单词 | lane |
释义 | lane [英 [le?n] 美 [len] ] lane的意思、解释 复数形式:lanes; lane 基本解释 名词车道; 小路,小巷; 航道,空中走廊,规定的单向行车道; [篮球]罚球区 lane 相关例句 名词 1. The President walked down a lane formed by two lines of soldiers. 总统沿着两列士兵组成的信道上走过去。 2. The champion is running in lane 4. 冠军跑在第四跑道上。 3. 3. A carriage drove down the muddy lane. 一辆马车沿着泥泞的小路行驶。 4. We walked down the lane to the farm. 我们沿着小路向农场走去。 lane 网络解释 1. 1. 小巷:直走 看到左边的象头神 您前面就有小巷 (lane) 左转直走 看到左边的象头神 您前面就有小巷 (lane) 左转直走 看到左边的象头神 您前面就有小巷 (lane) 左转 2. 车道:高速上有carpool的专门车道(lane). 洛杉矶(Los Angeles)即是一个郡(county)的名字,又是这个郡的中心城市的名字,这个郡里还有别的很多城市,比如我暂住的San Gabriel,海边的Santa Monica和San Barbara,山脚下的Pasadena, 3. 巷:例如BC-768、AC-903、BD-951,英文字母是表示形成这一群双曲线的两个发射台的代号,而数字则标定该线的巷(lane)数. 昼夜差异(diurnal shift)系指离子层高度在白天或夜晚有所不同而导致的传播变化. 传播差异导致相位变化, 4. lane:local network emulation; 局域网仿真 5. lane:local are a network emulation; 配合区域网路模拟 6. lane:laneserver; 局域网仿真服务机 lane 双语例句 1. But you often are forced to make mobile processor-intensive work in your circle outside the main program and to separate thread Lane. 但是您经常也被迫使移动处理器密集的工作在您的主要节目圈外面和到分开的螺纹里。 2. lane是什么意思 2. It is 36 km long and is designed according to standards for (6-lane) highways with 6 lanes, with a speed per hour 100 km and the tenure of use 100 year. The total investment is 11.8 billion yuan. The bridge is designed to have two bridges separately over the north and the south channels. 大桥北起我市海盐郑家埭,跨越杭州湾海域后止于宁波市慈溪水路湾,全长36公里,按双向6车道高速公路标准设计建设,设计时速100公里,设计使用年限100年,总投资约118亿元。 3. 3. They have absolutely no concept of right-of-way and zero lane discipline. 他们完全没有任何路权观念,也没有任何关於道路安全的认知。 4. We have been in fast lane interms of number of Netizens and the rapid momentum will continue subsequent years. 我国已浮现出一支9400万的网民大军,这是中国互联网络信息中心CNNIC最新统计报告为我们披露的惊人数字。 5. His first play, Love in Several Masques, was produced in February of 1728 at the Drury Lane Theater, with encouraging results. 他的第一出戏,爱在几个假面,产于1728年2月在特鲁里街剧院,与令人鼓舞的成果。 6. lane 6. Remember fondly every day and frequently, bend the head one book, short send understanding, style style the language middle …… under the moonlit night that this silk's lane sound, the secondary rainbow clothes dances lightly have no who be willing to toward an autumn a month to harm a sad bosom of feeling. 日日勤思念,俯首一书笺,短短寄知心,款款语中间……在这本该丝弦弄音,霓裳轻舞的月夜下,没有谁肯对着秋月伤情悲怀。 7. lane的近义词 7. Time is like a sponge Lane as water is squeezed out, but more and more crowded. 时间就像海绵里的水一样,是挤出来的,而且越挤越多。 8. The pit lane also plays an important role in the starting procedure of each race. 维修站通道在每站比赛的发车程序中也起到了重要作用。 9. lane是什么意思 9. In addition, we have invested in the construction of a small sculpture pieces, such as the pioneering cattle Huizhong in Area B, Kwong Hi Gate North Lane young sculptures were well received by local residents as a small new landscape. 此外,我们还投资在各小区建设了小品雕塑,如慧忠里B区的拓荒牛、光熙门北里的青少年群雕等都受到当地居民的好评,成为了小区新景观。 10. Is it a ten-car pile up, or just a really slow bus in the center lane? 到底是因为10辆轿车堆在一块了,还是因为一辆挡在路中间行进缓慢的公车? 11. lane的反义词 11. Wide-lane and alleys child is too young and Chengdu city in the ancient past of the microcosm of a deep memory of the symbol. 宽窄巷子是成都遗留下来的较成规模的清朝古街道,与大慈寺、文殊院一起并称为成都三大历史文化名城保护街区。 12. I am Parson Tringham, the antiquary, of Stagfoot Lane, and I amcompiling the new local history. 我是鹿脚路的考古学家特林汉姆牧师,我正在编写新的地方志。 13. Its capital projects by 50% of the total investment considerations, which funded 51% of the Ministry of Railways, Guangdong, Hunan, and Hubei to force a passenger lane removal costs from the acquisition of the required land ownership, the remaining domestic and foreign investors to raise capital. 其项目资本金按总投资50%考虑,其中,铁道部出资51%,广东、湖南、湖北三省以武广客运专线所需土地的征地拆迁费用出资入股,其余资本金向境内外投资者募集。 14. In the tradition of the smash hits Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles comes the newest film from Pixar Animation Studios, Cars, the story of a race car who learns that it's not all about the fast lane. 在传统访问玩具总动员虫虫特工队的生活,玩具总动员2 ,怪物公司,海底总动员,和超人的最新电影是由皮克斯动画工作室,汽车,讲述了一个赛车谁知道,它的并非所有的快车道。 15. lane的反义词 15. The kind and weight of the ball you are going to use also affect the amount of friction between the ball and the lane. 种类和重量的球,您要使用,也会影响金额之间的摩擦球和里。 16. One restaurant is on the corner of Main Street and Park Lane. 一家在主街和公园路的拐角处。 17. Carol: One restaurant is on the corner of Main Street and Park lane. 卡罗:一家在主街和公园路的拐角处。杰克:它是什么餐馆。 18. Aumarais Lane was called Maugout Lane; the Rue Droit-Mur was called the Rue des Eglantiers, for God opened flowers before man cut stones. 奥玛莱巷原称摩古巷,直壁街原称野蔷薇街,因为上帝使百花开放远在人类开凿石头以前。 19. You may only use this type of lane for turning left. 但这条道只能用于左转,不能在上面行驶。 20. Upgrade potential: two-way 8-lane expansion of the Shenyang-Dalian, Kazakhstan and major highways and railways to form large three-dimensional traffic network, unimpeded access. 升级潜力:扩建后双向8车道的沈大高速、黑大公路及哈大铁路形成立体交通网络,出入畅通无阻。 lane 词典解释 1. (尤指乡间的)小径,小路 A lane is a narrow road, especially in the country. e.g. ...a quiet country lane... 宁静的乡间小径 e.g. Follow the lane to the river. 沿着小路走到河边。 2. (用于路名)道,路,巷 Lane is also used in the names of roads, either in cities or in the country. e.g. ...The Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane. 公园路多切斯特酒店 3. 车道 A lane is a part of a main road which is marked by the edge of the road and a painted line, or by two painted lines. e.g. The lorry was travelling at 20mph in the slow lane... 卡车在慢车道上以20英里的时速行驶。 e.g. I pulled out into the eastbound lane of Route 2. 我转入2号公路东向车道。 4. 泳道;跑道 At a swimming pool or athletics track, a lane is a long narrow section which is marked by lines or ropes. e.g. The pool is divided into three sections with a crawler lane for beginners... 泳池分三部分,有为初学者而设的慢泳道。 e.g. Drawn in lane three, she had all her rivals in sight. 她抽到第三道,所有对手尽收眼底。 5. 航道;航线 A lane is a route that is frequently used by aircraft or ships. e.g. The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world. 撞船事故发生在全世界最繁忙的航道上。 6. 紧张而刺激的生活 If you say that someone lives their life in the fast lane, you mean that they live in a way which seems full of activity and excitement but which often involves a lot of pressure. e.g. ...the young criminals' lust for life in the fast lane. 青少年罪犯对紧张刺激生活的贪求 lane 单语例句 1. Formula 1 star Jenson Button's girlfriend has put her modelling career in the fast lane with a racy new campaign. 2. The patrol says Beckham's Cadillac struck a Mitsubishi stalled in the carpool lane of the 405 Freeway in Torrance. 3. Noh said the record was even more impressive given that " there was no one of his caliber pushing him in the next lane ". 4. Beijing Capital Highway Development Company will finish the construction of another 127 lanes this year, guaranteeing at least one special ETC lane at every toll gate. 5. The growth rate of actual FDI remained in the fast lane, at 46 per cent in July and 55 per cent in August. 6. The rapid pace of the country's economic progress has encouraged almost everyone to change gear and drive in the fast lane of life. 7. " We have lasers in every supermarket checkout lane, " Rigden said. 8. Cherry Lane shows movies that are great sparks for intellectual conversations with a date over coffee post film. 9. The ancient lane has been reincarnated as a modern fashion icon, chockablock with stylish bars and boutiques. 10. The only problem is that the lane connecting the resort with the main road is too steep and impossible for tricycles to climb. lane 英英释义 noun 1. a narrow way or road 2. a well-defined track or path for e.g. swimmers or lines of traffic |
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