单词 | remains |
释义 | remains [英 [r??me?nz] 美 [r??menz] ] remains的意思、解释 过去式:remained; 过去分词:remained; 现在分词:remaining; remains 基本解释 remains的反义词 名词遗骨,遗体,残骸,残余,遗迹; 废墟,遗址,遗迹,剩余(物),余额 动词仍然是; 保持; 留下( remain 的第三人称单数); 留待 remains 相关例句 名词 1. remains 1. We found the remains of a meal on the table. 我们在桌上发现了剩下的饭菜。 remains 情景对话 时尚 A:I’m in big trouble. I need to find something to wear for tonight’s fashion show. 我遇到大麻烦了,我要找适合今晚出席时装表演穿的衣服。 B:You’re going to a fashion show? 你要去时装表演吗? remains的解释 A:Yes. Would you like to come along? I have never seen a fashion show before! 是啊。你要和我一起吗?我还有一张票。 remains B:Really? I’d love to! I’ve never seen a fashion show before! 真的吗?我喜欢去!我还从未看过时装表演呢。 A:Ok, you can come along, but only if you help me find something trendy to wear. I don’t want to look stupid in front of all those stylish people. 好,你和我一块去吧,但是你得帮我找一些时髦的衣服。我不想在那些时尚的人面前像个傻子一样。 B:I don’t think you’ll look stupid. You always look stylish to me. 我不认为你会看起来很傻,对我来说,你总是看上去很时髦。 remains A:That’s sweet. Now, what do you think about this pink and orange striped suit? 你真会说话,你认为这套粉色带橙黄色条纹的衣服怎么样? B:Isn’t that a bit too flashy? 是不是有点太耀眼了? A:Ok, how about this chocolate brown suit with a yellow tie? 那么这件红褐色的外衣配黄色的领带如何? B:That’s Ok, but it remains me a bit of my grandpa. 很好,但是它让我想起了我的爷爷。 A:What if I wore this black shirt with the suit? 要是我穿这件黑色的衬衣配那套西装怎么样? B:That would look better, but what about the tie? 看上去好多了,但是配什么样的领带好呢? A:You’re right. The yellow one isn’t quite right. 你说得对,那条黄色的不是很合适。 B:How about the brown suit with this T-shirt and no tie? 那么,穿棕色的外套配T 恤衫不打领带怎么样? A:That’s perfect. Now, what are you going to wear? 太好了,你打算穿什么呀? remains B:I don’t know. You’re going to have to help me find something to wear now! 我不知道。现在你要帮我找合适的衣服穿了。 remains 网络解释 1. 1. 遗体:随着哀乐(funeral music)奏起,遗体(remains)进入,始闻哭泣(weeping)之声. 悼词(lament)于众人默哀中(in silent tribute)致予. 最后送别之时,围棺木(coffin)而行,但见老人躺于花丛之中,安详而慈善,彷佛尘世之嚎啕(wail)也无法使远在极乐的老人听闻. 2. 遗址:吴哥是东南亚最重要考古学(archeology)遗址(remains)之一,位於东南亚中南半岛的柬埔寨西北方暹粒省,吴哥(Angkor)是高棉语「城市」的意思. 中国最早称吴哥为「扶南」,元朝称之为「真腊」,使节团团员周达观著有, 3. remains 3. 遗迹,遗骸:ruins 遗迹,废墟 | remains 遗迹,遗骸 | artifact 手工艺品 4. 4. 剩余物:remainder 剩余物;其余(的人) | remains 剩余物 | respect 关心;注意 remains 双语例句 1. These remains were buried deep below levels of rock over time and under great pressure. 这些遗骸长期埋在石层下的深处和超强压力下。 2. Some of the electronic components are different, but the key principle remains the same. 电子零件有些不同,但关键的原则是相同的。 3. remains的翻译 3. Beginning January 28, it will be on view alongside the legendary Hope, a larger stone but a slightly more drab one, and yet a rock whose allure remains potent enough to have drawn five million visitors to the national collection last year. 从今年1月28日起,这颗钻石将与传奇的「希望之钻」一起展出,后者更大一些,但比较朴实无华,不过它仍有惊人魅力,去年吸引了500万人前来参观这件国家收藏品。 4. RVR remains the strongest predictor of SVR and studies to evaluate the impact of prolonging treatment to 48 weeks in patients with HCV GT 2 or 3 who do not achieve an RVR are warranted. 快速病毒反应仍然是SVR最强的预测因素,通过研究治疗延长至48周对病人的影响,表明携带2或3型HCV基因者不出现快速病毒反应是合理的。 5. remains的解释 5. Ren Yu Ling member (State Council counsellors room counseling): China's pharmaceutical enterprises, remains huge industry. 任玉岭委员:我国的医药企业,仍然属于暴利行业。 6. remains什么意思 6. Today, many ethnic minority areas in China it still remains a blot. Tibetan areas such as Marriage rush and Cost of Life these two fairly typical customs. 时至今日,我国很多少数民族地区仍遗存着它的印迹,如藏族地区就保留了抢婚和赔命价这两个颇为典型的风俗习惯。 7. remains的翻译 7. As the infection develops within the pelvis and becomes more widespread, PID may be diagnosed. If the infection remains untreated, the inflammation eventually spreads to involve the whole wall of the tubes, with pus coming from the open ends reaching the ovaries. 由于感染的发展与骨盆和变得更为普遍,PID控制,可诊断,如果仍然是未经处理的感染,发炎,最终蔓延到涉及整个壁管,与脓未来从公开完深远的卵巢。 8. Lord Zh011's Shadows Measuring Platform in its south is the remains of the oldest astronomical observatory in the world. 位于观星台南面的周公测景台是世界上现存最古老的天文观测遗址。 9. 9. If the pericarp opens when ripe, the fruit is said to be DEHISCENT; if it remains closed, it is INDEHISCENT. 如果果皮在果实成熟时开裂,则称其为裂果,如果仍然闭合,则称闭果。 10. Although it dated and limited, it remains a useful pedagogical device against which to test real-world cities. 尽管它有些过时和带有局限性,但它仍然是一种有用的验证现实世界中的城市的教学法手段。 11. Currently, Xiao San debut with the posture of the Housing remains open people's pursued. 目前,小三房仍然以其靓丽的英姿倍受人们的追捧。 12. Farmers may keep the remains of maize or other crop on top of the soil. 农民可能会在地里保留玉米或者其它作物的残骸。 13. 13. Atmospheric port remains closed by deflection of diaphragm seal. 大气端口通过隔膜密封的偏转保持关闭状态。 14. It is very important, almost crucial, that this compactness remains the constant feature of this group and this team. 这是重要的,也是至关紧要的。这样紧密保持了这个团体和队伍的持续特征。 15. Any data that could not be moved to volumes in the reclamation storage pool still remains on volumes in the original storage pool. 任何不能被移动到回收存储池所含卷的数据仍然会保留在源存储池的卷中。 16. Herbs perennial, scapose, rhizomatous or with a caudex covered with petiolar remains of previous years. 多年生草本,具花葶,根状茎或具一为petiolar所覆盖残余的第二年。 17. Herbs perennial, scapose, pulvinate, with a well-developed and few- to many-branched caudex covered with leaves or leaf remains of previous years. 多年生草本,具花葶,垫状,一发育良好和少数到多数分枝块根为叶或叶第二年的残余所覆盖的具。 18. remains 18. It is essential for the full mental and psychological development of the puppy that he remains with his mother and his littermates for the first 7 weeks. 它对于充分发育和心理发育的小狗,他仍与他的母亲和他的窝的头7个星期。 19. remains 19. He said that we are to go into the remains of tomb built for an Egyptian pharaoh. 他说我们要去的地方是一个埃及法老的墓穴。 20. When a circuit breaker opens to deenergize a piece of equipment, one side of the circuit breaker usually remains energized, as it is connected to operating equipment. 当断路器打开deenergize一台设备,一方断路器通常仍然充满活力,因为它是连接到操作系统的设备。 remains 单语例句 1. As challenging as this demand is, the Energy Minister remains confident that it represents an unmissable business opportunity. 2. Despite the current economic downturn that has hit charity fundraising in the US, the business sector remains optimistic about its international aid endeavors. 3. Wyden says that while there are numerous interpretations of how the Patriot Act works, the official government interpretation of the law remains classified. 4. The domestic rebalancing toward households buying more of basic Chinese production remains no easy task. 5. Whether an appearance before the Security Council by Ahmadinejad would affect the contents or vote on a new UN resolution remains to be seen. 6. It remains to be seen whether local leaders in Liuyang are duly punished for the cadmium pollution. 7. Why the school chose to present a video of a Caesarean section operation rather than a natural childbirth remains a mystery. 8. How the dog actually set the parked vehicle in motion remains a mystery, but the van crashed into the cafe window. 9. Lu also drew attention to the subject of cafeteria establishment and management, adding that publicity is needed to ensure information remains available to the public. 10. The secondary market in the sales market remains active with local and overseas Chinese being the largest groups of buyers. remains什么意思remains 英英释义 noun 1. the dead body of a human being e.g. the cadaver was intended for dissection the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay Synonym: cadavercorpsestiffclay 2. any object that is left unused or still extant e.g. I threw out the remains of my dinner |
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