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单词 ineffectual
    ineffectual [英 [??n??fekt?u?l] 美 [??n??f?kt?u?l] ]
    ineffectual 基本解释
    形容词徒劳无益的; 无效的,不起作用的
    名词无用的人; 无一技之长者
    ineffectual 相关例句
    1. The searchlights were ineffectual in the fog.
    ineffectual 网络解释
    1. 无效的:ineffectively 无效地 | ineffectual 无效的 | ineffectually 无效地
    2. ineffectual
    2. 白费的:ineffectivelyunavailingly 无效地 | ineffectual 白费的 | ineffectualinutileprofitlesspurposelessresultlessunavailingunserviceable 无益的
    3. 无效的,不成功的:peer 注视,同等的人 | ineffectual 无效的,不成功的 | witness 目击者
    4. 无效果的,不起作用:industrialization 工业化 | ineffectual 无效果的,不起作用 | inevitable 不可避免的
    ineffectual 双语例句
    1. ineffectual的近义词
    1. A person, especially a man, who is regarded as being weak and ineffectual.
    2. Many have long argued that Asia`s institutional architecture falls short, with a mess of competing structures that include the big if ineffectual APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, a talk-shop on trade), ASEAN, ASEAN+3 (ie, plus Japan, China and South Korea) and the newish and still wobbly East Asia Summit (EAS, made up of ASEAN+3, India, Australia and New Zealand).
    3. I have tried to sleep by a brook, but find its murmurs ineffectual. No.42
    4. The economy was still depressed after the stock market crash of 1929, and government initiatives were largely ineffectual.
    5. Tiny petals of flame licked ineffectual-ly at the cauldron's sides.
    6. ineffectual什么意思
    6. So long as such disharmonies continue to exist, so long as there is good reason for sullen boredom, so long as human beings allow themselves to be possessed 惡夢中and hagridden by monomaniacal vices, the cult of beauty is destined to be ineffectual.
    7. She had felt at the same time that he was helpless and ineffectual.
    8. ineffectual在线翻译
    8. SOME figures in history are so clearly defined that reinvention is ineffectual, if not impossible.
    9. Be firm of native land ad on one hand is increasingly mature, the advertisement market; that divided up its to wait for a domain relative to the real estate of weak force at the same time in small ad industry dares on burgeoning promotion mode foretaste of go ahead of the rest, a variety of burdens that go up without leadership rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant subordinates and mechanism culture are restricted, can occupy in the burgeoning media development of change quickly instead channel first machine.
    10. ineffectual的意思
    10. The years of ineffectual service count big in the bestowal of rewards.
    11. The pure effort is not ineffectual, and not is stopped by any one; the prohibition upon this trend only destroys ordered organic character of nature, and restricted by nature.
    12. He had been instructed only in that innocent and ineffectual way in which the Catholic priests teach the aborigines, by which the pupil is never educated to the degree of a consciousness, but only to the degree of trust and reverence, and a child is not made a man, but kept a child.
    13. Demonology suffers from a little bit of the same problem as the Beastmaster hunter, which is when the pet is such a big part of your damage you are crippled in moments when the pet is killed or ineffectual.
    14. From their different perspectives, both sides complain that government regulation is often costly and ineffectual, and that many decades of social welfare have failed to get to grips with an underclass.
    15. Some people think Sudan may have signed the deal precisely because it knows it will be ineffectual.
    16. It is widely known that endeavor isn`tutterly ineffectual, albeit it won`t bring us success absolutely.
    17. Most of its efforts were ineffectual, but it was persistent, and it writhed and twisted and went ahead perhaps a score of feet an hour.
    18. Practice acclaimed, the mode of channel specialization operated in former TV system is ineffectual, it is urgent to probe the new promulgate idea and operation mode of the specialization channel.
    19. But because the Ministry of External Affairs of the Qing government believed the Lhasa Convention would do damage to national sovereignty, the high commissioner stationed in Tibet by the Qing government refused to sign it, leaving it ineffectual.
    20. ineffectual的解释
    20. Tetrodotoxin can be found in the liver, ovaries, and skin, and accidental death is the common result of ineffectual removal.
    ineffectual 词典解释
    1. 不起作用的;徒劳无益的
    If someone or something is ineffectual, they fail to do what they are expected to do or are trying to do.
    e.g. The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.
    e.g. ...the well-meaning but ineffectual jobs programs of the past.
    Her voice trailed off ineffectually.
    她的声音越来越微弱了。ineffectual 单语例句
    1. The latest move by the government to dampen the surge in real estate prices in Hong Kong may seem ineffectual to many analysts and commentators.
    2. A subsequent survey by Southern Weekly found that all but one of the operations performed by Xiao had been ineffectual.
    3. Enforcement and monitoring of fire codes at city eateries are lax, ineffectual and inconsistent according to an Ombudsman's report.
    ineffectual 英英释义
    1. not producing an intended effect
    e.g. an ineffective teacher
    ineffective legislation
    Synonym: ineffectiveuneffective
    2. lacking in power or forcefulness
    e.g. an ineffectual ruler
    like an unable phoenix in hot ashes
    Synonym: ineffectiveunable
    3. producing no result or effect
    e.g. a futile effort
    the therapy was ineffectual
    an otiose undertaking
    an unavailing attempt
    Synonym: futileotioseunavailing




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