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单词 know-how
    know-how [英 [n?? ha?] 美 [?no?ha?] ]
    know-how 基本解释
    名词诀窍; 专有技术; 实际知识; 专门技能
    know-how 相关例句
    1. They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how.
    2. He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know-how.
    3. I don't have much know-how about engines.
    know-how 网络解释
    1. 技术诀窍:凡是具有门槛、技术诀窍(Know How)的产品都具有较强的抗风险能力,这是长城科技从实践中得出的经验. 目前,追求高科技含量、高附加值,已成为长城科技产品的重要标志. 长城科技的磁头产品就是一种高技术含量的核心零部件产品,
    2. 专有技术:专利(Patent)商标(Trademark)专有技术(Know How)软件(Software)标准 (Stand)技术特征技术具有超资源属性技术具有超商品属性技术消费过程本身并没有产生物资消耗却能够带来价值增殖企业技术范围 范畴 存在形式产品技术
    3. 秘诀:如英国税法规定,企业用于科技开发的资本性支出可以100%从税前的营业收入中扣除,并且购买知识产权和技术秘诀(Know how)的投资,按递减余额的25%从税前扣除.
    4. know-how的翻译
    4. 专门技术:而专门技术(Know how)这部份通常是整个公司研发、制造、行销的最大利基,但不一定要保密,反而有些专门技术要提早曝光才好,而且公司还可以用专利或著作权来保护这些专门技术,所以两者还是有所差别的.
    know-how 双语例句
    1. Being the main channel of XAC`S foreign economic and trade cooperation, the company is mainly engaged in the import and export business of aircraft avionics and equipment, mechanical equipment, architectural material, light and chemical industrial product, apparatus and instrument, plywood, textile, antenna etc., undertakes the science and technology advisory, know-how transfer, project contracting, labor cooperation, investment and development, cooperative production., joint production business, and trade in China etc.
    2. The founders of the exchanges in China say the government is encouraging them to start developing the infrastructure and technical know-how to reduce pollution.
    3. It`s the wealth of experience and know-how we possess from best practices, world-class professionals and our innovative
    4. Generalizes three differences between science and engineering, they are:science knowledge correlates with know-why, engineering knowledge correlates with knowhow; the object of science is acquiring knowledge, and is weak correspodingly; the object of engineering is materialization of concept and is strong correspondingly; on the view of value, science is...
    5. It elaborates the characteristic of the know-how study, the know-how study of national music and the teachers` evaluation in the know-how study.
    6. Article 2 The primary candidates of high academic level overseas personnel shoaled abroad that this Municipality is to introduce are: senior engineers and technicians and senior operation and management personnel much needed for the field of high and new technology, pillar industries, major engineering, new industry and so forth; bellwethers in a certain world`s field of a certain discipline or technology; personnel possessing patent, invention or know-how of world`s leading level or being a gap science and technology of our country which is in urgent need of being filled; personnel necessary to the administrative departments and suitable to be advisers or to be engaged in consulting work; personnel having earned a doctor`s degree in the field of urgently wanting specialty.
    第二条 本市引进海外高层次留学人员的重点对象是:高新技术、支柱产业、重大工程、新兴产业等领域所急需的高级工程技术人员和高级经营管理人员;在国际某一学科或技术领域内的带头人;拥有专利、发明或专有技术并属国际领先水平或填补国内急需填补的空白项目的人员;为行政管理部门所需,适宜担任顾问或从事咨询工作的人员;在紧缺专业领域取得博士学位的人员等。
    7. The structural design, the working method and know-how, the monitoring volume for the temporary road system are discussed.
    8. Adaptivity is a key point in moving picture coding  ̄[2].It commonly appears as a know-how that gained from experiences in the source coding practice.
    9. This industry in turn has given rise to the founding of IT production based on know-how of high standard.
    10. Cubase 5 represents the apex of this development, incorporating not only all the engineering know-how but also the many years of working with our customers that have been key to Cubase becoming the world's most popular music production software.
    的Cubase 5代表最高这方面的发展,不仅将所有的工程技术诀窍,但同时多年的工作与我们的客户已关键的Cubase成为世界上最流行的音乐制作软件。
    11. know-how的翻译
    11. As Gulf market leader with proven technologies and know-how in implementing solutions, it employs over 400 people and generates sales in excess of 40 million.
    12. Reichel-Pugh was in charge of the water lines, bringing to bear all the know-how acquired in years of building the hulls of some of the biggest regatta winners; while Nauta Yachts of Milan, Italy was responsible for the design, colour choice, interiors and all those details and fine points that render this RPN 112'an extraordinarily appealing Superyacht.
    作为多个赛艇赢家的船体设计商,Reichel-Pugh将多年的造船技术经验倾注在这艘船上;一切设计、颜色选择、内饰等细节,则由意大利米兰的Nauta Yachts负责。
    13. know-how
    13. It is firstly pointed out why traditional epistemology cannot accept the concept of power, so we must shift the view of knowledge and turn from representationism to know-how. Thus, essential correlations between knowledge and power will be set up. In the last part, several difficulties caused by the shift, such as the problems of rationality and relativism, are presented.
    14. The improvement of the European League is also due to the exchange of know-how between the NBA and EB.
    15. According to the actual topic of the climate change and environmental protection, realizing the responsibility for future sustainable economic and social development, both countries are making steps in order to intensify the dialog and exchange of know-how and experience.
    16. Knowledge work, as argued by Drucker ([1968] Davenport, Thomas, and Cantrell ([2002] and others, is comprised of specialists who collaborate via exchange of know-how and skills to develop products and services.
    由德鲁克[1968],达文波特,Thomas ,Cantrell[2002] 以及其他人讨论的结果,知识工作的定义是一群通过交换经验和技巧的专家们来开发产品和服务。
    17. According to work instruction, organize heat seal area production employees training for technology, know-how, safety and quality.
    18. The establishment of a series of functional centres enabled the Authority to support the clothing practitioners more effectively in applying new technical know-how, material resources and facilities so as to enhance their efficiency.
    19. If you don't have the time, or the know-how, or would value some objectivity, then get EWO to develop your online strategy and update your website.
    20. This is one of know-how owned by me. Anyone who wants to know how to keep remembering for ever, he must pay me.
    know-how 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 knowhow
    1. (尤指专业或实用的)技巧,技能
    Know-how is knowledge of the methods or techniques of doing something, especially something technical or practical.
    e.g. He hasn't got the know-how to run a farm.
    e.g. ...technical know-how.
    know-how 英英释义
    1. the (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something




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