单词 | cob |
释义 | cob [英 [k?b] 美 [kɑ:b] ] cob的意思、解释 复数形式:cobs; cob 基本解释 cob的解释 名词雄天鹅; 玉米的穗轴; 壮实的矮脚马; 小圆块 动词捣碎; 打碎; 打臀部 cob是什么意思 cob 网络解释 1. 板上芯片:奂鑫在上海的工厂开始生产笔记型计算机外壳和开展部分的组装工作. 2001年初,上海工厂也开始生产碎纸机. 至于在昆山的两家合伙公司,鼎鑫主要是生产多层电路板(PCB),而达鑫则从事PCB组装如表面贴装(SMT),板上芯片(COB)和双列直插(DIP). 2. 柯柏马:从第八世纪开始,这种马发展成中世纪武士所骑乘的马,叫做大马(Great Horse),算是矮胖的重型柯柏马(Cob)类别,无疑的是和有名的法兰德斯马(Flanders)一起育种的. 3. cob的意思 3. 雄天鹅:clam 蚌 | cob 雄天鹅 | cobra 眼镜蛇 4. cob的反义词 4. 板上芯片贴装:2.CSP 芯片缩放式封装 | 3.COB 板上芯片贴装 | 4.COC 瓷质基板上芯片贴装 5. cob:chip-on-board; 板上芯片 6. 6. cob:code of business; 业务准则 7. cob 7. cob:closing of business; 交易结束 8. cob:chip on board; 板级芯片 cob 双语例句 1. 1. News-Review - A $10 Umpqua Valley-style smoked salmon and pork barbecue meal includes baked beans, garlic bread, green salad, fresh corn on the cob and watermelon. 新闻回顾-1 0元无照谷式熏鲑鱼和猪肉的烧烤餐包括烤豆子,大蒜面包,绿色沙拉,新鲜玉米对芯和西瓜。 2. 2. By using FC or COB, die products are mounded in the MCM. 这些芯片级产品可以以FC方式或 cob 方式安装在封装体中。 3. 3. Mo-target soft X-ray shows that COBs are keeping to degradate after being grafted and are substituted by new bone. Histology suggests that the new bone formation has been seen at the outside and inside of scaffold of materials, COBs are keeping to degradate and substituted by the growth-in of new bone. The result of fluorescentgram shows that fluorescent materials deposite largely at the inside and outside of COBs, the result of Statistics suggests that the mineral deposition rate of new bone at COB lateral has no difference with the autograft lateral. 钼靶照相显示COB植入后逐渐降解,逐渐被新生骨爬行替代;组织学检查显示COB在植入边缘及中心部位均可见到新骨长入,随着植入时间的延长,材料逐渐降解,被新生骨爬行替代;荧光标记检查结果显示COB边缘及材料内部大量荧光物质沉积,统计学结果显示COB新骨矿化沉积率与自体骨植骨侧相比无显著性差别。 4. Hana emphasizes particularly on COB flexible packing, SMT PCB assembly and processing; smart card, RFID card and card reader making; micro-coil winding and other services. The main clients of Hana are distributed in Europe, America and Southeast Asia. 上海恒诺微电子有限公司的业务侧重在芯片的软包装;SMT印制线路板的装配加工;智能卡、RFID卡及读卡器的制作;微型线圈绕制等服务,客户主要分布在欧美和东南亚。 5. C-EP 2194 is a single component, high strength semiconductor encapsulant for chip on board and glob-top application with following features. C-EP 2194 是一种单组分,高强度的半导体封装材料。该产品特别适合应用于COB以及圆顶封装体并具有以下特性。 6. This article introduces the process methods of corn cob resource in various fields currently at home in details. 本论文详细介绍了目前国内在各个领域对玉米芯资源发开利用的工艺方法。 7. 7. Studies of effect of long-term fertilizer on agricultural soil fauna community had focused on different soil type and same soil type in the State's Long-term Monitor Network for Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Efficiency, and made some comparison between forest and agricultural soil fauna community, and soil security was also primarily studied.1 Effect of long-term fertilization on soil fauna community at different soil type10542 individual of soil animals collected from 5 soil types by handsorting, Cob 摘要本文以国家土壤肥力与肥料效益基地网和国家重点野外科学观测站为研究平台,从生态地理的角度出发,运用土壤动物学理论和方法,分析长期施肥对农田土壤动物群落的影响并对土壤安全进行初步探讨,主要结论如下:1 长期施肥对不同土壤类型农田土壤动物的影响在5类农田土壤中,共采集10542只土壤动物标本,隶属6门12纲23目61科35属,线虫类、寡毛类、蜱螨类和弹尾类是农业生态系统中具有重要影响的类群;农田土壤动物营养方式以植食性的为主,其分布具有明显的多样性和地带性 8. When countrybound velocipedes, a chainless freewheel roadster cycle with side basketcar attached, or draught conveyance, a donkey with wicker trap or smart phaeton with good working solidungular cob (roan gelding, 14 h). 下乡的时候,就骑老式脚踏车,挂有柳条编的车斗的无链飞轮跑车,要么就是牲口拉的车,柳条车身的二轮轻便驴车或是脚步矫健飞快的短腿壮马(骗过的灰斑栗毛马,身高十四掌尺)所拉的时髦的四轮轻便马车。 9. Mrs. Martyn shook the reins, and the sturdy chestnut cob trotted off in the direction of Mount Stanning. 马丁夫人摇动经绳,壮健的采色矮脚马便朝着斯坦宁丘驰去了。 10. Manganese content in the silk change gently fore-and-aft silking, and scope was small. The trend in the silk and cob was the same, even in the different position of silk and cob. 吐丝前后花丝中的锰元素浓度的变化较平稳,变幅较小,花丝和穗轴中的变化趋势一致,不同部位花丝和穗轴的不同部位变化趋势一致。 11. The combine uses the brand-new rack and the transmission system, cob lift conveyer and straw stalk lift conveyer up and down arrangement, and both use the under drawing template, the dovetail flail knife located at the stripper roller underneath, the front of the knife is cut off part, the other is cut up part, after the straw stalk cuts to pieces, first are tossed into the straw stalk lift conveyer, rises to transport again to stirs dragon and transport to throws delivers throw out, the stubble cleaner is located at behind tractor's to eliminate stubble. 该机采用全新的机架和传动系统,果穗升运器和秸秆升运器上下布置且均采用下刮板,燕尾甩刀位于摘穗辊正下方,该刀前端为切断部分,后面为切碎部分,秸秆被切碎后首先抛入秸秆升运器中,再升运至搅龙输送到抛送器抛送,根茬由位于拖拉机后方的灭茬机灭茬。 12. In the process set up, the company already has a SMT, COB, T/U, A/I, H/I, HMF pressing, injection molding, spraying silk screen, packs, and other electronic products production and processing of all the processes to meet The different needs of various customers. 在制程设置上,公司已经拥有了SMT、COB、T/U、A/I、H/I、HMF热压、注塑成型、喷涂丝印、组合包装等电子产品生产加工之所有流程,可满足各类客户的不同需求。 13. As LCD Module manufactory our capcapabilities are COB (chip-on-board), and TAB. 安的利光电科技有限公司成立于1999年,主要产品是液晶显示模组,包括COB及TAB产品系列。 14. Die Bonder: The placement machine bonding IC chips onto a chip-on-board substrate. 晶粒置放机:把 IC 晶片放置黏接在 COB 基板上的机器。 15. 15. While brains, insects, octopus tentacles, snails, grubs, eyeballs, tripe, and cattle blood may not be appealing to many North Americans, some of their favorite foods, such as peanut butter, tomato juice, corn on the cob, and root beer, are considered unpalatable in many regions of the world, including much of Europe, Africa, and Asia. 大脑,昆仲,章鱼触须,蜗牛,虫子,眼珠,内脏和牛血这些可能都是对很多北美人没有吸引力的东西。同时其中的一些他们最喜欢的食物,就像花生酱,西红柿汁,煮玉米和无醇饮料等可能对世界很多其他包括欧洲,非洲和亚洲的地区的人来说并不好吃。 16. cob的近义词 16. C-EP 5571 is a single component semiconductor encapsulant for glob-top application for bare chip protection in advanced packages such as IC memory card, multi chip modules and hybrid circuits with following features. C-EP 5571是一种单组分半导体COB密封胶。主要用于高科技包装加工行业中IC记忆卡,多芯片模块和混合集成电路中外露芯片的封装保护。该产品具有以下特点。 17. Probably from obsolete cob 可能源自废语 cob 18. cob的意思 18. With solid powder boronisation, in the surface of the samples form preferably elevated temperature stability, and the main component is CoB, The surface of the transverse section of the layer tissue is columnar crystal. 通过粉末固体渗硼,在表面生成具有较好高温稳定性的、以CoB为主的渗层,渗层表面组织呈等轴晶粒,在渗层横断面组织呈柱状晶粒。渗层是Co的化合物,表面层主要为CoB和Co:B。 19. cob是什么意思 19. Some of the steps of maintenance for a log cabin include staining of the interior and exterior wood, chinking repair and replacement, borate treatment to safeguard against pests, stay dry, chemical strip and cob blasting. 一些步骤,包括维修记录机舱内外的染色木材、chinking维修和更换,以防止病虫害硼酸待遇,逗留干燥、化学、芯地带爆破。 20. cob的解释 20. And at nucleotide acid level BY2562 has 99% identity with atp8, atp9, nad6 and cob-Sp allele in CMS carota, Expect = 0.0. At the protein level that has 97% identity with ORFB gene and YMF19 of CMS common sunflower mitochondrion, as well as ATP-8, orfB-F1 in CMS carrot. In addition the identity is over 90% with orfB protein of Nicotiana tabacum, orf224 of Brassica napus, orf158 of radish, orfB of Arabidopsis thaliana and mitochondrial membrane associated protein of Brassica juncea. BY2562与瓣化型胞质雄性不育胡萝卜线粒体ATP8、ATP9、NAD6和cob-sp基因在核苷酸水平有99%的同源性,期望值为0.0;在蛋白质水平与CMS向日葵线粒体ORFB基因,COXIII 5'端未知蛋白YMF19以及CMS胡萝卜ATP-8,orfB-F1有97%的同源性;另外与胡萝卜orfB-CMS、orfB-F2、烟草orfB、油菜orf224、拟南芥线粒体orfB、萝卜orf158以及芥菜线粒体膜蛋白、甘蓝型油菜orf474也有90%以上的同源性。 cob 词典解释 1. 圆面包 A cob is a round loaf of bread. 2. 结实的矮脚马 A cob is a type of short strong horse. 3. see also: corn on the cob cob 单语例句 1. Rustic charm appears in the braised pork short ribs served with a piece of corn on the cob and wrapped in reed. 2. The auction will take place at the Cob Gallery in London where Pete's work has been on display. 3. The restaurant is offering the lion burgers at US $ 21, served with spicy homemade chips and roast corn on the cob. cob 英英释义 noun 1. adult male swan 2. white gull having a black back and wings Synonym: black-backed gullgreat black-backed gullLarus marinus 3. stocky short-legged harness horse 4. nut of any of several trees of the genus Corylus Synonym: hazelnutfilbertcobnut |
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