单词 | illiterate |
释义 | illiterate [英 [??l?t?r?t] 美 [??l?t?r?t] ] illiterate的意思、解释 复数形式:illiterates; illiterate 基本解释 形容词目不识丁的,文盲的 名词文盲; 无知; 目不识丁者 illiterate的翻译 illiterate 同义词 illiterate 形容词uneducatedunculturedignorantunlearned illiterate 反义词 名词literate illiterate的意思 illiterate 相关例句 形容词 1. 1. He is musically illiterate. 他对音乐一无所知。 2. People who have never gone to school are usually illiterate. 从未上过学的人往往目不识丁。 3. About half the population in the country is still illiterate. 这个国家大约有一半人口仍是文盲。 illiterate 网络解释 1. illiterate的翻译 1. 文盲:法国人(French)把他扔进了壕沟 / 战壕(trench)里,我把他扭伤(wrench) -iterate 系列: 一个有文化的人(literate),爱上了重复说话(iterate),长大以后学会了掺假(adulterate),生病 以后变成了文盲(illiterate),之前无文字记录(preliterate), 2. 文盲;文盲的:illite 伊利石 | illiterate 文盲;文盲的 | illitic 伊利石的 3. 目不识丁:申请延任applied to extend their service | 目不识丁illiterate | 目标为本课程Target-Oriented Curriculum 4. 文盲的:slack 懒惰的 | illiterate 文盲的 | absurd 愚蠢的 illiterate 双语例句 1. He suggested that there might be men of genius in the lowest grades of life, however permanently humble and illiterate, who take their own view always, or do not pretend to see at all. who are so bottomless even as Walden pond was thought to be, though they may be dark and muddy. 他说过,下下人有上上智。他们恪守己见,笃行己路。洞察悉知,却假装懵懂,装痴卖傻。内心澄澈光明,面目却混沌昏暗,一如瓦湖,深不可测,但形象却黑暗泥泞。(说到路,这世上本来没有,都是贪走便道的人,用鞋底造成的。路,抽象了,就是道。大到之行也,天下为公。是有公路,公路之后,有公道。公道是什么道?公开,公平,公正,是三公道。大道是什么道?民以食为天,国以民为天。大路朝天的大道。 2. One of 12 children raised in a council flat by an illiterate Algerian mother and a Moroccan stonemason, she rose and qualified as a magistrate through a mix of tenacity, pushiness and hard work, including night shifts as a nursing auxiliary. Dati从小住在政府经济房,她的母亲是阿尔及利亚人,没上过学,父亲是建筑工,她有十一个兄弟姐妹。Dati以她顽强的意志,积极的态度和刻苦的工作成为了一名法官,其间她还做过夜间助理护士的工作。 3. One half of the nation`s poplation is illiterate. 这个国家一半的人口没有受到过较好的教育。 4. We see so many statistics that horrify us: how many are hungry, how many are illiterate, how many are denied access to clean water and sanitation. 我们看到许多令我们怵目惊心的统计数字:有多少人饥饿,多少人不识字,多少人没有乾净的水及卫生设施可用。 5. The most erudite person and the most illiterate person... 最博学的人,和目不识丁的人。。。 6. He was fond of calling his detractor illiterate, denouncing his scientific theories as illegitimate and illusive. 他喜欢把他的恶意批评者称作文盲,公然抨击他的科学理论是非法的,迷惑人的。 7. illiterate的解释 7. Both of my parents are illiterate – my family is at the bottom of Chinese society. 你们方才元伏中哲许锦章做你们的优秀党务工作者劳动模范没有人破坏你们的升官发财凭你们的本事,胖老师通过为社会,为上海武警部队奉献爱心十年付出了代价,上海武警部队把胖老师作为拥军模范感恩胖老师为武警部队所付出的辛劳,社会媒体要报道胖老师表扬胖老师肯定胖老师为和谐社会所作贡献社会要感恩胖老师,把胖老师作为感动中国一位上海宝钢集团下岗工人你们可以各自努力,实现自我价值井水不犯河水,我们这个社会每一个公民不管你的职务大小,地位高低,或贫富差距都拥有一个全社会每个公民所公认的和必须遵守游戏规则那就是党记国法,胖老师还有80多岁的父亲和母亲,父亲是一个受过工伤自残的伤残退休工人是个文盲,母亲是一个家庭妇女没有工作单位,没有收入也是个文盲,胖老师想通过自已的努力辛勤劳动创办自已的企业有个合法的收入致富孝敬父母,让辛勤劳作一辈子双亲能过上好日子安度晚年。 8. They were an ever shifting crowd of people of all castes and creeds: Hindus and Brahmos, Vaishnavas and Saktas, the educated with university degrees and the illiterate, old and young, maharajas and beggars, journalists and artists, pundits and devotees, philosophers and the worldly-minded, jnanis and yogis, men of action and men of faith, virtuous women and prostitutes, office-holders and vagabonds, philanthropists and self-seekers, dramatists and drunkards, builders-up and pullers-down. 他们是一群流动人群,来自所有种姓和教派:印度教和梵天派,毗瑟奴派和性力派,包括有受过大学教育的人和文盲;老人和年轻人;王公和乞丐;记者和艺术家;梵文学者和奉献者;哲学家和营求名利的人;智者和瑜伽士;行动型的人和虔信型的人;贞洁的妇女和妓女;政府官员和流浪汉;慈善家和利己主义者;剧作家和醉汉。 9. I was born in a region inhabited by illiterate Danubian peasants. 我出生在多瑙河流域,那里的居民都是一些从未接受过正规教育的农民。 10. 10. Rotary clubs in the East Cape Province are also involved in very successful large-scale CLE programs for illiterate adults. 南非西角省的扶轮社也成功参与多项为文盲成人举办的大规模密集语言接触教学法计画。 11. 11. Make one's cross, put a cross on a document instead of one`s signature (as in former times by illiterate persons). 画押;画十字(如昔时文盲在文件上画十字以代替签名者)。 12. Years later we realized her marks were a trick. My mother was illiterate. 很多年以后我们才知道,原来母亲所谓的圈阅其实是一个骗局,她根本就不识字。 13. The spread of suffrage had already led to a new concept of education, for clear- sighted statesmen everywhere perceived the danger of universal suffrage among an untutored, even illiterate electorate 投票权的扩展,已经引导出新的教育观念,各地眼光远大的政治家也看出了在没有受教育甚至是文盲的选民中推行普遍投票权的危机。 14. illiterate 14. Chinese government statistics indicated that of a total population of nearly 1.1 billion in 1985, about 230 million people were illiterate or semiliterate. 据中国政府的统计数据显示,1985年中国的11亿人口中,有2亿3千万人是文盲或者半文盲。 15. 15. We're working on projects like a visual interface that will enable illiterate or semiliterate people to use a PC instantly, with minimal training. 我们目前正在发展一种新的电脑界面,文盲或者半文盲可以通过接受最小程度的培训后就可以轻松的使用。 16. illiterate的近义词 16. Illiteracy poses a serious problem for deeper Biblical teaching. Falling into heresy and occults are a common problem for illiterate believers. 然而不识字也妨碍信徒对圣经真理更深一层理解,无法分辨异端邪说的迷惑。 17. With its literacy rate of less than 20%, Pakistan is the third most illiterate country in the world. 巴基斯坦的认字率为20%,是世界上第三个文盲最多的国家。 18. Seeing that NI-HUA-BEN being a pattern in literature between the refined (poem as the main style and the highly educated as the object) and the popular (folk telling as the main style and the illiterate and the beginners in the country as the object) has its special cultural characteristics, from which more cultural contains can be excavated. 鉴于拟话本是介于高雅文学(以诗文为主要文类的、以受过高深教育的文人为接受对象)大众俗文学(民间讲唱文学、以文盲或农村粗识文字者为主要接受对象)之间的一种文学类型,有其特殊的文化特点,如能作进一步研究,当可以挖掘出更多的文化蕴含。 19. An educational outreach to illiterate adults. 这个经久不衰的儿童教育节目以多彩的玩偶表演为特色。 20. illiterate 20. The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage milliona#p# ire. 对考试制度最好的评论是乱涂在墙上的这则没受过教育的一句话:我曾是一个十几岁的辍学者,而现在我是一个十几岁的百万富翁。 illiterate 词典解释 1. 文盲的;不会读写的 Someone who is illiterate does not know how to read or write. illiterate什么意思 e.g. A large percentage of the population is illiterate. 文盲人口占有相当高的比例。 2. (音乐、科技、经济上)知之甚少的,接近无知的 If you describe someone as musically, technologically, or economically illiterate, you mean that they do not know much about music, technology, or economics. e.g. Many senior managers are technologically illiterate. 许多高级经理都对技术知之甚少。 illiterate 单语例句 1. That forced more than 85 percent of Indians to become functionally illiterate by the time the Britons left in 1947. 2. The poor cannot afford education, and the illiterate cannot hope to earn enough to overcome poverty. 3. Trained polling staff directed voters to check their identity cards and illustrated how to cast ballots as 92 percent of the southern residents are illiterate. 4. Yet the actual number of illiterate people in India is greater than the total population of the continent in 1947. 5. According to court officials, all thieves were deaf and almost illiterate receiving no higher than elementary education. 6. More than half the population is illiterate, and many parts of the country are divided along ethnic and tribal lines. 7. While Ma can't read the epitaph - he is illiterate - he says he and Hu understand the feeling. 8. The biggest group is not illiterate grandmas or housewives with too much spare time, but teenagers who have an unprecedented exposure to science and knowledge. 9. Factoring in health at the outset and other variables, medically illiterate patients were 50 percent more likely to die than the others. 10. The survey showed only 10 per cent of the illiterate can speak Mandarin while those with 87 per cent with college degrees are fluent. illiterate 英英释义 noun 1. a person unable to read Synonym: illiterate personnonreader adj 1. uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning lacking knowledge of a specific field e.g. she is ignorant of quantum mechanics he is musically illiterate Synonym: ignorant 2. lacking culture, especially in language and literature 3. not able to read or write |
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