单词 | in the region of |
释义 | in the region of [英 [in e? ?ri:d??n ?v] 美 [?n ei ?rid??n ?v] ] in the region of的意思、解释 in the region of 基本解释 在…部位; 大约 in the region of 网络解释 1. 在附近:in the raw 处于自然状态 | in the region of 在附近 | in the right direction 方向正确 2. in the region of 2. 一带:harvest: 秋收 | in the region of: 一带 | man made: 手工 3. 在...左右,接近:2643in the red负债;亏空;赤字 | 2644in the region of在...左右,接近 | 2645in the right正确,有理 4. in the region of的意思 4. 在...的附近:in the red 亏损; 负债; 赤字 | in the region of 在...的附近 | in the running 参加比赛, 有赢的希望 in the region of 双语例句 1. The high diversity of Amazon birds includes resident species, wintering in, migrating birds, or just passing though the region. 亚马逊鸟类的高度多样性,包括留鸟,冬,候鸟,或只是尽管该地区传递。 2. The results of simulation verified the strain and the slip of the fault in the faultrelated fold. This model can describe the underground features of Dachigan structure and is favorable to analyze the structure pattern and structure evolution in this region. 利用模拟结果对该地区断层相关褶皱体系的应变和断层滑动量的检验表明,该模型能够准确地反映大池干构造的地下特征,最大限度地解释已知地质信息,有助于对该地区的构造模式和构造演化进行深入研究。 3. in the region of 3. Local officials in Nangarhar province said the victims were part of a wedding party and no militants were in the region. 阿富汗楠格哈尔省地方官员说,空袭的遇难者是参加一个婚礼的民众,当时那个地区没有激进份子。 4. 4. In chap.3, we will extend themodel of the large bipolaron introduced by Verbist et al to arbitrary Ndimensions, calculate the bipolaron characteristics such as the ground-state energy, effective mass, average number of virtual phonons, andradius, and plot the figure of the bipolaron stability region. 在第三章中,我们将Verbist等人研究双极化子的模型推广到任意N维的情形,计算了任意N维的大双极化子的基态能,有效质量,平均虚声子数和半径,并画出双极化子的稳定区域图。 5. in the region of的解释 5. Our company is professional in the early operation of Route-based transport, support the development of the region as a supplement distribution of transport enterprises. 我们公司是在早期经营干线专业运输为主,辅助发展区域内配送为辅的运输企业。 6. In high cold region northwest of Hebei Province where it is drought and less rainfall. the vegetables were planted by irrigating with the water under ground, so the water level under ground decreased; the research on saving water of Radish and Cabbage under PFM was conducted, in order that the aim at saving water, high yield and good quality of vegetables under PFM could be realized. 本试验针对冀西北坝上地区干旱缺雨,靠开采地下水生产错季蔬菜,造成地下水位不断下降问题,以地膜覆盖生产蔬菜达到节水、高产和优质为目的,进行了萝卜和甘蓝地膜覆盖的节水生产研究。 7. In the high bias voltage region, the Fano factor is enhanced with increasing the strength of electron-phonon coupling. 在高偏压区,Fano因子随着电-声子耦合强度的增大而增大。 8. According to analysis, emergence of the current situation of active rental market there are three factors: First, the center region due to the relocation of municipal progress slowed down the impact of second-hand housing downtown sharp drop in demand. 据分析,出现目前状况的租务市场活跃,有三个因素:第一,中心地区因为要拆迁,市政进度放慢的影响,二手房市中心的需求急剧下降。 9. The Han Dynasty carried out the prefectural state counting system which stipulated locality every year and prefectural state every three years submitted a count gathering all kinds of files in this region to central government. 汉代实行郡国上计制度,规定地方郡国每年、边郡每三年向中央上报由本行政区域的各类档案汇集而成的计簿,作为中央考核地方政绩的依据。 10. In alkaline environment (minerals, the relative composition of inorganic salts, and organic components of relatively small) in the red-brick building, as a result of capillary action, up to the surface of the water absorption of the salts dissolved in water at the same time increase in deposition from ground range of 0.5m-1.5m, the formation of a salt-rich region, the red brick of which are physical and chemical corrosion, combined with the expansion of water ice, weathering, such as the role of rain, the course of time will form a red brick Fan zone as early as in the failure of other parts of the body. 摘 要:处于碱性环境(矿物质,无机盐类成分相对多,有机物成分相对少)中的红砖建筑,由于毛细作用,将地表的水分往上吸收,溶解在水中的盐类同时上升,沉积在离地面0.5m-1.5m的范围内,形成一个盐类富集区域,其中的红砖受到物理和化学腐蚀作用,再结合水分结冰膨胀,风化,雨淋等作用,日久会形成一个红砖粉化带,早于其他部位的失效。 11. Objective To investigate CT and MRI findings of ossifying fibroma of craniofacial region in order to improve the diagnostic accuracy. 目的 探讨颅面部骨化性纤维瘤的CT和MRI表现,提高其诊断准确性。 12. In this dissertation, we propose two region-based segmentation algorithms and two edge-based segmentation algorithms for echocardiographic images. The first proposed algorithm of region-based segmentation scheme is fuzzy Hopfield neural network with fixed weight approach. This approach incorporated the global gray-level information and local gray-level information to construct a fuzzy Hopfield neural network. When the network converges to a stable state, the segmentation result will be obtained. A new approach using alpha-shape points is another proposed algorithm of region-based category. The region of interest corresponds to one of the clusters under a properly selected alpha. We identify the heart chamber in the ultrasound image by comparing the similarity between the alpha-connected components against the heart chamber obtained from the AQ image. 我们提出两种以区块为主的影像分割方法及两种以边缘为主的影像分割方法,其中所提出的第一个以区块为主的方法是乏析贺菲尔德类神经网路,在这个方法中使用了全体的和区域性的影像亮度资讯来建构这个类神经网路,当网路趋於稳定状态时,就可以获得影像分割的结果;另一个提出的以区块为主的方法是α形状技术的分割方法,选择了适当的α大小之后,每个区块会对应到其中的一个分群中,再藉由和AQ的比对,就可以知道哪个分群是我们所要的心脏了。 13. The present study initially put forward that the overestimation to underestimation of actual flow rates by the flow rates calculated using the hemispheric flow convergence method is due to the gradual change of isovelocity surface area in different zones of the flow convergence region, which was proven in our in vitro, animal and human studies. 7血流会聚法对二尖瓣狭窄瓣口面积、室间隔缺损分流量的确定也是一种较为准确、可靠及影响因素较少的方法。(8)本研究首次提出由于不同血流会聚区等速表面形态变化导致半球血流会聚方法计算流量从高估到低估实际流量的论点,并在离体、动物及人体研究证实。 14. Australian Antarctic Division glaciology program head Ian Allison said sea ice losses in west Antarctica over the past 30 years had been more than offset by increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica. 澳大利亚南极冰川项目负责人伊恩·艾利森表示,近30年来,南极洲西部地区海冰消失已被东部罗斯海这一个地区海冰增加所抵消。 15. in the region of 15. The results show that the capacitive loop in low frequency region of EIS is caused by the reaction of Al, and the inductive loop in middle frequency region is caused by the reaction of Alads. 结果表明,阻抗谱中的低频容抗弧是由表面裸露的Al转变为中间产物Alads的反应引起的,而中频感抗弧则由Alads转变为Al3,ads的反应引起。 16. The shield tunneling is one of the main methods to construct tunnel in soft ground region. 盾构施工是在软土地区修建隧道的主要手段之一。 17. As the result of Nb precipitation, the hot ductility of the steel was significantly reduced in the lower temperature region of γ single phase. 由于含Nb钢试样共折转变的推迟,与不含Nb钢相比,其第Ⅲ脆性温度域向低温延伸。 18. In contrast, according to Beijing`s geographical location and urban layout, the western and northern parts of the development will be constrained, East, South and South East region is the main city of the future direction of development. 与此相反,根据北京的地理位置和城市布局,西部和北部地区的发展将受到限制,东亚,南亚和东南亚地区的主要城市未来的发展方向。 19. 19. And all the region of Judea went out to him, and all the people of Jerusalem; and they were baptized by him in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins. 1:5 犹太全地和全耶路撒冷的人,都络绎的出去到约翰那里,承认着他们的罪,在约但河里受他的浸。 20. The results showed that the juvenile distribution ratio of zero was found in the marked region (the region where the reef model put in) when there was no reef model. The juveniles prefer weak light region to perch when the five kinds of reef models were put in the center of the tank, each of which showed a distinct preference in the marked area with distribution ratio of 56.7% to 90%. 结果表明:水槽中无模型礁的条件下,标志区的许氏平灿聚集率为0,许氏平鲉选择光线较弱区域栖息;放入模型礁的条件下,5种模型礁均对许氏平鲉具有明显的诱集作用,群体重心在礁体周围移动,标志区对鱼的聚集率为56.7%~90%。 in the region of 单语例句in the region of 1. All major Asian stock markets in the region tumbled across the board, succumbing to heightened fears of a broader global financial crisis. 2. And they have kindled a gleam of hope for the establishment of a multilateral security system in the region. 3. The buzz of activity associated with growing global investments in the region is slowly abating as foreign real estate acquisitions in 2008 have declined sharply. 4. Xinjiang is the largest region by landmass in China, and travel by air is the most common means of getting around. 5. Because of the snow, temperatures in the region plunged by about 10 degrees. 6. Previous report by Libyan official television said one French plane was shot down by Libyan force in the region of Tripoli. 7. Chavez recalled that shortly before Obama took office, the new president had accused Chavez of acting as a " destructive force " in the region. 8. The operation will be the fruit of the largest foreign direct investment measured by value made in China's western region. 9. It introduced a trial tax of 5 percent on oil and gas production by value in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in June 2010. 10. Sales in the region benefited from the decline in the US dollar, which dropped an average of 12 percent against a basket of six foreign currencies. |
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