单词 | mellow |
释义 | mellow [英 [?mel??] 美 [?melo?] ] mellow的意思、解释 过去式:mellowed; 过去分词:mellowed; 现在分词:mellowing; mellow 基本解释 形容词圆润的; (瓜,果等)成熟的; (酒)芳醇的; (颜色或声音)柔和的 动词(使)成熟; 变柔和; 使芳醇 mellow 相关例句 形容词 1. I've seen him grow more mellow over the years. 这些年来,我看到他变得更加圆熟了。 2. The party got gloriously mellow. 那伙人喝得酩酊大醉。 及物动词 1. 1. The years have mellowed him. 岁月使他变得老成了。 2. The years have mellowed the two brothers. 岁月使这兄弟俩老成持重了。 不及物动词 1. The apples mellowed after we picked them. 苹果在我们摘下后变得醇香了。 mellow 网络解释 1. 醇香:*全新100%原装正品醇香(MELLOW)女士香水30ML经典紫色*全新100%原装正品醇香(MELLOW)女士香水30ML经典紫色 2. [芳醇]:d)我没觉着我是汉奸啊七月十九日 橘色山柳兰(Orange Hawkweed) 独具慧眼(Keep insight)七月十四日 白色羽扇豆(White Lupin) 多才多艺(Highly Accomplished)二月二十一日 白番红花(White Crocus) 芳醇(Mellow)七月十八日 春菊( 3. 圆润的:声音是圆润的(mellow)和天鹅绒一般醇厚的感觉(velvety). Westone3(为了iPod做音源而特意优化过)的声音在高频上延展的更多,因此比UM3X的表现要更明亮. UM3X的声音在处理人声和声学吉它上比W3更加妙不可言. 这副入耳耳机绝对在在声学吉它, 4. mellow 4. 甘美的、圆润的、松软的:Syrupy:美妙的、甜美的 | Mellow:甘美的、圆润的、松软的 | Luscious:甘美的、芬芳的 mellow 双语例句 1. mellow的近义词 1. Gently shake youth Campanula ring, a pleasant voice on the heart attack, looked up rays in the halo of colorful dreams, a few heart will indulge in the glory of touching: the stream of history, the splendid ancient Chinese poem so elegant that the idea of flying the look, clean up one's soul and beautify their own temperament; breathing poetry of the text in the mellow air, let poets of sentiment or feeling melancholy; then Qingli poetic, sincere love, dream The gorgeous cast of human soul, the soul of the strokes used to write their own lines, to the life of paper left on a clean page. 轻轻摇响青春的风铃,一阵悦耳声袭上心头,抬头仰望霞光中五彩梦的光环,心几就会沉醉在那动人的光环之中:从历史的小溪里,掬起古人灿烂的诗句,让那飘逸的思想、飞动的神采,荡涤自己的灵魂,美化自己的气质;呼吸诗文中醇厚的文气,感悟诗人们放达抑或忧郁的情怀;再把诗的清丽、情的真挚、梦的绚烂投人心灵之中,用灵魂的笔触写出自己的诗行,给生命的纸页上留下一笔清澈。 2. Ache with tristearin, sodium or nitrify cotton is coagulating agent, adopt the legal system of two steps Bei technology, in 65 ℃ respond, shell mellow wine: tristearin acid: the best proportion of the sodium of sodium hydroxide is 91:6.5:1, compound with two methods solid shell mellow wine, at the same time join stabilizing agent, eliminate smoke dose, restrain volatilizer and fireworks modifier etc., is as hydration alumina eliminate smoke dose, raise the integral performance of solid shell pure fuel. 以硬脂酸钠或硝化棉为凝固剂,采用两步法制备工艺,在65℃时进行反应,甲醇:硬脂酸:氢氧化钠钠的最佳比例为91:6.5:1,用两种方法配制出的固体甲醇,同时加入稳定剂、消烟剂、抑制挥发剂、焰火改性剂等,如水合氧化铝作为消烟剂,来提高固体甲醇燃料的综合性能。 3. The invention discloses a dahurian angelica root drug mellow distilling liquid effective constituent group finger print and buildup method and the application. The method includes the distilling of dahurian angelica root drug and the buildup of mellow distilling liquid effective constituent group finger print and gaining the dahurian angelica root drug mellow distilling liquid effective constituent group finger print. It separates finger print to three area, II area and III area is the main effective constituent group. 本发明公开了一种白芷药材醇提液有效成分群指纹图谱及其建立方法和应用,该方法包括白芷药材的提取和醇提液有效成分群指纹图谱的建立,得到白芷药材醇提液有效成分群指纹图谱,将指纹图谱分为三区,II区、III区为主要有效成分群。 4. Through chemical analysis, muskrat of excretive of the cell outside body is sweet as sweet as natural excretive muskrat all contain annulus seventeen alkyl ketone, muskiness ketone and cycloalkanes kind, ester kind, mellow kind with aldehyde kind wait for composition. 经过化学分析,体外细胞分泌的麝鼠香和自然分泌的麝鼠香均含有环十七烷酮、麝香酮以及环烷类、酯类、醇类和醛类等成分。 5. Fourth, the central banks of international policy coordination between the models are getting more mellow. 第四,模型间的国际政策协调的中央银行越来越醇厚。 6. 6. Carried out in strict accordance with the Terms, the Dragon Boating Festival tread winch, Chongyang festival put material, one production cycle a year, with the natural environment and the use of local natural aging period by more than 1000 days of rain the sun, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon, using sun and rain is the only fermentation, alcohol molecule collisions have been fully integrated, so that a more mellow taste liquor, coupled with the storage of high boiling point material formed Maotai-flavor Liquor. 严格按照节气进行,端午踩曲、重阳投料,一年一个生产周期,出酒后利用当地得天独厚的自然环境经陈酿期1000天以上的阳光雨露,吸收日月之精华,是唯一采用日晒雨露发酵,酒分子得到了充分的碰撞融合,使酒体更醇香味美,加之高沸点物质丰富贮存而形成的酱香型白酒。 7. With 15 silk roses Jiao color, outline mellow abundance profile, Yingrun satin color in full bloom every letter! 以15款丝质玫瑰娇色,勾勒柔美丰盈轮廓,盈润缎彩尽致盛放! 8. It was suggested that the stack-cover duration is the major factor affecting the taste of yellow tea under the present processing conditions. The brisk and mellow taste of yellow tea is induced by the coordinate change of amino acids and tea polyphenols during processing. 表明相同条件下,闷堆时间是黄茶滋味风格形成的主要因素,黄茶浓醇鲜爽滋味主要是闷堆过程中多酚类物质和氨基酸协调变化所致。 9. Two biggest superior tea districts lie along the belt, Tea produced in the region is charactered of high aroma, mellow and brisk taste, high grade. 它生产的茶叶质量香气高长,滋味醇爽,品质优异。 10. 10. It was made from one bud and one or two fresh leaves in Huangshan areas. It tastes mellow and brisk with clean and high aroma. It is suitable for producing pure tea drink. 黄山毛峰Huangshan Mao Feng 采用黄山地区的一芽一、二叶鲜嫩原料生产,香气清透细长、滋味醇爽,适合用于绿茶纯茶饮料。 11. It tastes mellow and brisk without bitter and astringency. It`s good for producing green and seasonings tea drink. 云雾绿茶Yunwu Green Tea 采用一芽二、三叶原料生产,香气清爽、滋味醇和爽口,口感饱满而不苦涩,茶感足。 12. Western Hills II ginnala knot tight, neat and well-spaced slender, was shaped spouts, 黛绿silver tip, and dried cents front cover shoot, lasting delicate fragrance, mellow taste鲜爽back Gambari, liquor color clear green, bright green Securinega. 西山茶条索紧结,纤细匀整,呈龙卷状,黛绿银尖,茸毫盖锋梢,幽香持久,滋味醇和回甘鲜爽,汤色碧绿清澈,叶底嫩绿明亮。 13. IT is thought the skin have so much member, but the water`s contain to 70% and for the skin leading in physiology, so that forn he`s water principle theory——he thought, the skin not better absorb for the effect component and illness or senescence whether it from the skin and the body`s others but common qround is the same for the run short of the water in the cell and conjunctive tissue. in his manufacture in 1998 the new name came out and was named ——TORSION. for the technology he make use of the cosmetic ordinary `s drink aqua and lock the water capability when you use it, not only can keeping the skin have plenitudinous moisture, so that the skin deeply suck then using the ordinary cosmetic drink component hillpear mellow molecule deriive `s than hillpear mellowdrink`s capability high 1~2 times for β- hillpear mellow. 他认为虽然皮肤有多种成分,但水分却占到了70%,对皮肤的生理肯定起着主导性作用,基于此形成了他的Water principle研究理论。认为皮肤对有效成分的吸收不彻底,以及疾病或衰老,无论它来自皮肤还是身体的其他部位,其共同点都是一样的,那就是在细胞和结缔组织中缺少了水。在他的精心研制下,利用化妆品常用的吸水剂山梨醇分子衍生出比山梨醇吸水剂吸水能力高出1-2倍的β—山梨醇,大大提高了皮肤的补水和锁水能力,使皮肤保持充足的水分,从而使肌肤对化妆品有效成分的吸收更为彻底。通过上万例的化妆品配方应用试验后,此技术于1998年在雅邦国际化妆品研究机构得到了推广,并利用Makinsdi.Dr的研究办公室作为新品的命名—TORSION。 14. IT is thought the skin have so much member, but the water`s contain to 70% and for the skin leading in physiology, so that forn he`s water principle theory——he thought, the skin not better absorb for the effect component and illness or senescence whether it from the skin and the body`s others but common qround is the same for the run short of the water in the cell and conjunctive tissue. in his manufacture in 1998 the new name come out and naming ——TORSION. for the technology he make use of the cosmetic ordinary `s drink aqua and lock the water capability when you use it, ont only can keeping the skin have plenitudinous moisture, so that the skin deeply suck then using the ordinary cosmetic drink component hillpear mellow molecule deriive `s than hillpear mellowdrink`s capability high 1~2 times for β- hillpear mellow. 他认为虽然皮肤有多种成分,但水分却占到了70%,对皮肤的生理肯定起着主导性作用,基于此形成了他的Water principle研究理论。认为皮肤对有效成分的吸收不彻底,以及疾病或衰老,无论它来自皮肤还是身体的其他部位,其共同点都是一样的,那就是在细胞和结缔组织中缺少了水。在他的精心研制下,利用化妆品常用的吸水剂山梨醇分子衍生出比山梨醇吸水剂吸水能力高出1-2倍的β—山梨醇,大大提高了皮肤的补水和锁水能力,使皮肤保持充足的水分,从而使肌肤对化妆品有效成分的吸收更为彻底。通过上万例的化妆品配方应用试验后,此技术于1998年在法国雅邦国际化妆品研究机构得到了推广,并利用Makinsdi.Dr的研究办公室作为新品的命名—TORSION。 15. Mizoguchi's films during the occupation were noted particularly for their feminist content: The Victory of Women (1946) is the chronicle of a female lawyer defending a woman accused of murdering her child; The Love of Sumako the Actress (1947) and My Love Has Been Burning are biographies of liberated women of the Meiji era. Five Women around Utamaro, a mellow, witty biopic of the 18th-century woodblock artist, was one of the first postwar period films, a genre discouraged under the occupation; according to Joseph Anderson and Donald Richie, Mizoguchi obtained permission to make it by stressing the hero's democratic sympathies and political dissidence. 沟口健二在美军占领期间拍摄的影片尤其因女性主义内容而广为人知:《女人的胜利》(The Victory of Women ,1946)是一部关于一位女性律师为另一位被控谋杀其孩子的女子担当辩护的详尽叙述;《女演员须磨子的恋爱》(The Love of Sumako the Actress ,1947)以及《我的爱在燃烧》则是关于明治时期那些摆脱束缚之女性的传记影片;《歌女五美图》是一部柔美而诙谐的名人传记影片,其主角是一位生活在十八世纪的木版画艺人,本片也是战后第一批时代剧之一,而这种类型的电影在占领时期是受到阻挠的;根据约瑟夫·安德森与唐纳德·里奇的说法,沟口健二通过强调主角对民主的同情以及在政治方面的异端立场而获准拍摄。 16. mellow什么意思 16. At eighteen years, our single malt is exceptionally smooth and mellow with notes of oak, apple and cinnamon. 格兰菲迪18年,口感醇香平滑并具有一种融合橡木,青苹果和肉桂的香味。 17. Geng cake its unique and rare and famous, Chinese persimmon wine for its pure, elegant, cool Yee, sweet mellow taste and a unique and exclusive vinegar Shannon head, director of the public are welcome to Yang and India to try and negotiate business. 耿饼以其独特稀有而声名远扬,中华柿酒以其纯净、幽雅、爽怡、甘甜醇厚的口味和独特的醋香而独占头,厂长杨宪印欢迎各界人士光临品尝,洽谈业务。 18. The production of carefully finished picking tea, be stout and strong demand, tight knot round straight color泽乌Run, flushing red after the liquor color, long-resistant foam, mellow taste, it seems汤味GUI Yuan, strong fragrant smell to the smoke alcohol Hanfu and Gui-xiang Yuan Tang, dates taste the quality of its main characteristics. 经过精心采摘制作的成品茶,条索肥壮,紧结圆直,色泽乌润,冲水后汤色艳红,经久耐泡,滋味醇厚,似桂元汤味,气味芬芳浓烈,以醇馥的烟香和桂元汤、蜜枣味为其主要品质特色。 19. Oh, dear roses, despite the mellow spring wine I could not afford you, I would offer you limpid spring water together with my gentle pure heart. You would wither away in this shabby adobe bottle in grief and solitude, but wouldn't it be better than to be abondoned and trampled by the wayside? 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心,你在这破土瓶中虽然不免要凄凄寂寂地飘零,但比遗弃在路头被人践踏了的好罢? 20. Because their contents of the essential oil from Ganquan/Linyou/Xinyi/Qianyang/Kuyu and Shibianyu and so on higher elevation(1000-1500m) in Shaanxi approach from USA, the suitable proportion of the aromatic constituents, it makes the aroma mellow, mild, unadulterated, sweet, and the aroma quality better, which attains international good quality standard, hence the essential oil from region of lower latitude and higher elevation in Shaanxi can rival from USA for quality; The characteristic aroma of the essential oil from Changan Fengsan and so on lower elevation in Shaanxi is not obvious, the stability and the aroma quality is bader because of its lower content of 1-methol content, higher content of 1-menthone, and lighter flavor. 陕西甘泉、麟游、旬邑、千阳、库峪、石砭峪等较高海拔(1000~1500m)地区精油主要成分的含量与美国样品接近,各香气成分比例协调、和谐,香气圆韵、温和,清甜纯正,香气品质优,达到国际优质标准,可完全与目前世界公认的优等精油产品美国精油媲美;而长安冯三等较低海拔地区精油由于薄荷酮含量过高而薄荷醇含量过低,精油的特征香气不明显,香味较淡,稳定性差,香气品质较差。 mellow 词典解释 1. (颜色)柔和的,温暖的 Mellow is used to describe things that have a pleasant, soft, rich colour, usually red, orange, yellow, or brown. e.g. ...a classic Queen Anne house of mellow red brick with a white portico. 一座典型的安妮女王时代的房屋,有着色彩柔和的红砖和白色的门廊 e.g. ...this mellow Cotswold manor house. 这座古色古香的科茨沃尔德庄园宅邸 2. (声音)悦耳的,圆润的;(味道)香醇的 A mellow sound or flavour is pleasant, smooth, and rich. e.g. His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality. 他的嗓音低沉悦耳,他的讲话能抚慰人心。 e.g. ...the mellow background music. 舒缓的背景音乐 3. (使)变平和;(使)变得成熟 If someone mellows or if something mellows them, they become kinder or less extreme in their behaviour, especially as a result of growing older. e.g. When the children married and had children of their own, he mellowed a little... 等孩子们结了婚又有了自己的小孩以后,他变得平和了一些。 e.g. Marriage had not mellowed him. 婚姻并没有让他成熟起来。 4. (尤指喝过酒或品尝过美食后)怡然自得的 If someone is mellow, they feel very relaxed and cheerful, especially as the result of alcohol or good food. e.g. He'd had a few glasses of champagne himself and was fairly mellow... 他自己也已几杯香槟下肚,很是飘飘然。 e.g. At the other tables couples were now in a mellow mood, chattering happily and drinking. 其他桌上的情侣们正一边饮酒一边畅谈,兴致很高。 mellow 单语例句mellow 1. The dishes often contain think and mellow juices, and use a large amount of oil in the coking process. 2. Light yellow in color, it has a floral and fruity flavor with mellow taste. 3. Liu's fans call her " Milk Tea " because her soft and mellow songs have a creamy sense of nostalgia and sad romance. 4. It is enjoyed for its mellow taste and medicinal qualities, and is often referred to as a " drinkable antique ". 5. The mellow timbre of the erhu and pipa instruments reminds one of Ah Bing, who wrote six precious compositions on the two instruments. 6. Extremes do not exist in Tan cuisine, which is mellow with subtle notes that meet the general tastes of everyone. 7. People looking for a mellow liquid escape can sip the low alcohol homemade rice wine, a drink that's a hit with the ladies. 8. It has roughly the same alcohol content as red wine with a mellow, sweet flavour that is a bit of an acquired taste. 9. Lafite wine is prominent for its floral fruity flavor and mellow soft taste, and is regarded as the " Queen " in the wine kingdom. 10. If you like your fruitcake more mature and mellow, start baking now. mellowmellow 英英释义 mellow是什么意思 verb 1. make or grow (more) mellow e.g. These apples need to mellow a bit more The sun mellowed the fruit 2. become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial e.g. With age, he mellowed Synonym: meltmellow out 3. soften, make mellow e.g. Age and experience mellowed him over the years adj 1. slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana) Synonym: high 2. having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience e.g. mellow wisdom the peace of mellow age 3. having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience e.g. mellow wisdom the peace of mellow age Synonym: mellowed 4. having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging e.g. a mellow port mellowed fruit Synonym: mellowed 5. unhurried and relaxed e.g. a mellow conversation Synonym: laid-back mellow adv 1. (obsolete) in a mellow manner Synonym: mellowly |
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