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单词 ombudsman
    ombudsman [英 [??mb?dzm?n] 美 [?ɑ:mb?dzm?n] ]
    ombudsman 基本解释
    名词调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员; 巡视官
    ombudsman 网络解释
    1. 行政监察官:通过考察访问、研究比较,重点了解了日本的行政评价制度、行政相谈(商谈)制度,以及行政体制之外的行政监察官(Ombudsman)制度,了解了韩国国民苦衷处理委员会的现状、职能及运作方式,
    2. 监察专员:作为对行政权监督方式的一种补充,监察专员(ombudsman)制度应运而生. 监察专员制度来源于宪法实践和政府体制,1809年起源于瑞典,最先传入北欧;二战后遍及西欧、英联邦各国、美国、亚洲、非洲的国家和地区. 今天,全世界有80多个国家和地区设立了监察专员制度.
    ombudsman 双语例句
    1. ombudsman在线翻译
    1. He was so angry he complained to the consumer ombudsman.
    2. The consumer ombudsman believes that although this is just a single case, it is wrong to not label warnings on the packaging.
    3. ombudsman在线翻译
    3. Other parts of the U. N. also handle allegations of misconduct, including an ombudsman's office.
    4. The Financial Ombudsman Office plays a positive role in standardizing financial and economic order and ensuring accomplishment of financial income and expenses security of the central government etc, however, for nonstandard of supervision system in China presently, the early-warning and forecast function of the Financial Ombudsman Office has not been exerted fully and the function of rectifying deviation still has been limited.
    5. There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman's work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection.
    6. ombudsman的反义词
    6. If you still think that your complaint has not been resolved, you can contact the Health Service Ombudsman.
    7. If a citizen`s complaint is justified, the Ombudsman will act on his behalf.
    8. The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure.
    9. There is nothingsecretive about the Ombudsman's work, for his correspondence isopen to public inspection.
    10. In 1967, the first news ombudsman was set up for local newspapers in United States.
    11. There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman`s work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection.
    12. In 2005 and 2006 the australia grovernment referred anumber of cases to the commonwealth ombudsman to review and report back to the department.
    13. That may be if a hot summer brings more power cuts. But out of fear of the consequences, or residual loyalty, almost all Cubans still seem unwilling to go beyond grumbling or deluging the ombudsman with complaints.
    14. An ombudsman is someone who handles complaints and attempts to find mutually satisfactory solutions.
    15. So the function of Financial Ombudsman Office is restricted now.
    16. Let ` s all welcome Ms. Michelle Cain to our team as our company ` s ombudsman.
    17. In recent years, there have been many news professionals and media revolutionists calling for an adoption of the News ombudsman System, which they expect, to improve the journalistic discipline of news channels`.
    18. However, the consumers'ombudsman felt that the content of the contract may still be valid if it does not violate public order and proper conduct.
    19. Twelve of those who received the Gold Bauhinia Star, including the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Secretary Stephen Lam, Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong, Secretary for Food and Health York Chow, Laura members of the Executive Council, Executive Council member Anthony, the Legislative Council Members of Hok-ming, Vice-President of the Court of Appeal Mian Situ, the former Financial Services and the Treasury Permanent Secretary, Mr Kevin Ho, entrepreneurs, CAI Zhi-ming, the former Ombudsman, Ms Alice Tai, James Tak Wu entrepreneurs, as well as the former Financial Services and the Treasury Secretary and Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Frederick Ma, Secretary.
    20. Examine the Establishment of China's Administrative Ombudsman System from the Perspective of Administrative Supervision System Reform a scheme for IPCC members to interview witnesses;
    ombudsman 词典解释
    1. 调查官;巡视官;申诉专员
    The ombudsman is an independent official who has been appointed to investigate complaints that people make against the government or public organizations.
    e.g. The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.
    ombudsman 单语例句ombudsman的近义词
    1. The case shocked Australians and followed a state ombudsman's report on Wednesday pointing to chaos in Victoria's child protection system.
    2. Mendoza asked two negotiators to pass a document to the Department of Justice and the Ombudsman.
    3. It establishes a hotline service for all federal agencies to deal with problems and an ombudsman to provide an alternative to litigation in disclosure disputes.
    4. A complaint has been made to the Office of the Ombudsman against the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
    5. Ombudsman Alice Tai announced yesterday that her office intends a direct investigation into government administration over the Code on Access to Information.
    6. The matter came into the full glare of public scrutiny following a scathing report by the ombudsman in April.
    7. The Ombudsman said complaints to her office have indicated considerable misunderstanding, even ignorance of the Code among some departments and their staff.
    8. The city's Ombudsman says public access to government information in the city is in need of updating.
    9. Enforcement and monitoring of fire codes at city eateries are lax, ineffectual and inconsistent according to an Ombudsman's report.
    10. The sheer volume of complaints precipitated the inquiry by the Ombudsman's office.
    ombudsman 英英释义
    1. a government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government




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