单词 | ahead of time |
释义 | ahead of time [英 [??hed ?v taim] 美 [??h?d ?v ta?m] ] ahead of time的意思、解释 ahead of time 基本解释 提前 ahead of time 相关例句 ph. 1. They finished the work ahead of time. 他们提前完成了工作。 ahead of time 网络解释 1. 提前:⑷ against time 赶时间,争分夺秒 | ⑸ ahead of time 提前 | ⑹ all the time 一直,始终 2. ahead of time在线翻译 2. 提前,在原定时间以前:ahead of schedule 提前 | ahead of time 提前,在原定时间以前 | ahead of 在...前面,先于;胜过 3. 3. 提早:agree with 同意 | ahead of time 提早 | aim at 瞄准,针对 4. ahead of time是什么意思 4. 比......提前,比......;更早:1. ahead of (表示空间)在......前面;(表示时间)先,预先, | 2. ahead of time 比......提前,比......;更早 | 3. aim at 向......瞄准 ahead of time 双语例句 1. If he arrives for work ahead of time, he gets no extra pay for it. 他要是提早上班,也不会给他多发工资。 2. ahead of time是什么意思 2. In certain areas — such as insurance and tourism — areas were opened ahead of time. 并在保险、旅游服务等领域实行了一定范围的提前开放。 3. 3. Season paid: Party at the beginning of each contract quarter, three days ahead of a one-time payment this quarter, flowers Zubai B costs (such as the case of national holidays, the payment date may be extended under the holiday period), quarter-quarter rent can enjoy rent of 3% discount. 季付:甲方于每个合同季度开始的3日内提前一次性付给乙方本季度花木租摆费用(如遇国家法定节假日,付款日期可根据节假日期顺延),季付租金可享受季度租金3%的折扣优惠。 4. Montesquieu was somewhat ahead of his time in advocating the abolition of slavery in The Spirit of the Laws. 孟德斯鸠在《法的精神》中多少有点为废除奴隶制度辩护的意思。 5. 5. In the process of creation, reading and criticism of novels, all its historical consciousness is expressed through the admiration and respect to the history and cultural traditions, the respect of history and the truth of essence, striding proudly ahead when retrospecting, the exploration of reality and planning for future, the open awareness of spanning time and space, pessimistic narration of life and history, being the first to become concerned with the world`s troubles and the last to rejoice in its happiness. 在小说的创作、阅读和批评中,无论是崇仰和敬重既往历史与文化传统;尊重事实,讲求客观,揭示历史活动的真实风貌;雄视阔步地回溯过去、探察现实和筹划未来;还是穿越时空的开放意识;对人生和历史的悲情抒写;伤时感世、心系天下的忧患情怀;以及主体在突破、探求和审已中的反思意识与超越精神,都是其历史意识的充分彰显。 6. The time ahead is one of seeking inward and not outward. 前方的时代,是一个向内寻求,而不是向外寻求的时代。 7. ahead of time是什么意思 7. What humanity faces ahead in Ant's estimation is a time of cleansing. 据我们蚂蚁的预计,人类在前方要面对的,是一个净化时期。 8. 8. In order to realize the scientific operation of water resource and automatic management in the whole irrigation district, full function and good utility software of analysis and computing was developed in advanced computer programmed language, much function was provided, such as debugging parameter, showing water stage and discharge contrast chart of different canal system and corresponding data, outputting to projection screen for specialist consultation or printing, and it can make hydrologic forecasting ahead of a certain time. 为实现对整个灌区水资源的科学调配和自动化管理,运用先进的计算机编程语言开发了功能齐全、实用性较强的系统软件。软件具有参数调试功能,能够实时显示不同渠系的水位流量对照图和相应的数据,能够输出到大屏幕进行专家会商或打印输出,并能提前一定时间作出洪水预警。 9. ahead of time是什么意思 9. It seems that Christmas time is here once again and it's time again to bring in the new year. We wish the merriest of Christmases to you and your loved ones, and in the year ahead we wish you happiness and prosperity. 圣诞节似乎又将来临,又是除旧迎新的时候了,在此,我祝福你们及你们所爱的人,过个最最愉快的圣诞节,并祝你们在新的一年里幸福快乐,事业成功。 10. With our both effor, the task is finished ahead of time. 由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。 11. 11. One of the outstanding products ahead of the time is this kind of world-famous quartz watch. 这种驰名世界的石英手表是走在时代尖端的产品之一。 12. ahead of time在线翻译 12. To people who are used to planning well ahead of time, to change the plan at the last miniute can be very frustrating. 对于那些习惯于提前准备计划的人,这样改变计划是很让人沮丧头疼的。 13. It`s a light-year ahead of its time. 这东西在它的时代超级先进! 14. ahead of time的意思 14. The impressions most useful to my purpose seem always those I was unaware of and so made no note of at the time when taken, and the conclusion is come to that like the giants we are always hurling experience ahead of us to pave the future with against the day when we may want to strike a line of purpose across it for somewhere. 好像对我最有用处的总是那些我未曾记录也未曾觉察的印象,而结论就是:我们像大师们一样,总是把以往的经历预铺到未来的路上,以准备到时候我们会想要越过预定目标去到某个地方。 15. The impressions most useful to my purpose seem always those I was unaware of and so made no note of at the time when taken, and the conclusion is come to that like giants we are always hurling experience ahead of us to pave the future with against the day when we may want to strike a line of purpose across it for somewhere. 而其中最有用处的印象,好像总是那些我以前不曾意识到,也因此未加注目的。结果,我们总是像巨人一样,把过往的经历奋力扔到自己的面前,作为迈向未来的铺垫。有一天,我们去别的地方,也许正好会途经此处。 16. ahead of time的反义词 16. To finish the work ahead of time, I have been as busy as a bee recently. 若能在写作中恰当运用,会给文章增色不少 17. For all of us, the year ahead will be a time of tre mendous 对於我们大家,未来一年将会有重责大任及巨大的机会。 18. Only in this way can we accomplish our task two weeks ahead of schedule/time, which is quite beyond our expectation. 我们要救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义。 19. Refund of premiums in advance to pay off the loan shall be in accordance with the original purchase existing homes or housing is期房, 期房the actual duration of the insurance costs more than half a year 期房insured loan period is usually the period will be minus one year, the original one-time delivery of premium Discount rate and the speed factor and other factors considered, the calculation formula is: pay off the loan ahead of time to refund insurance premiums = has been handed over to the return of premiums in advance at the time of the present value - the return of the former occupier in advance premiums in advance at the time of the present value of the return. 退还保费提前还清贷款应按照原始购买现有住房或住房是期房,期房的实际会期的保险费用半年以上期房投保贷款期限通常是期间将减一年,原一次性交付保费折扣率和速度的因素和其他因素的考虑,计算公式为:还清贷款提前退还保险费=已被移交给返回的保费推进时的现值-返回前占用保险费在提前的时候,目前的价值回报。 20. She was ahead of her time. 我们的妈妈确实是开风气之先的奇女子,她和我们的父亲是自由恋爱而结婚的,在那个年代,不经由媒妁而自己找到结婚对象的并不多见。 ahead of time 单语例句 1. Theatregoers routinely line up along Central Park West a day ahead of time, in order to be the first in line to snag free tickets. 2. The flight time is in line with Kathmandu travel habits because the clock is 2 hours and 15 minutes ahead of Beijing. 3. The cohesion the new leaders have forged with the people in a time of crisis will prove a precious asset on the way ahead. 4. It is common wisdom that the performance of a stock market at any point in time reflects investors'expectations no more than six months ahead. 5. There is no admission charge and audiences need not make reservations ahead of time, but should arrive early as seats are limited. 6. For security reasons, they said they could not disclose Rice's arrival date ahead of time. 7. Gasoline inventories typically decrease this time of the year as refiners shut plants to perform maintenance ahead of the summer driving season. 8. As European policymakers seek to move from one stage of denial to another, perhaps it is time to start looking ahead more realistically. 9. Starting on New Year's Day, the station began offering tickets 10 days ahead of departure time to meet increasing demand. 10. Bloomberg said electricity and transportation are being restored in time to ease the pressure on city police ahead of the race. ahead of time 英英释义 adv 1. before the usual time or the time expected e.g. she graduated early the house was completed ahead of time Synonym: earlytoo soon |
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