单词 | confederation |
释义 | confederation [英 [k?n?fed??re??n] 美 [k?n?f?d??re??n] ] confederation的意思、解释 复数形式:confederations; confederation 基本解释 名词联盟; 结盟; 同盟国 confederation 网络解释 1. 联邦:斯普林菲尔德手枪,tomahawk猎枪,炸药甚至Ketchum手雷来杀敌,或者仅仅运用与各国政要谈判的手段来解决这个世界里发生的种种问题.本MOD共有五大势力,即 联盟(Union), 联邦(Confederation), 加拿大联盟(Canadian Union), confederation 双语例句 1. On the basis of the Common Plan approved by the General Assembly in February, and endorsed by the Assembly of the League of Nations in April, detailed arrangements have been made withthe Swiss Confederation and with the League au 根据联合国大会2月会议所批准的共同计划,并得到国联大会4月会议的同意,关于将国联在日内瓦的大楼及其它财产转给联合国一事,已分别与瑞士和国联领导人作出具体安排。 2. 2. But eventually, in 1692, the Confederation passed the International Code of Wizarding Secrecy. 但最终,在1692年,联合会通过了一项国际魔法保密法。 3. MILAN - Gazzetta dello Sport reports an interview with Kaka who is playing with Brazil in the Confederation Cup. 米兰-《米兰体育报》刊登了卡卡的访谈,他正代表巴西国家队征战联合会杯。 4. The Spaniard was quizzed on the fitness of Fernando Torres following his Confederation Cup antics in the summer. 有记者问到参加了劳民伤财的联合会杯之后的Fernando Torres状态如何。 5. In the last three seasons he has played 180 games without taking a break for the last two years, for the FIFA Confederation Cup in 2005 and the World Cup in 2006, without taking into account that at the end of this season he will play important games for Milan and Brazil. 在过去三年中,他一共打了180场比赛,没有休息过一个夏天,2005年是国际联合会杯,2006年是世界杯,这个赛季以后他还会为米兰和巴西国家队打很多重要的比赛。 6. My farewell to Ac Milan, the club and the city where i thought I would spend the rest of my career, the confederation cup, joining Real Madrid, and now the new challenge, trying to do well in the season leading to the world cup. 我告别了AC米兰俱乐部和这座城市,我本以为我会把我的整个职业生涯都献给这里。联合会杯,加盟皇家马德里,而现在的新挑战,就是努力踢好这个赛季,直至世界杯。 7. Brazil's national team beat Argentina, 4-1, to win the Confederation's Cup in Germany, and the five-time World Cup champions led the field of 32 nations in qualifying for the next edition of football's premier event in 2006 in Germany. 巴西国家队以4:1击败阿根廷队,赢得了德国联邦杯冠军。这支曾获五次世界杯冠军的巴西国家队又将带领着绿茵场上32国的强劲足球队进军2006年在德国举行的下一轮足球重要赛事。 8. The Confederation Cup football tournament kicked off today with South Africa playing against Iraq. 联合会世界杯足球赛今日开锣与南非对阵伊拉克。 9. The author holds that the Huigus, Sogdians and Tatars were not the ethnic oringin of the Shatuo people, but only the components of the Shatuo ethnic community; the Shatuos'origin could be traced back to the Zhuyie tribe of the Chuyue confederation of the Western Tujue People. 认为回纥人、粟特人以及鞑靼人只是沙陀民族共同体的组成部分,而不是沙陀的族源,沙陀的族源是西突厥别部处月部中的朱邪部落。 10. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation. 各州不得缔结任何条约、同盟或联邦。 11. 11. The PCF reluctantly supported the students, whom it regarded as adventurers and anarchists, and the major left union federations, the Confederation Generale du Travail and the Force Ouvriere, called a one-day general strike and demonstration for Monday, 13 May. 该基金不情愿地支持学生,这些冒险家和无政府主义者认为,主要的左翼联盟联合会,工人总联合会和工人力量,所谓的为期一天的总罢工和5月13日星期一的示威。 12. Questioner: Is it possible for an entity here on Earth to be so confused as to call both the Confederation and the Orion group in an alternating way, first one, then the other, and then back to the first again? 发问者:一个地球上的实体,是否有可能因同时交替呼求星际联邦与猎户集团而变得混乱,先是前者,再是后者,又回到前者? 13. confederation的意思 13. I is a by the People's Republic of China approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation in Shanghai Sino-US joint venture cargo register an agent (Shanghai Tianyuan International Freight Co., Ltd.------ confederation Group) Group confederation ship with dozens of well-known companies have signed a booking agency agreement, and with the major shipping companies to set up a good relationship of cooperation; shipping LCL traditional strengths as a project, has now opened the world's more than 30 international ports of straight fight business, and meet the customer sent to various parts of the world delivery requirements; by the Shanghai Customs and Qingdao Ocean Shipping Container Customs granted the right to allocate the import LCL, old import and export amounted to more than 60, 000 TEUs, with the exception of conventional cargo transport, also provides dry bulk, grocery items, frozen goods, dangerous goods, bulky, personal baggage and other special cargo transportation services. 邦联集团同数十家知名船公司签订了订舱代理协议,并与各大船公司建立了良好的合作关系;海运拼箱作为传统优势项目,现已开通全球30余个国际港口的直拼业务,并可满足客户发往世界各地的运送要求;已由上海海关和青岛海关批准获得海运集装箱拼箱进口分拨权,现年进出口量达6万标箱以上,除常规货物的运输外,还可提供干散货、件杂货、冷冻货、危险品、大件、私人行李等特种货物的运输服务。 14. confederation的意思 14. Registered in April 2001 in accordance with the related laws in Beijing and it was established under the sparkplug of Zhong Chutian, an academician of World Confederation of Productivity Science. 北京宇天能纳米技术有限公司于 2001 年 4 月在北京依法注册成立,由世界生产率科学联盟钟楚田院士倡导成立。 15. The head of the International Confederation of Wizards is called the Supreme Mugwump. 巫师国际联邦的首脑被称为最高会长。 16. confederation的反义词 16. First Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, a position later held by none other than Albus Dumbledore. 第一位国际巫师联合会的超级首脑,其后这个位置只有阿不斯·邓布利多才能胜任。 17. He concentrates efforts on the USA accordion so far still year's of already entering cycle of sixty years development of cause, not only having created various culvert cover music style the accordion including classical music, tango music, jazz etc. work, return back to a great master shift often holding the master accordion classes, including the success in 2008 has been held one accordion seminar recently. William Shimmel has been gained from the America Accordion Association award Ph. Degree in 2007, Confederation Internationale Des Accordeonistes also has carried out the international accordion on contribution done by whose commend. 已经进入花甲之年的他至今仍致力于美国手风琴事业的发展,不仅创作了涵盖多种音乐风格——包括古典音乐、探戈音乐、爵士音乐等在内的手风琴作品,还经常举办手风琴大师班,2008年成功举办了又一届手风琴讲习会。2007年威廉·史迈尔获得了由美国手风琴协会授予的博士学位,国际手风琴联盟也对其所作的贡献进行了表彰。 18. It is unclear who the man was or where he came from, but it was thought he was a disgruntled Vaegir opposed to the treaty or an assassin in the employ of the Northern Confederation. 此人的身份死无对证,有人认为他是个反对议和的维基亚人,另一些则怀疑他是北方邦联的黑手。 19. The University was established by Royal Charter of Queen Victoria in 1841 - twenty-six years before Canadian confederation. 大学是由维多利亚女王的皇家宪章成立于1841 -二十六年前,加拿大联邦。 20. confederation 20. The Pawnee comprised a confederation of four relatively independent tribes living in permanent villages. 波尼人把居住固定的村落里的四个相对独立的部落凑成一联盟注意,注意力集中 confederation 词典解释 1. (尤指为商业或政治目的而组成的)联盟,同盟,联合会 A confederation is an organization or group consisting of smaller groups or states, especially one that exists for business or political purposes. e.g. ...the Confederation of Indian Industry. 印度产业联合会 e.g. ...plans to partition the republic into a confederation of mini-states. 把共和国分割成小国邦联的计划 confederation 单语例句confederation是什么意思 1. The Asian confederation called on FIFA to put pressure on Manchester United and the Football Association of Malaysia to call the game off. 2. Top officials of Asian Football Confederation urged their member countries to build professional football clubs, whose importance has been largely overlooked compared with their national teams. 3. But thousands of followers dissatisfied with being taken out of the fight have formed a loose confederation armed and trained by Iran. 4. Confederation deputy president Li Jianming said the country's growing economy had benefited these enterprises in spite of price hikes for oil and other materials. 5. Eisenhower urged the US to promote a world confederation of equals, " the weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as " the strongest. 6. But the Confederation of African Football ruled on Monday evening they were no longer in the tournament after forfeiting their match against Ghana. 7. Below are the four pots for the teams from the Asian confederation which will be shared among eight qualifying groups. 8. Confederation leaders are demanding that a new letter of intent be drawn up for the IMF that would include their amendments. 9. Mohamed bin Hammam on Monday announced he had resigned from his roles on FIFA's executive committee and as president of the Asian Football Confederation. 10. And the most possible candidate Australia of the continent have joined the Asian Football Confederation, which creates some chance for China. confederation 英英释义 noun 1. the act of forming an alliance or confederation Synonym: alliance 2. a union of political organizations Synonym: confederacyfederation 3. the state of being allied or confederated Synonym: alliance |
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