单词 | hiss |
释义 | hiss [英 [h?s] 美 [h?s] ] hiss的意思、解释 过去式:hissed; 过去分词:hissed; 现在分词:hissing; hiss 基本解释 hiss什么意思 动词发出嘘声; 发嘶嘶声 名词嘶嘶声; 嘘声 hiss的近义词 hiss 相关例句 及物动词 1. hiss 1. She was hissed off the stage. 她被嘘下台去。 不及物动词 1. The cat hissed as the dog came near it. 那猫在狗走近时发出嘶嘶叫声。 2. A ball hissed by. 子弹嘶地一声飞过。 3. The crowd hissed at the speaker when he said taxes should be increased. 当那发言人说到应该增加税收时人群中发出了嘘嘘声。 名词 1. We can hear the hiss of air escaping from a tire. 我们能听到一只轮胎的嘶嘶漏气声。 hiss 网络解释 1. 嘶嘶声:沈默(Silencer):被嘶嘶声(Hiss)命中的模型便一回合不可施法. 戈(Halberd) 特殊能力(多重) 威力(5) 加总(11)集中攻击(CMA):取代个别的近战攻击. 戈兵(Halberdier)可以对在近战范围内的同一目标集中他们的攻击. 2. 聲:嘶嘶声(Hiss) 射程(10) 射击次数(1) 范围(一) 威力(10)双手剑(Two-Handed Sword) 特殊能力(-) 威力(5) 加总(10)十字弓(Crossbow) 射程(10) 射击次数(1) 范围(一) 威力(8)谋杀兵器(Murder Weapons) 特殊能力(-) 威力(3) 加总(8)九条命(Nine Lives):如果克洛(Croe)受到足以被消灭的伤害, 3. 嘶声:嘶嘶声(Hiss) 射程(10) 射击次数(1) 范围(一) 威力(10)双手剑(Two-Handed Sword) 特殊能力(-) 威力(5) 加总(10)十字弓(Crossbow) 射程(10) 射击次数(1) 范围(一) 威力(8)谋杀兵器(Murder Weapons) 特殊能力(-) 威力(3) 加总(8)九条命(Nine Lives):如果克洛(Croe)受到足以被消灭的伤害, 4. hiss:high intensity sound simulator; 高强度声音模拟器 5. hiss:holographic ice surveying system; 全息摄影测光系统 hiss 双语例句 1. hiss 1. Hiss music is not simple, simple is the appearance, he just uses simple notes to descript his complicated heart fellings, and uses the elegant voice to show his fervor heart, It is natural to us music is not artificial, with females gentle as gentle and childrens straightforward, but also to show the complex and dramatic struggle. 莫扎特的音乐不是单纯的音符旋律,他是用简单的音符在诉说着内心的复杂,用平静的声音在表现着内心的热情。他的音乐是最自然的,同时包含着女性天生的阴柔和孩子天真的烂漫。 2. A fresh wind from the sea ruffled our clothes and a spray showered the ground at our feet with a soft hiss, as if condoling with us. 这时,拂拂的海风吹着我们的衣襟,一卷一卷浪花拍到我们的脚下,发出柔和的音响,好像在为我们惋惜。 3. The hiss of the rain on the bamboo doors was louder and more insistent than ever and overhead the rumble of thunder still rolled across the sky, but the sound of voices which rose from the huts was even fiercer than the angry roar of the storm 雨打那些竹门的唦唦的声音,现在是更急更响了,雷在草棚顶上滚;可是那一带草棚的人声比雨比雷更凶。 4. All your enemies open their mouths against you; They hiss and gnash their teeth. 你的仇人都向你张开口,嘘唏而切齿说:"我们终于吞灭了她! 5. hiss的解释 5. All who pass by clap their hands at you; They hiss and wag their heads over daughter Jerusalem:" Is this the all-beautiful city, the joy of the whole earth? 所有过路的人,都向你鼓掌,向耶路撒冷女郎嘘唏,且摇头说:"难道这就是人人所说美丽无比,全世界的喜悦? 6. The turtles are coming back, always back; I hear a deep hiss of breath and catch a glint of wet shell as the continents slide and crash, the oceans form and grow. 当大陆土崩泥陷,海洋融塑延伸,我听到它们呼吸的低沉的嘶鸣,瞥见它们湿壳上的闪光。 7. As an attempt, the algorithm was adopted to process audio signals with click and hiss noise, and better results were achieved, comparing with the wavelet threshold and wavelet packet algorithms in terms of comfort degree of hearing sense. 本文用该方法处理带click和hiss噪声的音频信号,跟小波阈值方法和小波包方法相比,能达到较好的听觉效果和信噪比。 8. 8. But there is less hiss on the PA2v2 and because of its lusher mids, it sounds smoother. 但PA2v2因为中频量感充足所以听起来更顺耳。 9. In the evenings, the only noises apart from human voices were the hiss of the Tilley lamps that provided our light—no electricity then—and the calls of the hyenas that sometimes ate the Lewanikas'chickens and often came right up to the house that Alfred and I shared. 到了晚上,除了人说话声音外,就只能听到Tilley牌汽灯的嘶嘶声和土狼的嚎叫。土狼常常吃掉勒瓦尼卡养的鸡,还到我和阿尔弗雷德共住的房子前。 10. The other let loose with an audible hiss. 另外一个嘘了一声。 11. hiss的翻译 11. I could hear the sound of the water tap dripping in the pantry, the loud ticking of the clock on the mantel shelf, and the soft hiss and crackle of the logs on the open hearth. 屋子里静得出奇,我都能听到水龙头细细滴水的声音,闹钟滴答的响声,还有柴火烧起来的丝丝声和噼啪声。 12. At the same time it opens its mouth wide to hiss and display its startling blue tongue and pink mouth. 同时发出嘶嘶的威吓声。张大粉红的大嘴吐出吓人的蓝色舌头。 13. The pointed shaft of the cart had entered the breast of the unhappy Prince like a sword, and from the wound his life's blood was spouting in a stream, and falling with a hiss into the road. 邮车尖利的车辕像刀一样插进了倒霉的王子的前胸,生命的血液像泉水一样喷出,哗哗地落在路面上。 14. Hiss of chance doctrine is such a doctrine that the inflictor should be liable for the victim's loss of chance of obtaining interests or avoiding damages incurred by his acts. 机会丧失理论即加害人的加害行为导致受害人获得利益或避免损害的机会丧失时,加害人应对此种机会的丧失承担损害赔偿责任的学说。 15. Now I am here to resolve a full range of actual combat, first of all, you do not consider what other skills first, and you no longer want to fight the wizard a little hiss in the first, then hands prompt only fear, fear prompt you will be successful look under the first bow you what skills, he tends to be used if you are silent about starting to catch up with the fastest recovery of the normal law, the fear of after 8 seconds you can only catch up from the bow distance 10M~15M You can not run from the bow of 5M (here I would like to plug a prompt fears that the so-called 30% reduction in the effect of each other in the end how much, if you are old him by ex-mental speed, then the effect of is absolutely the contrary, this time you feel that he did not fear fear of the future than before the faster ~~) can not be due to the distance 5M, then you do not fear the group, this time your only option is to increase earthquake earth halo fear then monomer Reading (here to add David halo with fear about the middle of a gap to 1.5 seconds, this time to eat if the bow of the syrup solution treatment by your mobile, then the effect of ~) Bo beam that only fear of the next state stars under the arch. 现在我在这里全方位实战解析,首先你别考虑对方先用什么技能,而你精灵想要再这场战斗中有点嘘头的话,只能起手瞬发恐惧,你瞬发恐惧成功后就要看弓的第一下对你用的是什么技能了,他一般用沉默的话你起手追上去大概最快速度最正常的追法,8秒的恐惧过后你只能追到离弓10M~15M距离,你不可能会跑到弓的5M距离(这里我要插一句瞬发恐惧的那所谓的减对方30%的效果到底有多大,如果你老拿他减了速度的心理去追的话,那效果绝对是相反的,这时候你感觉到他恐惧以后比没恐惧之前的速度更快了~~)由于到不了5M距离,你的群体恐惧接不上,这时候你唯一选择就是大地加震晕然后读单体恐惧(这里补充一下震晕跟恐惧中间有大概1~1.5秒的间隙,这个时候如果弓吃了个治疗药水解了你的减移动效果的话~)那接下来只有束博恐惧状态下的弓星。 16. Adan: How strange, I even didn't hiss. 阿丹:真诡异,我根本没有哈气啊 17. A tape would introduce extra hiss and we did not want that. 这是因为多经过一道磁带工序,就会增加磁带的背景嘶声噪音 18. Dolby B/C noise reduction greatly reduces tape hiss for dramatically improved S/N characteristics. 杜比二/三减少噪音大大降低了磁带噪音大大改进的S /特色。 19. To keep the soft signals from being buried in tape hiss, we had to record with as high a level as possible. To keep our loud signals from distorting, we had to compress the signal which resulted in a restricted dynamic range. 为了让磁带的HISS声减少,我们不得不最大可能的提高音量,为了让大的声音不过载失真,我们不得不用压缩,导致最后失去了动态范围。 20. 20. And for that act of lovingkindness, for that ingenious and generous interpretation, you hiss and claw at him. 并认为慈爱的行为,原因巧妙的和慷慨的解释,你嘶嘶声和他的爪子。 hiss 词典解释 1. 发出嘶嘶声 To hiss means to make a sound like a long 's'. e.g. The tires of Lenny's bike hissed over the wet pavement as he slowed down... 伦尼放缓车速,听到自行车轮胎在湿漉漉的路面上发出嘶嘶的响声。 e.g. My cat hissed when I stepped on its tail... 我的猫被我踩到尾巴时,嘶地惨叫了一声。 hissing ...a silence broken only by a steady hissing from above my head. 万籁俱寂,只听到我头顶上一阵持续的嘶嘶声 2. 低声呵斥 If you hiss something, you say it forcefully in a whisper. e.g. 'Now, quiet,' my mother hissed... “好了,安静点,”母亲压低嗓音厉声道。 e.g. 'Stay here,' I hissed at her. “呆在这里别动,”我低声呵斥她。 3. (对不喜欢的表演者或发言人)发嘘声,向…喝倒彩 If people hiss at someone such as a performer or a person making a speech, they express their disapproval or dislike of that person by making long loud 's' sounds. hiss是什么意思 e.g. One had to listen hard to catch the words of the President's speech as the delegates booed and hissed... 代表们嘘声四起,很难听清总统的讲话。 e.g. Some local residents whistled and hissed at them as they entered. 他们进来时,一些当地居民向他们吹口哨,发嘘声。 hiss 单语例句hiss在线翻译 1. When they get mad, they put their heads down and hiss and flap their wings. hiss的翻译hiss 英英释义 noun 1. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt Synonym: boohootBronx cheerraspberryrazzingrazzsnortbird 2. a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval) e.g. the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience Synonym: hissinghushingfizzlesibilation verb 1. show displeasure, as after a performance or speech Synonym: boo 2. make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval Synonym: sisssizzsibilate 3. express or utter with a hiss Synonym: sizzsisssibilate 4. move with a whooshing sound Synonym: whoosh |
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