单词 | pretty well |
释义 | pretty well [英 [?priti wel] 美 [?pr?ti w?l] ] pretty well的意思、解释 pretty well 基本解释 相当好; 几乎,差不多 pretty well 相关例句 ph. 1. 1. The work is pretty well finished. 这件工作差不多要做完了。 pretty well 网络解释 1. 几乎:semidominance 半显性 | pretty well 几乎 | filled with spleen 充满怨气[怒气] 2. 相当好:II. 写出下列短语 | 1. 相当好 pretty well | 2. 同......比赛 a game against 3. 今天心情好嗎:>想要幾歲結婚:now | >今天心情好嗎:pretty well.... | >有想過要自殺嗎:never... 4. 4. 很好:4. 长大 grow up | 5. 很好 pretty well | 6. 很多 quite a bit/ a lot pretty well 双语例句 1. I used to know a guy pretty well who was a cop. 我还跟一个当过警察的人很熟。 2. pretty well在线翻译 2. You know very well that I`m no longer pretty. i;OKo0 特鲁法说:奥立,你的话真让我高兴,可是你说得不对。 3. 3. When the Fire-wood was burnt pretty much into Embers, or live Coals, I drew them forward upon this Hearth, so as to cover it all over, and there I let them lye, till the Hearth was very hot, then sweeping away all the Embers, I set down my Loaf, or Loaves, and whelming down the Earthen Pot upon them, drew the Embers all round the Out-side of the Pot, to keep in, and add to the Heat; and thus, as well as in the best Oven in the World, I bak'd my Barley Loaves, and became in little Time a meer Pastry-Cook into the Bargain; for I made my self several Cakes of the Rice, and Puddings; indeed I made no Pies, neither had I any Thing to put into them, supposing I had, except the Flesh either of Fowls or Goats. 所有这一切,我都一无所有,但我还是做成了面包。这些事我将在下面再告诉读者。但在当时,我总算有了自己的粮食,这对我是极大的安慰,为我的生活带来了更多有利的条件。前面提到,没有适当的工具,一切事情做起来特别吃力,特别费时间,可是也没有办法。同时,我也没有浪费时间。我把时间分配得很好,每天安排出一定的时间来做这些事。我已决定等我收获了更多的粮食后再做面包,所以我还有六个月的时间;在这半年中,我可以运用我全部的精力和心血,设法制造出加工粮食各项工序所需要的各种工具。到时,有了足够的粮食,就可以用来制造面包了。 4. Here the ordinary engravings? after Brochard do not sell at all, the good burin engravings sell pretty well. 在这儿Brochard的普通雕版画根本就卖不出去,好的雕刻风格的雕版买得相当好。 5. I'm pretty quiet most of the time, and very well behaved. 在大部分的时间里我非常的安静,而且也很乖巧。 6. Well, anyway, they come over to help us celebrate the Golden Wedding and it was pretty crimpy weather and the furnace don`t seem to heat up no more like it used to and mother made the remark that she hoped this winter wouldn`t be as cold as the last, referring to the winter previous. 噢,无论如何,他们来帮助我们庆祝金婚,天气有点阴冷,炉子看上去比以前容易升温,母亲发表她的评论,谈论到前几个冬天时,她希望这个冬天不再和以前一样的冷。 7. pretty well是什么意思 7. George Gamow was a brilliant young Russian who came to Germany in 1928 and at the age of twenty-four started a revolution in nuclear physics. He was the first to understand how the quantum theory, which had been invented only three years earlier, could be applied to the nucleus. He used quantum theory to calculate how fast radioactive nuclei such as radium or uranium should decay, and found that the theory agreed pretty well with the observed rates of disintegration. He then made another decisive step, using quantum theory to calculate how easily a charged particle could come into a nucleus from outside. He understood that the same quantum rules apply in both directions. Easy out, easy in. If particles can escape from radioactive nuclei by quantum rules, then they can also penetrate into nuclei by quantum rules when fired at them from outside. 乔治·加莫夫是一位才华横溢的俄罗斯青年,1928年来到德国,24岁在核物理学领域发动了一场革命,他是第一个懂得三年前才创立的量子理论可以用于研究原子的人,他用量子理论计算镭和铀之类放射性原子的衰变速度,发现这一理论和对裂变速度的观察数据吻合极好,于是他迈出具有决定性意义的下一步,用量子理论计算带电粒子从外部进入原子的条件,他明白同样一条量子法则可以反过来运用,带电粒子容易进入也就容易逃逸,如果根据量子理论,粒子能够从放射性原子内部逃逸,则根据同样的量子理论法则,从外部用带电粒子轰击原子,粒子也能进入原子内部。 8. I think we have got on top of things pretty well. 我认为我们把事情做的相当完美。 9. Rasheed: well, people, this is the new wing of the practice ficility, you know, of course you've had the old wing with the court, and had a main office over there where you see the black out windows, our lock room and training room, this is the new wing they just built up right here, it's pretty fancy, you know, I'll take you around for a second, show you how it looks. 好的,观众朋友,这是训练中心的新分支部分,当然球场那边是旧分支,还有黑窗户那边的主办公室、我们的更衣室和训练房,这新分支是才盖好的,非常豪华,我现在带你们逛一逛,看看里面是怎么样的 10. So pleased for your prompt reply, I miss you too. You said you like Chinese food, well, I can cook food a pretty flavor, do you wanna enjoy it? 你好,很高兴你能及时回信,我也很想你,你喜欢中国食物,那好啊,我做的中国菜味道不错,想吃吗? 11. I'm pretty well, thank you. 我挺好的,谢谢。 12. 12. As soon as I had secur'd my two weak rescued Prisoners, and given them Shelter, and a Place to rest them upon, I began to think of making some Provision for them: And the first thing I did, I order'd Friday to take a yearling Goat, betwixt a Kid and a Goat, out of my particular Flock, to be kill'd, when I cut off the hinder Quarter, and chopping it into small Pieces, I set Friday to Work to boiling and stewing, and made them a very good Dish, I assure you, of Flesh and Broth, having put some Barley and Rice also into the Broth; and as I cook'd it without Doors, for I made no Fire within my inner Wall, so I carry'd it all into the new Tent; and having set a Table there for them, I sat down and eat my own Dinner also with them, and, as well as I could, chear'd them and encourag'd them; Friday being my Interpreter, especially to his Father, and indeed to the Spaniard too; for the Spaniard spoke the Language of the Savages pretty well. 现在,我这小岛上已经有了居民了;我觉得自己已有了不少百姓。我不禁觉得自己犹如一个国王。每想到这里,心里有一种说不出的喜悦。首先,整个小岛都是我个人的财产,因此,我对所属的领土拥有一种毫无异义的主权;其次,我的百姓对我都绝对臣服,我是他们的全权统治者和立法者。他们对我都感恩戴德,因为他们的性命都是我救下来的。假如有必要,他们个个都甘心情愿为我献出他们自己的生命。还有一点值得一提的是,我虽然只有三个臣民,但他们却分属三个不同的宗教:星期五是新教徒;他的父亲是异教徒,而且还是个吃人的生番;而那个西班牙人却又是个天主教徒。可是,在我的领土上,我允许宗教信仰自由。当然,这些只是在这儿顺便提提罢了。 13. Well after tonight's episode, some of you are perhaps pretty upsetabout Elle's death, but it is no reason to leave the show, because itis getting better. 今晚的剧集已经落下帷幕,你可能会对艾尔的死几多伤感几多惆怅,但这绝对不是你放弃这个巨作的理由,因为它正在向更好的方向发展! 14. They keep asking me how is Taiwan like, do we have oceans and mountains. Well, actually yes and as pretty as here but I don't see them often, not many people can see them. Pity. 他们很多人都问我台湾是怎样的国家,有没有山海风景,其实有耶而且也一样美,但我都不常看到,很多人都不常看到可惜呀! 15. pretty well 15. But it's not a bad thing to be known as, because Blue were a pretty cool band and we did well for ourselves and we have the statistics to prove that we were successful. 不是什么坏的事情。BLUE很棒,我们很努力也证明了我们的价值。 16. Well, in a world with square watermelons probably pretty much anything is possible. 在一个连西瓜都可以是方的的世界里,似乎没有什么东西是不可能的。 17. And, Senator, I remind you that a few years ago when I supported teacher testing while in my home state I was pretty well lambasted by the teachers association. 参议员,我要提醒你的是,几年前我在家乡州支持教师考核时,遭到教师协会的口诛笔伐。 18. My master is Sally. She is a pretty girl. She plays hopscotch very well. 我的主人名叫Sally,她是一个漂亮的女孩,她玩跳房子游戏很不错的。 19. 19. Penglai lies in the outside of Anxi, has a well-protected natural environment, a subtropical climate, a large area of land, enough water rsource and a pretty ecological environment, providing advantaged natural environment for people's residence and development. 蓬莱地处外安溪,自然环境保护良好,属亚热带气候,广袤的土地、充沛的水资源和优美的生态环境为人们的居住和发展提供了得天独厚的自然条件。 20. pretty well 20. It is the first time that I came, and I find it grandiose, very well refined, very pretty. 这是我第一次来了,我觉得宏大,很精致,很漂亮。 pretty well 单语例句 1. And we have been doing pretty well in our " comfort zone ". 2. The forecast for the balance of the week after tomorrow is pretty good so those fields will dry up well. 3. They are holding up pretty well against the onslaught of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. 4. I've played him before in the Ryder Cup and I've been fortunate enough to do pretty well against him. 5. Within a fortnight last month, the pretty girl lost both of her parents as well as her grandmother to SARS. 6. " I was serving quite well and holding serve pretty handily, " the American added. 7. Given the Chinese proclivity for homogeny, we have turned out pretty well. 8. " I felt like I was playing well and in control pretty much of the match, " she said. 9. Those Chinese cities with existing underground train networks claim they are already doing pretty well in this regard and are well aware of possible risks. 10. Things might seem pretty dire, but you need to just keep an open mind if you want to do well. |
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