单词 | hesitation |
释义 | hesitation [英 [?hez?'te??n] 美 [?h?z??te??n] ] hesitation的意思、解释 复数形式:hesitations; hesitation 基本解释 名词犹豫; 踌躇; 含糊; 口吃 hesitation 相关例句 名词 1. Without any hesitation, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child. 他毫不犹豫地跳下河去救溺水的孩子。 hesitation 网络解释 1. 犹豫步:当战争爆发时,探戈和波士顿华尔兹舞已退流行,终至被人们遗忘,尤其是华尔兹舞已全然销声匿迹,但它的犹豫步(Hesitation)仍被其它的舞采用. 狐步舞仅在大战爆发前一个月才第一次听到它的名字,且立即在舞场中造成狂热,这其中原因是可了解的. 2. 犹豫:经过练习,犹豫(hesitation)现象减少,语速增加. 重复讲述练习可以选择一些听力材料中的内容,模仿并重复讲述,这样做既可以校正自己的发音,又可以提高流利性. 自言自语练习的内容可以从讲个有趣的故事开始,然后选用一些大众性的话题进行练习, 3. 迟滞:在讲浇口的型式、尺寸和定位时,讲师会阐示如何才能导致平直的产品、如何才能减轻迟滞(hesitation)现象、如何才能减少缩痕和缩孔、如何才能避免喷流(jetting)、如何才能使得熔接痕问题淡化等等. 4. 疑:即发话者不知道答案的问题;(2)教师只对内容做出反馈,即只有当对交际造成障碍时,才改正错误;(3)教师在解释、提问和指示时使用调整(modification)、迟疑(hesitation)、重新措辞(rephrasing)等语言来帮助学习者理解; hesitation 双语例句 1. I continue to hesitate, and hesitation, and hesitation with... 我不断地踟蹰着,彷徨着,犹豫着。。。 2. And five years ago, on the moment I got the key of my apartment in Beijing, I decided it should be black and white decoration without the slightest hesitation; black sofa that goes with white pillows; black bookcase, wardrobe, cabinets with white leather bed and white carpets. 五年前,当拿到我北京公寓钥匙的那一刻,我就毫不迟疑地决定要把它装修成黑白格调。黑沙发加白靠枕,黑色的书柜、衣柜、箱柜配以白色的皮床和地毯。 3. hesitation 3. Adam was once one of the best tourist souvenirs produced in Taiwan designer, but a way Chen puts everything come to naught. 6 years ago, Adam and friends to Lijiang recuperate, go back without hesitation moved his family to Lijiang. 阿丹曾经是台湾数一数二的旅游纪念品生产设计商,但一场地震却将所有东西化为乌有。6年多前,阿丹与朋友来丽江养病,回去后不假思索地举家搬到了丽江。 4. In the meantime, let there be no halt, no hesitation, no pause in the grandiose onward march of minds. 目前,在这洋洋大观的思想长征中,我们不要止步,不要游移,不要有停顿的时间。 5. In the field we tested the drag throughout its range by adjusting the clicking drag star. At each setting, the performed as expected? smooth and consistent with no hesitation. Cranked down, the drag can easily haul in big bass or put a dead-stop to big stripers on the run. 在实地测试中,我们有意识的将卸力调整到不同的度数来测试它的整个拉力范围,在每一个区间范围内,卸力表现都非常出乎意料,顺化,流畅,平稳,没有磕绊,深水表现中,其力量可以轻易将大嘴鲈甚至大海鲈拿下。 6. So, despite my hesitation, I signed to work on both Saturday and Sunday. 虽则我想拒绝但最终我签了字要在连续两当更。 7. On the question of land reform, in some areas propaganda against both hesitation and rashness has been taken well in hand 三、在土地改革问题上,关于既反对观望不前、又反对急性病的宣传,有些地区是抓紧了 8. The details, the hesitation s, little possible oppositions, were swallowed up in that vast and luminous fact 他曾经历过的种种小事、种种迟疑、可能有过的小小抗拒心情,全在这种光明磊落的浩气中消逝了。 9. 9. The chance passed the train station quickly, only a second of hesitation, love flyed far away from them. 机遇之车很快驶出了站台,就在这一愣怔,一犹豫之间,爱已经从三个男孩身边走远。 10. There can be no parleying, bargaining, compromise, or hesitation. 换句话说:面对罪,决无商量或讨价还价的可能,绝不让步,决不妥协。 11. In support of the organization of the signature Olympic event, I have no hesitation to write their own names. 在支持举办奥运的签名活动中,我曾毫不犹豫的写上了自己的名字。 12. hesitation的反义词 12. If I were you I would out of question accept the challenge without the least hesitation. 我要是你的话,我会毫不迟疑地接受挑战。 13. When i told him i needed sanitary pads, my prideful dad went to buy without hesitation. 我说我需要卫生棉,自尊心很强的爸爸毫不犹豫地就去帮我买。 14. hesitation的翻译 14. Yet my heart is filled with gaingiving for I used to talk straightly and freely without hesitation, but now, every word from me is listened by millions of people, quite nervous though. 但心里面又存点疑虑,俺平时说话口没遮拦,自由自在,爱说啥就说啥,现在说的每一句话都有好几百万人收听,挺紧张的。 15. In fact, american investor has changed the past to swim to Chinese net the hesitation manner of the market, begin main bang the drum for sb. 事实上,美国投资者已经一改过去对中国网游市场的犹疑态度,开始全力摇旗呐喊。 16. hesitation的反义词 16. And any who are already in leading posts must be removed without the slightest hesitation. They 如果不提高警惕,让他们占据领导岗位,重新耍两面派,扎根串连,隐蔽下来,即使是少数人,也可能给我们带来无法预料的祸害。 17. 8Any large-sum insurance policy is withdrawn within the hesitation period, or any insurance is withdrawn or the cash value is drawn within a short term after the date of effectiveness of the insurance contract, and the premium refund is transferred upon direction into the account of a third party or into a non-premium payment account. 大额保费保单犹豫期退保、保险合同生效日后短期内退保或者提取现金价值,并要求退保金转入第三方账户或者非缴费账户的。 18. A poem written by Wang Jingwei in 1942, known as his formation of a Japanese-supported collaborationist government in Nanjing during World War II, showed his hesitation of working with Japanese. 例如,二战期间南京伪政府头号人物汪精卫在1942年写的一首诗体现了他在跟日本合作时的矛盾心情。 19. Without hesitation, Mr Yap and I also replied them the same manner. Sri和她的法国男友Eric开车到机场迎接我们。 20. As the Buddhist nun of Bassa seeks help to him, he is munificent without hesitation, but in view of the realistic economic situation, he has to Lip river one gram of debit and credit sides of summer. 当巴萨尼奥向他寻求帮助,他义无反顾地慷慨解囊,但鉴于现实的经济状况,他不得不向夏洛克借贷。 hesitation 词典解释 1. 犹豫;疑虑;不情愿 Hesitation is an unwillingness to do something, or a delay in doing it, because you are uncertain, worried, or embarrassed about it. e.g. He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms. 他答应在推进改革这件事上不再迟疑不决。 e.g. ...the prime minister's hesitation to accept a ceasefire. 首相在接受停火协议上的犹豫 2. 毫不犹豫 If you say that you have no hesitation in doing something, you are emphasizing that you will do it immediately or willingly because you are certain that it is the right thing to do. e.g. The board said it had no hesitation in unanimously rejecting the offer... 董事会自称毫不犹豫地一致否决了该项报价。 e.g. Some of us had careers, but we had no hesitation in giving them up to work alongside our wives. 我们中间有些人有自己的事业,但我们毫不犹豫地选择了放弃自己的事业,和我们的妻子并肩工作。 3. 毫不犹豫地;心甘情愿地 If you say that someone does something without hesitation, you are emphasizing that they do it immediately and willingly. e.g. The great majority of players would, of course, sign the contract without hesitation... 绝大多数球员当然会毫不犹豫地签合同。 e.g. The boy followed without hesitation. 男孩毫不犹豫地跟了上去。 hesitation 单语例句 1. Yet many seem to have no hesitation when it comes to buying a luxury item that might cost one or two months'wages. 2. Customers'hesitation is also being intensified by other negative factors, such as bank controls on car loans and high oil prices. 3. Any hesitation from his or her appearance will add to journalists curiosity and more harsh or even twisted questions. 4. The price for having a delivery of this kind could be another reason for hesitation. 5. But the supply side's reluctance is the more fundamental and dominant cause, while the demand side's hesitation is more derivative in nature. 6. Policymakers have shown no hesitation in tightening monetary supply though the pace of such tightening is still subject to enormous pressure from international capital inflows. 7. The Chinese people have never had the slightest hesitation, falter or concession on the major principle issue of opposing secession. 8. They picked up their gear and ran without a second's hesitation. 9. Despite the pressures of the Oscar performance, the gregarious actor said he'd take on the hosting task again without hesitation. 10. She knew that in Beijing the same sort of product was sold at triple price, so she bought the milk white handbag without hesitation. hesitation的反义词hesitation 英英释义 noun 1. the act of pausing uncertainly e.g. there was a hesitation in his speech Synonym: waverfalterfaltering 2. a certain degree of unwillingness e.g. a reluctance to commit himself his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition after some hesitation he agreed Synonym: reluctancehesitancydisinclinationindisposition 3. indecision in speech or action Synonym: vacillationwavering |
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