单词 | opera |
释义 | opera [英 [??pr?] 美 [?ɑ:pr?] ] opera的意思、解释 复数形式:opuses; opera; opera 基本解释 opera的解释 名词歌剧; 歌剧艺术, 歌剧业; 作品( opus的名词复数 ); 砌 opera在线翻译 opera 相关例句 名词 1. opera的近义词 1. She was once the best singer at the Paris Opera. 她曾是巴黎歌剧院最好的歌唱家。 opera 网络解释 1. 日本娥佩兰:◆ 娥佩兰(Opera)品牌介绍:品牌产地:日本 娥佩兰(Opera)是运用日本先进技术而诞生的高级化妆品. 娥佩兰(Opera) 化妆品适合中国女性肌肤,具有独特的干湿两用化妆方法,娥佩兰(Opera)根据色彩学将色彩系和冷色系两大系列,使化妆与肤色、服装色... 2. opera的解释 2. 娥佩兰:1F 欧莱雅(LOREAL) 化妆品 买299元送2件套,买499元送3件套,买699元送6件套加手袋一个(09.29-10.07)1F 玉兰油(OLAY) 化妆品 满200元送乳液一支(09.29-10.07)1F 娥佩兰(opera) 化妆品 满288送口红一支, 3. opera的解释 3. 歌剧院:简直是太棒了,酒店如此接近杜伊勒利(tuileries),马德琳(madeleine),歌剧院(opera)与卢浮宫(louvre)等. 我们走路探险,发现不少好去处. 我们还参加一个法国朋友生日派对,位置好近. 找了张的士,很方便就到了. 周日, opera 双语例句 1. I knew his opera whose score was published. It had a sickening smell of glue. 我读过他被出版过的歌剧总谱,里面有股病态的气息。 2. 2. This account of the aspect of reformation of Chinese Opera reveals its features and limitations. 这方面包括三个内容:第一是体制、结构、行当的变革,第二是语言风格的嬗变与曲律的解放,第三是舞台艺术的写实性追求。 3. The decision was inspired by a spontaneous opera performance by the BBC at London`s Paddington Station in 2004, the paper said. 报导指出,他们是看到二OO四年英国广播公司在伦敦柏丁登车站安排了一场即兴歌剧演出后,有了这个灵感。 4. Fauchery, who had caught up his opera glass, looked at the countess, a plump brunette with a white skin and fine dark eyes. 福什利拿起望远镜,瞅着伯爵夫人,她满头棕发,皮肤白皙,肌肉丰腴,有一双美丽动人的黑眼睛。 5. Some traditional fork art such as the multi-tone fork songs and the Qiang kampang dance have been listed as the state-level non-material cultural heritage, and now it is the time to speed up the declaration of the Qiang fork opera as the cultural heritage for its rescue and protection. 当羌笛、羌绣、羌年、羌族多声部民歌、羌族羊皮鼓舞等项目已入选国家级非物质文化遗产代表作名录之时,应该加快释比戏、许家湾花灯戏等羌族民间戏剧文化遗产及其传承人向上申报、争取抢救保护的步伐。 6. Questionnaire. 1. You like to watch the modern costume drama or opera? 调查问卷。1。您喜欢看现代剧还是古装剧? 7. HeavenTree was can awaken your youth recollection the soap opera, can letthe young time which you refelt that already to go far away, once thatpost moved heart...... 天国的树》是一部能够唤醒您青春回忆的电视剧,会让您重新感受那已经远去的年少时光,曾经那驿动的心 8. According to this, this paper researches and analyzes the Small Ream and Driving Songs of Yuan Opera in our ancient times, in order to offer reference data for the study and research of high vocational art students. 针对这一特殊性,将中国古代史中,元曲的小令及带过曲进行一点粗浅研究和论述,试图为高职学生音乐史类的学习和研究提供一份可参考的资料。 9. Opera is not good in Linux..... 歌剧是不好的,在Linux的。。。。。 10. 10. I've been to the opera. 我看歌剧去了。 11. opera的反义词 11. I'd like to learn about Beijing Opera from you. 在这个问题上我和我的老师有许多共同的看法。 12. opera的翻译 12. I don`t like Beijing Opera. "我不喜欢京剧。 13. opera的意思 13. But you know, I also listen to opera. 但你知道我还喜欢听歌剧。 14. In other words, the development of opera in Shanxi Province, North and South is. 这就是说,山西梆子的发展状况,是由南而北。 15. If this opera of Xi'an, has been changed. 若今之西安梆子,已有了变化)。 16. The boulevard is an eclectic gathering of people, bizarre little booths, an epic opera house and a great place to just watch people. 聚会是一个折衷的大道人离奇小摊位一部史诗歌剧院和伟大的地方只眼看人。 17. In fact, the real emperor edicts are not Mukden into a movement, the Emperor Qin Chao Yue and those cliches, mainly the ancient text is so sing opera, and now TV has such a speech, everyone would think so. 其实真实的皇帝圣旨并没有奉天成运,皇帝诏曰和钦此的这些套话,这主要是古代戏文中是这么唱的,现在的电视也这么演,大家就认为是这样的。 18. I in East Asia Woolen mill work as the unskilled laborer, these female workers eldest sisters likes me, they knew that I am an actor, wants me to teach them to perform in an opera, they teach me to weave the yarn, but also India's yarn pattern's book gives the factory in I. 我在东亚毛纺织厂当小工,那些女工大姐都喜欢我,她们知道我是演员,要我教她们唱戏,她们教我织毛线,还把工厂里印的毛线花样的书送给我。 19. Afterwards, Chinese opera can envelop you in the magnigicence of another world, another time. 尔后,中国的戏剧将你领入另一个精妙绝伦的世界。 20. The popularity of Chinese Opera in Ming Dynasty affected the publishing direction of publishing firm. 现存的明代戏曲版画数量之多所反映的现象,笔者所关注的是:一、明代戏曲的兴盛影响了刻书坊的出版方向。 opera 词典解释 1. 歌剧 An opera is a play with music in which all the words are sung. e.g. ...a one-act opera about contemporary women in America. 关于当代美国女性的独幕歌剧 e.g. ...Donizetti's opera 'Lucia di Lammermoor'. 多尼采蒂的歌剧《拉美莫尔的露西娅》 opera 单语例句 1. The opera's international cast and Italian conductor Janos Acs are now in Beijing for the final rehearsals. 2. This will be followed by a piece adapted from the modern Peking opera Sha Jia Bang. 3. She is not a soap opera junkie, but just knows the secret to christening fictional individuals by way of association. 4. Today, it has become something of a byword for Peking Opera itself. 5. Perhaps this explains why the fois gras looks like the perfect chocolate opera cake but retains the savory indulgence. 6. The young acrobats are dressed in vibrantly colored costumes that draw inspiration from Chinese cultural elements such as ink calligraphy and Peking Opera. 7. You may even chance upon a wedding procession or a Cantonese Opera show that adds a punchy splash of color to the scenery. 8. The canvas features 11 figures in which an old Shanghai gangster - surrounded by his concubines and bodyguards - is watching a Peking Opera performance. 9. The books published by the capital's Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press comprise the country's first serial translation of Peking Opera works into English. 10. I appreciate his returning to Chinese opera from pop singing to carry on Mei's approach to playing female roles. opera的反义词opera 英英释义 noun 1. a building where musical dramas are performed Synonym: opera house 2. a drama set to music consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes |
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