单词 | jaw |
释义 | jaw [英 [d??:] 美 [d??] ] jaw的意思、解释 过去式:jawed; 过去分词:jawed; 现在分词:jawing; 复数形式:jaws; jaw 基本解释 jaw 名词下巴; 颌; 唠叨; 狭窄入口 不及物动词闲谈; 唠唠叨叨,喋喋不休; 教训 jaw jaw 相关例句 及物动词 1. She jawed him all day about that. 她为那事数说了他一整天。 不及物动词 1. jaw的解释 1. I can't spend all day jawing with you. 我不能整天和你唠叨。 名词 1. The panther held a snake in its jaws. 豹子嘴里咬着一条蛇。 2. A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character. 坚实方正的下巴是性格坚强的标志。 3. Hold your jaw! 别唠叨了!;住嘴! jaw 网络解释 1. jaw的翻译 1. 颚:鳄鱼线这个指标是Bill William在1998年所提出来的,这个指标旨在判定趋势,利用蓝线-颚(jaw)、红线-齿(teeth)、绿线-唇(lip)及价格的相对位置,分属不同的意义;并且在配合碎形fractal后可进一步得到进出讯号. 2. jaw的近义词 2. 下颌:4.除了圆口类之外,都具备了上,下颌(jaw)颌的作用在于支持口部,加强动物主动 摄食和消化的能力.以下颌上举使口闭合的方式,为脊椎动物所特有,不见于其他类群. 3. jaw 3. 颌:前额( forehead )与下颌(jaw )的宽度大约相同. 前额和下巴( chin )的距离等於两侧脸颊之间的距离,也就是脸长度大约相等於脸宽度. 卷曲发(curly)发型 ,因为这些都会更强调圆型与丰厚饱满. 前额( forehead )明显很宽. 下颌(jaw )很宽又有角的. 4. 4. 下巴:但有一点很怪,它嘴的力量全在下巴(jaw)的肌肉,所以一定要张开大嘴咬下去,才有劲,若是根本不让它嘴张开,它就一点办法都没有了. 鳄鱼虽然能吃人,但人若在它没张嘴前把它的尖嘴用胳臂抱住,鳄鱼就流不出来眼泪了. jaw 双语例句 1. jaw 1. David was looking through the window of the interview room and his jaw nearly hit the floor! David在采访室的玻璃外看着里面,他的下巴几乎要掉到地上了! 2. Lincoln`s jaw tightens. He scans the people in the viewing room. Lincoln 的颈部紧绷,他扫视了一下观刑室的访客。 3. My grandmather often wagged her jaw, but i couldn't bear to break in on. 我祖母经常喋喋不休,我却不忍心打断她。 4. It had a cow bell tied under its jaw, so maybe that was supposed to make it safe. 它有一个牛铃并列根据其下巴,所以也许这是为了使安全。 5. The lower jaw projects, but not beyond the upper profile of the head. 在较低的下巴专案,但不是超过上的设定档的头部。 6. Not too big a brooding pouch but the full golden lower jaw is very obvious in this picture. 不是很大的孵卵袋但它的下巴可是全黄金色的。 7. Now, compress the lower jaw of the fish between your thumb and forefinger. 现在,压缩下颚的拇指和食指你们之间的鱼。 8. This tooth on the lower jaw be sensitive to cold and hot. 下腭上的这颗牙齿对冷热很敏感。 9. jaw 9. This tooth on the lower jaw is sensitive to cold and hot. 下颚上的这颗牙齿对冷热很敏感。 10. Move the lower jaw left and right. 将你的下颌向左右动一下。 11. He asked, hardly able to control the quivering of his lower jaw. 库图佐夫还站在原来的地方,他取出一条手帕,没有回答。 12. One can almost imagine long-necked brontosauruses lazily munching reeds in the riverbed while pterodactyls swoop and wheel above them. The glory of the Central Mountain Range will provide a jaw-dropping backdrop for three days of peace, love, music, and local indigenous culture. 一个可以想像长颈龙慵懒的吃著河床的芦苇,而翼手龙由上空飞扑而过,闪耀的中央山脉将提供充满和平、爱、音乐和本土文化的这三天一个令人乍舌的背景。 13. If a horse or another prey came close enough, it leaped forward and attacked it. It could open its jaw joints 90 degrees and plunge its teeth deep into the animal. 如果一匹马或一头羚羊经过,它会一跃而起,张开开启程度达到九十度的血盆大口,牙齿深嵌在动物身体中。 14. Whale with plates of whalebone along the upper jaw for filtering plankton from the water. 鳄的上部长有鲸须薄片可以滤出水中的浮游生物。8。知道不买螺旋盖的香槟 15. A whalebone whale of Arctic seas, having a very large head and an arched upper jaw. 北极露脊鲸,弓头鲸生活在北冰洋的一种有鲸须的鲸鱼,具有大的头部和拱形的上颚 16. Call on the carpet, take to task, rebuke, rag, trounce, reproof, lecture, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambast 本站所收集信息资料为网络转载版权属各作者并已著明作者旨在资源共享、交流、学习之用,请勿用于商业用途,本站并不保证所有信息、文本、图形、链接及其它内容的绝对准确性和完整性,故仅供访问者参照使用。 17. The factory has produced more than 30 years of history, adhere to the introduction of foreign advanced technology, combined with the principles of the actual situation, the Central to develop and produce the wind mill, ultra-fine grinding, micro-grinding, Raymond Mill, Samsung powder machine, Central wind mill, ultra-fine milling machines, circuit board recycling equipment, jaw, hammer, counter-style, self - Gravel-crushing machine and equipment production lines with leading domestic level, some products have reached the international advanced level. 本工厂具有三十多年生产历史,坚持引进国外先进技术,结合国内实际情况的原则,所研制生产的环风磨,超细磨,微粉磨,雷蒙磨、三星木粉机,环风粉碎机、超细微制粉机、电路板回收设备,颚式、锤式、反击式、自击式破碎机及砂石生产线等设备具有国内领先水平,部分产品已达到国际先进水平。 18. 18. At the contralateral side, an ischiac bone graft (baseline 340.87) was transplanted. The healing period was 5 months. Group A11: The animals were treated in the same manner as in Group A5 with the difference that the healing period was 11 months. Group B5: The animals were treated in the same manner as in Group A5 with the difference that an e-PTFE membrane was adapted oer the bone graft on each side of the jaw. 愈合时间为5个月。A11组:用与A5组相同的方法处理小鼠,愈合时间为11个月。B5组:处理小鼠的方法与A5组相同,在每侧颌骨的骨移植物上方各置一片e-PTFE膜。B11组:实验方法与B5组相同,但在骨移植5月后,进行第二次手术取出生物膜,愈合时间为11个月。z在下颌骨骨量增加后,分别于第5个月处死A5组及B5组的小鼠,第11月处死A11组及B11组的小鼠,取下颌骨标本,体式显微镜测量骨移植物的宽度、长度及高度。 19. jaw在线翻译 19. At one side of the jaw, a calarial bone graft (baseline 340.64 mm) was placed at the inferior border of the mandible and was fixed with a standardized screw-type titanium microimplant. At the contralateral side, an ischiac bone graft (baseline 340.87) was transplanted. The healing period was 5 months. 将这些小鼠分为4组(A5,A11,B5,B11)。A5组:暴露双侧下颌骨下缘,在一侧下颌骨下缘用标准化微型钛螺钉固定3*4*0.64mm的颅骨移植物,在对侧固定3*4*0.87mm的髂骨移植物。 20. Spring column pin jaw clutch; Engage and disengage; Shock; Noise 弹簧柱销牙嵌离合器;接合与分离;冲击;噪音 jaw 词典解释 1. 下巴;下颌 Your jaw is the lower part of your face below your mouth. The movement of your jaw is sometimes considered to express a particular emotion. For example, if your jaw drops, you are very surprised. e.g. He thought for a moment, stroking his well-defined jaw... 他摸着自己轮廓分明的下巴想了一会儿。 e.g. Meg's jaw dropped in amazement... 梅格惊讶得目瞪口呆。 2. 颌 A person's or animal's jaws are the two bones in their head which their teeth are attached to. e.g. ...a forest rodent with powerful jaws. 颌骨发达的森林啮齿类动物 3. 危险的局面;令人不快的情形 If you talk about the jaws of something unpleasant such as death or hell, you are referring to a dangerous or unpleasant situation. e.g. A family dog rescued a newborn boy from the jaws of death. 一只家养犬把一个新生男婴从鬼门关救了回来。 e.g. ...caught in the jaws of world recession. 陷入全球性经济衰退的危机之中 4. to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory -> see snatch to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat -> see snatch jaw 单语例句 1. A powerful left hand to the jaw sent Hatton to the canvas unconscious and on his back when referee Kenny Bayless ended the fight. 2. Scientists with the bureau unearthed the fossils in 2005, including a complete skull without lower jaw and cervical and back vertebrae. 3. Jaw strength and stomach capacity were sorely tested in consuming one of the most filling foods on the competitive eating circuit. 4. The dentist said Ren's jaw is possibly " too weak ", a result of " lack of calcium or collagen ". 5. Doctors reset her jaw and advised her not to open her mouth so wide again as she could dislocate her jaw again. 6. A hospital website advertises more daring stunts such as belly fat suction and lower jaw sharpening. 7. Ren assumes her jaw broke the first time when the dentist opened her mouth too wide to clean her teeth. 8. The dentist then summoned a colleague to help fix Ren's jaw, which they seemingly did. 9. Sporting a sound and lighting system that would make anyone's jaw drop, the club is well packed every night with mostly locals. 10. The device helps adjust the lower jaw to a forward position so that the tongue cannot fall back and block the air passage. jaw 英英释义 noun 1. holding device consisting of one or both of the opposing parts of a tool that close to hold an object 2. the part of the skull of a vertebrate that frames the mouth and holds the teeth 3. the bones of the skull that frame the mouth and serve to open it the bones that hold the teeth verb 1. censure severely or angrily e.g. The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car The deputy ragged the Prime Minister The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup Synonym: call on the carpettake to taskrebukeragtrouncereprooflecturereprimanddress downcall downscoldchideberatebawl outremonstratechew outchew uphave wordslambastelambast 2. talk incessantly and tiresomely Synonym: yackyack awayrattle onyap away 3. talk socially without exchanging too much information e.g. the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze Synonym: chew the fatshoot the breezechatconfabulateconfabchitchatchit-chatchatterchaffernattergossipclavervisit 4. chew (food) to bite and grind with the teeth e.g. He jawed his bubble gum Chew your food and don't swallow it! The cows were masticating the grass Synonym: chewmasticatemanducate |
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