单词 | wind instrument |
释义 | wind instrument [英 [?w?nd ?nstr?m?nt] 美 [w?nd ??nstr?m?nt] ] wind instrument的意思、解释 复数形式:wind instruments; wind instrument 基本解释 wind instrument什么意思 名词管乐器 wind instrument的近义词 wind instrument 网络解释 1. 管乐器:加上xxxx(另一个原因,不重要),结果扼杀了Big bands的市场,音乐家又开始有工作了.最后提到广播(broadcasting)跟另一个东西(忘了是啥),促成某件事情(好像是音乐的发展吧)管乐器(wind instrument)的历史可以追溯到公元前三四千年, 2. 风速计:wind indicator 风向或风速指示器 | wind instrument 风速计 | wind intensity indicator 风力指示器 3. 吹奏乐器:wind 卷绕 | wind instrument 吹奏乐器 | wind-shelter 防风罩 4. 风速计,气流计:wind injury ==> 风害 | wind instrument ==> 风速计,气流计 | wind load ==> 风荷载,风载荷=>風荷重 wind instrument 双语例句 1. wind instrument 1. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun. 金秋的风送袅袅暗香而来霜中的菊献片片芳菲一季吻夕阳余辉爱溢出温柔的眼眸望四野安详激情飞上诗句听黄河汩汩载无数苦难历史观河沙沉沉积淀多少回忆满目疮痍是你旧时的容颜儿时的艰辛留下了不灭的烙印风霜雪雨半个世纪的搏击渊远流长五千年文明的足迹历史的长河翻滚着昔日英勇的浪涛时光的琴弦弹唱着今日辉煌的旋律祖国啊,我为你自豪当巍峨的华表,让挺拔的身躯披上曙光,当雄伟的天安门,让风云迎来东升的太阳。 2. A brass wind instrument with a range similar to that of a baritone voice. 上低音大号,次中音号一种类似于大号的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和柔美的声音 3. 3. A brass wind instrument similar to the but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound. 上低音,次中音号一种类似于的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和柔美的声音 4. A brass wind instrument similar to the tuba but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound. 上低音大号,一种类似于大号的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和柔美的声音 5. wind instrument的反义词 5. Lily: Yes, it's wind instrument with keys for the fingers to press on. 莉莉:这是有手指可以按动按键的管乐器的一种。 6. Master Huang: Is it a wind instrument? 黄师父:它是管乐器吗? 7. wind instrument 7. Micro flapping-wing; wind tunnel test; virtual instrument; thrust; propulsive efficiency 微型扑翼;风洞实验;虚拟仪器;推力;推进效率 8. In Arabic music, a mizmar is any single or double reed wind instrument. In Egypt, the term mizmar usually refers to the conical shawm that is called zurna in Turkey. 在阿拉伯音乐里,mizmar泛指任何一种单簧或双簧的吹管乐器,在埃及则是一种木管乐器,在土耳其称作zurna,在台湾称为唢呐。 9. For instance brass band, wind instrument music team and steel drum corps. 有些乐队会通过乐队的名称让我们知道他们演奏的是哪种乐器,比如铜管乐队、管乐队和钢鼓乐队。 10. wind instrument的反义词 10. Based on high performance PC measurement instrument as hardware acquisition platform, wind turbine power quality measurement system adopts a fictitious grid to exclude the effect of power grid and loads. A corresponding digital flicker meter algorithm is proposed to calculate the flicker of wind turbine. 风电机组电能质量测试系统选择高性能的PC测量仪器作为硬件采集平台,通过搭建虚拟电网排除电网结构及其他负荷产生的影响,采用适合风电机组的数字化闪变仪算法实现了风电机组的电能质量测试。 11. wind instrument 11. You remind me ofthe clarinet—a wind instrument. 你让我想起了黑管——一种管乐器。 12. The wind-control effects of shelterbelts with different structures (close-spaced, wider-spaced, and widest-spaced) were investigated by portable wind vane and anemometer, wet and dry bulb thermometer, ground thermometer, glass service instrument. 提出了农田防护林的设计应以树木展叶期的防风能力为指标,以疏透结构为最佳配置,初植株行距为2 m×3 m,4-6行配置,5年后可形成疏透结构林带。 13. The main product is saxphone, flute clarinet trumpet violin double bass western wind and string instrument, it sold to America England Germany Holland Korea France, ect, its excellent production quality wins high reputation from domestic and abroad customer, we are sincerely welcome domestic and abroad friends to instruct and negotiate business with ours. 主要生产萨克斯、长笛、黑管、小号、提琴、贝司等西洋管乐和弦乐,产品远销美国,英国,德国,荷兰,韩国,法国等国家,过硬的产品品质赢得国内外客户的信赖,竭诚欢迎国内外朋友莅临指导,洽谈业务。 14. Among them very multinomial and direct or indirect design reachs relevant industry to sensor, detailed situation is as follows: The computer reachs peripheral equipment: Hold pattern recognition of GPS receiver, graph and processing system; Microelectronics and photoelectron yuan parts of an apparatus: Cadmium of parts of an apparatus of coupling of CCD photoelectricity carry on one's shoulder, tellurium is mercuric, infra-red detector; CMOS image sensor; Communication equipment reachs a product: Smooth communication is metric with the instrument that monitor; Civil spacecraft reachs ground facilities: Spacecraft is lukewarm control a product; Automation machinery reachs device: Industrial robot and intelligent robot; Electromechanical key foundation: Intelligent air cylinder, intelligence changes model carapace breaker (voltage 380V, 660V, voltaic 1000A), prevent adopt device of dead apply the brake, the electron controls vehicle of the automatic gear-box, dynamoelectric steering gear that help strength, car to carry diagnostic system, gasoline engine electronic-controlled engine of device, derv is electronic-controlled car of device, alternative fuel changes device, car; Instrument appearance reachs a system: GPS car fixed position, monitoring calls the police attemper system, colliery installs all inspection to measure general management system, hydroelectric station to monitor control system, automatic cruise automatically to control a system (the car is auxiliary drive system), the electron collects fees administrative system (ceaseless car electron pays cost the system), two-phase; New-style medical apparatus and instruments: Medical sensor; Inorganic metalloid material: Component of the pottery and porcelain that suppress report, lukewarm characteristic thermal resistor; New-style the sources of energy reachs equipment: The solar battery reachs package; The environment monitors an instrument: Monitor appearance, CO automatically to monitor appearance, automatic acid rain automatically sampler and determine appearance, soot, dust is automatic sampler and determine appearance, flue gas is automatic sampler and determine steam of end of appearance, car determines automatically appearance, portable poisonous and harmful gas determines quality of air of type of appearance, flow; The exploration of the sources of energy and mineral products resource develops device: MWD is followed get oil of logging instrument, numerical control monitor below well of deep well logging instrument, colliery reach calamity to forecast; The project measures and equipment of earthly physics observation: Project acceleration measures system, much general to strap weather radar (use be concerned with or double polarization technology), intelligence atmosphere sensor (contain lukewarm, press, irradiation level of wet, wind, precipitation, dew point, sun), personal computer control is automatic and perpendicular artesian well system, marine atmosphere; 12 of on one page issues one page 主动化机械及行动措施:工业机械人和智能机械人;机电要害根本件:智能气缸、智能化塑壳断路器(电压380V、660V,电流1000A)、防抱死制动安装、电子节制主动变速箱、电动助力转向安装、汽车车载诊断系统、汽油策念头电控安装、柴油策念头电控安装、代用燃料汽车转换安装、汽车前进前辈电子传感器、高效汽车尾气净化安装、柴油策念头高压供油系统(≥1600Bar)、车辆动静节制系统、被动悬架系统、汽车防碰撞安装、汽车电子防盗安装、车内情况智能节制系统、汽车能源多能源治理系统、空气悬架系统、电子制动系统;仪器仪表及系统:GPS汽车定位、监控报警调剂系统、煤矿安好检测综合治理系统、水电站主动监测节制系统、主动巡航节制系统、电子收费治理系统、两相流量固体流量计、现场总线智能仪表;新型医疗器械:医用传感器;无机非金属材料:压电陶瓷元件、正温特征热敏电阻;新型能源及装备:太阳能电池及组件;情况监测仪器:主动监测仪、CO主动监测仪、主动酸雨采样器及测定仪、烟尘、粉尘主动采样器及测定仪、烟气主动采样器及测定仪、汽车尾汽主动测定仪、便携式有毒有害气体测定仪、流动式空气品质监测车、间歇式空气中有机传染物主动分析仪、COD主动在线监测仪BOD主动在线监测仪、浊度和电导主动在线监测仪、DO主动在线监测仪、TOC主动在线监测仪、TOD主动在线监测仪、氨氮主动在线监测仪、油份测定仪、多性能水质现场监测仪、车载型X萤光测试仪、噪声频谱分析仪、振动仪、辐射剂量监测仪、射线分析测试仪、CH主动监测仪;能源和矿产资本的勘察开辟行动措施:MWD随钻测井仪、数控石油深井测井仪、煤矿井下监测及灾难预告;工程测量和地球物理观测行动措施:工程加速度测量系统、多普勒天气雷达、智能型气象形象传感器(含温、压、湿、风、降水、露点、太阳辐照度)、微机节制主动垂直钻井系统、船用气象形象仪、磁通门罗盘和电位计罗盘、测波仪、智能型大陆水质监测用化学传感器(陆续工作3-6个月)、海流测量仪器(操纵声学、机械、电磁办法)、走航式声学多普勒海流剖面仪、声学应答开释器、声学水位计、近海深浪潮汐测量系统;农业工程行动措实行动措施:农业工程行动措施情况计较机主动节制行动措施、温室浇灌营养液主动设置装备摆设与施肥行动措施、巷道式智能化孵化器。 15. wind instrument 15. At the same time the foundation and we of former production experience are consulted under the prerequisite of the materials, confirm that draws the picture of phase place of brass-wind instrument of trough and winding wiring diagram by mixing the scheme of designing the stator winding of the looks law and making analysis. 同时在以前的生产经验的基础和我们查阅资料的前提下,确定用混相法设计定子绕组的方案并做出分析,画出槽号相位图和绕组接线图。 16. A wind instrument of the Renaissance with a curving tube and a double reed. 双簧弯管文艺复兴时期的一种带有一个弯曲的吹管和双簧片的管乐器 17. Observations obtained from CIS/CODIF and RAPID instrument onboard Cluster are used to investigate the temporal behavior of H+ and O+ ions in the storm time plasmasheet and the relationship between plasmasheet ions and solar wind conditions. 本文根据搭载于Cluster卫星的CIS/CODIF和RAPID仪器的观测数据,统计研究了等离子体片中的H+、O+离子在磁暴期间的时间变化特性,及其对太阳风条件的响应。 18. Products are widely applied to various: bend, water, stamping products, electronic products, and promptly, pen holder, piston, banding belt, clamp, toys, kitchen equipment and accessories, frame, welcome, vortex spring, tape, timer and starter, etc Our company owns advanced equipment and technology, high precision rolling mill, slitting machine, twisted, polishing machine, mirror 8K machine, automatic cutting machine, heat treatment, such as wind forming machine equipment, high precision instrument parts. 产品广泛应用到各类:折弯,水涨,冲件制品,电子产品、制管、弹片、笔夹、活塞环、捆扎带、卡箍、玩具、厨房设备、纺织机配件、综丝、洗尘器、涡形弹簧、卷尺、定时器和启动器等我公司拥有先进的设备和工艺、高精度轧机、分条机、拉绞机、抛光机、镜面8K机、自动剪切机、热处理流水线、发条成形机等设备以及高精度的测试仪件器。 19. Traditional density measurement methods are: wind standard, compression-type wind instrument and so on. 传统的密度测量方法有:风力标,压缩式测风仪等。 20. Device in a brass wind instrument for varying the length of the air column to alter the pitch of a tone. 黄铜的管乐器中改变空气柱的长度来变化音调的装置。 wind instrument 词典解释 1. 管乐器 A wind instrument is a musical instrument that you blow into in order to produce sounds, such as a flute, a clarinet, or a recorder. wind instrument 单语例句 1. Also in the ensemble was the sheng, a reed pipe wind instrument whose history also goes back for thousands of years. 2. Few Chinese people have heard of the yue, an ancient wind instrument that belonged to the flute family. 3. So far, the wind sensor is the only instrument on Curiosity that is not working properly. wind instrument 英英释义 wind instrument的反义词 noun 1. a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by an enclosed column of air that is moved by the breath Synonym: wind |
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