单词 | passionate |
释义 | passionate [英 [?p???n?t] 美 [?p???n?t] ] passionate的意思、解释 passionate 基本解释 形容词激昂的; 热烈的; 易怒的; 易被情欲所支配的 passionate 网络解释 1. 1. 热情:督学们认为这个孩子应该要习惯和他同年级的孩子共同学习(main-streamed). ●从演化的观点来看创造:文化秘因(meme)的变异、选择与传递. 3.热情(passionate)与客观(objective)6.兼具阳刚(masculine)和阴柔(femine)4.福乐(flow)与学习:将福乐经验带入各种领域中 2. passionate的解释 2. (激情):凭我的记忆,给没看电视的各位解释一下那位英文说的不错得高丽:说他很喜欢13的声音,唱得非常激情(passionate),但是说造型很汗(我翻译的,哈哈),头发也要给整整. 3. 有激情:其实这是一个招聘题 公司让我面试那天带一样物品去, 而且是我非常有激情(passionate) 的物品. 我面试的是一个商场的服装营业员, 如果我在面试时掏出一张钱,面试官会认为我对钱太看重 太肤浅吗...是不是带个与销售能力强有联系的物品更合适? 4. 热情洋溢地:pathetic悲怆地 | passionate热情洋溢地 | Parlando说话似地 passionate 双语例句 1. You might have a passionate creative desire to step out of a 14th floor window and fly, but odds are that it's not gonna happen. 例如,你可能会有一个充满激情的创意,想要从14楼的窗口飞出去,但这样的事情不会发生。 2. passionate的意思 2. Rock with its bold form of a flexible and passionate musical rhythm to express emotion, by the world's young people. 摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音乐节奏表达情感,受到了全世界年轻人的喜爱。 3. Find a job you are passionate about, and you'll never work a day in your life. 找一个你有激情的工作,你就不会再把它当作工作。 4. Our desire to see the earth, it was our passionate to put a camera into outer-space. 这个句子可以翻译为我们想看看地球的样子,所以热衷于到太空拍摄。 5. But because it has a free arbitrary, passionate, rhythm and striking features, so more suitable for young people. 但由于它具有自由随意、热情奔放、节奏明显的特点,所以更适合年轻人参加。 6. We are the CASEMATE from Xiamen University, passionate, powerful, creative and confident. 我们是来自厦门大学的CASEMATE,热情,有力,创新,自信。看我们闪耀吧! 7. We are to create a hamonious, passionate staff is the core values of corporate governance. 我们感到,创造一个和谐、激情的员工队伍是公司管理的核心价值。 8. This is a passionate team, this is a potential team, and this is totally a Dream Team. 这是一个充满激情、富于潜能的团队,这是一支梦之队。 9. passionate的解释 9. His passionate speech influenced many people. 他激昂慷慨的演讲,感染了许多人。 10. passionate的意思 10. Come, give a taste of your quality; come, a passionate speech. 来,试一试你们的本领,来一段激昂慷慨的剧词。 11. She left him half bewildered by the passionate energy of her manner, and the noble beauty of her face. 她那举动的激昂慷慨、精神抖擞,她那面容的崇高美丽,使他有点儿迷惘了。 12. Her manner was one of passionate grief; by turns she clasped her veinous and knotted hands together with wild energy, and laid one of them on the carriage-door--tenderly, caressingly, as if it had been a human breast, and could be expected to feel the appealing touch. 山下有一个小小的村庄,村子那边一片开阔地连着个缓坡,有一个教堂尖塔、一个风磨、一片有猎林,还有一片峭壁,壁顶有一座用作监狱的碉堡。夜色渐浓,候爵带着快要到家的神色望了望四周逐渐暗淡的景物。 13. I dance on through my living room and spin around in front of the bathroom mirror, and I 20prance out into the 21hallway and 22spread out my arms, throw my head back, and my mouth opens passionate and wide to the words of the song, full blast, my body bending towards the ceiling. 我在走廊里欢快地摇着舞步,舒展双臂,扬面朝天,尽情地引吭高歌,身体向后弯曲。 14. In half a year they were lovers more passionate than others, even though they seldom lived together. 在一起的半年多,他们比一般的恋人更缱绻,虽然分多聚少。 15. passionate 15. When we are appreciating the passionate melody of Gloria Estefan, we could hardly imagine that she could return to the stage after her paralysis. 当我们在欣赏葛罗莉亚·伊斯特芬那充满激情的旋律,我们很难想象她能从瘫痪中回到舞台。1990年这个古巴歌手遭遇车祸,医生说她可能再也没办法走路了。 16. The mere chatter of these southern-bound birds, their pale and second-hand reports, had yet power to awaken this wild new sensation and thrill him through and through with it; what would one moment of the real thing work in him— one passionate touch of the real southern sun, one waft of the authentic odor? 光是这几只南飞鸟儿的闲谈,他们那并不生动的第二手叙述,就足以撩拨起这种如醉如狂的新感受,激得他浑身上下躁动不已。如果亲自去体验一下,感受南方太阳热情的抚摩,南方香风轻柔的吹拂,那将会是怎样一番滋味? 17. In autumn, overwhelmed by nature`s selfless generosity toward humanity, I will find myself at a loss, looking upon the corn stalks robbed of their fruits and then beheaded; the crop stalks and weeds swaying in the wind disturb me profoundly, Nature, however. soon makes me realize that all of these are just a fact of life. The beauty that begs description turns out to be the ultimate truth. It has gradually come to me that the artistic portrayal is actually a manifestation of the artist`s inner world. In other words, the subject serves as a medium for the painter to create a spiritual realm, which is based on the unceasing exploration of nature a well as the boundless, passionate imagination on the part of the artist. 在同一季秋天,我曾感受过大自然对人类的慷慨奉献之情,又看到了那些被剥去果实又割下头穗的玉米残茬,在那夕阳下,在风中伫立着的秸秆,枯草,我的心也随之长久的不平静,然而大自然又让我顿悟了,这也无法改变的真实,不可言喻的美丽动人便是真实的一切,我越来越觉得,艺术的描写实在是艺术家心智的自白,是借助你描写对象而创造出来一各精神境界,这各精神境界不仅源于艺术家对自我的关注与捕捉,更有赖于艺术家无限的霞想和热烈的情怀。 18. passionate 18. This paper is structured on the 5C model starting from the analysis of external market invironment and internal surroundings. Based on the analytic findings, it segmented the markets and deduced Starbucks`target market is those city residents with highly educated culture heritage, unquie refined taste and admirable high income. And what differentiate Starbucks from its competitors are its marketing position as coffee expertise, passionate partner, the passion to improve the world, innovation and Starbucks experience. 本文在运用5C模型分析了市场环境和内部环境的基础上,进行了市场细分,确定星巴克的目标市场是有文化底蕴的、高品味的高收入都市人,而将星巴克和竞争者区分开来的市场定位主要是咖啡专长和热情的员工,还有改变世界的热忱、创新和星巴克体验等等。 19. passionate的近义词 19. I believe that children, from a very young age, should be encouraged to pursue what they are passionate about. 我认为孩子在很小的时候就应该被鼓励去追求他们感兴趣的事物。 20. 20. While conversing in the most natural and tranquil manner in the world with the white-haired man, she bent upon Marius all the reveries of a virginal and passionate eye. 她一面和那白发男子极自然极安详地谈着话,一面又以热情的处女神态把一切梦想传达给马吕斯。 passionate 词典解释 1. 热情的;狂热的 A passionate person has very strong feelings about something or a strong belief in something. e.g. ...his passionate commitment to peace... 他热情满怀地献身于和平事业 e.g. I'm a passionate believer in public art... 我是公共艺术的狂热信徒。 passionately I am passionately opposed to the death penalty. 我坚决反对死刑。 2. 热恋的;情欲强烈的 A passionate person has strong romantic or sexual feelings and expresses them in their behaviour. e.g. ...a beautiful, passionate woman of twenty-six. 美丽而炽烈的26岁女子 e.g. ...the story of a passionate love affair... 热恋故事 passionately He was passionately in love with her... 他热恋着她。 She kissed him passionately. 她忘情地亲吻了他。passionate 单语例句 1. Unlike previous overseas visits by Chinese leaders, passionate crowds holding little flags and waving welcoming banners were not seen this time. 2. Regular readers should know by now that I'm passionate about food. 3. Differing in content from the normal themes, this long cursive script expresses the passionate feeling of the calligrapher to the Olympics. 4. We young dancers are very active in this ballet and can feel the passionate feedback from the audience. 5. " We want our consumers to see that Pierre Cardin can also be young and passionate, " she says. 6. Lin's pastry parties morphed into casual pastry lessons and Lin soon found herself becoming passionate, teaching the secrets of making sweet treats. 7. Portman will play heroine Catherine Earnshaw, who falls for Heathcliff in a passionate love that is ultimately thwarted. 8. Adapting movies from popular books is always dangerous as filmmakers struggle to appease passionate readers and at the same time appeal to a broad audience. 9. The ambitious and charismatic Han also captured the hearts and minds of Taiwan's students with his passionate speeches pitching Shanghai and Expo 2010. 10. Passionate football fans in Hangzhou and neighboring areas are eagerly awaiting the match despite chilly winds and snow storms in the region. passionate 英英释义 passionate是什么意思 adj 1. having or expressing strong emotions |
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