单词 | meretricious |
释义 | meretricious [英 [?mer??tr???s] 美 [?m?r??tr???s] ] meretricious的意思、解释 meretricious 基本解释 形容词俗不可耐; 俗艳的,华而不实的 meretricious 相关例句 形容词 1. A wooden building painted to look like marble is meretricious. 一座漆得像大理石般的木制建筑物外表是美丽的。 meretricious 网络解释 1. meretricious 1. 俗气的:merely 仅仅 | meretricious 俗气的 | merganser 秋沙鸭 2. 娼妓的:merergasiameroergasia 轻精神病 | meretricious 娼妓的 | meretricious 华丽而庸俗的 3. 3. 华丽而庸俗的:meretricious 娼妓的 | meretricious 华丽而庸俗的 | mergefield 合并字段 4. meretricious是什么意思 4. 华而不实的,俗艳的:mendicant 行乞的n. 乞丐 | meretricious 华而不实的,俗艳的 | metamorphose 使变形,使变质 meretricious 双语例句 1. 1. Poetaster, the most pejorative of these terms, applies to a writer of insignificant, meretricious, or shoddy verse Poetaster 是这些词中最具贬义的一个词,适用无价值、俗艳或低劣的诗歌作者 2. Place drifting wind and, chinese bookman is not had almost do not follow meretricious drink make merry, write Shi Manai. 流风所及,中国文人几乎无一不跟娼妓饮酒作乐,写诗漫爱。 3. meretricious的意思 3. The free trader regards it as all false, meretricious, and delusive. 自由贸易论者认为它全都是虚假的、华而不实的、欺骗性的。 4. meretricious什么意思 4. Look how meretricious our community has now been!!! 看看现在的社会浮躁到什么程度了!! 5. 5. He has authority to put to death lascivious children, still can traffic children it is for slave meretricious. 他有权处死淫荡的儿女,还可以将儿女贩卖为奴隶为娼妓。 6. Everywhere there are meretricious actions and opportunism; everywhere there is an expectation of simple orders. 无论是个人、群体、还是社会的大舞台,都是被这样的氛围所环绕。 7. The contrast of their meretricious and smooth facial features and deformed limbs seems they are shocked, perplexed and looking for something. 在她们艳俗而光滑的五官与变形肢体的对比中,似乎错愕而困惑地在寻觅着什么。 8. He believed in beauty, recognised it in women and, amid the meretricious, created his share of it. 圣洛朗坚信美丽,并致力于在广大女性,甚至是庸脂俗粉的风尘女子身上发现美丽,从而造就出自己对美丽的独特诠释。 9. He claims that a lot of journalism is meretricious and superficial. 他断言许多新闻报道华而不实而且肤浅。 10. Advertisements convey an impression, however meretricious, of the importance of the goods being sold. 商业广告尽管华而不实,却能使人对正在销售的商品的重要性留有印象。 11. He was a son of god a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that and he must be about his father's business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. 他是上帝的儿子这个称号,如果有什么意义的话,就是字面的意思因此他必须为他的天父效命,献身于一种博大、庸俗、华而不实的美。 12. A wooden building painted to look like marble is meretricious. 一座漆得像大理石般的木制建筑物外表是美丽的。 13. So it is not surprising that politically expedient assertions about China have become as American as fortune cookies, and as sententiously meretricious as the prophecies and advice these encase. 所以毫不奇怪,既有将中国视为同美国一般财富源泉的积极的政治评价,也有说教的预言和忠告,称中国不过是华而不实、徒有其表。 14. It was a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation & as all good things should do. 那是一条白金表链,式样简单朴素,只以货色来宣誓它的价值,不凭什么不可耐的装潢&一切好东西都应该是这样的。 15. Some states adopt the " meretricious relationships " and " domestic partnerships ". Like the United States, the United Kingdom has gone through a phase of ultra-conservative, however, the reform pace of modern Britain is not as quick as the United States. 英国与美国一样经历了一个极度保守的阶段,然而英国现代的改革却没有美国的步伐大。 meretricious 词典解释 1. 华而不实的;徒有其表的 If you describe something as meretricious, you disapprove of it because although it looks attractive it is actually of little value. meretricious的意思 e.g. ...vulgar, meretricious and shabby souvenirs. 俗气花哨、质量低劣的纪念品 meretricious 英英释义 adj 1. based on pretense deceptively pleasing e.g. the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility meretricious praise a meretricious argument Synonym: gildedspecious 2. tastelessly showy e.g. a flash car a flashy ring garish colors a gaudy costume loud sport shirts a meretricious yet stylish book tawdry ornaments Synonym: brassycheapflashflashygarishgaudygimcrackloudtackytattytawdrytrashy 3. like or relating to a prostitute e.g. meretricious relationships |
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