单词 | lagoon |
释义 | lagoon [英 [l??gu:n] 美 [l??ɡun] ] lagoon的意思、解释 复数形式:lagoons; lagoon 基本解释 名词潟湖; 环礁湖; 咸水湖 lagoon的反义词 lagoon 网络解释 1. 泻湖:河滩右手边木麻黄掩映处,柯莎- 溪(Kelso Creek)流入;在欧洲移民迁入前,小溪- 上源为一泻湖(lagoon),背后环绕一- 片湿地,水禽悠游漫步,蟹路纵横,- 虾栖底,可以想像上帝赋予的,是怎- 样一个鱼跃鸢飞、大自然生机蓬勃的- 化寰宇; 2. 舄湖:(2)潟湖(lagoon) 指被沙坝(半)封闭的坝后水域:即小海. 小海面积达49km2,这在华南沿海众多沙坝-潟湖体系中,是很突出的. 但湖水很浅,多在1m左右. 潟湖的另一特点是湖岸周围有泥质潮滩(tidal flat)存在, 这些潮滩随涨、落潮时而淹没或出露. ...... 3. 环礁湖:从高原流过两条尼日尔河的支流,向南并流到诺口(Nokoue)环礁湖(lagoon). 莫诺(Mono)河在大波波(Grand Popo)流进海,并形成多哥的前沿. 热带气候. 年降雨量为800-1400毫米. 有石油、铁、磷酸盐等矿物. 森林占全国面积的20%, 4. lagoon在线翻译 4. 礁湖:酒店花园景观以礁湖(Lagoon)为主,围绕礁湖和海滩建造了大量的发呆亭. 酒店因此房间设施很新,站在阳台上景观一流,床很大,正对着挂在墙上的42英寸等离子电视. 浴室也很大,有一个设计在玻璃房中的大浴缸,浴缸与房间之间是一面玻璃墙, lagoon 双语例句 1. Base on core and well log comprehensive analysis and the sensitivity of the slope of reflection strength of seismic attributes to depositional sequence, the sedimentary facies in sand-shale member of Bachu formation of Lower Carboniferous in Tahe oilfield of Tarim basin is studied, identifying flood tidal delta, coastal shoreface sand, lagoon and barrier island etc. 根据地震属性反射强度斜率横向变化图,通过沉积旋回对比,识别出涨潮三角洲、沿岸滨面砂、消舄湖、障壁岛等沉积环境,较以往利用地震属性划分沉积相的其他方法更贴近实际。 2. lagoon是什么意思 2. China has the largest in the history of the lagoon - Lop Nur has also dried up. 曾为我国历史上最大的咸水湖--罗布泊也已干涸。 3. lagoon的意思 3. On the basis of isotope Sr variation, integrated with lithologic association, authigenic mineral assemblage, sedimentary structure and paleontologic evidence, the Shenglihe oil shale is classified into two major sedimentary environments such as tidal flat one and lagoon one. 依据Sr同位素的变化特征,并结合例面的岩性组合特征、自生矿物组合、沉积构造以及古生物标志,将胜利河油页岩划分为潮坪和澙湖两种沉积环境。 4. More and more Venitians are moving away from the lagoon to settle down in other towns. 越来越多的威尼斯人离开本地去其他城市生活。 5. They say that inshore of the reef is a lagoon. 他们说在靠近海岸的暗礁之间有一个礁湖。 6. lagoon 6. The above points will be illustrated based on experience on three major habitat restoration efforts in the United States: Bataquitos Lagoon, Bolas Chica and the Barataria Basin. 对以上要点的阐述将以美国三个栖息地恢复项目为基础:Bataquitos泻湖,Bolas Chica和Barataria 盆地。 7. This town was built on muddy stilts By the lunatic parade It rains like Revelations Gonna wash these freaks away Some girls wanna hold your hand And some girls like to pray Well my girl takes her drinks With dust and rusty razor blades As I Live between these covers I wanna tell her that I have it When she chokes me in the Backseat of her riverboat'cause She's My Man And we got all the balls we need When you taste that pavement You're amazed She smells your sympathy So bye bye ladies May the best queen hold the crown For the most bush sold on the levee My my, how word gets around She strangles for a good time And she kills my self-control She's my man, don't be too sad sonny'Cause she'll never be your woman no more Someday soon, this dank lagoon's Gonna sink right into hell They'll hide you from Big Ida At the Sho'Enough Hotel The Ladies od the evening's just A tombstone in your bed Well my girl eats a wounded preacher'tween two loaves of bread I know she's up to something, But how can I run when she's just Keel-hauled twenty-one to nothing I'll stay next to the steel coal oven'cause All you need's just a fist of a tear-stained bunny When the good ship comes to town Who said love's a bitch'll sit next to me honey Because this old boat's gonna run aground I don't want to be the burden Or your jealous bastard I don't wanna be the Tarzan of your next epic disaster She's my man, can't you feel her comin'She's my man, she's gonna keep you runnin'She's my man, she's gonna teach you something She's my, She's my man 这个镇是建立在泥泞的高跷游行的疯子喜欢下雨的启示要去洗远离这些怪胎有些女孩想握住你的手有些女孩要祈祷以及我的女儿需要她的饮料灰尘和锈刀片我还活着这些涵盖我想告诉她,我这当她扼流圈我在后座她河船'事业她是我的男人我们看到所有的球,我们需要当您品尝的路面你会惊叹你的同情,她的气味因此,拜拜各位 5月举行的最佳女王王冠布什的大部分出售的堤防我的我,如何得到字左右她扼杀一个好时机她杀死我的自我控制她是我的人,不要太伤心了桑尼事业她永远是你的女人没有更多总有一天很快,这潮湿泻湖的要去沉右入地狱他们会隐藏您从大伊达在翔'够大酒店女子外径晚上的公正 CRT技术在你的床以及我的姑娘吃一个受伤的布道者'吐温两个面包我知道她的行动的东西,但我怎样才能运行时,她只是龙骨抓21落空我将在明年的钢煤微波炉事业所有你需要的只是一个拳头的泪染兔当良好的船舶来镇谁爱说是一个bitch'll坐在我旁边蜂蜜因为这个老船要去搁浅我不想成为负担或您的嫉妒私生子我不想成为泰山您下次史诗灾害她是我的男人,你不能认为她comin '她是我的人,她要去让你runnin '她是我的人,她要去教你的东西她是我的,她是我的男人 8. The lake is good for nothing except sea-fowl, herons, and oysters, and forms such a place as they call in the Indies a lagoon; being shut off from the open Channel by a monstrous great beach or dike of pebbles, of which I shall speak more hereafter. 这个湖水除了有海鸥、苍鹭和牡蛎之外真是一无是处,这样的一个地方人们称之为泻湖。从一个明渠被一片广大的海滩而砾石堤所切断,我将以后再作细说。 9. Presently he noticed as an odd thing that it was undoubtedly out upon the lagoon with some definite purpose, for it was fighting the tide, and sometimes winning; and when it won, Peter, always sympathetic to the weaker side, could not help clapping; it was such a gallant piece of paper. 忽然,他发现这东西有点异乎寻常,它来到湖上肯定是带有某种目的的,因为,它正在逆浪而行,有时战胜了海浪。每次它战胜时,总是同情弱者的彼得,就忍不住拍起手来;好勇敢的一张纸片。 10. One tree they saw snap off halfway up and whirl away by the wind into the lagoon. 他们瞧见一棵椰树拦腰折断,被风裹带起来,飘转着落进湖中。 11. Our resort features a well-being spa, inspiring dining venues, supervised kid's club and swimming pools that are interlaced amidst the lush natural surroundings. 怎样到达此地呢,只需30分钟的驱车时间即可从普吉国际机场到达Boat Lagoon Marina码头,从那里搭乘30分钟的船便可来到这迷人岛屿上住所。 12. A group of oar smen started the race in 1974 to revive traditional Venetian lagoon rowing. 1974年,一队划手开始赛船,以恢复传统的威尼斯泻湖划艇。 13. 13. With the city itself perched on the Ri'Alto island and the Venetian Lagoon serving as a massive moat for the city, Venice is a natural fortress. 威尼斯建城于阿尔托岛,以威尼斯环礁作为巨型护城壕,藉此构筑天然要塞。 14. In the wetlands of Moulting Lagoon, just outside Freycinet, you can watch black swans, pelicans, and pied oyster catchers wake to a new day. 在离菲欣纳不远的摩尔廷泻湖的湿地,您可以看到黑天鹅、鹈鹕以及斑蛎鹬醒来开始全新的一天。 15. 15. The threatening reef which seemed so insuperable a barrier to navigation, once penetrated, offers upon the inner side a lagoon of peace and tranquility, safe from the storms and breakers which vainly beat against it. 聪明的保守主义就是最安全的防护。危险的礁石看上去像是航船难以逾越的障碍,可一旦穿越它,里面就会呈现出一汪风平浪静的环境湖,再也不必担心风暴和那些枉然冲刷着礁石的海浪了。 16. lagoon什么意思 16. On the basis of the field investigation in Hougang lagnoon and nearby Meye island area, this paper discusses the formation and evolution of Hougang lagoon which formed after the post-glacial maximum transgression, according to the data of core SO2 such as size of grain, ~(14)C data, forminifera etc. 根据荣成后港泻湖和镆铘岛周围地区的勘察及S02孔岩芯样品的粒度1、4C、有孔虫等分析资料阐明了该泻湖的形成和演化过程,其形成于冰后期最大海侵之后约7KaB。 17. The exhibition features photographs taken in Guadalcanal, Honiara, China Town, Nendo Island, Morova Lagoon, Gizo Island, Munda, Vella Lavella, Kolombangara Island, and Mt Rano. 本次所展出的照片分别摄于瓜达康纳尔岛、霍尼亚拉、唐人街、圣克鲁斯、Morovo礁湖、吉佐岛、蒙达、维拉拉维拉、科隆邦加拉岛和拉诺山。 18. lagoon的解释 18. Tuesday, Jan 20, 2009, Page 14Hannah the Mermaid dives beside dugongs in the new Mermaid Lagoon exhibit at Sydney Aquarium, Sydney, on Dec. 二OO八年十二月十九日,雪梨水族馆新推出的「美人鱼潟湖」展上,美人鱼汉娜与儒艮共泳。 19. lagoon在线翻译 19. Many small and deep fire Kouhu and lagoon, the largest area of Lake Biwa. 多小而深的火口湖和泻湖,琵琶湖面积最大。 20. The results show that the Wigner-Ville distributionbased seismic attenuation estimation method can effectively detect the difference between reef, shoal and lagoon facies by their attenuation properties, indicating that the estimated seismic attenuation can be used for reef and shoal carbonate reservoir characterization. 将这一方法应用到塔中地区奥陶系礁滩相碳酸盐岩储层预测,结果表明,基于Wigner-Ville分布的衰减能够有效地检测出礁滩相带和泻湖区域之间衰减特性的差异。 lagoon 词典解释 1. 瀉湖;环礁湖 A lagoon is an area of calm sea water that is separated from the ocean by a line of rock or sand. lagoon 单语例句lagoon 1. The lagoon's water now possesses a salinity level nearly as high as that of the Adriatic. 2. His body was found in a thicket of mangroves along a shallow lagoon on the desolate northeastern coast. 3. The city in its entirety - along with its lagoon - is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. 4. Philippines media on Tuesday said Filipino fishermen told local government that Chinese vessels were preventing them from fishing inside the lagoon of Huangyan Island. 5. Philippine media on Tuesday said that Filipino fishermen told the local government that Chinese vessels were preventing them from fishing inside the island's lagoon. 6. Trees grow rampant on sheer limestone cliffs, while vines hang down to the lagoon. 7. But the impasse continued in the wake of the incident as the Philippine side continued to send government vessels to the lagoon of Huangyan Island. 8. I wasn't brave enough to jump in the black lagoon, but the kids did. 9. Moonlight was rippling over the lagoon and stars dazzled in the night sky. 10. Tsang Tsui Ash Lagoon is said to be the preferred site due to its isolated location away from Hong Kong's main residential areas. lagoon 英英释义 noun 1. a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef of sand or coral Synonym: lagunalagune |
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