单词 | hurdle |
释义 | hurdle [英 [?h?:dl] 美 [?h?:rdl] ] hurdle的意思、解释 过去式:hurdled; 过去分词:hurdled; 现在分词:hurdling; 复数形式:hurdles; hurdle 基本解释 hurdle什么意思 名词障碍,困难; 跳栏; 障碍赛跑; [史]囚笼,囚车 不及物动词克服困难; 越过障碍; 参加跨栏赛跑 及物动词跳过障碍; 跳栏; 用疏篱围住; 克服困难 hurdle 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. The horse hurdled both the fence and the ditch. 这马连篱笆和沟都跳过去了。 2. hurdle的解释 2. The horse hurdled the fence with ease. 那匹马轻而易举地跨过栅栏。 名词 1. He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer. 他克服了许多困难成为一名律师。 2. 2. The final hurdles have been removed. 最后的障碍已被排除了。 hurdle 网络解释 1. hurdle的近义词 1. 跨栏:110m男子跨栏(Hurdle)冠军是12:96,仍不及刘翔的world record 12:88;女子撑竿跳高(Pole Vault)打破了美国记录,挑战世界记录失败;1500m决赛(final)一个16岁长发及腰的初中小姑娘,成为一道亮丽的风景; 2. 栏:郭晶晶(CHN) 依然超杀:Lisbeth Trickett 游泳天王团:(USA)马琳(CHN) 羽球天才:林丹(CHN) 羽球无双:女子跳高(High Jump)金牌 女子撑竿跳(Pole Vault)金牌男子标枪(Javelin Throw)金牌(表情真的超臭屁的) 男子110公尺跨栏(Hurdle)金牌在未来更无国界的世界里, 3. 跨栏跑:自从刘翔在雅典奥运会为亚洲夺得110米栏的金牌后,跨栏跑成了我们现在最喜爱的田径项目. 那你对跨栏跑了解多少呢?一起来了解下吧. 跨栏跑(Hurdle)起源于英国. 17~18世纪时,英国牧羊人经常跨越羊圈,这种游戏逐渐演变为跨栏跑. 成为田径比赛项目已有10 0多年历史. 4. 障碍:humiliate使......丢脸 | hurdle障碍 | hypercritical吹毛求疵的 hurdle 双语例句 1. hurdle什么意思 1. Sang the second hurdle is public land. 第二关是桑土公。 2. In the beginning of this hurdle will be the two players who state: that is, to deter and interesting use of God, if you or a player to use with Emei Muji if so, can the shock and awe to lift themselves out state, so that's very easy to kill, but also卓不凡immune or immune外功his strength is not only the public that land mulberry dwarf is the stealth, the clearance is very easy to kill them the same. 在这一关开始的时候玩家身上会出现两个状态:即震慑和有趣如果玩家使用神佑或者峨眉使用带若木鸡的话,可以解除掉自身的震慑状态,这样就杀的很轻松了,只是卓不凡也会免疫外功或者免疫内功只不过他不像桑土公那侏儒是的隐身,这一关杀起来照样很轻松。 3. hurdle的翻译 3. Several topics are discussed:(1)Brief introduction, (2)Shelf stable prtoductsSSP, (3)Intermediate moisture foodsIMF, (4)Homeostasis of microorganisms, (5)Applications of hurdle technology in less developed countries, a... 本文综述了综合保藏方法的原理及其在食品加工中的应用,包括:(1)概述(2)耐藏食品———SSP(3)半干食品———IMF(4)微生物的体内平衡(5)综合保藏方法在发展中国家的应用(6)展望。 4. In fact, before scanning in a formal, unction is essential, it is to ensure that scan the first hurdle effect. 其实,在正式扫描前,预扫功能是非常必要的,它是保证扫描效果的第一道关卡。 5. A major hurdle that humbles the modernization of traditional Chinese herbal medicine is the inconsistency of chemical composition, which is inevitable due to the natural origins of CHM. 传统中医药现代化的主要困境在于天然药物必然的化学成分的不可控性。 6. The Shenxin, we engage in piece-rate system is to bring good quality for the past that hurdle, of course, than the average factory wages are also much higher. 在申鑫,我们不搞计件制,为的是把好质量这一关,当然工资也会比一般的工厂要高很多。 7. Now, as the city's first batch of vaccination A stream populations, communities, Community A front-line health care workers responsible for the prevention and control flow of the first hurdle. 目前,作为全市首批甲流疫苗接种人群,社区一线医护人员担负着社区甲流防控第一关。 8. Alintuck says the biggest hurdle for the US now is to put on a great presentation and not just have a building, but also create an experience that's going to be special for so many people. 阿林图科认为美国馆现在遇到的最大障碍是如何有一个宏伟的亮相:美国馆不仅仅要呈现一个建筑,而且要让来这里的人们得到一种特殊的体验。 9. Real Estate Development; Time to Develop; Real Options; Hurdle Ratio; the First Passage Time Approach 房地产开发;开发时机;Hurdle比;实物期权;首次可达时间方法 10. That was an important first hurdle to clear, and now we have another. 这是一个重要的第一道障碍,以明确的,现在我们有另一个。 11. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be in is the support of other people. 你和你要达到的目标之间的唯一障碍,就是别人的支持 12. It is simply a hurdle that you need to overcome. 原因很简单,你必须克服的障碍。 13. This is perhaps the biggest hurdle for many people in working with others. 这也许是许多人同其他人工作的最大障碍。 14. You need to get over that all important VC hurdle... this is a BIG market. 你要突破那些重要的 VC 难关……这是个大市场。 15. hurdle的解释 15. This is by far the most important hurdle in a country's development success. 这是目前对于中国发展成功最重要的障碍。 16. The second new hurdle is the unpaid internship. 第二个新的障碍是没有报酬的实习。 17. 17. First of all, I would like to have the first hurdle, the enterprise does not have any more money, the money chain is broken, there is no account, which is foreign trade enterprises, there are no foreign customer's orders, still owe the vendor have a lot of money, the people have made goods did not give people the benefit payment funds strand breaks, hejiou Enterprise? 首先,我要过的第一关,就是这个企业没有钱了,资金链断了,没有客户了,它是外贸企业,既没有国外客户的订单,还欠了人家供应商很多的钱,人家交了货没有给人家付货款,在资金链断裂的情况下,如何把企业扭亏为盈呢? 18. She's get a good chance of winning the hurdle race. 她很有希望在跨栏赛跑中获胜。 19. She's got a good chance of winning the hurdle race. 她很有希望在跨栏赛跑中获胜。 20. If you can jump over this final hurdle you've done it! 如果你能跳转超过这个最后的障碍,您这样做! hurdle 词典解释 1. 障碍;困难;难关 A hurdle is a problem, difficulty, or part of a process that may prevent you from achieving something. e.g. Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are packed off home... 三分之二的候选人在第一个难关就败下阵来,只好打包回家了。 e.g. The weather will be the biggest hurdle so I have to be ready. 天气将会是最大的障碍,所以我必须要作好准备。 2. 跨栏赛跑;障碍赛跑 Hurdles is a race in which people have to jump over a number of obstacles that are also called hurdles. You can use hurdles to refer to one or more races. hurdle e.g. Davis won the 400m. hurdles in a new Olympic time of 49.3 sec. 戴维斯以49.3秒的成绩刷新奥运会纪录,在400米跨栏赛跑中一举夺冠。 3. (在跑步过程中)跳跃,跨越 If you hurdle, you jump over something while you are running. e.g. He crossed the lawn and hurdled the short fence... 他跑过草地,跳过低矮的栅栏。 e.g. She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family's farm. 她通过在自家农场里跳跨干草捆学会了跨栏。 hurdle 单语例句 1. " The biggest hurdle is the lack of a sound credit information system, " Xu tells China Business Weekly. 2. The key hurdle to such a deal is an agreement between the parties on who should be the next chancellor. 3. The case is the latest legal hurdle Apple has had to clear in China. 4. The biggest hurdle is getting clearance from the local government officials, failing which marketing activities of the show come to a halt. 5. But she slammed into the last hurdle while leading the 1992 Olympic final, crawling to the finish line in fifth place. 6. The women's side of the draw was a much more eventful affair, with three of the top eight seeds failing to make it past the first hurdle. 7. The analyst said he believes engine problems will be the biggest hurdle in making the newest delivery date. 8. Peng and Sun Tiantian had also gone out at the first hurdle, but Yan insisted there was no reason for despondency. 9. Limited technological levels are a tall hurdle for China to leap over in its efforts to develop renewable energy resources. 10. Morey said Clanton's diagnosis was a " key hurdle " in Yao's road back. hurdle 英英释义 noun 1. the act of jumping over an obstacle Synonym: vault 2. a light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain races 3. an obstacle that you are expected to overcome e.g. the last hurdle before graduation verb 1. jump a hurdle |
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