单词 | interplanetary |
释义 | interplanetary [英 [??nt??pl?n?tri] 美 [??nt?r?pl?n?teri] ] interplanetary的意思、解释 interplanetary 基本解释 形容词行星之间的,行星际的 interplanetary的反义词 interplanetary 网络解释 1. 生星际的:planetary 行星的 | interplanetary 生星际的 | star 星 2. 行星间的:interplait 使交织 | interplanetary 行星间的 | interplay 互相作用 3. interplanetary是什么意思 3. 行星际的:interplanar distance 晶面间距 | interplanetary 行星际的 | interplanetary communication 行星际通 4. interplanetary 4. 行星际:interplanetary 太阳系内的 | interplanetary 行星际 | interplanetary 行星间的 interplanetary 双语例句 1. interplanetary的翻译 1. In 1967, a new type of radio telescope intended for the study of interplanetary scintillation came into operation 1967年,一种新型的打算用于研究行星闪烁的射电望远镜投入了工作。 2. This study is important to understand the large scale solar wind structure in the heliosphere and the interplanetary space weather processes. 本研究对日球太阳风大尺度结构和行星际空间天气过程的认识有重要意义。 3. May Require Propulsion: One may be able to travel large distances in the Interplanetary Superhighway without any propulsion. 可能需要推进:一个可以旅行没有任何推进高速公路在星际大的距离。 4. interplanetary的意思 4. In order to verify the prediction efficiency, 27 interplanetary shock events from January 1979 to June 1982 and 68 interplanetary shock events from February 1997 to January 2000 are used for testing. Comparing the results of our disturbance model to those obtained by STOA and ISPM, we find that our disturbance model is as good as the other two models, and in some cases even better. 为印证扰动传播模型的适用性,利用79年到82年间的27个激波事件,以及97年2月到2000年1月间的68个激波事件,对激波到达地球轨道附近的传播时间进行了预测,并将结果与目前流行的行星际激波事件到达地球轨道时间的STOA和ISPM预报模型所得结果进行了比较。 5. To the search of launching opportunity for interplanetary mission, combining contour map method and prime vector theory, an approach to searching launch opportunity with multiple- impulse transfers is proposed. 针对星际转移发射机会搜索问题,结合等高线图法和主矢量原理,提出了一种多脉冲转移发射机会搜索方法。 6. interplanetary的意思 6. It also put automatic interplanetary spacecraft into flight trajectories to the Moon, the planets and deep space, providing both new, powerful acquisitions of scientific knowledge and practical human activity in the study and exploration of space. 它也可以将行星际无人飞船送入飞往月球、行星及至深空的过渡轨道,带给人们新颖强大的科研成果和空间研究探索方面切实有效的人类活动。 7. Plasma Theory radio source, structure supernova remnants, ionizing hydrogen pulsar magnetosphere, planets, interplanetary matter, galaxies and interstellar material, material. 等离子体理论分析射电源的结构﹑超新星遗迹﹑电离氢区﹑脉冲星﹑行星磁层﹑行星际物质﹑星际物质和星系际物质等。 8. interplanetary的翻译 8. This time the universal time is on August 1, 2999 in the afternoon 2.15 minutes, Huang Qu senior official yellow Jinlong, already led his interplanetary flight group to compel always to raid the planetoid rapidly, in order to arrive personally the first front not to disrupt the whole plan deployment, he the 12th group's jointure of command for vice-group leader Commander Ms. Diana, then, led several guard starship, the acceleration to rush immediately the first interspace group nearby air zone, in order to nearby examine the special details, and prepared to land ahead of time this planetoid, in order to could direct other interspace group debarkation immediately and launch fast pulls out the spatial planetoid the ultimate fight. 此时世界时间是2999年8月1日下午2点15分,黄区长官黄金龙,已经率领着他的星际飞行小组急速逼向来袭小行星,为了亲临第一前线而不打乱整体计划部署,他把第十二小组的指挥权移交给副组长指挥官黛安娜女士,然后,立即带领几架近卫星际飞行器,加速赶到第一星际小组附近的空域,以便就近查看一下具体情况,并准备先期登陆这颗小行星,以便能够即时指挥其他星际小组登陆并快速展开掏空小行星的终极战斗。 9. interplanetary什么意思 9. I played you one of my songs, y'know Interplanetary Courtship Ritual. 我为你表演了我的作品之一,《太阳系的求爱仪式 10. The interplanetary magnetic field near Earth is pointing south, an orientation that favors strong geomagnetic activity. 靠近地球的行星际磁场IMF在指向南,使地磁发生剧烈活动。 11. interplanetary是什么意思 11. Using radio antennae, the Deep Space Network was set up for the interplanetary telecommunications. 由多台巨型碟型天线组成的深空网络因此建立,以作行星际的电信往来。 12. The gegenschein is sunlight back-scattered off small interplanetary dust particles. 对日照是日光经由尘埃粒子的反向散射所造成的。 13. interplanetary的近义词 13. I always imagined interstellar travel, interplanetary war, waged to eliminate many inferior creatures on many planets, imagine I have been using the world's most advanced toilet at home: pull the waste reach center of the earth, transforme into magma the formation of volcanic eruptions around the world, inundated many towns and villages, thus triumphantly. 我一直想象着像上帝一样星际旅行,发动星际战争,消灭无数劣等星球上的生物,想象着我家里一直用的是全世界最高级的抽水马桶:拉的排泄物直通地心,转化为岩浆,在世界各地形成火山爆发,淹没无数城市和乡村,因此而洋洋得意。 14. Is there an earth station, a base for relaying radio signals to and from artifical satellites and interplanetary sapcecraft, in your city? 你们城市有那种地球站吗?就是作为中继向人造卫星和星际飞行器发送的或中继来自这些地方的无线电信号的地面基地? 15. After an interplanetary shock is transmitted through the bow shock, the ratio of tangential field strength becomes closer to 1, whereas the jump of total magnetic field strength increases in amplitude. 行星际激波透过弓激波之后,切向磁场比更接近于1,但总磁场跳变幅度增大。 16. A 2.5 dimensional, ideal MHD model in spherical coordinates is used to numerically simulate the propagation of azimuthal magnetic field disturbances with emphasis upon its influence on the spiral angle of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). 本文采用球坐标下2.5维理想MHD模型,对日球子午面内方位磁场扰动的传播进行数值模拟,重点分析它对行星际磁场螺旋角的影响。 17. The results obtained show that an average increase of about 10 degrees is observed in the inclination angle of the interplanetary magnetic field vector from the ecliptic plane. 结果说明当出现高密度结构时行星际磁场相对于黄道面的倾角约增大10°。 18. The main results are: (1) the fluctuation intensity and fluctuation anisotropy of the interplanetary magnetic field are amplified obviously in the magnetosheath region; 主要结果是:(1)行星际磁场起伏的强度和各向异性在磁鞘中被显著放大; 19. interplanetary的意思 19. Evolution of interplanetary flow velocity enhancement disturbance 行星际速度增幅扰动的演化 20. Numerical simulation for propagation of interplanetary disturbance in three dimensional solar wind background during January 1997 event 1997年1月事件行星际扰动在三维背景太阳风中传播的数值模拟 interplanetary 单语例句interplanetary的翻译 1. NASA expects that in the next few years, the Interplanetary Internet could enable many new types of space missions. 2. The single interplanetary robotic mission that Russia managed to mount since the Soviet collapse failed miserably in 1996. 3. Tightly wrapped in storage much longer than planned during the interplanetary cruise, the main antenna failed to deploy. interplanetary 英英释义 interplanetary的翻译 adj 1. between or among planets e.g. interplanetary travel |
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