单词 | sail through |
释义 | sail through [英 [seil θru:] 美 [sel θru] ] sail through的意思、解释 sail through 基本解释 (使)顺利通过… sail through 相关例句 ph. 1. sail through的近义词 1. She absolutely sailed through her exams. 她完全轻而易举地通过了考试。 sail through 网络解释 1. 1. 轻快地走过:sail large 顺风航行 | sail through 轻快地走过 | sail under false colors 假冒 2. 完成:Smell a rat 觉得可疑 | Sail through 完成 | Set him straight 向他解释 3. 顺利地取得:sail v.开船,启航 | sail through 顺利地取得 | A.B. 文学士 4. 4. 顺利通过:to be the safe side 为了保险起见 | 556. sail through 顺利通过 | set sail 启航 sail through 双语例句 1. I am glad I have you with me to sail through the journey of life. 我很高兴我有你我一起穿越旅行的生活。 2. sail through的翻译 2. Don't worry. You'll just sail through. 别担心,你会轻易过关的。 3. We'll just have to sail through them then! 那我们就在雨中穿行吧! 4. He's gonna sail through. 他会挺过来的。 5. sail through的反义词 5. You should be able to sail through this test. 你应该可以轻易地完成测验。 6. It takes a lot of skill to sail a big ship through such a narrow passage between the rocks. 要使用这艘大船从岩石之间的一条窄道通过是需要高超技术的。 7. Use your front hand to pull the mast across the centerline and into the wind, until you look through the sail window. 前面那只手把桅杆拉过中心线,让风进来,直到你可以看见风帆上的窗口为止。 8. 8. White wings fluttering/in the intense blue/a bird that will fly/a ship that will sail to sea/now that you have left/stay where you were before/this sad little waltz/amongst the wild roses/and at the end/of the lament/in the garden/the wind blows/life like this/is desolate, / inside me there is mist, / shadows, nothing./ Longing/comes in spasms/and pains/cut through my breast, / they come and go/I want to call you/my love/my imperfect love/if one day in some rapid flight/longing will be on the wings of destiny/it will travel the world/and carry this/wilful heart/to your hand/white wings fluttering/in the intense blue/a bird that will fly/a ship that will sail to sea 白色的翅膀翻飞在密织的蓝里/将要飞走的鸟/将要出海的船/如今你已经不在/我跳着悲伤的华尔兹/在曾经簇拥着你的野玫瑰中/在哀歌的尽头上/花园里肃风四起/这样荒凉的生活/我心中剩下雾,影和空/渴望/起伏动荡/痛苦/刺穿胸膛/他们随心所欲,来来去去/我要呼喊你/我的爱/我不完美的爱/如果有那样一天,渴望乘上命运的翅膀/疾飞着周游世界/将这颗惆怅的心带到你的手中/白色的翅膀翻飞在密织的蓝里/将要飞走的鸟/将要出海的船 9. 9. Our sail was now set, and, with the still rising wind, we rushed along, the boat going with such madness through the water that the oars could hardly be worked rapidly enough. 我们的帆现在已扯开了,顶著越来越急的风,向前冲去,小艇那麽疯狂地窜过水面,以致桨板几乎不能再加快。 10. And he spent seven years in the construction of wonderful ships to sail through the air, and had darts cast from the hardest steel to break the walls of heaven with. 他用最坚固的钢制造出闪电来,因为他希望攻破天上的堡垒。他在他的领土里招募了一支强大的军队。 11. Ancon became the first ship to sail through the new canal. Ancon 船成为第一艘在这条新运河上航行的船只。 12. Take me with youYou sail in love through the sky And I will hold you close beside me Am I livin'your dreams? 采取幽幽爱穿越天空我我会认为你关闭我的身边我美好生活的梦想? 13. Drifting homewards Do you know where the wind blows Take me with... Take me with youYou sail in love through the sky And I will hold you close beside me Am I livin'your dreams? 你知道风带我一起……能带我去爱通过虹吸航行的天空我将让你与我同在我推荐你的梦想吗? 14. sail through 14. As we sail through life, don`t avoid storms and rough waters. Just let it pass 当我们驾起人生的船,不要躲避狂风与骇浪,迎接它,经历它。 15. As we sail through life, Don t avoid storms and rough waters. 当我们驾起人生的船,不要躲避狂风与骇浪,迎接它,经历它。 16. Anita Mui's certain song most probably reflects a certain stage of our life, or it once accompanied us to sail through our most sorrowful days. 梅艳芳的某某首歌,可能是我们某个阶段的人生写照,或者伴我们度过最悲伤的时刻。 17. The short story promulgated the pure deficient and tranquil life of depressed class people in western Hunan province through the events happened from Bo Zi`s coming ashore to setting sail. 小说通过柏子上岸和返岸这个过程中发生的事,揭示了湘西下层人民既单纯贫乏而又不失平静的生活。 18. Commissary wagons with torn canvas covers rocked through the ruts. They took their oars and began to pull from the shore, then spread their sail, and drove merrily across the firth. 盖着破帆布的军需车摇摇晃晃地在凌乱的车辙中驶着。他们先摇了一阵橹使船离岸,接着扬起帆,驾着小船欢乐地渡过河口。 19. sail through的意思 19. His armada that moored in France ready for conquest would set sail through the English Channel any time. 他的无敌舰队停泊在法国海岸,随时待命驶过英吉利海峡实施进攻。 20. sail through 20. The water sail power station breaks through the basic technical features of the traditional hydraulic machine and the water power station, simplifies the structure of water power station, and reduces the cost of kW about 50%. 水帆水电站突破了传统水力机械及其水电站的基本技术特征,简化了水电站结构,千瓦造价降低50%左右。 sail through 词典解释 1. 顺利地通过;轻易地做成 If someone or something sails through a difficult situation or experience, they deal with it easily and successfully. e.g. While she sailed through her maths exams, he struggled... 她顺利地通过数学考试,而他却异常地吃力。 e.g. The agreement sailed through the French national assembly by 495 votes to 61. 该协议以 495 票对 61 票在法国国民议会顺利通过。 sail through 单语例句 1. The cruise ship will dock in five continents, sail three oceans and pass through the Suez and Panama canals. 2. But this trade route through central Asia gradually lost its significance in the age of sail. 3. The rapid melting of ice in the Canadian Arctic archipelago worries Canada, which fears foreign ships might try to sail through the waters without seeking permission first. 4. Adding to the challenge, the boats sail at those speeds through dangerous waters. 5. Pirates have become increasingly brazen in the Gulf, a major international shipping lane through which some 20 tankers sail daily. sail throughsail through 英英释义 verb 1. succeed at easily e.g. She sailed through her exams You will pass with flying colors She nailed her astrophysics course Synonym: breeze throughacepass with flying colorssweep throughnail |
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