单词 | institution |
释义 | institution [英 [??nst??tju:?n] 美 [??nst??tu:?n] ] institution的意思、解释 复数形式:institutions; institution 基本解释 名词(大学、银行等规模大的)机构; 惯例,制度,规定,建立; 社会事业机构; 名人,名物 institution 相关例句 名词 1. Giving presents on Christmas is an institution. 圣诞节送礼是一种风俗。 2. 2. The institution of slavery was once widespread. 奴隶制度曾经相当普遍。 3. institution是什么意思 3. He was one of the institutions of the place. 他是当地著名人物之一。 4. Institution of such schools was geared to these needs. 建立这些学校适应了那些需要。 institution 网络解释 1. 习惯:他提了我这样的结果是这样的社会理论:在社会传统的道德习惯(idiom)和对於普遍善习惯(institution)和价值所构成. 挑战这个传统将导致无政府主义. (以下略)於传统与习惯(institution)中的道德信念和行动. 个人欲望需要辅导, institution 双语例句 1. This article makes a comprehensive and profound study on relations between Modern Lex Mercatoria and international business arbitration law, and concludes that development in international business arbitration institution had accelerated the shaping of a relatively and autocephalous system of Modern Lex Mercatoria. At the same time, international busine... 本文探讨和研究了现代商人法与国际仲裁法的关系问题,认为国际商事仲裁制度的发展推动了现代商人法作为一个相对独立的法律体系的形成,而国际商事仲裁制度也因为现代商人法的运用,从中获取了新的活力,并在这种新的法律体系或法律部门的影响下,逐渐趋向于完善。 2. The 30-minute program is an institution, though one many Chinese find a little drab. One critique, in Chinese. 这档半个小时的节目已成为一种惯例,不过,许多中国人觉得它有点乏味。 3. He is a seminal thinker with an abiding interest in the study of the institution structure of production. 他是一位对生产的制度结构有着持久兴趣的原创性思想家。 4. Because VaR methods can not only be used for information reporting, but also can be used for resource allocating and performance assessing to the whole institution. 因此,除了讨论、乞R的度量外,、乞R技术在投资组合风险管理中的应用也是本文研究的重点。 5. institution 5. The method of reformation is to found an unified institution and thus carry out unification of execution right. 我国目前的执行权呈分散状态,应当对其进行改革,建立统一的执行机构,实行执行权的统一化。 6. institution什么意思 6. Government administration performance evaluation is the bond that link public with government and good tool of lofting government performance, which is the important point in pushing government institution reform. 政府绩效评估是联结公众与政府的纽带、提高政府业绩的工具,对于推进政府机构改革有着深远的意义。 7. Two-year college students should check with the admissions counselor at the 4-year institution to which they will transfer to assure they are taking courses that will be accepted for credit toward graduation. 在四年制学院里的大二学生必须接受检审顾问的检查,他们需要改变他们所选择的课程以保证他们将来可以拿到足够毕业的学分。 8. Submit a sample of the biomaterial to a depository institution admitted by the administrative department for patent under the State Council before the application date, or, at the latest, on the application date (or the priority date if there is a right of priority concerned) for deposit, and submit, at the time of application, or, at the latest, within 4 months as of the application date, a receipt of deposit and the viability proof from the depository institution; where they have not been submitted at the expiry of the time limit, the sample shall be deemed to have not been deposited 在申请日前或者最迟在申请日(有优先权的,指优先权日),将该生物材料的样品提交国务院专利行政部门认可的保藏单位保藏,并在申请时或者最迟自申请日起4个月内提交保藏单位出具的保藏证明和存活证明;期满未提交证明的,该样品视为未提交保藏 9. institution在线翻译 9. So by Sunday September 21st support was coalescing around the Treasury`s rescue proposal: that Congress authorise it to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage and other assets in an effort to resolve the root of the financial crisis, which is the mountains of illiquid and uncollectible mortgage debt on financial institution balance sheets. 因此,周日(9月21日)国会议员大多支持财政部的拯救提案,国会授权使用多达7000亿美元来购买抵押贷款以及其它资产,从而解决这次金融危机中最根本的问题。这些资产正是金融机构资产负债表上堆积如山的非流动资产和抵押贷款坏账。 10. Bull; So by Sunday September 21st support was coalescing around the Treasury's rescue proposal: that Congress authorise it to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage and other assets in an effort to resolve the root of the financial crisis, which is the mountains of illiquid and uncollectible mortgage debt on financial institution balance sheets. 因此,周日(9月21日)国会议员大多支持财政部的拯救提案,国会授权使用多达7000亿美元来购买抵押贷款以及其它资产,从而解决这次金融危机中最根本的问题。这些资产正是金融机构资产负债表上堆积如山的非流动资产和抵押贷款坏账。 11. institution的翻译 11. Institution refer to item 27 of the Application Form f 由有关教育机构发出的升班通知书或取通知书副本(请阅申请表格内第27项 12. In the system of common laws, especially in American laws, punitive damage responsibility is an important institution. 在普通法系,尤其是美国法中,惩罚性赔偿是一项重要的制度。 13. institution 13. Man and woman, the garden, the institution of marriage, the temptaton and fall, death, Noah's flood, the tower of Babel - they are all there in the tiny drawings and strokes that make up the Chinese characters. 男人和女人,花园,婚姻的机构,temptaton和秋天,死亡,诺亚的洪水,巴别塔-他们都在那里的微小的图纸和中风构成的中文字符。 14. Starting with the related concepts of the institution of the board of directors, we present the contents, generation and development of the institution. 从董事会制度的相关概念入手,基于资本主义发展的时间序列及其制度自身发展,对董事会制度及其制度产生的历程进行梳理。 15. An appraisable general statement about the current legislation state in our country`s circular economy`s development is made from two aspects, in the whole country and in some certain areas. Then further analysis of the problems existing in the legislation`s aim, the legal system and the construction of legal institutions of our country`s circular economy`s legislation is made in order to point out the direction for the legal institution`s building of our country`s circular economy. 该部分从国家和地方两个层面,对我国的循环经济立法现状进行了评价性的概述,并在此基础上,深入剖析了我国循环经济立法在立法观念上、法律体系和法律制度的构建上存在的问题,目的是为我国循环经济法制建设指明方向。 16. Then, it should be set well in software environment including web management, internal training, examined or arbitrative institution. 而架构内部BLOG,更须考量功能设定、防护措施、技术支援、网路频宽与主机容量等硬体条件,如此使工具应用的可行性提高。 17. The grand meeting photograph last year regards as result, must arrive to come from enterprise of He of orgnaization of course of study of Japanese each three-year institution of higher learning support energetically! 去年的盛会相当成功,得到了来自日本各大专业机构和企业的大力支持! 18. With the shunting of Chinese economy system and the deepening of political reform, the social problems have became more and more complex, so the ability of the old institution of letters and visits gradually is not equal to it's ambitions. After two years flood peak of letters and visits, it has became a seriously social problem, this problem has been paid more attention, then National People's Congress is regards the last hope to resolve the problem. 但随着经济体制的转轨和政治体制改革的进一步深化,社会问题变得更加复杂、社会矛盾也不断突出,原有的信访体制逐渐显得力不从心并暴露出越来越多的弊端:各级信访机构在没有任何监督下对信访案件层层转办,大量的信访问题得不到及时而有效地解决,信访制度不但没发挥其应有的效用,反而进一步激化了社会矛盾,使许多信访问题不断升级,进而引发更大规模的越级访、集体访和重复访。 19. 19. They are lower than the organs listed under Section 1 in administrative ranking and their institution, dismissal and change are decided by the State Council. 国务院直属机构的行政地位低于部、委、行、署,其设立、撤销或变动由国务院会议讨论决定。 20. institution 20. Article 12 When a financial institution finds it necessary to further verify a case of suspicious payment transaction, it shall report to the People's Bank of China in a timely manner. 第十二条金融机构对可疑支付交易需要进一步核查的,应及时向中国人民银行报告。 institution 词典解释 1. (大学、教会、银行等)(大型)机构 An institution is a large important organization such as a university, church, or bank. institution什么意思 e.g. ...the Institution of Civil Engineers... 土木工程学院 e.g. Class size varies from one type of institution to another... 班级大小因院校类型而异。 2. (精神病院、孤儿院等)社会收容机构 An institution is a building where certain people are looked after, for example people who are mentally ill or children who have no parents. e.g. He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period... 他被转到了肖尔溪精神病院,要在那里无限期地呆下去。 e.g. Larry has been in an institution since he was four... 拉里从4岁起就一直生活在孤儿院。 3. 习俗;制度 An institution is a custom or system that is considered an important or typical feature of a particular society or group, usually because it has existed for a long time. e.g. I believe in the institution of marriage. 我相信婚姻制度。 e.g. ...the institution of the family. 家庭制度 4. 建立;设立;制定 The institution of a new system is the act of starting it or bringing it in. e.g. There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania. 在阿尔巴尼亚从未设立过官方审查制度。 e.g. ...the institution of the forty-hour week. 每周 40 小时工作制的建立 institution 单语例句 1. It is a perfect mechanism for the scientific institution and will improve cadre quality and organize local featured competitive activities. 2. Every institution in Cambridge has its own psychological counseling service, and students are required to participate in community activities. 3. The institution is China's top space science school and has received students from Cameroon for the first time. 4. Like people, part of being a smart institution is knowing what you cannot do. 5. The Chinese currency is now partly convertible under the capital account, but no foreign institution has been allowed to issue bonds in China. 6. And the whole point of having a capital cushion is to help a financial institution absorb losses. 7. If a city's economy is not good enough, the new financial institution would do nothing to avoid capital outflow. 8. Foreign expert need hand over foreign expert certificate if they change into a new institution which should conduct foreign expert certificate again for foreign expert. 9. The world health body also forbids any individual or institution involved in organ transplants to claim payment other than a service charge. 10. The institution will be in charge of data collection in East and Southeast Asia for the undertaking. institution的意思institution 英英释义 noun 1. the act of starting something for the first time introducing something new e.g. she looked forward to her initiation as an adult the foundation of a new scientific society Synonym: initiationfoundingfoundationoriginationcreationinnovationintroductioninstauration 2. an establishment consisting of a building or complex of buildings where an organization for the promotion of some cause is situated 3. a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person Synonym: mental hospitalpsychiatric hospitalmental institutionmental homeinsane asylumasylum 4. a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society e.g. the institution of marriage the institution of slavery he had become an institution in the theater 5. an organization founded and united for a specific purpose Synonym: establishment |
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