单词 | habitat |
释义 | habitat [英 [?h?b?t?t] 美 [?h?b??t?t] ] habitat的意思、解释 复数形式:habitats; habitat 基本解释 名词产地; (动物的)栖息地,住处; 经常发现某种事物的地方 habitat 相关例句 名词 1. 1. I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos. 我喜欢看生活在自然栖息地的动物而非动物园内的动物。 2. habitat的反义词 2. The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear. 北极地带为北极熊的栖息地。 habitat 网络解释 1. 栖所:目的:学生能(1)定义一个栖所(habitat)的主要组成;(2)认识一限制因子. 背景:在此建议上这个单元之前,老师可以先有一或两个单元与此有效之教学活动,提到适应(adaptation)基本生存之需要;拥挤;负载能力(carrying capacity栖所的消失; habitat 双语例句 1. Variation of population density of kestrel can indicate kestrel's resident status and habitat preference. 通过红隼的种群密度可以反映红隼的居留状况和对生境的选择情况。 2. 2. In the study on the fern population structure, we through the analysis of the variation in height structure, leafstalk diameter structure and age structure in various forest communities, found the rule of variation of population, and discussed the reasons of variation of population structure, and explored the suitable habitat of various forest ferns. 在蕨类植物种群结构的研究中,我们通过对不同群落中蕨类植物种群高度结构、叶柄直径结构和年龄结构的研究,发现种群结构变化的规律,找出种群结构变化的原因,探索出各种蕨类植物种群的适生生境。 3. habitat的反义词 3. In the photo was an acclivitous grille, and upwards hung a long ice stick. Through the relucent window glass showed up a brim-broken bowl, inside which someone raised a blossoming cabbage. The time when he took the photo was noted with the winter in the year of 1976, and the place of photo taking was evidently a temporary habitat just after the great earthquake. 画面上是歪斜的格子窗,窗子上方悬着长长的冰凌;透过明亮的窗玻璃,可见一只有豁口的碗里养了一棵盛开的白菜花,拍摄时间注明是1976年冬天,拍摄地点则显然是大地震后的简易棚。 4. habitat 4. The fate of the dramatic changes in life, but also its state of mind caused by changes in habitat terms. 人生命运的剧变,也引起了其心境词境的变化。 5. habitat 5. Abstraet:Guangxi was once an important habitat of the panthera tigris amoyensis in history. Guangxi experienced one serious process of a tiger disaster during the Ming and Qing Dynasties; especially in the middle and late period of the Ming Dynasty, the initial and last stages of the Qing Dynasty, the tiger disaster was even more serious in Guangxi. The tiger disaster during the three periods reflected that the artificial ecological environment of Guangxi presented the natural degeneration to some degree because of the chaos caused by war. Uncultivated field led to the recurrence of the secondary vegetation, which caused the eruption of the tiger disaster. 在历史上,广西曾是华南虎的重要栖息地,明清时期广西经历了一个较严重的虎患过程,特别是明代中后期、清初和清末三个时期的虎患非常严重,这反映出三个时期广西的人工生态环境因受战乱的影响而呈现出某种程度的自然退化,田地荒芜导致次生性植被复萌,为虎患的爆发提供了条件。 6. Of these animals, the species that actually eat the dung are called coprophages, while the remaining coprophilic species use the dung as habitat or prey upon the coprophages. 它们之中,真正摄食粪便的为食粪类,余下的则以粪便为栖居地或是以食粪动物为食。 7. habitat的反义词 7. To resolve varied and sometimes conflicting accounts of spawning and habitat characteristics for winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus, seasonal patterns in abundance and reproductive condition were investigated in the New York Bight, near the southern edge of their current reproductive range. 探求有关大陆架附近冬季比目鱼的产卵和栖息地特征的种种结论,调查研究了冬季比目鱼的丰度和生殖条件的季节特征,样本用拖网采集于2006年10月到2007年10月。 8. Finally, sciophilous species Saussurea macrota and light-loving species Salvia przewalskii presented larger plasticity indexes in biomass allocation and morphological characteristics than neutral-habitat species Senecio scandens. 喜阴物种大耳叶风毛菊和喜光物种甘西鼠尾草比中性生境物种千里光表现出了较大的性状特征和生物量分配的可塑性指数。 9. One task was to understand the habitat requirements of rodent species in order to predict species-specific responses to environmental changes. 我们的任务之一就是了解不同啮齿动物的生境需求,以预测不同物种对环境变化的特异性反应。 10. China's May 12 temblor centered in Sichuan devastated a vast area of wild habitat for endangered species, including the giant panda, Cao Qingyao, a spokesperson for the State Forestry Administration, told reporters. 国家林业局的发言人曹青遥告诉记者,5月12号发生在中国的地震毁坏了许多濒危物种的野外栖息地,包括大熊猫的栖息地。 11. It is not drawing NI Huang Habitat, is in楼台Yan Yu. 这不是绘画妮黄栖息地,是在建设严羽。 12. habitat什么意思 12. Habitat domestic companies to introduce advanced continuous latex foam equipment. 公司引进居国内先进的乳胶连续发泡设备。 13. Shi Ji naturally smart, helpful, resourceful courage, love and hate clearly very loved by the people around, because to offend in the way his official Shiji apprenticeship where the hidden forest temple was closed, but unfortunately three were forced to leave the temple master and apprentice, go to the capital looking for habitat. 施吉生性聪明,乐于助人,机智英勇,爱憎分明,极受附近百姓喜爱,因得罪于该地官府,施吉师徒所在的林隐寺被封,无奈师徒三人被迫离开寺院,前往京城寻找栖息地。在京城,施吉与红叶重逢,并目睹了顾命大臣魏承天之子魏英杰仗势欺人的恶行。 14. 14. Indica. Conclusion B. indica were mainly fed on fiber food, as well as starch and animal food, under natural conditions. Diversity of food structure was associated with the reproduction and population growth, growth season of crops and vegetation types of the habitat. 自然状态下板齿鼠主要取食纤维类食物,也取食淀粉类和动物性食物,食物构成的差异性与种群繁殖状况、作物生育期和栖息地的植被类型有密切关系。 15. habitat是什么意思 15. The paper analyzes the initial thought of the ethnic group elite on the motive of the mass education movement and the reality of the habitat of Miao nationality in 1930s and 1940s, and delves the seed of the one-thousand-word lessons for common people. 石门坎平教运动的卓有成效实与其声名远播名实相副,研究细察族群精英的起念与地域生境的现实,同时查考边区平民千字课的来情去意;并认定族群精英在教育共同体的育成中实有殊功异绩,平民千字课的风神意蕴不仅是平民教育体系的基础,而且领有对平民发蒙解惑的重任。 16. We've kind of accepted the fact that even though it is prime habitat for Dungeness crab, even though it is an important and significant area, we're gonna have to put those ten buoys in the water. 我们接受这样一个事实:即便俄勒冈是珍宝蟹的主要栖息地,即便这里是非常重要而具代表性意义的地区,我们还是不得不将那十个浮标放在海水上。 17. The aquafarm was the most important waterbird habitat in Hangzhou, and the West Lake and the pond area were also important in maintaining the diversity and density of waterbirds in Hangzhou. 水产养殖场是杭州市水乌最重要的栖息地类型,西湖和水荡对于维持杭州市水鸟的数量和多样性也具有重要的作用。 18. As a result of habitat destruction and hunt ing, all the apes are now regarded as endangered. 由于栖息地被破坏和人类的捕猎,许多类人猿已濒临绝种。 19. The fish very angrily retorted, I've lost my normal habitat and have no place to live. 鲋鱼变了脸色,忿忿地说﹕『我失去我过惯常的生活环境,没有安身立命之处。 20. Primary study of habitat use of Ailurus fulgens at Mabain. 马边小熊猫对栖息地利用的初步研究。 habitat 词典解释 1. (动植物的)生境,栖生地,产地 The habitat of an animal or plant is the natural environment in which it normally lives or grows. e.g. In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft... 在原生境中,木槿能长到25英尺高。 e.g. Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa. 几乎没有哪个国家像南非那样拥有如此多样化的动植物栖生地。 habitat 单语例句habitat什么意思 1. Production of caviar in the wild has declined sharply in recent years, as environmental damage destroyed the sturgeon's natural habitat. 2. There are 48 pandas living at the center, and the city's panda habitat is 642 square kilometers. 3. Habitat for Humanity China's chief executive officer Alfred Tsang said the volunteers would rebuild houses in Taizi village for a week. 4. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of human habitat. 5. They live in three pens held at a constant temperature, similar to their natural habitat. 6. This is the fourth time the Dakar has been staged on the continent since being uprooted from its habitual African habitat due to security concerns. 7. The zone will incorporate quake ruins and conventional scenic sites, including a giant panda habitat and villages of the ethnic Qiang people. 8. Birds and butterflies are among the first to adapt to climate change because they can fly long distances to seek a cooler habitat. 9. More recent studies have added the idea of an " extinction debt ", that species are doomed to die out once their habitat shrinks beyond a critical point. 10. Deforestation, loss of habitat to roads and cities and poaching are among risks. habitat 英英释义 noun 1. the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs e.g. a marine habitat he felt safe on his home grounds Synonym: home ground |
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