单词 | seemingly |
释义 | seemingly [英 [?si:m??li] 美 [?si?m??li] ] seemingly的意思、解释 seemingly 基本解释 副词貌似; 看来似乎; 表面上看来 seemingly 相关例句 副词 1. Seemingly there is nothing we can do. 看来我们帮不上忙。 seemingly 网络解释 1. seemingly 1. 表面上地:skeleton 骷髅,素描 | seemingly 表面上地 | respectable 受人尊重的 2. 表面上,看上去:seek 寻找,追求(意见),请求(帮助),试图 | seemingly 表面上,看上去 | selection 选择,被挑选出来的人(或物),精选品 3. 3. 表面地;近乎真实地:seem 好像,似乎 | seemingly 表面地;近乎真实地 | segment 部分 4. 表面上:sector 部门 ;象限 | seemingly 表面上 | segregate 分离的 ;隔离 seemingly 双语例句 1. A hawk, seemingly irked by the gloomy sky, swoops down sideways out of nowhere, with wings wide-spread and immovable, until it almost hits the hillock on the other side of the brook. But it soared skywards again with a loud flap. 一只远来的鹰隼仿佛带着怒愤,对这沉重的天色的怒愤,平张的双翅不动地从天空斜插下,几乎触到河沟对岸的土阜,而又鼓扑着双翅,作出猛烈的声响腾上了。 2. A hawk, seemingly irked by the gloomy sky, swoops down sideways out of nowhere, with wings wide-spread and immoable, until it almost hits the hillock on the other side of the brook. But it soared skywards again with a loud flap. 一只远来的鹰隼仿佛带着怒愤,对这沉重的天色的怒愤,平张的双翅不动地从天空斜插下,几乎触到河沟对岸的土阜,而又鼓扑着双翅,作出猛烈的声响腾上了。 3. Smoke in someone else's fraudulent use of counterfeit impersonator adventure rain hat cap appearance seemingly TDC TDC Trade and Trade Promotion of Trade and Industry Mao Gongnong hastily... 冒领冒名冒牌冒险冒烟冒用冒雨帽帽子貌貌似贸贸促会贸发贸发局贸工部贸工农贸然。。。 4. seemingly的翻译 4. One of the worst came from Japan, whose conservative banks had been slow to buy toxic assets, making the economy seemingly less threatened by recession. 该国的银行较为保守,在购买问题资产上一直较为迟缓,这使得经济受衰退威胁的程度看上去不那么严重。 5. 5. A SEEMINGLY unlimited supply of labour has been one of the main forces behind China's rapid economic growth. 看似无限的劳动力供应一直是主要的力量中国经济的快速增长。 6. It had been cut from a material he was unfamiliar with, a material seemingly compounded of cotton candy, sea foam, and snow. 在那里,你可以购买到从阿斯匹林到陆空两用运输器等等在内的几乎所有你想要的东西。 7. seemingly什么意思 7. A man seemingly without a conscience... 一个看来毫无良心的人。。。 8. Under the new name of Jane Elliott, she finds a job as village schoolmistress and tries to forget her seemingly hopeless love for Rochester. 艾略特,找到一份工作,担任乡村小学女教师,竭力想忘掉她对罗切斯特的看来毫无希望的爱情。 9. seemingly 9. In this dissertation, the late JING school literature is characterized by aesthetic utopianism. While pointing out that the late JING school literature shared in common with the early JING School literature the liberalist ideal, individualism of expression and the idea of literary representation, the dissertation is concerned primarily with the difference between the two. By clarifying the similarities and dissimilarities in the literary inclinations and the cultural stances of the two, it shows that there were two different patterns in the seemingly unified JING school, which came to form two innately different kinds of literary landscape. 在诸如自由主义文学理念、个人化文学表达方式和表现论文学观念等京派文学的共同特征之外,着眼于以周作人、废名等为代表的前期京派文学的趣味化与以沈从文、朱光潜等为代表的后期京派文学的审美乌托邦理念之间的差别,通过辨析他们在文学倾向和文化立场上的异同,较为清楚地看到在统一的京派文学中存在着两种不同的文学格局,形成了两种具有内在差异性的文学景观。 10. seemingly的反义词 10. And even more worrying is the industry, Wuhan`s development in this seemingly powerful low-end market in front of the purchasing power of their own awareness and product development as the market blindly follow the footsteps of low-end product development to increase the volume of by. 和更令人担忧的是工业,武汉的发展,这个看似强大的低端市场前的购买力,他们自己的意识和产品开发,市场盲目追随的脚步,低端产品的开发,以增加数量通过。 11. 11. Her volunteerism seemingly knows no boundaries, as she has spent countless hours donating both time and money to assist with a variety of non-profit organizations and charities. 她的志愿服务似乎没有国界,因为她已经花了无数的时间捐献时间和金钱,以协助各种非非营利组织和慈善机构。 12. Bold use of the most luxurious royal palace-style grand and prosperous, bed screen used in the current top of Europe`s most prominent Indian gold flannel is a prudent and luxury, bed screen on both sides of his simple wood carvings coupled with seemingly random gold embellishment, so that the entire bed is even more solemn luxury, always starting with the mainstream import cherry red skin paste bedside cabinets, score from Meditation and other furniture, so that the whole bedroom showing the seventeenth century royal life of luxury in Europe. 大胆使用最豪华的皇家宫殿式大繁荣,床屏在欧洲最知名的印度目前最大的黄金绒布使用的一个简单的木材,他看似随意的点缀,加上黄金雕刻双方谨慎和豪华,床屏,使整个床更是庄严豪华,始终与主流进口樱桃红皮肤粘贴床头柜,妆台与其他家具分开始,使整个卧室展示17世纪欧洲王室奢侈的生活。 13. This seemingly chaotic structure is carefully planned and it is a very highly structured book and its meaning is in the shape. 这种貌似混乱无序的结构其实是作者精心设计的小说主旨图,这是一部结构高度严谨、布局非常认真的小说。 14. The author from the energy environmental protection, the modelling artistic angle embarks, embarks from the enhancement operation comfortable man-machine engineering, designs a forklift to apply the storage battery which transports in the room, seemingly melts into big arc element, succinc 作者从能源环保、造型美观的角度出发,从提高操纵舒适性的人机工程学出发,设计出一款应用于室内搬运的电瓶叉车,外观上融入圆弧元素,简洁,圆润、动感、时尚。关键词:叉车,造型设计,人机工程 15. 15. There were schools offish swimmingin it, seemingly leisurely, withactually high suspicion to thecomplex environment. 成群的鱼游曳其中,看起来悠闲,实际上警惕着海底的复杂环境和海上游过的船和人群。更远处便是难以见底的深海,连游船都不会到的地方。 16. But the seemingly senseless misunderstandings that haunt our relationships can in part be explained by the different conversational rules by which men and women play. 但这些表面上毫无意义的误解常出没于我们的关系中,男女不同的谈话规则能部分的解释它们为什么出现。 17. seemingly的解释 17. A classic noir theme: Florence and her lover, ex-paratrooper Julien, hatch a seemingly foolproof plan to murder her husband in his office and make it look like suicide. 路易。马卢的首出剧情片,是典型的黑色电影题材:珍摩露饰的妻子和爱人合谋杀死丈夫,然而一部失灵的电梯,令事情急转直下。 18. Often in order to enable students to better master new knowledge and the intention of preparing lessons, carefully re-try to figure out difficult, not for students to master a knowledge point of labor and brains come up with better teaching methods, students have not for a strong and special treatment, seemingly able to really have a clear conscience on education, not every student Down. 常常会为了让学生更好的掌握新知识而用心备课,精心揣摩重难点,为了学生掌握不劳一个知识点而绞尽脑汁想出更好的教学方法,为了一个学生掌握不牢固而开小灶,貌似真正做到了对教育的问心无愧,不落下每一个学生。 19. Although seemingly small, this amount of heat affecting the entire world would make a significant impact. 虽然这点热量看起来微不足道,但是它对整个地球产生的影响却是巨大的。 20. Automobiles have been designed which operate on liquid hydrogen, but these system give rise to seemingly unavoidable problems arising from the handling of a cryogenic liqu id. 虽然已经设计出液氢驱动的汽车,但是这些系统带来一些由如何处理低温液体而引发的似乎难以回避的问题。 seemingly 词典解释 1. 貌似,看似(但可能并非如此) If something is seemingly the case, you mean that it appears to be the case, even though it may not really be so. e.g. A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up. 一眼望不到头的一长列卡车眼巴巴地等着装货。 e.g. ...bread made from a seemingly limitless variety of ingredients. 貌似用了无数种原料制成的面包 2. 似乎,好像(是事实) You use seemingly when you want to say that something seems to be true. e.g. He has moved to Spain, seemingly to enjoy a slower style of life... 他已经移居西班牙,似乎是想过一种更为悠闲的生活。 e.g. He is a man with seemingly not an ounce of malice in him. 他这个人好像没有丁点儿的坏心眼。 seemingly 单语例句seemingly的意思 1. The seemingly ordinary graduate began work at an investment firm as a manager after taking a degree in international business and trade. 2. But a seemingly growing clientele ready to buy dissertations to pass them off as their own makes me nauseous. 3. The gastronomic calamity that was our meal seemingly followed a sitcom storyline. 4. These fields are quietly " devouring " capital, balancing the seemingly excessive money supply in circulation. 5. The various job categories tracked could be quite broad, with employees grouped in the same category seemingly having little in common. 6. I remember the first time I went deep into a wine cellar, my sense of smell seemingly heightened by the darkness. 7. Yao's seemingly impossible burden fueled early doubts about his ability to adapt to the aggressive pace and egocentric culture of the NBA. 8. The reference was to the teeming masses of Chinese citizens seemingly all clad in ubiquitous blue trousers and jackets. 9. Some drivers complain that the price hike was like adding fuel to the fire, as they were already smouldering over the seemingly endless wait on the jammed road. 10. He could feel the marching music seemingly running right through his body as he conducted the chorus with tremendous energy. seemingly什么意思 |
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