单词 | birth rate |
释义 | birth rate [英 [b?:θ reit] 美 [b?θ ret] ] birth rate的意思、解释 复数形式:birth rates; birth rate 基本解释 名词人口出生率 birth rate 网络解释 1. 出生率:俺出生在一个出生率(birth rate)还没有受到控制的年代,人口过剩(overpopulation)严重,人口素质(quality of population)也不高. 加上经济... 2. 人口出生率:人均资源量the per-capita quantity of the resources | 人口出生率birth rate | 人口断层population faulting 3. 再生速度:Birth诞生;生产 | Birth Rate再生速度 | Blast爆炸 4. 出生率 出生率:birth control 生育控制 生物控制; 節育 Y | birth rate 出生率 出生率 Y | birth-death ratio 生死比率 出生死亡比率 Y birth rate 双语例句 1. The birth rate of MZ twins keeps relatively stable before 34, and then increase with maternal age. The twins sex ratio is lower than that of the same population significantly in China, and the twins sex ratios at the age groups of 15—19 and 45—49 which are possibly caused by the lower MZ twins sex ratios are'lower than that at any other age groups. 中国双生子出生性别比显著性低于同期群体出生性别比,15—19岁和45—49岁年龄组出生的双生子性别比低于其它年龄组出生的双生子性别比,15—19岁和45—49岁年龄组出生的双生子性别比较低可能是较低的MZ双生子出生性别比造成的。 2. Firstly, it has the highest annual birth rate in the world of 2.8% and secondly, its indigenous population consists of Melanesians, Polynesians, Micronesians, Europeans, Chinese and other ethnic minority groups living and working together in the country. 第一,其2.8%的人口年出生率位居全世界最高;第二,他的人口种族包括有美拉尼西亚人,波里尼西亚人,密克罗尼西亚人,欧洲人,中国人一及其他少数民族等,这些不同族群的人工作并居住在一起。 3. birth rate是什么意思 3. It concludes popularize scientific breeding knowledge and measures to decreased the rate of the birth defects and cerebral palsy are key to reduce the mortality of sick and disabled children. 提示加强优生优育的健康教育,注意孕妇孕期和围产期保健,减少出生缺陷和脑瘫的发生率,是降低病残儿死亡率的关键。 4. Based on a critical literature review and an analysis of the relevant statistical data, this article attempts to show that the problems of China's population structure could not be solved by adopting a higher birth rate. 在综述理论界讨论的基础上,通过对相关统计资料的分析,说明调高总和生育率水平解决不了我国人口的结构问题。 5. Results (1) Significant difference was not observed statistically for the in vitro hatching rate (n=102), the birth rate (n=79), birth weight and organ weight (n=133) at 3 weeks after births between mice born from biopsied embryos and controls. 结果 (1)活检胚胎的孵出率(4细胞期84.6%,8细胞期90.0%,n=102)、移植后种植率(4细胞期66.7%,8细胞期70.3%,n=79)、小鼠出生体重及出生3周时主要脏器重量(n=133),与未活检对照鼠无显著差异(P>0.05)。 6. The birth rate went from 1.73 to 1.8 babies per woman, the highest in 13 years. 出生率从每名妇女平均产育1.73提升至1.8,创十三年来新高。 7. Ministry of Interior statistics demonstrate an annually declining birth rate in Taiwan, from 2.44% in 内政部的统计资料显示台湾的出生率逐年下降,从1979 的2.44%下降至2004 年的0.96%。 8. The shape of the population pyramid varies with birth rate, death rate and mobility as a result of migration. 人口金字塔是反映地区人口和年龄性别比例的图像,形状像金字塔。 9. birth rate的解释 9. Because the birth rate has been dropped year by year, Taiwan's society face the problem of baby bust. The number of child has reduced in each family, therefore the parents pay more attention on childhood education, thus they expect a higher quality of children's books. 中文摘要由於出生率逐年递减,台湾社会面临到少子化的人口社会现象,而每个家庭的小孩人数变少,因此家长会更加重视孩子童年时期的教育,进而会对儿童书籍的内容方面要求更高的品质。 10. When property prices decline after a bubble bursts, the low birth rate culture cannot be changed. 当泡沫破灭的时候,房地产价格下降,低生育水平的文化观念是无法改变的。 11. Evian spring water a large nunber of noble women's skin beauty beauty beauty recipe. Evian sping water filtered h layers of mineral salts in the gave birth to 75 years later, sentenced to 80 meters from the ground at the end of a fixed flow rate(40000l/j)And temperature (27℃)continue to gush. It is pure sterile, rich in calcium, copper, zinc and manganese, have anti-inflamatory anti-itching, soothing sedative, anti-free radicals, PauRehabilitatin of water wet resin film effect on the already, offrequent allergies, poor tolerance to the skin better. 埃维昂温泉水经过层层矿物盐的过滤,在地下孕育了75年以后,从地底80米处以固定的流速(40000l/j )和温度(27℃)不断涌出。 12. Based on an annual birth rate of about 4 million children, in the U. S. 十岁的时候多出了58例(图20)。 13. 13. Are facing a serious situation, we in the municipal government and town party committees under the correct leadership makes a concerted effort to overcome difficulties, seize the opportunity, pragmatic and pioneering spirit, work hard, better to complete the proposed beginning of the year objectives, tasks, maintaining sustained economic growth and social undertakings in the comprehensive progress, showing a good momentum of development. GDP to reach the town in 2008 is expected to 1.63 billion, an increase of 9% of urban residents per capita income of 11.03 thousand yuan, an increase of 6%; town 258 million total income of rural economy, an increase of 8%, rural per capita net income 3758 yuan, an increase of 8.2%; above-scale enterprises to increase the value of 120 million yuan, an increase of 4%, local financial revenue 122 million, an increase of 10%, the tax 120 million yuan; town revenue RMB17.05 million, the completion of the task 153% annual budget, including the completion of extra-budgetary revenue 121% year mandate to complete the annual task of budget revenues by 130%; birth rate of 91.2%. 面对严峻形势,我们在市委、市政府和镇党委的正确领导下,上下齐心协力,克服困难,抢抓机遇,求真务实,开拓进取,奋力拼搏,较好地完成了年初提出的各项目标任务,保持了经济持续增长和社会事业的全面进步,呈现出良好的发展态势。2008年预计全镇GDP达到16.3 亿元,增长9%,城镇居民人均收入11030元,增长6%;全镇农村经济总收入2.58亿元,增长8%,农村人均纯收入3758元,增长8.2%;规模以上企业实现增加值 1.2亿元,同比增长4 %,地方财政收入1.22亿元,增长10 %,税收1.2亿元;全镇财政收入1705万元,完成年度预算任务的153%,其中完成预算外收入年度任务的121%,完成预算内收入年度任务的130%;计划生育率达到91.2%。 14. birth rate是什么意思 14. But long life expectancies combined with a tumbling birth rate may be storing up problems for Japan, where one in five of the population is over 65 and the figure is expected to jump to one in four in the next decade. 但在日本人平均寿命上升的同时,日本人口老龄化问题却日益严重。新生婴儿增长率的下滑也进一步加剧了这一态势。据统计,如今五分之一的日本人超过了65岁,如人口出生率一再下降,几年之后这个比例将上升为四分之一。 15. birth rate 15. The mortality rate of premature infants had close relation with gestational age, birth weight and sclerema neonatorum. 早产儿死亡率与孕周、体重密切相关,并发硬肿症者死亡率更高。 16. birth rate的反义词 16. Results 234 children received timely birth dose HepB among 852 children, timely coverage rate was 27.46%. 结果852名调查儿童中,HepB1及时接种234名,及时接种率27.46%。 17. The HepB regulatory agencies, newborn delivery agencies, pregnant women and children's mothers were investigated in order to explore the factors of impacting the timely birth dose rate. 通过对HepB接种管理机构、新生儿接生机构以及孕、产妇的调查,了解当地的公共卫生服务提供状况,接种疫苗管。。。 18. birth rate的反义词 18. One featuring a high birth rate, low mortality rate and high growth rate to one of a low birth rate 这标志着中国人口再生产类型,实现了从高出生、低死亡、高增长,转到低出生、低死亡、低增长的历史性转变。 19. The transmission rate in the study was decreased to 1% in the first four weeks after birth and later, said Joseph Vyankandondera, MD, from Centre Hospitalier in Kigali, Rwanda. 根据昨天在国际爱滋病病原学和治疗学会第二届会议中所发表的研究,卢旺达中心医院的Joseph Vyankandondera博士表示,这种治疗方式可以显著地减少爱滋病病毒由母亲传染给婴儿的机会,本研究中婴儿出生后前四周的感染率被降低至1%。 20. Crude birth rate - CBR Birth rate for an entire population. 总出生率整个人口的出生率。 birth rate 词典解释 1. 出生率 The birth rate in a place is the number of babies born there for every 1000 people during a particular period of time. birth rate是什么意思 e.g. The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe. 在西欧,英国女性在15到19岁之间生育率最高。 e.g. ...a falling birth-rate. 正在下降的出生率 birth rate 单语例句birth rate的解释 1. Some people argue that the change from high to low birth rate has lowered the child dependency ratio. 2. The family program committee in Shanghai has already established a birth rate forecast system. 3. Pandas have a low birth rate and artificial insemination is common in captive breeding programs. 4. The demography of Xinjiang shows the features of low rate of birth, low rate of death and low rate of increase. 5. Wu maintains that the ageing population will peak again in 60 years if the birth rate was raised today. 6. As birth rate in Spain has dropped, immigrant flow will help deal with the problems caused by an ageing population. 7. She said air pollution causes the incidence rate of birth defects in the city to be higher than in the countryside. 8. Researchers also linked the high rate of birth defects in the country to air pollution. 9. France also has a higher birth rate than all other European countries, and is the only one that renews each generation. 10. Data suggest that intervention in birth defects in East China's Shandong Province has already helped in reducing the high rate problematic births there. birth rate 英英释义 noun 1. the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area expressed per 1000 population per year Synonym: birthratefertilityfertility ratenatality |
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