单词 | depletion |
释义 | depletion [英 [d?'pli:?n] 美 [d??pli??n] ] depletion的意思、解释 depletion 基本解释 depletion的反义词 名词消耗,用尽; 耗减 depletion 网络解释 1. 消耗:然而由于编制体系的缺陷,传统的GDP指标不能如实全面地反映人类社会经济活动对自然资源的消耗(depletion)和环境品质的降级(degradation),这样往往会导致经济发展陷入高耗能、高污染和高浪费的粗放型发展误区, 2. 折耗:外的权利金(Royalty)大体相似或接近,其征收方法也是国市场经济国家计入成本的折耗(Depletion)相对应. 权利金(Royalty)归州政府所有,印地安部落所在地的矿产 3. 3. 耗尽型:当时还没有增强型(Enhancement)的NMOS管,Wanlass不得不使用耗尽型(depletion)的器件,通过将器件偏置到关断状态来实现电路. CMOS的静态电流要比等效的双极型(Bipolar)和PMOS型的逻辑门低6个数量级,这个结果简直是疯狂的. 1963年6月18日, depletion 双语例句 1. Although, it seems that the priority for agriculture water use is higher than other water demand when the agriculture water demand is preserved, the manipulation for agriculture demand is conservative. Been preserved as a higher water right, the agriculture water demand is to keep the same amount as it used to be, but not considering the potential need of long or short period water re-distribution caused by the hydrological or environmental condition such as the draught period or the depletion of groundwater water. 水权保留』虽然名义上在用水顺序为第一优先,惟就水源调配而言,却是一种消极的处理方式,因其对农业用水只是现况的维持,并未考虑农业水田环境生态的改变或因应枯旱时期用水等,而亦必须进行水源长期或短期的调配,而此以浊水溪冲积扇最为明显。 2. depletion的翻译 2. Three fullerene derivatives including a bisadduct of tetraethyl methano[60] fullerenediphosphona- te、a dimalonic acid[60]fullerene (DMA C60and fullerol were used to study the relationship between their photo-induced GSH depletion and structures. 采用二加成亚甲基富勒烯[60]二膦酸四乙酯、二加成富勒烯[60]丙二酸(DMA C60)和富勒醇 3种富勒烯衍生物研究富勒烯衍生物的结构与光诱导细胞内GSH耗竭的关系。 3. With oil reserves headed inexorably for depletion, shortages and more wild price swings very likely loom ahead. 随着石油储量的直线下降,等待大家的必然是石油的严重短缺和油价的剧烈变动。 4. In the measurement of three model, three ways under variable and control on the frequency of compressor and fan, which show different cooling capacity and heating capacity by frequency conversion when align different load, behave adaptable frequency to energy saving, avoid energy deucedly depletion. 在量测结果中可以发现各个模式在压缩机变频调控与风扇变频调变下,在不同的频率发挥出不同的冷冻能力与加热能力,可以匹配在不同之负载时,运行在最适合的频率下来达到省电的效果,避免能源消耗过度的现象产生。 5. This suggests that age is not the main parameter governing Li depletion in our targets. 这表明在我们的样本中,年龄不会成为锂衰减的主要影响因素。 6. We can conclude that croton tigiium and rhubarb have mutual inhibition through observing croton tigiium and rhubarb effect on the volume depletion of gut. 通过观察巴豆、大黄对肠容量的影响,说明大黄恶巴豆,二药之间存在相恶的配伍关系。 7. These results indicated that vaginal DCs were the antigen presenting cells which present brucella antigen to naive T lymphocytes, leading to the release of IFN-γ. Brucella spp. is an intracellular pathogen that preferentially infects macrophages. The macrophages in vaginal mucosa of BALB/cmice are deleted by intravaginally administration of clodronate liposome in order to test our hypothesis that DCs is better to capture the brucella antigen upon the depletion of macrophage. Mice injected with the same volume of empty liposomes as a control. 由于巨噬细胞是野生型或疫苗布鲁氏菌的主要吞噬细胞,所以,为了进一步探讨DCs提呈布鲁氏菌抗原的机制,研究者采取了清除BALB/c小鼠阴道巨噬细胞的处理方法,以便为树突状细胞提供更多捕获布鲁氏菌抗原的机会,并模拟自然感染途径,阴道接种了布鲁氏菌疫苗,然后,比较不同时间内阴道引流淋巴结内DCs的动力学变化。 8. Some expenses such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non-cash expenses. 像折旧费用、摊销费用、递耗费用之类的费用属于非现金费用。 9. Some expense s such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non-cash expense s. 像折旧费用、摊销费用、递耗费用之类的费用属于非现金费用。 10. Year 2492, as a result of human technological revolution for the crazy, making the resources of our planet, the depletion of a few do. 公元2492年,由于人类对技术革命的疯狂,使得我们星球上的资源几尽枯竭。 11. That's a depletion of money. 那是一种金钱的消耗。 12. 12. MPA was shown to hae a distinct anti-HC mechanism of action, independent of cell proliferation and guanosine depletion. 麦考酚酸表现出一种特殊的抗丙肝病毒复制的作用机制,它不依赖细胞增殖及鸟嘌呤核苷消耗。 13. depletion 13. Sodium depletion can be used as a useful pathfinder to Dapingzhang VHMS deposit. 低钠晕可以作为大平掌矿床的一个重要找矿标志。 14. 14. Trpm4 expression in vitro rendered COS-7 cells highly susceptible to oncotic swelling and oncotic death following ATP depletion. 在体外实验中,Trpm4的高表达导致ATP耗竭,从而使得COS - 7细胞极易受肿胀和肿胀死亡。 15. Our lab has demonstrated that depletion of BCAS2 by siRNA can enhance p53 activity and cause cell apoptosis. 本研究中则发现,在无p53 或p53 突变的细胞中默化BCAS2,会造成细胞凋亡,但却会发生细胞周期停滞在G2/M期。 16. And the depletion law of gas condensate in long core is not systematically studied in lab. 同时,长岩心中凝析油气的衰竭规律也没有系统的实验研究。 17. Importantly, depletion of ARMS facilitated UVB-induced apoptosis in melanoma cells through inactivation of MEK/ERK pathway, which is not constitutively activated in most cases of acral lentiginous melanoma, the melanoma subtype found mostly in Asians. 更重要的是,减少ARMS在黑色素细胞癌细胞的表现,会促进紫外线B光诱发之细胞凋亡,其作用机转是透过MEK/ERK传递路径之抑制,此路径在多数亚洲人常见的肢端小痣型黑色素细胞癌并无自身活化之现象。 18. This may be a result of the depletion of the ozone layer. 这可能是臭氧层的消耗的一个结果。 19. depletion的翻译 19. In this paper, according to the homogeneity and liner elastic model, on the basis of study on in-situ stress and rock-strength of one gas field, using the Mohr-Coulomb rock-failure criterion, the wellbore-stability is analyzed under different in-situ stress environment, different Biots factor and with the influence of pressure depletion. 文章以均质各向同性和线-弹性模型为依据,在某气田地应力、岩石强度等参数研究的基础上,应用Mohr-Coulomb强度判别准则,就不同地应力环境、不同孔弹性系数以及压力衰竭对水平井井壁稳定性的影响进行了研究。 20. They are caused by the depletion of ATP. 这是由于ATP耗尽造成的。 depletion 单语例句 1. Nothing can make me worry about the depletion of marine life, or life on land for that matter. 2. The manufacture of such compounds is being phased out by the Montreal Protocol as they contribute to ozone depletion. 3. China can no longer afford to seek growth without considering the cost to the environment, the depletion of resources and the development potential for future generations. 4. The cost of resources depletion and environmental degradation was hefty, and the global scouting of resources led to international suspicion. 5. It faces a difficult position due to water pollution and fishery resources depletion. 6. It is not the depletion of the labour pool that engineered the current shortage, rather it was caused by the stagnant wage level migrant workers receive. 7. It is also limited by political willpower as not every member nation will be prepared to see a significant depletion of their reserves. 8. This argument forgets that it was excessive expenditure that drove unsustainable resource depletion in the first place. 9. Liu attributed the increase in crime to " the influence of broken families, the depletion of school education and incomplete social management ". 10. The report said the world's global environmental " footprint " or depletion rate now exceeds the planet's capacity to regenerate by 30 percent. depletion 英英释义 noun 1. the act of decreasing something markedly 2. the state of being depleted |
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