单词 | late |
释义 | late [英 [le?t] 美 [let] ] late的意思、解释 late 基本解释 late 形容词已故的; 晚的,迟到的; 时间不早的; 原来的,之前的; 临近终了的 副词晚,迟; 后期地; 最近地 late在线翻译 late 同义词 late的近义词 形容词tardy 副词tardybehindslow late 反义词 形容词early late是什么意思 late 相关词组 1. of late : 最近, 近来; 2. early and late : 从早到晚; 3. of late years : 近年来; late 相关例句 形容词 1. She was an admirer of the late president. 她是已故总统的崇拜者。 2. late 2. Some late news of the war has just come in. 刚刚收到一些有关战争的新消息。 3. It is too late to go now. 现在去太迟了。 副词 1. late是什么意思 1. I saw Mr. Wang as late as yesterday. 直到昨天我还看见过王先生。 2. He got here five minutes late. 他到这里迟了五分钟。 late 情景对话 上班迟到 A:Be punctual! 要严格遵守时间。 B:Yes, sir. 是,知道了。 A:You are late again. 你又迟到了。 B:I was only five minutes late. 我只迟到了5分钟。 交货 late A:When can you effect shipment? Im terribly worried about late shipment. 你们什么时候能交货?我非常担心货物迟交。 B:We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest. 我们最晚在今年十二月或明年初交货。 A:Thats fine. 好。 没找到人 late的反义词 A:Is Mary there? 玛丽在吗? B:Mary is out right now. 玛丽现在不在。 A:When will she be back? 她何时会回来? B:Ive no idear.Why dont you call back later this afternoon? 我不太清楚,您不妨今天下午再打来。 A:Will it be too late if I call around 10:00 this evening? 如果我在晚上10点左右打来会不会太晚? B:Youd better call a litter earlier. 您最好早些打过来。 A:How about 8 oclock? 8点怎么样? B:That will be fine. 可以。 late 网络解释 1. late 1. 迟:立法 = 腿(leg)总是(is)太迟(late)highlight v.强调= 高亮的(high)灯光(light)hostage n. 人质 = 主人(host)的年龄(age)inform v. 通知,告诉,报告 = 在(in)表格(form)里dragon n. 龙 = 长长的龙尾拖拉(drag)在(on)地上 2. 晚:* 诺亚纪hian Era),从46亿年前到35亿年前(加减一亿年),再细分为早(early、)中(middle)、晚(late)诺亚纪. 这时期火山活动旺盛,陨石撞击频繁,大气层较厚(至少早期是如此),也可能更温暖,而水分多,可能存在湖泊甚至海洋,侵蚀旺盛, 3. 很晚:尽管很晚(late)才回来,可是心里还是很高兴的. 为什么?因为我们帮朋友搬家了,好多人(many people)去帮忙,大家在一起有说有笑的,很是高兴!We are happy to help each other! ... late 双语例句 1. late 1. Mean and median follow-up was 12.8 and 9.1 years, respectively. Of the 18 patients that were studied, 14 had favorable results and reported improvement in pain and neurologic symptoms with demonstrable reossification and stabilization of tumor size on CT and MRI imaging. Three patients developed late recurrent disease within the sacrum. 平均和中位随访年限分别为12.8和9年。18名患者中,14名的效果满意,疼痛和神经症状改善,而且在CT和MRI图像上可见重新骨化以及肿瘤体积稳定。3名患者出现骶骨内的远期复发。 2. late 2. Mean and median follow-up was 12.8 and 9.1 years, respectiely. Of the 18 patients that were studied, 14 had faorable results and reported improement in pain and neurologic symptoms with demonstrable reossification and stabilization of tumor size on CT and MRI imaging. Three patients deeloped late recurrent disease within the sacrum. 平均和中位随访年限分别为12.8和9年。18名患者中,14名的效果满意,疼痛和神经症状改善,而且在CT和MRI图像上可见重新骨化以及肿瘤体积稳定。3名患者出现骶骨内的远期复发。 3. late 3. Shall we comtinue this late? 我们迟些再谈好吗? 4. late 4. It is too late, he said. 太晚了,他说。 5. 5. It's too late, I have to go. 太晚了,我要走了。 6. late 6. It's too late, I have to go now. 太晚了,我得走了。 7. late 7. If I had built a fire under you, you would not have been late. 如果我好好催催你,你就不会迟到了。 8. You are late again. Your bonus will be reduced by fifty percent. 你又迟到了,为此要扣减你50元的奖金。 9. late是什么意思 9. The vessel was wounded in the skirmish, and Anakin nursed the Jabitha to the outpost world of Seline, but it was too late. 该船在冲突中受伤,安纳金在边远星球塞林救治这船,但太晚了。 10. We have changed the time for 1 hour late on the first Saturday of November before we slept... 十一月的第一个星期六晚上睡前要把时间往后调1个小时(例如:11点睡的就把时间跳成10点)。。。 11. late 11. My science is a late-comer, the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel having been established only in 1968 by the Central Bank of Sweden to celebrate its tercentenary. 我所专攻的学科,晚近才成为科学的一支;而为纪念诺贝尔先生所颁发的经济学奖,则是1968年瑞典中央银行为庆祝成立300周年才开始设立的。 12. He tried to palm me off with some excuse about the bus being late. 那个店员想哄我们买下一些已陈列许久的衣服。 13. The results of this paper show:(1) The Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation deposited in limited carbonate platform sedimentary environment of shallow marine; the temperature of paleo-sea water is mainly from 26.7℃~32.1℃, which indicates Lanping Basin located in the hot tropics during formation of the Upper Triassic Sanhedong Formation.(2) The provenance tectonic setting of sedimentary rocks from the Lanping Basin are represented by passive continental margin and continental island arc and the original source rocks were all derived from the upper continental crust, with felsic rocks dominant. So the Lanping Basin is a typical continental-type basin.(3) The evolution of Lanping Basin have undergone three different prototype basins'evolution, i. e. rift basin, depression basin and strike basin.(4) Ore-forming materials of deposits in large ore-assembly district were derived from crust (mainly from basement and stratum of basin ore-forming fluids were hot brine of basin dominant and the organic matter from source rocks of basin stratum has involved in mineralization; and mineralization epoch of deposits was about 56Ma or 30Ma, which are compatible with the times of collision of Indian plate and Eurasian plate and late strong compression stage respectively. 研究结果表明:上三叠统三合洞组的沉积环境属浅海局限台地相,沉积时古海水的温度介于26.7℃~32.1℃,反映上三叠统三合洞组沉积时兰坪盆地处于炎热的热带区;盆地沉积岩源区构造属被动大陆边缘环境和大陆岛弧环境,原始物源来自上地壳,以长英质岩石为主,兰坪中新生代盆地属典型的大陆型盆地;盆地演化经历了三个原型盆地即裂陷盆地、坳陷盆地和走滑盆地的演化过程,三个原型盆地的形成和演化明显受特提斯洋演化和印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞作用的制约;矿集区内矿床的成矿物质源自地壳、成矿流体为盆地热卤水;源自盆地生油岩地层的有机质参与了成矿作用;矿集区矿床形成时间为56Ma左右或30Ma左右,两时间分别与印度板块和欧亚板块发生碰撞和后续的强烈挤压阶段的时间相一致;中新生代兰坪盆地演化过程也是多金属大型矿集区形成的过程。 14. late是什么意思 14. Don't dally over your meal, we don't want to be late for the preformance. 吃饭不要磨蹭,我们可不想耽误看演出。 15. late 15. Late in Taizong period, generals of imperial guards fostered bySong itself began to play a ruling position. 待到宋太宗末年,宋朝自己培养与选拔的禁军将领开始满布朝野。 16. When you do something terribly wrong, it is too late to feel sorry. 3一失足成千古恨也就是:一旦做错一件重大的事,后悔都来不及。 17. There`s no sense of hurriedness at these terminals; the plane is waiting for you if you`re late, ready for you if you`re early. 在这些私人候机站上你看不到紧张匆忙的气氛,你来迟了,飞机就迟点起飞,你来早了,它就早飞。 18. One of its brake lights was out, and I didn`t see it stop until it was too late. 那辆车的一个刹车灯没亮,等我发现他停下来时已经太晚。 19. 19. I was walking down a dimly1 lit street late one evening when I heard muffled screams coming from behind a clump of bushes. 一天夜很深了,我正沿着一条光线昏暗的街道行走,突然从一片灌木丛后面传来一阵隐隐约约的喊叫声。 20. late在线翻译 20. Why you are so late, people are anxious about you. 你怎么来得这么晚,真把人急死啦! late 词典解释 1. (时间上)接近终了,临近末了 Late means near the end of a day, week, year, or other period of time. late的反义词 e.g. It was late in the afternoon... 那是下午近黄昏的时候。 e.g. She had to work late at night... 她不得不深夜工作。 2. 近日暮的;近深夜的;时间不早的 If it is late, it is near the end of the day or it is past the time that you feel something should have been done. late是什么意思 e.g. It was very late and the streets were deserted... 时间已很晚,街上空空荡荡。 e.g. We've got to go now. It's getting late. 我们得走了。时候不早了。 lateness A large crowd had gathered despite the lateness of the hour. 尽管天色已晚,仍有一大群人聚集到了一起。 3. (比安排或预计时间)晚,迟 Late means after the time that was arranged or expected. e.g. Steve arrived late... 史蒂夫迟到了。 e.g. The talks began some fifteen minutes late... 会谈晚了大概15分钟才开始。 lateness He apologised for his lateness. 他为迟到道歉。 4. (比通常时间)晚,迟 Late means after the usual time that a particular event or activity happens. e.g. We went to bed very late... 我们很晚才睡。 e.g. He married late. 他结婚晚。 5. 已故的;已逝的;(尤指)新近去世的 You use late when you are talking about someone who is dead, especially someone who has died recently. e.g. ...my late husband. 我已故的丈夫 e.g. ...the late Mr Parkin. 已故的帕金先生 6. 在…居住(或工作)直至最近的 Someone who is late of a particular place or institution lived or worked there until recently. late e.g. ...Cousin Zachary, late of Bellevue Avenue. 直到不久前还住在贝尔邬大道的表兄扎卡里 e.g. ...Strobe Talbott, late of Time magazine. 刚离开《时代》杂志不久的斯特罗布·塔尔博特 7. see also: later;latest 8. 迟到好过没到;晚做好过不做 If you say better late than never when someone has done something, you think they should have done it earlier. e.g. It's been a long time coming but better late than never. 早就该如此了。不过,也总比没有的强。 9. 为时已晚;坐失良机 If you say that someone is doing something late in the day, you mean that their action or behaviour may not be fully effective because they have waited too long before doing it. e.g. I'd left it all too late in the day to get anywhere with these strategies. 我按兵不动时间太长,致使这些策略都不管用了。 10. 新近;最近;近来 You use of late to refer to an event or state of affairs that happened or began to exist a short time ago. e.g. His life has changed of late... 他的生活近来发生了变化。 e.g. The dollar has been stronger of late. 美元近来走势强劲。 11. 为时已晚;过迟 If an action or event is too late, it is useless or ineffective because it occurs after the best time for it. e.g. It was too late to turn back... 回头已经太晚了。 e.g. We realized too late that we were caught like rats in a trap. 等我们发觉自己已成瓮中之鳖时已经太晚了。 12. a late night -> see night late 单语例句 1. GE said that disruptions in its financial business late in the quarter kept it from warning Wall Street. 2. The board of Dow Jones said late Tuesday it was ready to sign off on Murdoch's proposal to buy the company for $ 5 billion. 3. It will be the first time fans can buy tickets over the counter and queues began forming late on Wednesday. 4. The government clamped down on market speculation in late October, with the extra stamp duty and buyer's stamp duty as extraordinary measures in extraordinary times. 5. The US central bank has kept the interest rate at exceptionally low level since late 2008 and conducted two rounds of assets buying since 2009. 6. The bank's board in a statement late Tuesday made no mention of Zoellick by name and noted that any executive director could nominate a candidate. 7. An enormous stimulus package launched by China late last year offers valuable reference for other countries. 8. Compiling the Xinhua Dictionary was supported by late Premier Zhou Enlai in 1971 with an aim to offering an authoritative reference on the Chinese language. 9. Even though they trailed by double digits against us, they came back and were very close in the late stages of the game. 10. The Daily Telegraph said Hamza stood by his sermon, which was delivered in 2003 and posted to the Internet late last year. late的解释late 英英释义 adj 1. being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time e.g. late evening late 18th century a late movie took a late flight had a late breakfast 2. at or toward an end or late period or stage of development e.g. the late phase of feudalism a later symptom of the disease later medical science could have saved the child Synonym: later(a) 3. of a later stage in the development of a language or literature used especially of dead languages e.g. Late Greek 4. after the expected or usual time delayed e.g. a belated birthday card I'm late for the plane the train is late tardy children are sent to the principal always tardy in making dental appointments Synonym: belatedtardy adv 1. later than usual or than expected e.g. the train arrived late we awoke late the children came late to school notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline I belatedly wished her a happy birthday Synonym: belatedlytardily 2. in the recent past e.g. he was in Paris recently lately the rules have been enforced as late as yesterday she was fine feeling better of late the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also Synonym: recentlylatelyof latelatterly 3. to an advanced time e.g. deep into the night talked late into the evening Synonym: deep 4. at an advanced age or stage e.g. she married late undertook the project late in her career |
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