单词 | heaven |
释义 | heaven [英 [?hevn] 美 [?h?v?n] ] heaven的意思、解释 复数形式:heavens; heaven 基本解释 名词天堂; 天; 上帝; 极乐 heaven 同义词 heaven的意思 名词skyecstasyspaceblissparadise heaven heaven 反义词 名词earthhell heaven 相关词组 heaven 1. in heaven : 已死; 2. under heaven : 究竟; 3. Heaven forbid : [口]但愿不会如此!千万不要这样!苍天不容!; 4. move heaven and earth : 竭尽全力; 5. go to heaven : 死去, 进天国; heaven 相关例句 1. Witness Heaven ! 让老天作证吧! 名词 1. I was in heaven when I heard the news. 我听到这消息时高兴极了。 2. I was in heaven at the news. 我听到这消息乐得飘飘然。 3. By Heaven! 老天在上! 4. May her soul rest in Heaven. 但愿她的灵魂在天国安息。 heaven 网络解释 1. 疾走天堂:从(The Man ho Cred)中的舞女到(The Gft)中拥有特异功能的单亲妈妈,从(Bandts)中不甘平凡的女子到(Heaven)中为夫缉凶的坚强女子,凯特-布兰切特演起来都是那么的游刃有余, heaven 双语例句 1. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name 我们的天父,愿你的名受显扬 2. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be the name. 0 3. heaven是什么意思 3. Even now, there in heaven is my Witness, And He who vouches for me is in the heights. 16:19 现今在天上有我的见证人,在高处有我的作证者。 4. Your handmaid is, indeed, a God-fearing woman, serving the God of heaven night and day. 你的婢女原是敬畏天主的人,日夜都要服侍天上的大主。 5. heaven在线翻译 5. One Dream, One Life, Together to heaven. 敏秀之旅,我们心在一起。 6. The idea of animatism, Taoist's view of nature, the idea of the division and integration of man and heaven are investigatedsuccessively in this chapter, with the conclusion that all these ideas result inconformity in attitude. 第一章探讨了先秦秦汉文献中关于人与自然关系的思想观念及其影响下的实践态度。 7. heaven的解释 7. Without boasting, you know, count, I may say I know all the regimental drill-book by heart, and the standing orders, too, I know as I know `Our Father that art in Heaven. 这两个朋友于是交谈起来,其中一人讲到骠骑兵的饮宴作乐和战斗生涯,另一人讲到在上层人士率领下服役的欣喜和收益。 8. Dantès, cast from solitude into the world, frequently experienced an imperious desire for solitude; and what solitude is more complete, or more poetical, then that of a ship floating in isolation on the sea during the obscurity of the night, in the silence of immensity, and under the eye of heaven? 唐太斯虽然刚刚从孤独中挣脱出来,但有时却偏偏喜欢孤独,说到孤独,哪有比驾着一艘帆船,在朦胧的夜色里,无边的寂静中,苍天的俯视下,孤零零地漂浮在大海上的这种孤独更完美更富有诗意呢? 9. Le Ly Hayslip was one of these Viet Ku and documented her experience in the first book of her memoirs, When Heaven and Earth Changed Places. 乐利Hayslip是这些越南喾和记载她的经验中的第一本书,她的回忆录,当天地改变位置。 10. Priests say the poor must be content with their poverty and they'll find heaven hereafter. Idiots, cretinous ragpickers! 牧师们说穷人必须安于贫穷这样他们死后就能找到天堂。 11. The concept of one's soul going up to heaven after death was very popular in the Chu kingdom. 因为在当时的楚国,流行死后升天的意识瞎子堆里,独眼称王。 12. heaven 12. The Orante indicates the postures favoured by the early Christians, standing with hands extended, as Christ on the Cross, according to Tertullian; or with hands raised towards heaven, with bowed heads, or, for the faithful, with eyes raised toward heaven, and, for the catechumens, with eyes bent on the earth; prostration, kneeling, genuflection, and such gestures as striking the breast are all outward signs of the reverence proper for prayer, whether in public or private. 该orante表明姿态,赞成由早期的基督徒,常委,双手延长,正如基督在十字架上,根据良;或与举手向天,与鞠躬元首,或者是为忠诚,与对眼睛所提出的天堂,为慕道者,与眼睛一意孤行,对地球;虚脱,跪在地上,genuflection ,这种姿态令人惊奇的乳房都是向外的迹象,该崇敬适当的祈祷,无论是在公共或私人。 13. If the world is gone, I will wait for you in heaven. 如果秋天走了,我会在雪地里等你。 14. That's my idea of heaven. 那是我心目中的天堂 15. I am in the whoie vast distance between heaven and earth, looking for the traces of you. 我在整个辽阔的天地间跋涉,寻找你的痕迹。 16. Can say the process being that people crawls toward self ideal Heaven on the obstetric chair from birth. 可以说就是人们从出生的产床上向自己理想天堂爬行的过程。 17. Since then, I care for days, heart, heaven would meteorite rain; I heart angry days, days of the Han Galaxy crosswise. 此后,我怜天心,天上便陨星如雨;我怒天心,天汉则银河横斜。 18. In such a complicated space full of contradiction, words fail to express the thoughts surging in mind. Emotions being feeble, only the heaven of spirits can extend hope to you. 在这矛盾复杂的空间里,无法用语言表达内心的激荡,情感是乏力的,只有那精灵的天空才会给你带来希望。 19. Before the feast, in the light of ancient etiquette, Shinan Yiliao invited Confucius to toast Heaven and to make a speech. 宴会开始之前,市南宜僚按照古礼请孔子以酒祭天,并讲几句话。 20. heaven在线翻译 20. Jesus consoles them: you will be satisfied, and will laugh, and receive a great reward in heaven. 耶稣安慰他们说∶你们会得到满足,会欢笑,会在天上获享丰厚的赏报。 heaven 词典解释 1. 天堂;天国 In some religions, heaven is said to be the place where God lives, where good people go when they die, and where everyone is always happy. It is usually imagined as being high up in the sky. e.g. I believed that when I died I would go to heaven and see God. 我相信自己死后会升入天堂,见到上帝。 2. 极乐(之地);天堂般美好(的世界) You can use heaven to refer to a place or situation that you like very much. e.g. We went touring in Wales and Ireland. It was heaven... 我们去了威尔士和爱尔兰旅游。那里真是人间仙境。 e.g. I was in cinematic heaven. 我简直是到了观影者的天堂。 3. 天空 The heavens are the sky. e.g. He walked out into the middle of the road, looking up at the heavens. 他走出去站在大路中间,抬头仰望着天空。 e.g. ...a detailed map of the heavens. 详细的星空图 4. see also: seventh heaven 5. 但愿不会这样;千万不要这样;苍天不容;老天不许 You say 'Heaven forbid!' to emphasize that you very much hope that something will not happen. e.g. Heaven forbid that he should leave because of me! 但愿他不会因为我而离开! 6. (表示惊讶或强调)天哪 You say 'Good heavens!' or 'Heavens!' to express surprise or to emphasize that you agree or disagree with someone. heaven e.g. Good Heavens! That explains a lot!... 天哪!这下我明白了! e.g. 'I thought you were bringing it.' — 'Heavens, no.' “我以为你会带来的。”——“天哪,不会吧。” 7. …只有靠天帮忙了;谁也帮不了…了 You say 'Heaven help someone' when you are worried that something bad is going to happen to them, often because you disapprove of what they are doing or the way they are behaving. e.g. If this makes sense to our leaders, then heaven help us all... 如果我们的领导人认为这是合情合理的,那么谁也帮不了我们了。 e.g. Heaven help the man she marries. 谁要娶了她就只有靠老天保佑了。 8. 天知道;谁晓得 You can say 'Heaven knows' to emphasize that you do not know something, or that you find something very surprising. e.g. Heaven knows what they put in it. 天知道他们在里面放了些什么。 9. 确实;一定;无疑 You can say 'Heaven knows' to emphasize something that you feel or believe very strongly. heaven e.g. Heaven knows they have enough money... 他们的钱够多了。 e.g. This gained me some thinking time, and heaven knows I needed it. 这为我赢得了一点思考的时间,而我确实非常需要它。 10. 想尽一切办法;竭尽全力;千方百计 If you move heaven and earth to do something, you try as hard as you can to do it. heaven什么意思 e.g. They would move heaven and earth to stop me if they could. 可能的话,他们会千方百计地阻止我。 11. (用于以 what、when、who、why 及 how 开头的疑问句中表示强调)到底,究竟 You can use in heaven's name in questions beginning with 'what', 'when', 'who', 'why' and 'how' to add emphasis in a way that shows that you are very angry or surprised. e.g. Where in heaven's name was she? 她到底在哪儿? 12. 突然下起倾盆大雨 If the heavens open, it suddenly starts raining very heavily. e.g. The match had just begun when the heavens opened and play was suspended. 比赛刚刚开始就突然下起倾盆大雨,所以只好暂停了。 13. for heaven's sake -> see sake thank heavens -> see thank heaven 单语例句 1. Pair it with a buttery yellow green glass of Riesling and it's a marriage made in culinary heaven. 2. Confucius himself was deified and elevated to the rank of sage, being worshipped side by side with the deities of Heaven and Earth. 3. That is why our group elected to ride the cable car on its way closer to heaven. 4. The cassette tape makes repeated promises of heaven for those who carried out suicide attacks. 5. With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter. 6. The central gates of both towers opened only twice a year for the emperor's ceremonial trips to the Temple of Heaven. 7. His church is an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in Heaven, and followers see Jeffs as God's earthly spokesman. 8. Viewing these fleecy cloud billows from above reminded us of archetypical depictions of heaven, and we half expected to see winged harpists flittering from puff to puff. 9. The colossal Longji Rice Terraces create a stairway to heaven in rural Guilin. 10. He feared that the heaven and earth may come together again, so he held the heaven with his hands and trod his legs on the land. heavenheaven 英英释义 noun 1. any place of complete bliss and delight and peace Synonym: Edenparadisenirvanapromised landShangri-la |
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