单词 | lobe |
释义 | lobe [英 [l??b] 美 [lo?b] ] lobe的意思、解释 复数形式:lobes; lobe 基本解释 lobe的反义词 名词裂片; 肺叶; 耳垂; 脑叶 lobe的近义词 lobe 网络解释 1. 脑叶:大脑皮质有四片脑叶(lobe),任何一叶的损坏都会导致特殊的问题,例如:枕叶(occipital lobe)位於头部后方,主管脑部主要的视觉区域. 该区域若受伤,会造成视觉受损,受伤程度严重者,甚至可导致失明. 位於头部另一边、耳朵后方的颞叶(temporal lobe)若受损, 2. 肺叶:(4)肺叶、肺段、肺小叶:肺叶(lobe)由叶间胸膜分隔而成,右肺分为上、中、下三个肺叶,左肺上、下两个肺叶. 肺叶与肺野的概念不同,肺叶前后重叠. 肺叶由2~5个肺段组成,每个肺段有单独的段支气管. 肺段常呈圆锥形,尖端指向肺门, lobe 双语例句 1. Frontal lobe epilepsy is prone to attack insleep, so sleep EEG is important in the evaluation of nocturnal epilepsy, especially in idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy. 额叶癫痫容易在夜间发作,故睡眠脑电图对睡眠发作的癫痫尤其是特发性夜间额叶癫痫具有重要的诊断价值。 2. lobe的解释 2. Part one Clinical study of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy ObjectiveTo make a comprehensive understanding of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, the clinical, electroencephalogram, neuroimaging, therapeutic efficacy and prognosis of 114 cases were analyzed. 第一部分:特发性夜间额叶癫痫的临床研究目的分析114例特发性夜间额叶癫痫患者的临床特征、脑电图、神经影像学、治疗效果及预后。 3. 3. This report performed DNA screening mainly in sporadic idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy and part of the familial nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases in China. No gene mutation in known regions of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor was found. 本研究主要针对我国散发性夜间额叶癫痫及部分家族性夜间额叶癫痫病例进行基因筛查,没有发现神经元烟碱乙酰胆碱受体目前已经确定的位点的基因突变。 4. MethodsBased on the progress reported in this field, we selected two definitive ADNFLE genes CHRNA4, CHRNB2 as candidate genes and DNA sequencing was performed on the 5~ exons in 13 families of 18 idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases, 23 sporadic idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases and 26 first degree relatives. 对象与方法检索文献,选择ADNFLE的两种确定的突变基因CHRNA4、CHRNB2基因为候选基因,用基因测序的方法对13个家系中18例家族性特发性夜间额叶癫痫患者、23例散发性特发性夜间额叶癫痫患者及其26例一级亲属进行CHRNA4、CHRNB2基因第5外显子的突变筛查研究。 5. Part two Molecular genetic study of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobeepilepsyObjectiveWe selected two definitive autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy genes CHRNA4, CHRNB2 as candidate genes and DNA sequencing was performed on the 5~ exons. 第二部分:特发性夜间额叶癫痫的分子遗传学研究目的选择常染色体显性遗传夜间额叶癫痫的两种确定的突变基因CHRNA4、CHRNB2基因第5外显子进行基因的突变筛查研究。 6. 6. A possible reasons may be insufficient cases, small andatypical family, too short gene screening field; becase heterogeneity exists in idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, there may be gene mutation in other regions except the 5~ exons of the CHRNA4 and CHRNB2 genes in nAChR. There may also be other unknown responsible genes except nAChR. 可能的原因为病例数少,家系不典型,筛选基因范围过窄,未能有阳性发现;由于特发性夜间额叶癫痫存在遗传异质性,可能存在nAChR中CHRNA4、CHRNB2基因第5外显子以外的其他位点的基因突变,也可能存在nAChR以外的其他尚未明确的责任基因。 7. lobe 7. ResultsIdiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy has distinctive clinical seizure characteristics. The onset age is younger than 20 and the ratio of male cases to female cases is 2 to 1. The most notable clinical characteristics are nocturnal clustered postural or dystonic seizures and complex motor activities, with 14% of the patients have epileptic family history. The interictal routine EEG of 22.9% and active EEG of 28% cases in wakeness and 38% cases in sleep showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge while the ictal EEG of 66.7% cases showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge. Drug therapy is effective in 80% cases with 30% completely controlled. 结果 特发性夜间额叶癫痫具有特征性的临床发作特点,大多数于20岁之前起病,男女比例2:1,以夜间成串的偏转性、姿势性强直及过度运动发作为最显著的临床特征。14%有阳性癫痫家族史。22.9%清醒发作间期常规脑电图及28%清醒发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,38%患者的睡眠发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,66.7%患者的发作期脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电。80%药物治疗有效,30%可完全控制。 8. 8. Stems and leaves hairy; calyx membranous; corolla tube more than 2 cm, middle lobe of lower lip 2-lobed; stamens inserted at throat; filaments pilose 茎和叶有毛;花萼膜质;花冠筒超过2厘米,下唇的中部裂片2裂;雄蕊着生的在喉部;花丝具柔毛 2 Lancea hirsuta 粗毛肉果草 9. Stems and leaves glabrous; calyx leathery; corolla tube 0.8-1.3 cm, middle lobe of lower lip entire; stamens inserted near middle of corolla tube; filaments glabrous 茎和叶无毛;花萼革质;花冠筒0.8-1.3厘米,更低的唇全缘的中部裂片;雄蕊花冠筒的着生的近中部;花丝无毛 1 Lancea tibetica 肉果草 10. lobe 10. The cam has a high point, or lobe; every time the cam rotates, the lobe comes around under the valve lifter and move it upward. 凸轮有一个最高点,即凸角,每一次,凸轮旋转,凸角旋转到挺杆的下部,使其向上移动。 11. The results show that mixer/ejector performance to be strongly dependent on lobe shape. 实验和计算结果表明:引射混合器的性能受波瓣形状的影响很大。 12. lobe 12. From medial to lateral, the cerebral cortex can be divided into three parts: hippocampus, general cortex and pyriform lobe, there is no distinct boundary between them, but the cell organization is different. 从内侧到外侧,大脑皮层可分为海马、新皮质和梨状皮质三部分,三者之间无明显界线,细胞排布有所区别。 13. Methods Sibling pigs were used, and the right liver lobe of the donor pig was transplanted into right subhepatic space of the recipient to establish the model of heterotopic partial liver transplantation. Hemodynamic monitoring was carried out by catheterizing from right superficial cervical vein to measure heart rate, mean arterial pressure, central vein pressure, pulmonary arterial wedge pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure and cardiac output. 采用同窝猪建立右肝下异位部分肝移植模型,从右颈浅静脉切开插管,监测心率、平均动脉压、中心静脉压、肺动脉楔压、心排出量、平均肺动脉压等血液动力学指标,观察异位部分肝移植术中血液动力学变化规律。 14. The term area 10 of Brodmann refers to a subdivision of the frontal lobe of the guenon defined on the basis of cytoarchitecture. 布鲁德曼第十区在细胞构筑论的基础上指的是额叶的一个细分结构。 15. During ictal SPECT studies, 18 showed hyper-perfusion in solitary lobe, multi-hyper-perfusion foci in 10 patients. Compared the two examinations, 26(86.7%) were accorded with each other in 30 patients. Of the 12 patients with multiple and diffuse hypometabolism in interictal PET, 6 patients showed foci changed to solitary focal hyper-perfusion in ictal SPECT. 发作期SPECT显像18例为单叶局限性高灌注,10例为多处高灌注灶。30例患者中26例(86.7%)两项检查结果相符合,12例PET发作间期呈多病灶或弥漫性改变者,6例于发作期转化为单叶局限性病灶。 16. lobe的近义词 16. Major diseased regions of primary progressive phasia were located at left temporal or frontal lobe, where hypoperfnsion and hypometabolism were found as compared with those of contmlateml side and the number of fibers between Wemicke' s and Broca' s areas was decreased. 结论原发性进行性失语病变的部位主要在左侧颞叶、额叶,与对侧相应区域对比呈现低灌注、低代谢状态,Broca区与Wernicke联系纤维减少。 17. What astronomers discovered was a minute fluctuation in the A lobe, but no corrosponding fluctuation in the B lobe. 什么天文学家发现的是一分钟的波动在A肺叶,但没有corrosponding波动在B肺叶。 18. Chest radiography showed a mass 9 cm at the right upper lobe. 胸部X光显示,大约有一个9公分的肿瘤在右上肺叶。 19. The tri lobe d structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobe s of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance. 小脑脑的三裂叶状组织,位于脑桥和延髓之后脑半球的枕叶下面,负责调节和协调复杂的自发肌肉运动,同时负责保持身体姿势的平衡 20. The lobe feature offers excellent performance in washdown applications. 叶功能提供了在冲洗应用的出色表现。 lobe 词典解释 1. 耳垂 The lobe of your ear is the soft, fleshy part at the bottom. 2. (脑、肺等的)叶;(树叶的)裂片 A lobe is a rounded part of something, for example one of the sections of your brain or lungs, or one of the rounded sections along the edges of some leaves. lobe是什么意思 e.g. ...damage to the temporal lobe of the brain. 对大脑颞叶的损伤 -lobed ...a plant with large three-lobed leaves. 长有三裂片大叶的植物lobe 单语例句 1. A psychiatric report indicated Ng suffers from frontal lobe disorder, which could affect his judgment. 2. He had fever and was admitted to hospital for lower lobe pneumonia on Monday. 3. Massachusetts General earlier said Kennedy's tumor was in the left parietal lobe of the brain. 4. His father developed a fever and was hospitalized for lower lobe pneumonia on December 3, the day after his son's death. 5. The area in question - the right parietal lobe - is responsible for defining " Me, " said researcher Brick Johnstone of Missouri University. 6. He developed a fever and was hospitalized for lower lobe pneumonia on December 3, according to the ministry. 7. He developed symptoms of fever and was hospitalized for lower lobe pneumonia on Monday. 8. The researchers pinpointed this hyperactive response to a shutdown of the prefrontal lobe, a brain region that normally keeps emotions under control. lobe什么意思lobe 英英释义 lobe的翻译 noun 1. a rounded projection that is part of a larger structure 2. (anatomy) a somewhat rounded subdivision of a bodily organ or part e.g. ear lobe 3. the enhanced response of an antenna in a given direction as indicated by a loop in its radiation pattern 4. (botany) a part into which a leaf is divided |
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