单词 | diurnal |
释义 | diurnal [英 [da???:nl] 美 [da???:rnl] ] diurnal的意思、解释 diurnal 基本解释 形容词白天的; 每日的; 占用一天的; 只活一天的 diurnal 网络解释 1. 每日的:diurnal wind 日变风 | diurnal 每日的 | divalent 二价的 2. 昼间的:diurnal variation 昼夜变化 | diurnal 昼间的 | diurnally 每日;只在白天 3. 3. 昼夜的:dither 发抖 | diurnal 昼夜的 | divergence 分散性 4. 昼行性的:diuretic 利尿剂 | diurnal 昼行性的 | diurnal periodicity 日周期 diurnal 双语例句 1. diurnal的意思 1. Diurnal dynamics of CO_2 flux from was monitored every 3 hours in four continuous 2 days ea... 结果表明,不同小区平均土壤呼吸与CO2排放速率在CO2-C 12.2~25.2 mg/(m2.h)之间,日排放量在CO2-C 327.2~604.1mg/(m2.d)之间,低于文献报道的森林和草地及旱作农田的土壤呼吸;与长期有机-无机配施处理相比,长期单施化肥CO2日排放量提高了55%~85%,并且显著提高了土壤呼吸对土壤(5 cm)温度的响应敏感性。 2. diurnal 2. On the cloudy day, a very little diurnal difference was found in azimuth, directional and midrib angle. 而在阴天,阳生叶和阴生叶方位角、方向角和中脉角的日变化均很小。 3. 3. The Pn of Phragmites communis is higher than that of Phalaris arundinacea L, meanwhile Phragmites communis has the higher diurnal photosynthetic capacity, which shows that the Phragmites communis could grow more rapidly, and have higher biomass, so the Phragmites communis could be one of the priority implemental plant. 芦苇的Pn比虉草的Pn高,同时芦苇较虉草有更大的日光合量,说明芦苇相比较长势更快,生物量更高,当年栽植当年见效,在湿地生态系统人工修复中可作为优选工具植物之一。 4. diurnal 4. Relationship between diurnal changes of net photosynthetic rate and the impact factors in leaves of Puna Cichorium intybus were studied. 研究夏季普那菊首叶片净光合速率日变化及其与影响因子的相互关系。 5. A diurnal animal hunt s its food during daylight; while a nocturnal animal hunt s at night 昼间活动的动物在白天猎捕食物,而昼伏夜出的动物在晚间猎捕食物 6. A diurnal animal hunts its food during daylight; while a nocturnal animal hunt s at night 昼间活动的动物在白天猎捕食物,而昼伏夜出的动物在晚间猎捕食物 7. In some parts of the earth this inclination of the moon's orbit, coupled with the fact that the axis of the earth is tilted in relation to its orbit round the sun, produces diurnal tides (tides occurring at intervals of twenty-four hours and fifty minutes) rather than the semi-diurnal tides (tides occurring at intervals of twelve hours and twenty-five minutes) described above. 在一些地区,月球的轨道交角力,上地球轴,c与其绕太阳转动的轨道相对的倾斜,引起了全日潮(每隔二十四小时五十分钟发生一次),而不是上面谈到的半日潮(每隔十二小时二十五分钟一次)。 8. The difference between case 2005 and case 2006 is that the vertical wind shear, low-level jet, mid-level trough, upper-level jet and vertical coupling in case 2006 are obvious than case 2005. The case of 2005, heavy rainfall occurred over the southwestern plain of Taiwan, especially in the Chianan Plain, it was heavier than in the mountain area. The maximum accumulation of daily rainfall (585mm) was occurred in the mountain area of Ping-dong County and the diurnal change was obvious in case 2005. However, the maximum daily rainfall in case 2006 (718mm) was heavier in mountain area than in the Chianan Plain, and its diurnal change was not obvious. 降雨特徵方面,2005年个案主要降雨区域在於西南部平原,其中在嘉南地区平地降水大於山区,高屏地区则降水最大处集中在山区,最大降雨区出现於屏东山区,最大日降雨量为585 mm,日夜变化显著;2006年个案主要降雨区域在於中部及南部山区,其中在中部及高屏地区降水最大处多集中在山区,在嘉南地区山区降水则大於平地,最大日降雨量为718 mm,日夜变化较不显著。 9. To newspaper website, the diurnal person that visit is particularly important, because day is the network in a day when discharge is highest, a lot of people get online in the office. 对于报纸网站来说,白天的访问者非凡重要,因为白天是一天中网络流量最高的时候,很多人都在办公室上网。 10. The syzygial tide is that the maximum amplitude period of semi-monthly tide added to the semi-diurnal and full-diurnal tides. 朔望潮即是半月潮幅度最大时段再迭加半日潮和全日潮。 11. diurnal是什么意思 11. Home ranges of the sables were 4.2—17.2km〓. Males have larger home range size than femals. Home ranges sizes were different in every season. Home ranges were the Largeat in winter and smallest in summer. There was overlap between the males and the females and the two males seldom orlapped. Actiltty during the snow-free season was strongly diurnal wheareas winter activity was largely nocturnal. Activity was stronger at 6—8.18—20 and 20—22. Sable's activies and food diversity index wes strongly corrected. 1995年4月~1996年11月。在内蒙古满归林业局北岸林场采用无线电跟踪技术和全球定位系统研究了紫貂的巢区和生境选择,紫貂巢区大小为4.2~17.2 km〓,雄性个体的巢区大于雌性个体的巢区,四季活动范围有差异,冬季活动范围最大而夏季最小,巢区的重迭多发生于异性个体,而雄性个体的巢区几乎不重叠,而且巢区呈线性趋势,紫貂在冬季主要是夜行,而其他季节主要是昼行,一般6~8时和20~22时活动较强,而且其活动率与其食物多样性指数成正相关。 12. The results show that the diurnal change disciplinarians of stomatal resistance are not the same in different growing stages. 采用偏最小二乘回归方法建立了气孔阻力对环境因子的响应模型。 13. 13. The diurnal variations and abilities of leaf water potential, transpiration and stomatal resistance and the water-holding ability ofleaf were also studied. 在正常供水条件下,对无性系叶水势、蒸腾速率和气孔阻力的日变化及各无性系叶片保水能力进行了研究。 14. The diurnal and seasonal characteristics of urban heat island variation in Beijing city and surrounding areas and impact abased on remote sensing satellite data, Science in China, 项目的完成对利用高分辨率的卫星遥感资料开展农业干旱的监测起重要的作用,将为及时提供作物优化灌溉指标,减少干旱对农业生产的危害服务。 15. diurnal的反义词 15. Diurnal variations of carbohydrate content and activities of related enzymes in source leaves in response to defruiting were studied during endocarp hardening and final rapid fruit growth stages of`Yanfeng Yihao`peach. 研究了`艳丰1号`桃果核硬化期和果实最后迅速生长期去果对源叶碳水化合物含量及其相关酶活性日变化的影响。 16. diurnal在线翻译 16. Results The curve of diurnal variation of Pn tended to be a typical single peak at the seedling stage and double peak type at the flowering stage. 两种化学型鱼腥草Pn日变化苗期均为典型的单峰曲线,而花期呈双峰形;Tr日变化则两个时期均为单峰曲线;且苗期Pn和Tr值均极显著低于花期。 17. The earth is not static, points move relative to each other due to continental plate motion, subsidence and diurnal movement caused by the moon and the tides. 地球并不是静止的,点之间的相对关系随着板块运动不断变化,地球的自转产生了月相和潮汐。 18. PURPOSE: To determine diurnal variation of tear menisci around upper and lower eyelids in normal subjects. 目的:确定正常个体中上下眼睑周围泪河凹面的昼夜变化。 19. diurnal 19. The diurnal variation of surface layer air temperature is far slower than that of surface temperature. 近地层大气温度变化要比地表温度缓慢。 20. There was better linear relationship between air temperature and the diurnal and seasonal change of soil temperature. 3土壤温度的季节变化趋势为:从冬小麦苗期开始降低,到越冬期达到最低,返青后开始升高,抽穗后较为稳定,麦收后又有所升高;土壤温度日变化及季节变化与气温有较好的线性相关关系。 diurnal 词典解释 1. 白昼的;白天的;日间活动的 Diurnal means happening or active during the daytime. e.g. Kangaroos are diurnal animals. 袋鼠是日间活动的动物。 diurnal 单语例句 1. Since then time has ticked in keeping with the Earth's diurnal orbit around the sun. 2. The animals are diurnal, active in the day but resting in the heat on particularly sunny days. diurnal 英英释义 adj 1. of or belonging to or active during the day e.g. diurnal animals are active during the day diurnal flowers are open during the day and closed at night diurnal and nocturnal offices 2. having a daily cycle or occurring every day e.g. diurnal rotation of the heavens |
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