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单词 recorder
    recorder [英 [r??k?:d?(r)] 美 [r??k?:rd?(r)] ]
    recorder 基本解释
    名词录音机; 直笛; 记录员; 刑事法院法官
    recorder 相关例句
    1. recorder在线翻译
    1. He switched off the recorder.
    recorder 网络解释
    1. 录音机:华声报加影消息:2007年度第14届中国汉语水平考试(HSK)定于5月20日(星期日)在马来西亚加影董教总教育中心、民都鲁荣光教学中心及沙巴大学(亚庇总校)三个考点举行. 据马来西亚星洲日报报道,参加HSK(高等)者需自行携带卡带式录音机(Recorder)参与考试,以供口试录音用.
    2. 竖笛:主要乐器如:竖笛(recorder)、肖姆双簧管(shawm)、克鲁姆双簧管(Drumhorn)、横笛、木管号(cornett)、维奥尔琴(Viol),小号(trumpet)和古长号(sackbut)等. 运用最广泛的乐器是琉特琴(lute),它已形成较丰富的演奏技法,采用品位记谱的方法.
    3. 直笛:(一)直笛(Recorder)独奏(含高中音直笛):办理国小组、国中组、高中职组及大(二)长笛(Flute)独奏:办理国中组、高中职组及大专组之A、B组比赛. (三)双簧管(Oboe)独奏:办理国中组、高中职组及大专组之A、B组比赛.
    recorder 双语例句
    1. E. g. You can keep my recorder for three days.
    2. I wonder if I could/can use your recorder.
    3. recorder的近义词
    3. A I'd love to buy a Sony tape recorder, but I can't afford it.
    4. According to the request that the missile needs to be tested during the flying course, the paper puts forward a mode that can test dynamic parameters of Missile using recorder and test platform, introduces their general design scheme and theory, and investigates the working mechanism when they cooperate with each other.
    5. This is a video verite by Nanyang Recorder Ensemble. The members of this ensemble come from Taichung Taiwan.
    6. recorder在线翻译
    6. Alter course to 175°when the distance recorder shows 610'and report to me.
    计程仪显示 610 海里时,转向 175°,并向我报告。
    7. The little boy played hob with my recorder, and now it won't work at all.
    8. The control main device consists of Z-80 family LSIC and the system is provided with end instruments, displais, micro-printer, balance-recorder, electrophonic music -alarm.
    9. recorder
    9. The driver's testing system of dynamical focus point Experiment apparatus is EyeMark Movement Recorder-8B, a testing system that can superpose eyeball'movement on the image of visual field.
    驾驶员动视点测试系统实验仪器为眼动仪EMR-8B(Eye Mark Recorder-8B),是把眼球运动重叠在视野影象上的一种测试系统。
    10. It has an improved APG-66A radar, an APX-109 identification friend or foe interrogator, ARC-200 high-frequency radio, standard flight data recorder, and a 150, 000-candlepower spotlight mounted on the left side of the forward fuselage.
    11. Our main products include automotive multimedia player and house-hold digital recorder etc
    12. recorder
    12. We would like to inform you of our new model recorder, model 8851, which sell hot at this year`s international Trade Fair.
    13. Spotify Recorder lets you choose the destination folder as well as the recording device on your PC.
    14. I am so grateful to you for your birthday gift. I am already using this tape recorder.
    15. recorder
    15. A:Can I borrow your tape recorder?
    16. I turn off the tape recorder and happy in front of her mother smiled.
    17. recorder的解释
    17. I have trouble understanding the professors'lectures, so I take a tape recorder to class.
    18. I brought this tape recorder so that we can record the contents of your conversation.
    19. recorder的近义词
    19. I just realized that I forgot to bring the tape recorder you lent me.
    20. Software Description: MEDA Audio Recorder is professional audio recording software with mp3 support.
    MEDA Audio Recorder 是一款支持 mp3 的专业音频录制软件。
    recorder 词典解释
    1. (卡式或磁带)录音机;录像机
    You can refer to a cassette recorder, a tape recorder, or a video recorder as a recorder.
    e.g. Rodney put the recorder on the desk top and pushed the play button.
    2. 直笛;竖笛
    A recorder is a wooden or plastic musical instrument in the shape of a pipe. You play the recorder by blowing into the top of it and covering and uncovering the holes with your fingers.
    3. 刑事法院兼职法官(英格兰和威尔士的法律体制下被任命在刑事法庭兼任法官的律师)
    In the legal system of England and Wales, a recorder is a lawyer who is appointed as a part-time judge in the Crown Court.
    4. 记录装置;记录器
    A recorder is a machine or instrument that keeps a record of something, for example in an experiment or on a vehicle.
    e.g. Data recorders also pinpoint mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.
    recorder 单语例句
    1. " It is not possible for clients to carry a recorder to work everyday, " says Chen.
    2. All this was made possible by a little gadget called the cassette tape recorder.
    3. She asked a friend to hide a digital recorder under a chair of the witness room and obtained 47 recordings.
    4. Investigators also hoped to recover the cockpit voice recorder to see if it captured the last words of the pilots and other clues.
    5. Rescue teams recovered the cockpit recorder from the wreckage, which was still spewing black smoke.
    6. Flight 93's cockpit recorder captured the hijackers'last words and a flight attendant's begging for her life.
    7. Wu said the damage to the cabin voice recorder is unlikely to hinder decoding efforts.
    8. The defence says the statements were obtained illegally because a sheriff's investigator used a hidden tape recorder and never read Bryant his rights.
    9. He also ridiculed authorities'use of a small audiotape recorder in the shirt pocket of a detective.
    10. Her brother noticed it was her, and the family replayed the commercial on their digital recorder to be sure.
    recorder 英英释义
    1. a tubular wind instrument with 8 finger holes and a fipple mouthpiece
    Synonym: fipple flutefipple pipevertical flute
    2. equipment for making records
    Synonym: recording equipmentrecording machine
    3. a barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs
    4. someone responsible for keeping records
    Synonym: registrarrecord-keeper




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