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单词 homeostasis
    homeostasis [英 [?h??mi??ste?s?s] 美 [?homio?stes?s] ]
    homeostasis 基本解释
    名词动态平衡; 动态静止; (社会群体的)自我平衡; 原状稳定
    homeostasis 网络解释
    1. 体内平衡:但若刚好感冒或生病(感染病、过敏等),体内平衡(Homeostasis)会变得敏感想保护身体,不易达到减肥效果,此时等恢复健康后再开始为宜. 此外,身体对季节变迁很敏感,如果在由春转夏或由秋入冬身体容易出现变化的时期开始减肥,也比较容易看到效果.
    2. 恒定性:人类和动物一样,一旦生病了,自然会食欲不振,这是因为恒定性(homeostasis)发挥了作用,为了治疗疾病而停止食欲的缘故,也就是身体故意要降低营养状态,让白血球饿肚子,以利提高免疫力所进行的调节工作.
    homeostasis 双语例句
    1. Platelet counts were dropped dramatically in animals that received antibody injection within 4 h, maintained at the mini-mum level for a period of 44 h, started to rebound after 48 h, and reached to the maximum at 144 h (6 days). Final homeostasis reached at approximately 408 h (17 days), following a minor cycle of platelet number fluctuation.
    2. Apoptosis is a form of altruistic cell suicide, which is involved in many physiological processes including tissue homeostasis, embryonic development, and immune response.
    3. homeostasis的翻译
    3. In addition, there is increasing evidences to show that ghrelin acts as a key role in regulating food intake and energy homeostasis.
    4. homeostasis
    4. Several topics are discussed:(1)Brief introduction, (2)Shelf stable prtoductsSSP, (3)Intermediate moisture foodsIMF, (4)Homeostasis of microorganisms, (5)Applications of hurdle technology in less developed countries, a...
    5. homeostasis的解释
    5. This study has important implication for understanding the mechanism of IBP associated with immunological homeostasis and development of new prevention and treatment about autoimmune diseases.
    6. The data indicates that AnMianfang possesses the property to facilitate the neroendocrine-immune network by multiple ways to exact its sedation and hypnosis and the treatment for insomnia. It also can adjust the internal environment of body and rebound the homeostasis of insomnia. It is less side effect and better curative effect than those of synthetic chemicals.
    7. The technique of treatment of oral mucoid cyst with Ho:YA G laser is an effect and safe thearapeutics with the characteristics of excellen t homeostasis, improved visualization, minimal thermal damage to surrounding tissu e, shorter period of rescovery and easy to operate.
    8. Objective To investigate the effect of rapamycin on cholesterol homeostasis of glomerular mesangial cells and the underlying mechanism.
    目的 研究雷帕霉素对炎性反应状态下肾小球系膜细胞内脂质稳态的影响及探讨其可能机制。
    9. Salt stress condition may activate multiple signaling pathways, and activate or inhibit downstream effect genes, including genes related with ion transport and reestablishing homeostasis, genes that participate in the biosynthesis of osmoprotectants, genes related with water-deficit stress and genes related to scavenging ROS or preventing them from damage of cell...
    10. Aim to study the role of caveolin 1 in vascular smooth muscle cells cholesterol homeostasis.
    通过观察天然和氧化型低密度脂蛋白对细胞内胆固醇转运蛋白caveolin 1表达的影响,探索动脉粥样硬化发生过程中血管平滑肌细胞胆固醇逆转运的分子机制。
    11. The functions of these cells include the formation and excretion of bile regulation of carbohydrate homeostasis lipid synthesis and secretion of plasma lipoproteins control of cholesterol metabolism formation of urea serum albumin clotting factors enzymes and numerous proteins.
    12. Homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance=fasting plasma glucose×fasting insulin/22.5, homeostasis model assessment insulin aeschynomenous index=1/, index of insulin increment to gluncose increment at 30 min(△I_30/△G_30)=(I_30-I_0)/(G_30-G_0)post oral glucose, a...
    采用稳态模型评估法计算胰岛素抵抗指数,胰岛素敏感指数,胰岛素分泌指数,服葡萄糖后30 min胰岛素增值与血糖增值的比值(ΔI30/ΔG30)、胰岛素曲线下面积。
    13. Methods: Fasting glucose, fasting insulinemia, plasmingin activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and tissue type plasmingin activator were measured in 41 patients (mean age 25.12±5.2) with PCOS including 21 IR people and 20 insulin sensitive people and in 30 healthy controls. Body mass index and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance were also calculated.
    14. Intracellular free calcium, one of the important second messengers, is the basis of signal transduction in the central nervous system, and keeping or the calaium homeostasis is the premise of signal transduction in CNS.
    15. The journal publishes original studies in all branches of theoretical and experimental ecology, reviews and papers on topics currently in debate, information about new methods of investigation, book reviews, and chronicles, including study of structure of populations under various environmental conditions; problems of biodiversity and stability of ecosystems; some types of variability of the morpho-physiological characteristics of different species; homeostasis, adaptation and resistance to stresses; radioecology, impact on living organisms and biological systems; new methods in ecology.
    16. The cellular function of electroneutral K-Cl cotransport is to regulate epithelial ion transport and osmotic homeostasis.
    17. These hormones, cortisol and corticosterone, function to maintain or restore homeostasis through energy mobilization, and regulation of immune responses to infection.
    18. Detailed knowledge of the structure of the glucose transporters will lead to advances in the understanding and therapeutics of glucose homeostasis disorders, including type 2 diabetes mellitus.
    19. Oxygen plays an important role in energy metabolization and homeostasis as well as a variety of life processes.
    20. Aspects of the bioaccumulation of heavy metals are reviewed and possible evidence of homeostasis is highlighted.
    homeostasis 英英释义
    1. (physiology) metabolic equilibrium actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate via the autonomic nervous system to offset disrupting changes




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