单词 | recollection |
释义 | recollection [英 [?rek??lek?n] 美 [?r?k??l?k??n] ] recollection的意思、解释 复数形式:recollections; recollection 基本解释 名词回忆,追忆; 往事; 回忆录; [宗]冥想 recollection 相关例句 名词 1. That evening is one of my happiest recollections. 那天晚上是我记忆中最快活的事情之一。 2. It is in my recollection that he sold his farm to a neighbor before moving to Seattle. 我记得他在迁往西雅图前把农场卖给了一位邻居。 recollection 网络解释 1. recollection 1. 记忆:我们对於过去与现在的知识建基於现在心灵(present mind) 的概念和记忆(recollection) . 且只有这些概念与记忆是精确的. 我们的记忆是有限的,因著与新的经验或更好的点子的冲突. 因此记忆并非供给我们对知识的不可动摇的基础, 2. recollection的意思 2. (追忆):并且每个形式都是单一的从而在结构上没有可分解的组成部分的进一步地,我们在知识论层面上对一个形式的把握是通过在不朽灵魂中的追忆(recollection)而得以实现的这些论点使人容易相信在语义学上柏拉图是一个原子主义者(atomist)这里语义学中的原子主义认为, recollection 双语例句 1. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun. 金秋的风送袅袅暗香而来霜中的菊献片片芳菲一季吻夕阳余辉爱溢出温柔的眼眸望四野安详激情飞上诗句听黄河汩汩载无数苦难历史观河沙沉沉积淀多少回忆满目疮痍是你旧时的容颜儿时的艰辛留下了不灭的烙印风霜雪雨半个世纪的搏击渊远流长五千年文明的足迹历史的长河翻滚着昔日英勇的浪涛时光的琴弦弹唱着今日辉煌的旋律祖国啊,我为你自豪当巍峨的华表,让挺拔的身躯披上曙光,当雄伟的天安门,让风云迎来东升的太阳。 2. recollection 2. HeavenTree was can awaken your youth recollection the soap opera, can letthe young time which you refelt that already to go far away, once thatpost moved heart...... 天国的树》是一部能够唤醒您青春回忆的电视剧,会让您重新感受那已经远去的年少时光,曾经那驿动的心 3. Mainly constructs, the religious belief and its Buddha to Lu Tusi concurrently presents the reason to search analyzes, aspect and so on life custom, education, economy carries on the investigation and study, uses the main method is observation, according to correlation persons method and so on recollection statement, and carries on the theoretical analysis. 主要对鲁土司建筑、宗教信仰及其佛道兼奉原因的探讨、生活习俗、教育、经济等方面进行调研,采用的主要方法是观察、访谈、据相关人的回忆陈述等方法,并进行理论分析。 4. recollection的翻译 4. When St Francis had received this revelation, he forthwith shut himself up in his cell, and, in great recollection of soul, prepared himself for the mystery which was to be revealed to him; and from that time forth he began to taste more frequently the sweetness of divine contemplation, by which he was sometimes so absorbed in God, that he was seen by his companions to be raised corporally above the ground, and rapt in prayer; and in these raptures were revealed to St Francis not only things present and future, but even the secret thoughts and desires of the brethren, as was experienced by Brother Leo, his companion in those days. 当圣方济各收到这个启示以后,他立刻把自己关在房子里,努力回忆,为显示给他的这个奥迹作准备;然后,他开始越来越频繁地尝到了冥想的甘甜,有时候他如此的专注于冥想上帝,他的同伴发现他在全神贯注地祷告时,身体被抬起;方济各不仅仅得到了关于现在和将来的启示,也知道了他弟兄们心里的秘密。Leo弟兄后来告诉我们。 5. 5. I have a recollection of large, unbending women with great noses and rapacious eyes 我记得我遇见不少身材壮硕、腰板挺得笔直的女人。 6. She recollected---a dark recollection it was---some weeks that she had spent with him in a great town somewhere, when she had had no maid to dress her or take care of her; when she had been shut up, day and night, in a high garret-room, without a carpet, with a bare uncurtained bed, and scarcely any other furniture; when he went out early every morning, and often forgot to return and give her dinner during the day, and at night, when he came back, was like a madman, furious, terrible; or---still more painful---like an idiot, imbecile, senseless. 她回忆到——真是种不愉快的回忆——她曾经和他一起在某个大城市待过好几个礼拜,那时候,她没有女仆照顾她,为她梳妆打扮;那时候,她日日夜夜给关在一个高高的顶楼里,地上没有地毯,只有一张光秃秃的,没有帷子的床,简直没有其他家具;那时候,他霉天一早就出去,白天常常忘记回来给她吃饭,到得晚上,他一回来,就像个疯子,痴痴呆呆,无知无觉。 7. 7. Dezeyuan Resort Hotel according to alongside at according to mountain along side the XUNLIAO pine park gulf coast of the seais on-line, owning more than 200 romantic feelings romantic, elegant and comfortable sea view guest room and well-found board room in function, let your business and spend a holiday to con leave the unforgettable recollection. 德泽园假日大酒店座落在依山傍海的巽寮松园湾海岸线上,拥有300多间风情浪漫,高雅舒适海景客房及功能齐全的会议室,让您的商务及度假都能留下难忘的回忆。 8. For Marius now once more distinctly beheld that recollection which had re-appeared in his emotions like sympathetic ink at the application of heat. 因为马吕斯已清楚地回想起了过去的这件事,现在在他情绪激动时,这事就象密写墨水靠近火一样,又重新显露出来了。 9. This paper discusses the direct and unnegligible effects of poetry on the civilized development of love and the value of beauty created out of the contradictions pure love poetry has been repeatedly faced with——the recollection of the unbearable youth with complex emotions, or the expectation of the nuptial day with water-like t... 本文论述诗对爱情的文明发展所起的直接而不可忽视的影响;纯情诗永远面临的矛盾命题所创造出的美丽价值:不管是以复杂的感情回首不堪的青春,以如水的柔情长久地守望如梦的佳期,或以哀怨凄婉的伤感去着色遗憾的意境,这一切都闪耀着人性的光辉。 10. 10. In the past, asked us not to be reluctant to part with again, the recollection was perhaps happy, but, needs to treasure now. 过去的,我们不要再留恋,回忆或许美好,但是,我们更需要珍惜现在。 11. I'm starting to get a fuzzy recollection of something I said to your father. 我模模糊糊地想起了一些话,一些我对你父亲说过的话。 12. Once upon a time, we the arms of their parents to listen to this most beautiful words in the world; Not long ago, we linked the hands of friends, to tell our sincere friendship; Once upon a time, we walk the path in the forest, and feel natural to give a gift; At one time, we run in the vast expanse of grasslands, the hand-flying line, a recollection of a childhood brought us joy...... 曾几何时,我们偎依在父母的怀中,聆听这世间最美妙的话语;曾几何时,我们挽着朋友的手,诉说着我们真诚的友谊;曾几何时,我们漫步在林中的小路,感受着自然给予的恩赐;曾几何时,我们奔跑在广阔无垠的草原上,手握风筝线,回味着儿时带给我们的欢乐 13. There is little of Mysticism in the first schools of Greek philosophy, but it already takes a large place in the system of Plato, eg, in his theory of the world of ideas, of the origin of the world soul and the human soul, in his doctrine of recollection and intuition. 有一点神秘主义在第一学校的希腊哲学,但它已经采取一个大的地方,在该系统的柏拉图,例如,在他的理论对世界的想法,起源,世界的灵魂和人的灵魂,在他的学说的记忆和直觉。 14. recollection的解释 14. Then, without wasting any more time in deliberation and with perfect presence of mind and recollection of two lectures given him a year previous in basic training, Kinman prepared to perform an operation which is delicate in the best of surgical conditions. 然后,没再浪费时间解释安慰,凭着对一年前两堂课基训记忆,金曼着手实施只有在最好的外科条件下才能进行的手术。 15. Results The ghost cells prepared with pH 4.0, 30 mmol/L PB kept complete cell morphological character and effective antigenicity. The antiD antibodies were separated successfully by AC method from plasma and the recollection rate of antiD was 84.65%.The content of IgG monomer and dimer together reached 99.3% of total IgG and no IgA, IgM and hemoglobin were found in the preparation. 结果 用pH 7.4、30 mmol/L PBS制备的血影细胞形态完整,保持较强的抗原性;用该细胞血胞成功获得抗-D抗体,回收率达到84.65%,其中IgG单体加二聚体含量为99.3%,不含抗A、抗B血型抗体以及IgA、IgM和血红蛋白(henoglobin,Hb)。 16. Results The ghost cells prepared with pH 4.0, 30 mmol/L PB kept complete cell morphological character and effective antigenicity. The anti-D antibodies were separated successfully by AC method from plasma and the recollection rate of anti-D was 84.65%. The content of IgG monomer and dimer together reached 99.3% of total IgG and no IgA, IgM and hemoglobin were found in the preparation. 结果 用pH7.4、30mmol/LPBS制备的血影细胞形态完整,保持较强的抗原性;用该细胞血胞成功获得抗-D抗体,回收率达到84.65%,其中IgG单体加二聚体含量为99.3%,不含抗A、抗B血型抗体以及IgA、IgM和血红蛋白(henoglobin,Hb)。 17. recollection的意思 17. In this issue of Sameway, in remembrance of the Tiananmen Square protests at its 20th anniversary, we continue to publish stories from some exiled students and a recollection from our ex-chief-editor Calep Nip. 本刊今期继续刊出一些流亡学生的经历,以及我们前总辑聂国瑞先生的一些回忆,以记念六四事件二十周年。 18. Think of the dictionary of sound and scent and recollection that unfolds before a real wild beast as it comes out from its lair every evening, with the knowledge that in a few minutes it will be hieing along to some distant hunting ground where all the joy and fury of the chase awaits it, think of the crowded sensations of the brain when every rustle, every cry, every bent twig, and every whiff across the nostrils means something, something to do with life and death and dinner. 它们会依靠这些头脑中的认识,一路疾走奔向那遥远的狩猎场。那里有追捕猎物的畅快和狂热在等着它们;想想它所听到每一声唏嗦,每一声鸣叫,每一声压弯细枝的声音,它脑海中纷乱紧张的感觉,每一股从鼻孔喘出的气息都意味着生死存亡与猎食。 19. Greatest stylish new large cloth shoes, Let us once again in the recollection of elegant chic of the Seiko secret agents... 百年经典布鞋时尚新款大片,让我们再次回味在典雅别致的精工细作之中。。。 20. A person's home is as much a recollection of his or her personality as the clothes he or she wears, the food he or she eats and the friends with whom he or she spends his or her time. 从一的人的居家所集中体现出来的个性就象从他或她所穿,所吃以及所交的朋友中所体现出来的一样。 recollection 词典解释 1. 记忆;回忆 If you have a recollection of something, you remember it. e.g. Pat has vivid recollections of the trip... 帕特清清楚楚地记得那次旅行。 e.g. He had no recollection of the crash... 那次车祸他一点也不记得了。 recollection 单语例句 1. Although she had no recollection of the convict, she nonetheless visited Yangyang's school the very next day. 2. He didn't recognize his classmates and had no recollection of the past four years. 3. The actor could spend up to three hours on the witness stand Tuesday, when he is expected to testify about his recollection of the incident. 4. A warm rush of recollection washed over me when I thought about the video slumber parties I use to have. 5. She apparently has no recollection of their life together between 2004 to 2007, and family photos of them together hasn't helped. 6. Lien said he wished to trace some childhood recollection during his stay in the city. 7. It said the recollection of all fireworks would be completed within four days. 8. He told the panel he had no recollection of any involvement with the group. 9. When a reporter visited Deng in hospital, she said she had no recollection of the incident. 10. The book is a recollection of his life and his time as Fed chief. recollection 英英释义 noun 1. the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort) e.g. he has total recall of the episode Synonym: recallreminiscence 2. the ability to recall past occurrences Synonym: remembranceanamnesis 3. something recalled to the mind |
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