单词 | apart |
释义 | apart [英 [??pɑ:t] 美 [??pɑ:rt] ] apart的意思、解释 apart 基本解释 副词相隔,相距; 分散地,分开地; 成部分,成碎片; 分辨 形容词分离的,隔离的 apart 同义词 apart的翻译 副词asideasunder apart 反义词 副词together apart什么意思 apart 相关词组 apart的解释 1. apart from : 除了...之外; apart 相关例句 副词 1. She tore the chicken apart and began to eat. 她把鸡撕成一块一块的,然后开始吃。 2. 2. The 2 buildings are 200 meters apart. 两座建筑相距200米。 3. View each idea apart. 请单独审查每个办法。 4. 4. Viewed apart, what she said sounds right. 单独看,她的话似乎不错。 1. The two cities are one hundred kilometers apart. 两城相距一百公里。 apart 网络解释 1. 分开的:而是指向了成功之路. 即使当一个东西是分开的时,它也永远是一起的,因为它无法真的分开,而只是变得更大了. 所以,即使当一个东西看起来是分开的(apart)时,其实它仍是一个部分(apart),也即是意谓着它根本没有分开. 2. 2. 分离:apart from 除 | apart 分离 | apartheid 种族隔离 3. 分离,隔开,相距:anyhow 无论如何,不管怎样 | apart 分离,隔开,相距 | apartment 一套公寓房间 4. apart 4. 相间隔;分开;分离的:anyway无论如何;至少 | apart相间隔;分开;分离的 | apartment一套公寓房间 5. apart:automated packet recognition/translation; 信息包自动识别与转换 apart 双语例句 1. apart什么意思 1. Apart from the inter consorts and imperial clansmen, the entourages were about 100, 000(some said 200, 000) people such as artisans, medical officers, musicians, prostitutes, the chamberlain and so on, which is the largest immigration in the history of Northern Song dynasty. 随从徽、钦父子北迁的除后妃、宗室外,还有中原的工匠、医官、乐工、妓女、内侍等约10万人(一说20万),这是北宋历史上规模最大的一次移民。 2. apart 2. I want to say to you: Be in be apart from direction of past Chengdu of county of plain of short of Wenshui River the summit of village of 7 dishes of channel of 7 kilometers. 我想对你说:就在距离汶川县城往成都方向7公里的七盘沟村山顶。 3. apart的解释 3. The whole of Harlem seemed to fall apart in the swirl of snow. 整个哈莱姆区好象散落在纷纷扬扬的雪花中了。 4. Every 30 prices to 32 dollars and Yahoo asked Feburary 34 compare to 35 dollars photograph far apart, but a lot of Yahoo partner still may be mad with joy accordingly, acknowledgment God. 每股30到32美元的价格与雅虎2月份要求的34到35美元相比差距很大,但许多雅虎股东仍可能因此欣喜若狂、感谢上苍。 5. The two surfaces adhered to each other, and we couldn't get them apart. 两个表面胶着在一起,我们无法将其分开。 6. apart的近义词 6. A beautiful|woman stands out... stands apart|美丽的女人骤然出现在面前|总是引人注目,炫然即逝 7. apart的意思 7. Eleven-year-old Jacob completely fell apart when he recently lost a ski cap from Dulwich College of Beijing, his old school. 11岁的雅各布最近弄丢了一顶在他以前上学的北京德威国际学校时的滑雪帽,那会儿他简直要崩溃了。 8. During that time, his marriage fell apart as he spiraled into substance abuse and depression. 在这段时间里,随着他坠入滥用药物和抑郁症,他的婚姻为之破裂。 9. Transactions, is my career, in order to do transactions, to maintain optimal physical fitness and the best state of mind; I lived a different life with ordinary people, I would like for the transaction of Health, a very regular life, apart from eating every day and the rest, that is active in training and focus on land transactions, I will not indulge, not all tobacco and alcohol, do not abuse sexuality, not seeking Wen-da, not by fame and fortune...... transactions, 13, 128, 971, 889 in brokering a deal! 交易,是我的事业,为了做好交易,保持最佳体能和最好的精神状态;我过着与普通人不同的生活,我仿佛为交易而生,日常生活极有规律,每天除了饮食与休息,就是积极地训练与专注地交易,我不会放纵、不皆烟酒、不近美色、不求闻达、不逐名利……交易,13128971889促成交易! 10. apart的翻译 10. A complete fracture is when the bone comes apart. When a bone is broken in more than 2 places or gets crushed, the name for it is a comminuted fracture. 完全性骨折指的是骨头完全分当骨头有两处以上的地方裂开或者碎了,那就是粉碎性骨折。 11. Plant the bushes at least two feet apart, two and one half feet is better. 植物草丛至少两英尺远,但两国和二分之一英尺更好。 12. 12. These first stamps were imperforate10 and people had to cut apart the sheets of stamps. 最初的这些邮票没有齿孔,人们必须用剪刀将整版邮票剪开。 13. Longer citations should be indented and single-spaced to set them apart from the rest of your paragraph. 稍长的引用应当缩进,以一倍行距的格式以区别于段落的其他部分。 14. 14. Apart from living in a stable and prosperous society, there were at least three other criteria necessary for a successful curator of books. 除了生活在一个稳定和繁荣的社会,至少有三种其他标准所必需的一个成功的策划书。 15. His melodic sensibilities, and the ability to blend a variety of styles into a cohesive whole, set him apart from the norm. 他的优美动听的情感之声,和将多种风格融合凝聚为整体的才能,让他不流于普通。 16. apart是什么意思 16. Apart from the amphibolite enclaves and dyke swarms, the isotopic ages of the magmatic intrusions have been measured. The magmatic sequence and geochronologic framework are as follows: Quartz monzonite, 1825 ± 23 Ma, TDM = 2920Ma; Throndhjemite, 2374 ± 10 Ma, TDM = 3460 Ma; Tonalite, 2604±102 Ma, TDM = 3063 Ma; Monzonite, 3096±17 Ma, TDM = 2978 Ma; Granite, 3605±43 Ma, TDM = 3528 Ma. 在野外建立热事件相对序列的基础上,通过单颗粒锆石U-Pb法测年和Sm-Nd同位素示踪研究,初步建立了该区早前寒武纪岩浆活动的年代格架:石英二长岩:1825±23 Ma,TDM=2920 Ma;奥长花岗岩:2374±10 Ma,TDM=3460 Ma;英云闪长岩:2604±102 Ma,TDM=3063 Ma;二长花岗岩:3096±17 Ma,TDM=2978 Ma;花岗岩:3605±43 Ma,TDM=3528 Ma。 17. Most important of all, apart from their hometown and parents, stude nts couldn't catch sight of any familiar face and have to suffer from homel essness, which can cause certain serious mental disease. 更重要的是,离开了家乡和父母,看不到任何熟悉的面孔,他们不得不忍受思家之苦,这可能会导致严重的精神疾病。 18. Forever, may existin a day. And time may stop for years when two lovers are apart. 永远可以存在于一天之内,而时间可能因两人的分开而停滞数年之久。 19. apart什么意思 19. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one foot intervals all the wayh to to top of the atmosphere. 假设地球上可以不满传感器,每个相隔1英尺,并按1英尺的间隔从地面一直排列到大气层的顶端。 20. 2Spatial contiguity principle: namely, depictive and descriptive representations should be near each other in the space, not apart from each other. 3时间临近原则:尽量使同一数学对象的叙述性表征和描绘性表征在时间上同时或临近呈现,而非异步或间断呈现。 apart 词典解释 位置;状态(POSITIONS AND STATES) In addition to the uses shown below, apart is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘grow apart’ and ‘take apart’. 除下列用法外,apart还可用于grow apart, take apart等短语动词中。 1. (在空间上)相隔,相距 When people or things are apart, they are some distance from each other. e.g. He was standing a bit apart from the rest of us, watching us... 他站在离我们其余人不远的地方,看着我们。 e.g. She saw Sheila standing some distance apart... 她看见希拉站开了一段距离。 2. 往不同方向;分开 If two people or things move apart or are pulled apart, they move away from each other. apart什么意思 e.g. John and Isabelle moved apart, back into the sun... 约翰和伊莎贝拉彼此分开,回到了阳光下。 e.g. He tried in vain to keep the two dogs apart before the neighbour intervened. 邻居过来帮忙前,他费了半天劲儿也没把两只狗分开。 3. 分手;分离 If two people are apart, they are no longer living together or spending time together, either permanently or just for a short time. e.g. It was the first time Jane and I had been apart for more than a few days... 那是我第一次和简分开数日。 e.g. Mum and Dad live apart. 妈妈和爸爸分居。 4. 成零碎;散开 If you take something apart, you separate it into the pieces that it is made of. If it comes or falls apart, its parts separate from each other. e.g. When the clock stopped he took it apart to find out what was wrong... 钟一不走了,他就把它拆开看看哪儿出毛病了。 e.g. Many school buildings are unsafe, and some are falling apart. 许多校舍不安全,有些简直是摇摇欲坠。 5. 垮掉;分裂;解体 If something such as an organization or relationship falls apart, or if something tears it apart, it can no longer continue because it has serious difficulties. apart e.g. Any manager knows that his company will start falling apart if his attention wanders... 每个经理都知道只要自己的注意力有所分散,公司就会分崩离析。 e.g. Her marriage to film producer Michael Greenburg fell apart. 她和电影制片人迈克尔·格林伯格的婚姻破裂了。 6. 与众不同地;独特地 If something sets someone or something apart, it makes them different from other people or things. apart的反义词 e.g. What really sets Mr Thaksin apart is that he comes from northern Thailand... 他信先生真正与众不同之处是他来自泰国北部。 e.g. Health spending tends to rise disproportionately as countries become richer; but even adjusting for this, America is a case apart. 随着国家愈加富有,医疗保健费用增加的幅度却往往与之不成比例;但即使美国为此作出调整,还是与别国不同。 7. 意见不一致的;有分歧的 If people or groups are a long way apart on a particular topic or issue, they have completely different views and disagree about it. e.g. Officials say they're so far apart on such a wide range of issues there's no telling how long the talks could drag on... 官员们声称他们在许多问题上分歧甚大,所以无法预见谈判将拖多久。 e.g. Their concept of a performance and our concept were miles apart. 他们对于表演的理解和我们的大相径庭。 8. 区分;分辨 If you can't tell two people or things apart, they look exactly the same to you. apart的意思 e.g. I can still only tell Mark and Dave apart by the colour of their shoes! 我仍然只能根据鞋子的颜色来区分马克和戴夫! e.g. Free range and battery eggs, boiled for four minutes, were hard to tell apart. 柴鸡蛋和笼养鸡蛋在煮过4分钟之后很难区分。 例外;注意(INDICATING EXCEPTIONS AND FOCUSING) 1. 除了…外(别无) You use apart from when you are making an exception to a general statement. e.g. The room was empty apart from one man seated beside the fire... 除了有个男人坐在火炉边,房间里空荡荡的。 e.g. She was the only British competitor apart from Richard Meade. 她是除了理查德·米德之外唯一的英国参赛者。 2. 除…之外(表示例外) You use apart when you are making an exception to a general statement. e.g. This was, New York apart, the first American city I had ever been in where people actually lived downtown. 除了纽约,这是我到过的第一个人们确实住在市中心的美国城市。 3. 除…外(尚有);此外 You use apart from to indicate that you are aware of one aspect of a situation, but that you are going to focus on another aspect. e.g. Illiteracy threatens Britain's industrial performance. But, quite apart from that, the individual who can't read or write is unlikely to get a job... 文盲的存在影响着英国的产业效益。但是,除此以外,更重要的是那些不具备读写能力的人也不太可能找到工作。 e.g. There was always something to look forward to, apart from Rachel's visits. 除了雷切尔的来访,总还有别的事情可以期待。 4. 除…以外(尚有);此外 You use apart to indicate that you are aware of one aspect of a situation, but that you are going to focus on another aspect. e.g. That argument apart, it is for the Germans themselves to work out how their forces should come together. 撇开那场纷争不谈,德国人自己也应该考虑一下如何将各种力量拧成一股绳。 apart 单语例句apart的翻译 1. But what sets Zhang apart from many other businesspeople is that he is blind. 2. One idea is that an icy object from the outer solar system was lured in close and broken apart by Saturn's impressive gravity. 3. That failure to tell a humanitarian tragedy apart from a national rivalry is by no means limited to the very young. 4. " Great to hear your voices, " station astronaut Michael Barratt called out when the two spacecraft were 4 miles apart. 5. Apart from inviting some established caricaturists to exhibit their works, the organizing committee is also calling for fresh submissions. 6. " Everyone is determined to keep Cam and Jess far apart, " said an insider. 7. Apart from its impressionistic landscape, the plot catered to Cannes'tastes with a grim realist dark movie. 8. Si said that apart from studying, manual work can also make a person wiser and more capable. 9. He also lacks a feel for the caper film, a tough genre to master and set apart from a heist thriller. 10. Apart from an uneasiness to tell parents, they live a good life in bigger cities. apart 英英释义 adv 1. not taken into account or excluded from consideration e.g. these problems apart, the country is doing well all joking aside, I think you're crazy Synonym: aside 2. into parts or pieces e.g. he took his father's watch apart split apart torn asunder Synonym: asunder 3. separated or at a distance in place or position or time e.g. These towns are many miles apart stood with his legs apart born two years apart 4. one from the other e.g. people can't tell the twins apart 5. placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose e.g. had a feeling of being set apart quality sets it apart a day set aside for relaxing Synonym: aside 6. away from another or others e.g. they grew apart over the years kept apart from the group out of shyness decided to live apart |
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