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单词 insulator
    insulator [英 [??nsjule?t?(r)] 美 [??ns?le?t?(r)] ]
    insulator 基本解释
    名词绝缘,隔热或隔音等的物质或装置; 隔离者; 隔离物,隔振子,隔电子
    insulator 网络解释
    1. 绝缘体:05 ~ 1012Ω /square– 抗静电性(Anti-Static)材质:表面电阻系数介於109 ~ 1012 Ω /square– 绝缘体(Insulator)材质:表面电阻系数介於 1012 Ω /square以上接地造成ESD放电 (FIM)通常在金属氧化层半导体(MOS)上可以发现此类型之破坏,
    2. insulator的近义词
    2. 绝缘子:绝缘子(insulator)长约几百个核苷酸对,是通常位于启动子同正调控元件(增强子)或负调控因子(为异染色质)之间的一种调控序列. 绝缘子本身对基因的表达既没有正效应,也没有负效应,其作用只是不让其他调控元件对基因的活化效应或失活效应发生作用.
    3. 绝缘层:目前努力中的重点在於把绝缘层 (Insulator) 的材料换成有机材料. 他说,一旦 insulator 材料转换成功,闸 (gate) 就容易了. 此外,预计 2003 年底以前,研发团队会把塑胶基板的材料也转换成有机材料. 李正中经理指出,生产 OTFT 面临的两大挑战,
    4. insulator的意思
    4. 碍子:2.进口瑞士APG设备开始陆续开发完成各种树脂(Epoxy Resin)碍子(Insulator)、套管(Bushing)与24kv真空开关绝缘架(FRAME)等绝缘体供应国内外市场.
    insulator 双语例句
    1. In addition, high speed of writing and access, nondestructive readout, simple device structure (Metal-Insulator-Metal structure) that is helpful for high density of integration, lower power consumption.
    2. A semiconductor is in between a conductor, where electricity can flow freely, and an insulator, where electrons are bound tightly to their atoms and do not flow freely.
    3. We especially producing polymer insulator, silicon and porcelain cut out, surge arresters, .metal end fittings for polymer, silicon, porcelain and glass insulator. aluminium and Brass Hardware for insulator, cut out, and other transmission and distribution power line, Supplying our products according international standards and OEM products based in specific designs and requirements including final products, accessories and special assembles.
    4. Membrane proteins play essential roles in cellular processes. A planar lipid bilayer is widely used for the electrophysiological study of membrane proteins. In this research, we fabricated EWOD-based platform with 50-150? n? 慆 aperture for bilayer lipid membrane formation. And we design three types of BLM formation: painting method, lipid droplet-based formation and insulator-based of liposomes. We successfully yield planar lipid bilayer of about 2-6 nm thickness (1? 媹/cm2) which is observed thinning and Plateau–Gibbs border situation on micro-pore chips in optical and electrical measurement.
    膜蛋白的研究对於细胞运作上扮演相当重要的角色,而平面脂质双层膜则广泛地应用在膜蛋白的电生理研究,因此本研究中我们设计三种平面脂质双层膜的成膜方式:painting method、脂质水溶液液滴成膜以及脂质体绝缘介电泳成膜来形成脂质双层膜,因此我们成功地利用人工操作的方式在孔洞中形成平面脂质双层膜,并且在光学上观测到脂质双层膜薄化以及黑色光圈我们称为Plateau–Gibbs border,在电性量测上也可测得厚度约2-6 nm电容值为:1 ?
    5. insulator什么意思
    5. Take sulphur hexafluoride, a greenhouse gas used—among other things—as an insulator in some sorts of high-voltage equipment.
    6. It monitors the operation status, the aging of insulator, and detects the latent fault by measuring the surface temperature of the joint.
    7. insulator的反义词
    7. The current caused by friction between a conductor and insulator when a cable flexes due to vibrations, movement, or temperature fluctuation.
    8. insulator
    8. State Grid GA Co. ltd owns three basic models such as Bell206L-4, Bell206B and EC120B. It also has the special power apparatus for helicopter navigation inspection of transmission line, live transmission line insulator flush, hotline maintenance, 3D laser scanning and wire setting-out.
    国网通用航空有限公司现拥有Bell206L-4、Bell206B和EC120B 共三种机型,并拥有国际先进的机载直升机电力巡线、带电水冲洗、带电检修、3D激光扫描和展放导引绳等专业电力作业设备。
    9. insulator在线翻译
    9. We researched the artificial pollution withstand voltage characteristic of 1000 kV double circuit transmission line insulator strings in real layout.
    10. When there is a faulty insulator in the strings the leakage current surges up to high volume.
    11. ABSTRACT: Based on the finger prints of insulator corona discharges, a new detecting method is introduced to inspect for the faulty porcelain insulator string on ground in this paper.
    12. insulator
    12. In this method, the pattern recognition was applied to identify the corona finger prints corresponding to faulty insulator strings, improving greatly the reliability of fault diagnostics.
    13. Lost foom casting process`s product: Balance shafts, Insulator base casting, Flat and C-pulley, Housing calper, Anchor bracket.
    14. Using the theory of thermodynamics, the physical sizes of the discharge tube and the heat insulator were obtained.
    15. insulator的反义词
    15. For more than two decades the electron correlation induced metal-insulator transition and its characteristic has been one of the challenging problems in condensed matter physics.
    16. Under the condition of credible insulation, the identity of axles of beams, magnetic field and machinery was advanced, and therefore the amplitude of Corkscrew movement of beams could be reduced. Each structure was made up of six stages of insulators, and the angle between the insulator surface and the direction of the applied electric field is 450 The applied voltage is?
    17. A new thinking of CAD schematic application in checking the tower top windage yaw is studied, which overcomes the traditional calculation shortcomings, such as: difficulty to calculate the space distance, and the low accuracy of the diagram way, and taking some poles of Fengci Ⅱ line as an example. On the basis of the suspension insulator wobble angle calculation, checking the windage yaw of the wine cup type tower and ZV1 stayed pole by the AutoCAD method, the feasibility of composite insulation instead of common glass insulation is analyzed.
    本文研究运用CAD图解法进行塔头间隙风偏校核的新思路,克服了传统解析法计算空间距离困难和图解法精度不高的缺点,并以500 kV凤磁Ⅱ回线路部分杆塔为实例,在计算悬垂串绝缘子摇摆角的基础上,利用三维制图软件AutoCAD对酒杯塔和ZV1型拉线塔进行风偏校核,分析了采用合成绝缘子取代普通玻璃绝缘子的可行性。
    18. Through comparing the two scheme, hanging a heavy hammer under the insulator string decreases the angle of wind oscillation for insulator s tring, and no same accident happens.
    19. insulator的解释
    19. Electrical Test Clips Mueller's legacy as the inventor of the alligator clip is still innovating as the world's leading manufacturer of a full line of electrical test clips and insulator boots.
    20. A SiO2 membrane of double coarseness was fabricated on the surface of electro-porcelain insulator by sol-gel process under acid-base catalysis through heat treatment.
    insulator 词典解释
    1. 绝缘体;绝热体;隔音物
    An insulator is a material that insulates something.
    e.g. Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold.
    insulator 单语例句insulator是什么意思
    1. Cinnamon is a spice that is considered nature's perfect insulator - helping you keep warm when you are cold and cool when you are overheated.
    2. It is also a better insulator than glass and it is much more resistant to the weathering effects of sunlight.
    3. Liu claimed that Titan's insulator was a modified version and not the same as SEP's product.
    4. Fat is a natural insulator that traps core body heat, experts said.
    insulator的意思insulator 英英释义
    1. a material such as glass or porcelain with negligible electrical or thermal conductivity
    Synonym: dielectricnonconductor




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