单词 | inconceivable |
释义 | inconceivable [英 [??nk?n?si:v?bl] 美 [??nk?n?siv?b?l] ] inconceivable的意思、解释 inconceivable 基本解释 形容词不能想像的,不可思议的,难以置信的; 〈口〉难于相信的,惊人的 inconceivable 相关例句 形容词 1. 1. A circle without a center is inconceivable. 一个没有圆心的圆是无法想象的。 2. He can't go on holiday alone; it's inconceivable. 他不会一个人去度假,这是不可能的。 3. It is inconceivable that she could be considered for the job. 竟考虑让她担任这一工作,真令人难以相信。 4. It is inconceivable that a thing can both be and not be. 一件事情,即是又非是,是不可思议的。 5. inconceivable是什么意思 5. It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone. 一个残疾姑娘居然自食其力,独自生活,简直难以想象。 inconceivable 网络解释 1. 造人神医:在经历了一些凄凉的播出季之后-还记得(LAX)和(Inconceivable)吗?一些曾经风风光光的剧目又回来了,它们也有可能在下一季排名的争夺战中成为排行榜前列的热播剧. 2. 不可思议的:incompatible 不和适宜的 | inconceivable 不可思议的 | indecent 不妥的;不检点的 3. inconceivable 3. 不可思议:incantation 诅咒 * | inconceivable 不可思议 * | infatuation 痴爱 * 4. 不能想像的:inconceivability 想像不到 | inconceivable 不能想像的 | inconceivably 不可思议地 inconceivable 双语例句 1. But for many other actors it is inconceivable to find this sensitivity and lightness without practice and exercising. 但对于许多其他演员,是不可能不经过练习便找到这种灵敏度和举重若轻的感觉的。 2. inconceivable的翻译 2. Perhaps I can feel more changes from sadness and joy to art meditation of myself in this process as well as relaxation and pleasure inconceivable on the part of other people at the moment when I have just completed a piece of work. 也许,从中能够体会更多自身情绪悲喜与艺术思考的转换,以及完成作品那一刻会有一种别人难以体会的如释负重的轻松与愉悦感。 3. inconceivable的翻译 3. Actually, with US bases in Japan and Philippines, as well as the rather powerful USN Pacific Fleet, it is inconceivable that China shall attempt to capture Taiwan by force. 其实,在日本和菲律宾的美军基地,以及相当强大的美国海军太平洋舰队,这是不可思议的中国会尝试以武力夺取台湾。 4. It is inconceivable that their new product could be so popular in such a short time! 他们的新产品可以在这么短的时间内如此畅销真的是令人难以置信。 5. 5. Note that this time I make no caveats about funding, because I think it is inconceivable that shortage of funds will be allowed to slow down this work once milestone 1 is achieved. 注意:我设定的这个时间没有停止项目资助,因为我认为,一旦达到第一个里程碑,因资金的短缺而放慢这项工作是不可思议的。 6. Besides, many inconceivable functions have also made the engineers pleased. For example, the permeability value of other gases can be calculated with the technical support of Labthink; the testing process goes on when power fails… One engineer from JUWIN PNB highly praises that Labthink instrument is so technologically advanced that it has changed his sub-consciousness that China can only supply ordinary products. 除此之外,产品操作过程中,很多意想不到的功能也让工程师们开心异常:比如在Labthink的技术支持下,可以推算材料其它气体的渗透数值;再比如在断电模式下测试过程依然持续进行……一位工程师不无感慨的说:潜意识里总觉得中国只能提供物美价廉的商品,真没想到高科技产品已经达到如此之高的水平! 7. 7. To say that a man gives himself gratuitously, is to say what is absurd and inconceivable; such an 说一个人无偿地奉送自己,这是荒谬的和不可思议的。 8. inconceivable在线翻译 8. Panlong Guteng such as the Millennium dance, it is difficult to distinguish a tree vine Health; top Xiantao temple after the storm centuries old and solid, early in 2004 the summer Guaguan more than 30 stars, was the biggest this year, 100 Xiantao oldest Xian, no justice Price, won a Xiantao sale price of 80, 000 yuan, is inconceivable; cents Yung allocation to the god of like, born in more than 20-metre-high chimney above Yizhuqingtian, climbing wall and its root, root This magical land; Hexiangujiamiao cents after the Huai old trees, this is the north of the Yangtze River, had become a towering Jusun; Zengcheng late choi sum sweet Shuang HUA, well-known in Hong Kong and Macao. 千年古藤如蟠龙起舞,难分藤生树生;庙顶仙桃历经百年风雨,老而弥坚,2004年初夏,挂果三十多颗,为历年之最,百岁仙桃献寿星,其义无价,一颗仙桃义卖问鼎8万元天价,更是匪夷所思;上楼仙榕有如神来之物,生于20余米高的烟囱之上,一柱擎天,其根攀壁而下,扎根这片神奇的土地;何仙姑家庙后的仙槐古树,本是长江以北之物,居然成了参天巨树;增城迟菜心香甜爽滑,驰名省港澳。 9. Before Chen Ning dark complexion, Nongmeidaiyan, the image of a master athlete, it is inconceivable that, his home find so gentle! 面前的陈宁皮肤黝黑、浓眉大眼、一副运动健将的形象,难以想象的是,他的家竟会如此温柔! 10. Thus, it is no overstatement to say that a life without advertisements is inconceivable to a modern person. 可以毫不夸张地说,没有广告的生活对一个现代人来说是无法想象的。 11. I feel it is inconceivable, however, I am purified by the simplicity. 我觉得它是不可思议的,不管怎样,在简单面前我被净化了。 12. I think that the world's most desperate same about, but should be inconceivable for such things, the summer also began to snow, winter is a like a lotus; or there, that could be the original tentacle things have become so distant. 我想,世间最绝望的也不过如此,只是应为这种不可思议的东西,夏天也会下起白雪,冬天也会开出荷花;有或者,原来触手可即的东西,却变得那麼遥远。 13. Today it inconceivable to the magical power of the unique advantages to have lost most of that time include: low wages, lack of community bound by the rules and regulations, in particular the Chinese people optimistic and progressive character. 今天赋予它不可想象的神奇力量的独特优势到那时已经失去多半:包括低工资、缺少社会规章的约束、特别是中国人乐观向上的性格。 14. inconceivable 14. With his animations, his narratives, Oki brings mythical beings to life and so awakens inconceivable powers, initially reserved for the Gods. 在他的动画和叙述中,Dan Oki给生命蒙上了一层神秘的面纱,由此唤醒了不可思议的力量,而这种力量最初是属于神的。 15. inconceivable是什么意思 15. Whatever explanation be given of the existence of evil in the world, it is maintained that a supreme principle of evil is utterly impossible and even inconceivable. 无论解释,得到的存在,邪恶在世界上,这是保持一个最高原则,邪恶是根本不可能的,甚至是不可想象的。 16. In the troubled waters of those cross-currents of intrigue, eddying about the Tsar's headquarters, success could be attained in very many ways that would have been inconceivable at other times. 不支持巴克雷皇帝,也不支持普弗尔、贝尼格森,他们只谋机一件事,一件非常重要的事,那就是为自己最大的利益和愉快而行动,在那潭浑水里盘根错节,扑朔离迷的阴谋诡计充斥皇帝的行辕,从中可捞到在别的时候意想不到的好处。 17. They are trifles, to be sure, but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. 很棒哦!欢迎常来!我的新朋友金钱+ 18这个家伙很懒,什么也没留下。。。。。。 18. 19Th century France famous science fiction writer of fiction verne fictionalizing, at that time let the human be inconceivable, he fantasized moon landing travel, the airplane, the long-range gun and so on, all 11 became the reality in the 20th century. 翻开20世纪的壮丽篇章,我们发现人类在这百年中不仅经历了血与火的洗礼,更创造了无数科学奇迹。19世纪法国著名科******家凡尔纳的虚构,当时让人不可思议,他所幻想的登月旅行、飞机、远射程炮等,在20世纪都一一成为现实。 19. The world is inconceivable, even if people always unacceptable. 世界是不可思议的,即使人们总是无法接受。 20. One of controller of weak blue network tell south on the weekend, website operation person support trade advertisement and with AIDS aid project cooperates, can go up too very decent life, if resemble mastering many comrade information so, so gaining profit is inconceivable. 淡蓝网负责人之一告诉南方周末,网站运营者依靠商业广告和与艾滋援助项目合作,能够过上非常体面的生活,如果像这样掌握大量同志信息,那么获利是不可想象的。 inconceivable 词典解释 1. 不能想象的;不可思议的 If you describe something as inconceivable, you think it is very unlikely to happen or be true. e.g. It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker... 真想不到托比竟会是袭击我的人。 e.g. Until now, a devaluation of the dollar seemed inconceivable. 直到现在,美元的贬值似乎都无法想象。 inconceivable 单语例句inconceivable的反义词 1. It is inconceivable that Microsoft has persisted with operating systems that have eight or more ports open for anyone come in and have a look. 2. It is inconceivable to many that even a homogeneous society like Japan's has diversity and the most vociferous ones may not be the majority. 3. Such a film would have been inconceivable in China only five years ago. 4. He says it is inconceivable to have a fixed rate between merchants and their banks, known as acquirers. 5. In spite of the mammoth scale and inconceivable fluidity of the stage, the pond in the opening scene of Act Three is a touch of genius. 6. The mind trying to understand and comprehend the enormous loss that was once inconceivable but now was all too real. 7. The application of seismic imagery has led to the development of new fields, often at depths that were inconceivable only a decade ago. 8. In China it is inconceivable for a student to challenge a teacher. 9. A functioning organization with no one in charge is so unlike the way humans operate as to be virtually inconceivable. 10. They thought it was inconceivable that a man who founded a company should end up being expelled by that very same company. inconceivable 英英释义 inconceivable的反义词 adj 1. totally unlikely Synonym: impossibleout of the questionunimaginable |
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