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单词 serendipity
    serendipity [英 [?ser?n?d?p?ti] 美 [?s?r?n?d?p?ti] ]
    serendipity 基本解释
    名词意外发现珍奇事物的才能; 意外新发现; 巧事; 机缘凑巧
    serendipity 网络解释
    1. 缘份天注定:演员阵容中最为人关注的当属饰演保姆一角的凯特.贝金塞尔,以 (Pearl Harbor)、 (Serendipity)而一举成名的凯特.贝金赛尔,因其超凡脱俗的美貌而在好莱坞享有英伦玫瑰的美称.
    2. 缘分天注定:(Serendipity)是最让我着迷的一个. 故事讲的是一对偶然相遇的男女,互生情愫不忍分离时,将是否能再次相见交给机缘,在钱上和旧书上写下对方的联系方式. 尽管世事变迁,甚至不断有人走进他们的生活,但他们仍惦记着对方,
    3. 意外发现:☆ 作品:意外发现(SerendiPITy) 作者:光之伊始 这是一个关于爱情的故事,他们似乎是故事的主角,似乎又不是,他们也许只是联系着故事的主线,他们不是主角,但缺了他们的故事也成不了故事.
    4. 美國情緣:对,凯特贝琴萨是正妹,丁大丙是从美国情缘(Serendipity)开始爱上她的,超迷人的? :)
    serendipity 双语例句
    1. It was serendipity that gave us Post-it Notes: inventors tried to come up with a new use for the glue they had invented that didn't stick the way they had hoped.
    2. Since then he has gone from playing a commitment-phobic assassin in Grosse Pointe Blank, to the cheating music nut in High Fidelity, to the sleazy, weaselly puppeteer in Being John Malkovich, to the romantic lead in mainstream films like Serendipity.
    然后他在Grosse Pointe Blank中扮演了一个赏金杀手,High Fidelity中酷爱音乐的人,Being John Malkovich中肮脏狡猾的操纵木偶的人,主流电影Serendipity中的浪漫男主角。
    3. Serendipity is looking in a haystack for a needle and discovering a farmer's daughter.
    4. Hikers move as a team to cross the mile-long (1.6-kilometer-long) glacier leading up to Serendipity Peak.
    5. Even your own life is filled with examples of serendipity.
    6. serendipity什么意思
    6. It`s less clear where the institutionalized serendipity lives on the New York Times`s website.
    7. You must use above all your serendipity, in order to experience more over your curse.
    8. In reality, serendipity accounts for one percent of the blessings we receive in life, work and love.
    9. Allow for serendipity -- it's there for you!
    10. serendipity的意思
    10. But if you keep your mind open, serendipity may work in your favour.
    11. Chiefly, it creates much more room for coincidence and serendipity.
    12. In fact, at Serendipity Tiaras, fascinator sales have trumped orders for tiaras, considered to be the traditional wedding headpiece, she said.
    13. Lucky people do not just tunnel in one place with blinders on; they open their eyes to everything and throw themselves into serendipity's path whenever possible.
    14. When you look back on your life it will seem linear and logical, but while you are going through it it's all haphazard and serendipity. And that's the fun of it.
    15. serendipity的解释
    15. Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.
    16. This is Pavlov's famous dog and it's an example of scientific serendipity.
    17. serendipity的意思
    17. When destiny has a sense of humor, it is called serendipity.
    18. serendipity
    18. Zuckerman told me about a speech on serendipity he recently gave to an audience of investment managers.
    19. With the bulk of the logistics taken care of, we had space for serendipity and discovery.
    20. This is the kind of serendipity you want!
    serendipity 词典解释
    1. (意外发现或发明新奇或有价值事物的)运气,走运,机缘凑巧
    Serendipity is the luck some people have in finding or creating interesting or valuable things by chance.
    e.g. Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.
    serendipity 单语例句
    1. Many young people in China believe in serendipity, or " Yuanfen " as they call it.
    2. " It was kind of serendipity how I got here, " she says.
    serendipity的翻译serendipity 英英释义
    1. good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries




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