单词 | abortive |
释义 | abortive [英 [??b?:t?v] 美 [??b?:rt?v] ] abortive的意思、解释 abortive 基本解释 形容词未遂; 流产的; 失败的; 发育不全的 abortive 相关例句 形容词 1. That was an abortive attempt. 这是一种失败的尝试。 2. It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide price gap. 设法缩小这样大的价格差距将是徒劳的。 abortive 网络解释 1. 失败的:abject#卑鄙的 | abortive#失败的 | absurd#荒谬的 2. 夭折的,失败的,中断的,流产的:8. veer 改变方向,转向 | 9. abortive 夭折的,失败的,中断的,流产的. | 10. pale 范围,界限 3. 不能:abolish 废除;取消 | abortive 不能 | aboriginal cost 原始成本 4. 无效的:abortionist 为人堕胎者 | abortive 无效的 | abortively 流产地 abortive 双语例句 1. abortive是什么意思 1. In addition, the proportion of Typical Abortive pollen and Normal pollen acted as the fertility indexs and typical sterile group or normal fertile group was classified in segregative population according to the pollen fertility of parent or F1 hybrid. 在育性指标的划分上,本研究确定以亲本不育系及与恢复系配制的杂种F_1的花粉育性作为划分典型不育株和正常结实株的标准。 2. Objective It is to evaluate the determination of luteinic blood flow with color Doppler flow image on abortive ectopic pregnancy. 目的 探讨彩色多普勒检测卵巢黄体血流对诊断流产型异位妊娠的价值。 3. 3. Methods Haemodynamic indexes of luteinic blood flow of abortive ectopic pregnancy women and uterine pregnancy women were determined with CDFI and statistically analyzed. 运用CDFI分别检测流产型异位妊娠和宫内妊娠孕妇黄体血流的血流动力学参数,进行统计学处理和对照分析。 4. Color Doppler flow image; abortive ectopic pregnancy; luteinic blood flow 彩色多普勒;流产型异位妊娠;黄体血流 5. abortive 5. Make sure all the goods are ready for inspection according to client`s requirement upon CVC`s inspector arrival, otherwise, the inspection will be aborted and you are required to absorb the abortive inspection fee of number RMB 1000 of inspector sent plus traveling expenses. 在验货员到达工厂时,请务必确保所有货物已按客户要求完成并包装待测,否则,验货将取消,同时申请人需支付验货不成功的有关费用。(每验货员不成功验货费1000元及验货员的差旅费)。 6. Make sure all the goods are ready for inspection according to client`s requirement upon Intertek`s inspector arrival, otherwise, the inspection will be aborted and you are required to absorb the abortive inspection fee of RMB2075 (USD250) x number of inspector sent plus traveling expenses. 在验货员到达工厂时,请务必取保所有货物皆已按客人要求完成且包装待验,否则,验货将被取消,同时申请人司需支付不成功验货的有关费用(每验货员不成功验货费为人民币2075元整[美金250元整]及验货员的差旅费)。 7. Make sure all the goods are ready for inspection according to client`s requirement upon Intertek`s inspector arrival, otherwise, the inspection will be aborted and you are required to absorb the abortive inspection fee of HKD1950.-(USD250.-) x number of inspector sent plus traveling expenses. 在验货员到达工厂时,请务必确保所有货物皆已按客人要求完成且包装待验,否则,验货将被取消,同时申请人司需支付不成功验货的有关费用(每验货员不成功验货费为港币1,950元整 [美金250元整] 及验货员的差旅费)。 8. 8. Cyprus has been divided since July 1974, when Turkey invaded after a Greek-backed coup that led to an abortive attempt at enosis. Since 1983 the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has run the north. 1974年7月土耳其的入侵使一个希腊支持的旨在促使塞浦路斯合并的政变徒劳无功,此后塞浦路斯陷入了分裂。1983年自命的北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国开始统治北塞地区。 9. The Vg-negative reaction of the triploid female rainbow trout could not provide full evidence for the impossibility of liver to synthesize Vg. That Vg was not synthesized resulted from insufficient estradiol due to the retardation of ovaries development, the un-differentiation of follicular cells and the lost interaction of germ cell and somatic cells. It could be concluded from yolk genesis that the shortage of female triploid rainbow trout's Vg resulted from the abortive ooecium, but did not result in sterility. 由于三倍体雌性虹鳟卵巢发育受阻,无滤泡细胞分化,生殖细胞与体细胞的互作缺失,不能分泌足量的17β-E2以诱导Vg的合成,因而肝脏的Vg阴性并不能说明肝脏不具备合成Vg的能力,从卵黄发生的角度分析,卵黄蛋白原的缺乏不是导致三倍体虹鳟雌性不育的原因,而是其卵泡败育的结果。 10. It is a close relative of both Prince Igor and the abortive Mlada, two theatre works which diverted the composer`s attention, off and on, during the symphony`s extended gestation period. 其与《伊格尔王子》和《青春》都有着密切的联系,这两部戏剧作品在这首交响曲的创作构思过程中分散了作曲家的精力。 11. abortive什么意思 11. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. 如果经我治疗救了一条命,我会感谢所有帮助过我的人。 12. 12. Results There are 2839 employees in all, including 7 cases have pulmonary disease, relevance ratio is 0.25%; 1 case has abortive pulmonary tuberculosis, relevance ratio is 0.04%. 对外资企业员工定期胸部X线检查,及时发现肺部疾病和肺结核新发病例并进行控制仍然是十分必要的。 13. But apart from this unimportant line of modern speculation, and from the abortive theosophic movement of more recent times, one finds no trace of Hindu influence on Western civilization. 但是,除了这不重要线的现代投机,并从流产theosophic运动更近时代,一个没有发现任何痕迹的印度教影响西方文明。 14. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of abortive medicine combined with on missed abortion. 目的评价口服流产药物配合清宫术治疗稽留流产的疗效。 15. abortive在线翻译 15. A the amount of all abortive expenditure actually made or incurred; and h 所有本中心已付的与该测试服务有关的费用及支出 16. abortive 16. So the U. S. strongly backed the abortive European Defense Community, which Britain refused to join. 因此,美国坚决支持欧洲防务共同体流产,其中英国拒绝加入。 17. Veer abortive pale draught oracle antidote correlate dislocate gratuitous debauch sanction impede ineptitude insinuate remould aspiration arrogate literal intelligible conceit 改变方向,转向夭折的,失败的,中断的,流产的。范围,界限要求神谕宣誓,预言,圣言解毒药,矫正方法相互关系使离开原来位置,打乱正常秩序无偿的,没有理由的。 18. The proliferation of the anthers and pollens were distinctly dysplastic. During the prophase of abortive pollens, the tapetums and middle layers of quadrants separated; during metaphase, the microspores were development arrest; during anaphase, the tapetums and microspores gradually disappeared after combination, the anthers finally turned into drying and shriveling to be unable to form pollens. 如主茎开花初期提前1~2d,花萼和雄蕊个数为4~6个,花药室数为2~4个,开花后花药呈白色或淡绿色,表面无皱纹,并延迟脱落;其花药和花粉发育明显异常,败育初期在四分体期绒毡层与中层分离,中期小孢子形成时期发育停滞,后期绒毡层与小孢子粘连后逐渐消失,终期花药干瘪,不能形成花粉。 19. Abortive baby is long life, comparing with atom`s half-life of a millionth second. 彭祖八百岁对宇宙百亿年的寿命来说,又是其极短暂。 20. Foxtail millet; Soil water; Seed setting rate; Abortive grain rate 谷子;土壤水分;结实率;秕谷率 abortive 词典解释 1. (尝试或行动)失败的,夭折的,无结果的 An abortive attempt or action is unsuccessful. e.g. ...an abortive attempt to prevent the current President from taking office. 企图阻止现任总统连任的失败尝试 abortive 单语例句abortive什么意思 1. But quite some of them have ended up being porous, or simply abortive. 2. The mausoleum was built in memory of the 72 martyrs of the abortive Guangzhou Uprising, launched in 1911 by Sun's close aid Huang Xing. 3. Market observers still regard Singapore Airlines as an appropriate candidate to be a strategic investor, despite its abortive cooperation with China Eastern in August 2008. 4. Zhu also noted Maldives'security concerns heightened after an abortive coup supported by Sri Lankan Tamil mercenaries in November 1988. 5. However, the abortive Wusong project signalled the beginning of an era when more railways were built. 6. Wang cited the case of Coca Cola's abortive attempt to take a stake in Huiyuan, a leading brand in the Chinese juice market. 7. Chief Constable Matt Baggott said yesterday that the abortive attack on the Northern Ireland Policing Board represented an attack on the province's entire peace process. 8. Realigning the road network would include abortive costs of HK $ 30 million, according to the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee. 9. It was the president's second abortive attempt to deliver the speech this year. 10. In 1994 there was an abortive attempt to bomb the Israeli Embassy in Bangkok. abortive 英英释义 adj 1. failing to accomplish an intended result e.g. an abortive revolt a stillborn plot to assassinate the President Synonym: stillbornunsuccessful |
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