单词 | rickets |
释义 | rickets [英 [?r?k?ts] 美 [?r?k?ts] ] rickets的意思、解释 rickets 基本解释 名词软骨病,佝偻病,驼背 rickets 网络解释 1. 佝偻病:佝偻病(Rickets)俗称缺钙,在婴儿期较为常见,是由于维生素D缺乏引起体内钙、磷代谢混乱,而使骨骼钙化不良的一种疾病. 佝偻病发病缓慢,不容易引起器重. 佝偻病使小儿抵抗力降低, 2. 软骨症:如需转载,请注明来自FanE『翻译中国』 | rickets || 软骨症 | Risedronate, Actone || 治骨质疏松新药 3. rickets的意思 3. 小 儿 佝 偻 病:Protein Energy Malnutrition 热 量 蛋 白 质 营 养 不 良 | Rickets 小 儿 佝 偻 病 | Silent emergency 无 声 的 危 机 4. 软骨病:ricketiness 摇摆 | rickets 软骨病 | rickettsia 伤寒病原体 rickets 双语例句 1. You really do not know what the entry examination is a very important is for your comprehensive evaluation of physical fitness, if you like a natural disease rickets enterprises to reconsider whether you. 你真不知道么入职体检是一个非常重要的,是对你的身体素质的综合评价,要是你像个病偻企业自然要重新考虑是否用你。 2. Approximately 83% of children with rickets were described as African American or black, and 96% were breast-fed. 大约83%的患有软骨病的儿童为非裔美国人或黑人,96%的儿童还处于哺乳期。 3. This method of rickets, rhinitis, anemia, low blood pressure and other diseases has a good effect. 这是佝偻病,鼻炎,贫血的方法,低血压等疾病有良好的效果。 4. Baby sick: rickets, Enterobius also affect children sleep at night. 孩子患病:佝偻病,蛲虫也会影响孩子夜间的睡眠。 5. Most of the children had rickets, scurvy, anemia or related diseases. 大多数孩子患有佝偻病、坏血病、贫血及其他相关的疾病。 6. Childhood diseases that can cause knock knee are rickets, scurvy and Blounts disease. 儿童疾病可以引起连锁反应膝关节是佝偻病,坏血病和blount 病。 7. These include beriberi and pellagra, anaemia, scurvy, rickets, bleeding tendencies, severe eye dryness and corneal melting. 这些措施包括脚气病和烟酸,贫血,坏血病,佝偻病,出血倾向,严重眼干燥和角膜熔化。 8. Performance of infant children with calcium deficiency rickets, commonly known as calcium for children with common, frequently-occurring disease, more than three months after the birth about the disease, the spirit of some neurological symptoms such as night terrors, hyperhidrosis, noisy night, anorexia, no later than the teeth, hair thinning, stand late, late, such as language. 要补钙啊!婴儿缺钙的表现为小儿佝偻病,俗称缺钙,为小儿常见、多发病,多自出生后三个月左右开始发病,出现一些神经精神上的症状如夜惊、多汗、吵夜、厌食、出牙迟、发稀、站立迟、语言迟等。 9. I came across a 2-week-old baby, hands and feet long white little like chicken pox, a particularly large number of feet, several dozen, a little like our adult long beriberi, a bit serious, you look at this web site http:// forum. baby. sina. com. cn/upload/21/238/20040909/56129/56129.jpg know that this baby is not with your family`s almost, in my view is a child too much gas rickets, it is estimated that your baby did not appear drooling this situation, some children will长疮with different kinds of situations, so you should take your baby to see a doctor to refrain from improper question. 我碰到过一个2周大宝宝,手脚长水痘状的白点点,脚上特别多,几十个,有点像是我们成人长的脚气,有点严重,你看一下这个网址http://forum.baby.sina.com.cn/upload/21/238/20040909/56129/56129.jpg就知道了,这个宝宝的情况是不是跟你家的差不多,在我看来是小孩疳气太重,估计你宝宝没出现流口水这种情况,有些小孩还会长疮,各有不同种情况,所以你应该带宝宝看看医生去,不要不当一回事了。 10. For 5-15 year-old child`s leg pain, it is necessary to pay attention to late-onset incidence of rickets. 对于5-15岁孩子的腿疼,要注意晚发性佝偻病的发生。 11. rickets什么意思 11. Rickets is now rare in the western world. But it is still a common childhood disease in developing countries. 现在软骨病在西方国家比较罕见,但它仍然是发展中国家常见的儿童疾病。 12. rickets 12. Rickets is now rare in the western world, but it is still a common childhood disease in developing countries. 目前在西方世界,佝偻病是不常见的,但在发展中国家里,它仍然是常见的孩童期的疾病。 13. rickets的意思 13. Children suffering from rickets began in sleep hyperhidrosis, especially the head, can be soaked pillow mat or towel used to cover pillow and pillow with bald and scared to cry. 患佝偻病的小儿在入睡后就开始多汗,尤其是头部,能湿透枕席或枕巾,并伴有枕秃和惊哭。 14. Where the baby cause pain, itching and other discomfort disease, the children were crying cause unrest, such as fever, eczema, rickets, oral HSV, pinworm infection, such as intussusception. 凡引起孩子疼痛、瘙痒等不适的疾病,均会使孩子哭闹不安,如发热、湿疹、佝偻病、口腔疮疹、蛲虫感染、肠套叠等。 15. Rice soup bubble can not milk, because the starch in rice soup that contains the high-phosphorus, phosphorus and easy to be absorbed, immature kidneys can not emit excessive phosphorus, making plasma phosphorus content is too high, making calcium can not be calm in the bone, the cause because of hypocalcemia tetany and early emergence of rickets. 但是米汤不可以泡奶,因为米汤内的淀粉中含有的磷高,磷又容易被吸收,不成熟的肾脏又不能排出过多的磷,使得血浆中磷的含量过高,使得钙不能沉着在骨骼上,会因为低血钙引起手足搐搦和早期出现佝偻病。 16. Yet, in the past four months, they have diagnosed vitamin D deficient rickets in five infants in Tayside. 然而,在过去的4个月中,他们已经确诊维生素d缺乏性佝偻病五个婴儿在泰赛德。 17. Was particularly prevalent in the rickets to children under 3 years of age mainly manifested in the上半夜sweating, which is caused due to low blood calcium. 病理性盗汗多见于佝偻病,以3岁以下的小儿为主,主要表现在上半夜出汗,这是由于血钙偏低引起的。 18. rickets在线翻译 18. In fact, this is one of the early symptoms of rickets. 其实,这正是佝偻病的早期症状之一。 19. Rickets is no longer common in the UK and does not occur in children who have a healthy diet. 佝偻病的不再是共同在英国和不会出现在谁的儿童有一个健康的饮食习惯。 20. If it is found that your baby has rickets, must be under the guidance of doctors to give appropriate treatment. 如果发现你的宝宝有佝偻病,必须在医生的指导下,给予相应的治疗。 rickets 词典解释 1. 佝偻病 Rickets is a disease that children can get when their food does not contain enough Vitamin D. It makes their bones soft and causes their liver and spleen to become too large. rickets 单语例句 1. The baby was diagnosed as suffering from nutritional anemia and rickets last month. 2. When he was a child Liao suffered from polio and rickets, so only received five years of primary school education. 3. The reported symptoms include delayed dental development, rib deformities and rickets. 4. She had to quit school to fight diseases like rickets and a liver problem. rickets 英英释义 noun 1. childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus Synonym: rachitis |
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