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单词 incumbent
    incumbent [英 [?n?k?mb?nt] 美 [?n?k?mb?nt] ]
    incumbent 基本解释
    形容词义不容辞的; 在职的; 靠在[压在]上面的; 弯垂下来的
    名词在职者; 教会中的任职者; 〈英〉教区牧师
    incumbent 相关例句
    1. It's incumbent on you to warn them.
    2. It's incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home.
    3. It is incumbent upon you to warn them.
    1. He, as the incumbent, is vulnerable on this.
    incumbent 网络解释
    1. 现任者,在职者:Footage:电影胶片 | Incumbent:现任者,在职者 | Military Chief:军事最高统帅
    2. 在职者,现任者:recumbent 靠着的, 斜躺着的, 不活动的, 休息的 | incumbent 在职者,现任者 | suppliant 恳求者, 哀求者
    3. 职责所在的:incumbency 责任 | incumbent 职责所在的 | incumber 妨害
    incumbent 双语例句
    1. This is an innovation that fulfils the requirements of some, but not most, consumers better than the incumbent does. That gives it a toehold, which allows room for improvement and, eventually, dominance.
    2. Plants pilose with subappressed trichomes rarely to 1 mm; fruit 1-2.5 cm × 0.9-1.1 mm; seeds to 1.4 mm, not margined; cotyledons incumbent
    很少的植株具柔毛的具近贴伏毛状体到1毫米;果1-2.5厘米×0.9-1.1毫米;对1.4毫米的种子,不给镶边;子叶现任 5 D。
    3. incumbent的意思
    3. Vizeum, the incumbent agency for Danone Robust lactose anti-bacteria and Danone Health, OMD, the incumbent agency for Danone Dumex and Danone yoghurt, and MEC Shanghai are believed to be involved.
    据消息透露,现任达能Robust lactose anti-bacteria和达能健康品牌的代理机构伟视捷,还有现任达能Dumex和达能酸奶的代理机构浩腾媒体以及MEC上海都将参与此次竞标。
    4. The independent candidate also is especially critical of an incumbent president * engagement policy with North Korea.
    5. The incumbent shall conduct regular onsite audits on end-users, as well as lead repossession and/or remarketing of leased assets in conjunction with the vendor as appropriate.
    6. It almost certainly contributed to the rising numbers of middle-class voters who backed the incumbent governments of Indonesia and India.
    7. Fu Cheng-hua, deputy director of Beijing Public Security Bureau Incumbent.
    8. It is not necessary here to repeat the well-known description, both in the Jerusalem and the Babylon Talmud, of the seven kinds of'Pharisees, 'of whom six (the'Shechemite, 'the'stumbling, 'the'bleeding, 'the'mortar, 'the'I want to know what is incumbent on me, 'and'the Pharisee from fear') mark various kinds of unreality, and only one is'the Pharisee from love.
    这是在这里没有必要重复众所周知的描述,无论是在耶路撒冷和巴比伦塔木德,在七种'法利赛人,其中六(在' Shechemite ,'的'绊脚石'的'出血'的'迫击炮'的'我想知道什麼是我义不容辞的责任,'和'的法利赛人免於恐惧')标志的各种不切实际,只有一个是'的法利赛人爱情。
    9. incumbent的近义词
    9. Four former Presidents joined incumbent President George Bush at the dedication ceremony for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
    10. I think its incumbent upon us to support him.
    11. incumbent什么意思
    11. I think it's incumbent upon us to support him.
    12. In Montana, Democratic challenger John Tester has won a very close US Senate race against incumbent and Republican Senator Conrad Burns.
    在蒙大纳州,民主党挑战者John Tester在与共和党议员Conrad Burns的竞争中,赢得了这场关键性的选举。99%的选区结果表示。
    13. He had never danced in that manner at Moscow, and would indeed have regarded such an extremely free and easy manner of dancing as not correct, as bad style; but here he felt it incumbent on him to astonish them all by something extraordinary, something that they would be sure to take for the usual thing in the capital, though new to them in the provinces.
    14. It is incumbent up on us to do so.
    15. It is incumbent on you to answer his question.
    16. Unfortunately, it is incumbent upon me...
    17. incumbent是什么意思
    17. It is incumbent on me to attend the meeting.
    18. incumbent的近义词
    18. Incumbent starters Rasheed Wallace and Antonio McDyess figure to lose minutes to younger players like Jason Maxiell, Amir Johnson and Kwame Brown.
    19. The ruling way is one of the important contents in incumbent party construction and development.
    20. Seeds wingless, oblong, plump; seed coat smooth, not mucilaginous when wetted; cotyledons incumbent.
    incumbent 词典解释
    1. 现任官员;在职官员
    An incumbent is someone who holds an official post at a particular time.
    e.g. In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being reelected.
    通常现任官员有 94% 的几率会再次当选。
    2. 成为责任的;义不容辞的;必须履行的
    If it is incumbent upon you to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it.
    e.g. It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.
    incumbent 单语例句incumbent在线翻译
    1. Incumbent DPJ Policy Chief Seiji Maehara is expected to be appointed as a minister in a Cabinet reshuffle that may take place early next month.
    2. Sarkozy's TV address came just less than three months before the French presidential elections although the incumbent president has yet officially announced his candidacy.
    3. Four incumbent directors will more or less carry on with their current work.
    4. The post is largely ceremonial, but the incumbent has the power to veto legislative bills and government appointments.
    5. He had also came out ahead of Sarkozy in the first round in mid April, making him the first incumbent president to be defeated by a challenger.
    6. If cigarette producers are trying to lure teenagers into becoming future smokers, it is incumbent of governments at different levels to prevent them from doing so.
    7. Romney has been closing his poll number gap with Obama nationwide after outperforming the incumbent last Wednesday in the first presidential debate.
    8. As the incumbent he has the constitutional right to remain in office to try and form alliances with other parties to command an overall majority.
    9. The bombings turned Spanish politics upside down, producing a surprise general election defeat three days later for the incumbent conservative Popular Party.
    10. The election marks the first time an incumbent has faced a credible challenge in Kenya's four decades of independence from Britain.
    incumbent 英英释义
    1. the official who holds an office
    Synonym: officeholder
    1. currently holding an office
    e.g. the incumbent governor
    2. necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility
    morally binding
    e.g. it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts
    3. lying or leaning on something else
    e.g. an incumbent geological formation




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