单词 | knighthood |
释义 | knighthood [英 [?na?th?d] 美 [?na?t?h?d] ] knighthood的意思、解释 复数形式:knighthoods; knighthood 基本解释 knighthood的反义词 名词骑士,爵士; 骑士(爵士)资格(地位、身份); 骑士精神,骑士道 knighthood 网络解释 1. knighthood是什么意思 1. 骑士身分:knighthead 支撑杆 | knighthood 骑士身分 | knightlike 骑士风尚的 2. knighthood在线翻译 2. 骑士风格:knight 骑士 | knighthood 骑士风格 | knightly 骑士的 3. 骑士精神:24Knight Errant骑士信差7E | 25Knighthood骑士精神7E | 26Longbow Archer长弓箭手7E knighthood 双语例句 1. In medieval England an attendant and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood. 骑士的随从和盾牌的携带者;骑士爵位身份的投考者。 2. In medieval England) an attend and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood. 骑士的随从和盾牌的携带者;骑士爵位身份的投考者。 3. 3. The much-loved sportsman, who already is the proud owner of an Order of the British Empire, faces a prestigious knighthood in honour of his services to soccer and his community work. 很多人喜欢的运动员,已经是大英帝国的一个次序的骄傲拥有者,面对对足球和他的社区工作的在他的服务的光荣的享有声望的骑士身份。 4. knighthood是什么意思 4. He was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to the British cinema. 他因对英国电影的贡献而被授予爵位。 5. knighthood 5. This night I will watch my arms in the chapel of this castle of yours, and tomorrow, as I said, my dearest wish will be fulfilled, and I shall have the right to ride through all quarters of the worl d in search of adventures, for the benefit of the distressed, according to the obligations of knighthood and of knights errant like myself, whose minds are given to such exploits. 从此我就可以名正言顺地周游世界的每一部分,猎奇冒险,造福于受苦受难的人们,尽到像我这样全身投入冒险的游侠骑士们应尽的职责。 6. I mean, I could go on in this vain, but I think the fact that thousands were killed in Zimbabwe in the 1980`s and yet, he received a virtual knighthood from Queen Elizabeth and received an honorary degree from Massachusetts, and yet, today in 2008, he is a subject of international scorn after of course he expropriates some white farmers, really speaks of profound racism in terms of how this issue has been covered in the North Atlantic media. 我的意思是,我可以继续在这方面徒劳的,但我认为,事实上,数以千计的人死亡,在津巴布韦在1980年的,然而,他收到了虚拟骑士的名衔从女王伊丽莎白二世和收到的名誉学位,马萨诸塞州,然而,今天在2008年,他是一个主题的国际鄙薄后,当然他expropriates一些白人农场主,真的谈了深刻的种族主义而言,如何这个问题已涵盖在北大西洋的媒体。 7. Medieval black knight produces the arrogant and cool characters of British-style rock, while the traditional tartan is just to break the dullness and monotony of British-style. Handsome leather outfit or the details of decoration echo the British academic artists and their creativity and alienation, so in fact the British knighthood style indicates a gloomy utopian feeling. 中世纪骑士的黑色衍生了英式摇滚的桀骜和冷峻,传统的格子花纹就是在打破英国式的沉闷与单调,帅气的皮革套装或细节装饰呼应的是英国学院派艺术家的创意和疏离,英国骑士风格其实就是在证明一种基调阴郁的乌托邦情怀。 8. knighthood的意思 8. As a Knight of the Thorn, you are now expected to carry this symbol of your knighthood. 作为一个Thorn的Knight,你要带着这个骑士的象征。 9. knighthood的解释 9. Scottish generals, Macbeth defeated Norway, Jin Feng lookout knighthood after the murder of the king seized power. 苏格兰大将麦克白战胜挪威,晋封考特爵位后,谋杀了国王,篡夺了政权。 10. knighthood的翻译 10. The golden age of knighthood was a long time ago. 骑士精神的黄金时代乃是很久以前的事了。 11. Characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages. 具有中世纪的骑士精神和骑士身份特征的。 12. In the western countries, the fine virtue of knighthood has been the impact of modern people's thinking and concepts. 在西方国家,优良的美德的骑士被影响的现代的人们的思想和观念。 13. knighthood 13. He is awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to the british cinema. 他因对英国电影的贡献而被授予爵位。 14. Time'.''of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages. 具有中世纪的骑士精神和骑士身份特征的。 15. The impostors with the riband of an order of knighthood, to be worn in their 你可以看到他们是在赶夜工,要完成皇帝的新衣。 16. knighthood 16. And. knighthood as a ceremonially conferred rank in the social system.. 和。作为一种被正式授予的社会制度中等级的骑士资格。。 17. If you want a knighthood you might as well cry for the moon. 如果你想得到爵士地位的话,那简直是海底捞月了。 18. He could bestow knighthood and prestige by a nod, and he was chary of creating a too-extensive nobility. 他的一点头能赐人以尊贵和威望,他谨慎的以免造成高贵泛滥。 19. Fortunately for the Poles, the last King to rule with any true sense of stability, Kazimierz I, paved the way for granting fiefdoms to his warriors, establishing a tradition of feudalistic knighthood required to be a power in Europe today. 不过对波兰人幸运的是,最后一位国王卡西米尔一世充满稳定的统治,为其能对他的勇士实行分封而铺平了道路,建立了一个封建社会骑士精神的传统,这也是偏霸欧洲一方所必需的。 20. He felt himself God's own mad lover, and no accolade of knighthood could have given him greater pride. 他觉得自己便是上帝那发了狂的情人,即使封他做骑士也不会让他更为骄矜得意。 knighthood 词典解释 1. (英国国王或女王授予的)爵士头衔,骑士头衔,爵士称号,骑士称号(其名前冠以Sir) A knighthood is a title that is given to a man by a British king or queen for his achievements or his service to his country. A man who has been given a knighthood can put 'Sir' in front of his name instead of 'Mr'. knighthood什么意思 knighthood 单语例句knighthood 1. Chinese parents see the sport as a gentleman's game that can help build character, as it is often associated with knighthood and nobility. 2. He was awarded a Congressional Medal of Honour in 1962 and received an honorary knighthood from the Queen in 1998. 3. Iran has accused Britain of insulting Islam by awarding a knighthood to Salman Rushdie, while Pakistan has also condemned the honor. 4. Bono has been given a honorary knighthood, the British Embassy in Dublin said on Saturday. 5. The Pakistani parliament adopted a resolution on Monday deploring the knighthood, and the religious affairs minister said the honor could be used to justify suicide bombings. 6. Afghanistan's Taliban insurgents also condemned the knighthood for the " apostate " British writer, who was born into a Muslim family in 1947. knighthood 英英释义 knighthood的翻译 noun 1. aristocrats holding the rank of knight |
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