尼西亚,猩猩面临的威胁主要是砍伐森林造成的;在非洲,对灵长类动物的威胁源自木材贸易和对野生动物肉的需求。 11. 11. The forests play an important part in climate patterns, and deforestation is thought to be responsible for 18% of global warming. 森林在气候调节方面有著重要的作用,全球气候暖化有18%是由砍伐森林引起的。 12. 12. It is proved that the process of ecological devolution caused by human activity is as fellows on the whole: proto-forest ecosystem→deforestation and land reclamation, farmland appearing and woodland decrease→slightly-artificial and natural compound ecosystem→deforestation, farmland increase, woodland decrease, shrub increase→moderately-artificial and natural compound ecosystem→ deforestation, farmland remaining comparatively stable, shrub and grass lands increase, building area increase→heavily-artificial and natural compound ecosystem →farmland decrease (as the result of some farmlands degraded and then abandoned), shrub and grass lands and stone-desert as well as building area increase, woodland tending to disappear→desert ecosystem (a fewer part changing to urban system)→ natural succession→grass and shrub system→natural succession→shrub system→ firewood cutting→natural succession→shrub and grass system→firewood cutting and grazing→stone-desert system. 结果表明,人类活动造成的生态系统退化过程基本为:原生森林生态系统→毁林垦荒、耕地出现、林地减少→轻度人工化~自然复合生态系统→毁林垦荒+丢荒、耕地增加、林地减少、疏林灌丛增加→中度人工化~自然复合生态系统→毁林垦荒+丢荒、耕地基本稳定、灌丛和草地增加、林地减少、建筑用地增加→高度人工化~自然复合生态系统→丢荒、耕地减少、灌丛和草地及石漠增加、建筑用地增加、林地趋于消失→(局部演变为城镇生态系统)荒漠生态系统→自然演替→草地、灌丛生态系统→自然演替→灌木林生态系统→采樵→灌丛、草地生态系统→采樵、放牧→疏草石漠生态系统。 13. At one time, due to excessive herding and reckless deforestation, the ecological environment of the mountain area was severely damaged, and the resources of animals and plants significantly dwindled 曾有一段时期,由于过度放牧和肆意毁林,山区生态环境遭到严重破坏,动植物资源明显减少。 14. But more than 50 years of unsustainable logging have led to disastrous deforestation which has led to soil erosion and dust storms. 但是,经过50多年的滥砍滥伐,结果是灾难性的毁林,导致了水土流失以及沙尘暴。 15. The picture aims at assailing a serious environmental problem—deforestation, for which several factors are responsible. 这幅图的目的在于质问一个严重的环境问题——去森林化,这其中有许多因素。 16. According to a 390-page U. N. report in 2006, the expansion of livestock production is a key factor in deforestation. 根据联合国在2006年发布的一份390页的报告显示,畜牧业的扩展是砍伐森林的关键因素。 17. 17. The classic image of Brazil is one of lush rain forests, but desertification caused by deforestation, climate change, population growth, and mismanaged farming practices is rapidly taking over parts of the country. 第一流的图片是巴西的苍翠繁茂的雨林,但是沙漠化原因是森林过度砍伐,气候变化,人口增长,和处置失当的耕作习惯是迅速的沙漠化在国家部分的地方。 18. deforestation的反义词 18. In practice, however, halting deforestation is hard: much of the world`s rainforest has already succumbed to loggers and farmers. 然而,在现实中,停止对森林的砍伐是异常困难的:世界上大部分的雨林已经倒在了原木装车机和伐木农民的脚下。 19. Accelerated erosion process and soil degradation caused by deforestation is important research topic in soil erosion effect assessment. 植被破坏加速侵蚀过程及其导致的土壤质量退化是土壤侵蚀环境效应评价的重要内容。 20. deforestation的翻译 20. Bhattarai is part of a readiness action group for the proposed forest conservation and payment mechanism, which is known as Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. 巴塔拉伊是森林保护和支付机制行动小组的成员。该机制又称减少伐林和林地退化造成的碳排放计划。 deforestation 单语例句 1. Brazil's main challenge is to fight deforestation, which is the greatest source of GHG emissions in the country. 2. Deforestation is the biggest climate change culprit in much of the developing world, and industrial countries plan to pay billions of dollars to poor countries to stop deforestation. 3. Haiti is chronically vulnerable to flooding because of widespread deforestation caused by Haitians digging up roots to make charcoal for cooking. 4. Deforestation accounts for a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions that are heating up the earth, so slowing its pace is a relatively cheap way to limit global warming. 5. Deforestation, worsening storms triggered by global warming and other climatic variables now threaten their journey. 6. Some environmentalists and government officials say deforestation is often a factor in the disasters, which they contend loosens soils on mountainsides. 7. Haiti is vulnerable to floods as severe deforestation has left only 2 percent of forest cover. 8. The program is known as REDD for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation. 9. Bijie has been afflicted with poverty and environmental degradation for years, as local farmers have distressed the land there through desertification and deforestation. 10. That's a challenge because most of the deforestation is in countries with wide corruption and few systems to monitor the loss of forests. deforestation 英英释义 deforestation的翻译 noun 1. the removal of trees Synonym: disforestation 2. the state of being clear of trees |
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